예제 #1
 def __init__(self, romFileName=None, magic=None, plando=False):
     self.romFileName = romFileName
     self.race = None
     if romFileName == None:
         self.romFile = FakeROM()
         self.romFile = RealROM(romFileName)
     if magic is not None:
         from rom.race_mode import RaceModePatcher
         self.race = RaceModePatcher(self, magic, plando)
     # IPS_Patch objects list
     self.ipsPatches = []
     # loc name to alternate address. we still write to original
     # address to help the RomReader.
     self.altLocsAddresses = {}
     # specific fixes for area rando connections
     self.roomConnectionSpecific = {
         # fix scrolling sky when transitioning to west ocean
         0x93fe: self.patchWestOcean
     self.doorConnectionSpecific = {
         # get out of kraid room: reload CRE
         0x91ce: self.forceRoomCRE,
         # get out of croc room: reload CRE
         0x93ea: self.forceRoomCRE
예제 #2
def getBlockHeaderOffsets(nspcFileName):
    offsets = []
    f = RealROM(nspcFileName)
    addr = 0
    while True:
        blkSize = f.readWord(addr)
        if blkSize == 0:
        addr += 4 + blkSize  # 4 is the size of the header itself
    return offsets

import sys, os, argparse
from shutil import copyfile

# we're in directory 'tools/' we have to update sys.path

from rom.rom import RealROM, snes_to_pc, pc_to_snes

vanillaRom = RealROM(sys.argv[1])

# if last two tiles are used we also have to copy them to escape tiles
escapeTilesAddr = snes_to_pc(0x94C800)


# a 16 8x8 4bpp tiles row size
rowSize = 32 * 16
for _ in range(32 * 4):
lastRow8Addr = escapeTilesAddr + rowSize
for _ in range(32 * 4):

    # check that we don't have errors
    if response.status_code != 200:
        print("An error {} occured when calling the randomizer webservice. Error: {}".format(response.status_code, response.content))

    # the output is a dict
    data = eval(response.text)

    # generate randomized rom
    romFileName = args.rom
    outFileName = data["fileName"]
    shutil.copyfile(romFileName, outFileName)
    romFile = RealROM(outFileName)

    ipsData = data["ips"]
    ipsData = base64.b64decode(ipsData.encode('ascii'))

    # our ips patcher need a file (or a dict), not the content of the ips file
    (fd, ipsFileName) = tempfile.mkstemp()

    with open(ipsFileName, 'wb+') as ipsFile:



import sys, os

# we're in directory 'tools/' we have to update sys.path

from rom.ips import IPS_Patch
from rom.rom import RealROM
from patches.common import patches as common_patches

vanilla = sys.argv[1]
ipsToReverse = sys.argv[2:]

rom = RealROM(vanilla)

for ips in ipsToReverse:
    if ips not in common_patches.patches:
        ipsPath = os.path.abspath(ips)
        destDir, destFile = os.path.split(ipsPath)
        patch = IPS_Patch.load(ips)
        patchDict = patch.toDict()
        patchDict = common_patches.patches[ips]
        destDir = sys.path[0] + "/../patches/common/ips"
        destFile = ips + ".ips"
    destFile = "remove_" + destFile
    destPath = os.path.join(destDir, destFile)
    reversePatchDict = {}
    for addr, bytez in patchDict.items():
        sz = len(bytez)
예제 #6
                    help="no mode7 update",
                    help="no ship update",
args = parser.parse_args()

vanillaRom = RealROM(args.vanilla)
baseImg = Image.open(args.ship_template)

# extract ship
shipBox = (128, 144, 240, 224)
shipImg = baseImg.crop(shipBox)
shipAlphaImg = shipImg.getchannel('A')
shipGlowCustomImg = baseImg.crop((176, 120, 184, 128))
(r, g, b, a) = shipGlowCustomImg.getpixel((0, 0))
shipGlowCustomColor = [r, g, b]
enableShipGlowCustom = sum(shipGlowCustomColor) > 0
shipGlowCustomMinImg = baseImg.crop((176, 128, 184, 136))
(r, g, b, a) = shipGlowCustomMinImg.getpixel((0, 0))
shipGlowCustomMinColor = [r, g, b]
enableShipGlowMinCustom = sum(shipGlowCustomMinColor) > 0
예제 #7

needCopy = {
    "tilesAddr": False,
    "palettesAddr": False,
    "glowSpritemapsInstructionList": False,
    "spritemapsInstructionList": False,
    "instructionList": False,
    "spritemaps": False,
    "enemyHeader": False,
    "enemySet": False,
    #"enemyGfxName": False,
    "enemyGfx": False

hackRom = RealROM(hack)
vanillaRom = RealROM(tmpfile)

# level data are compressed, extract tiles in ship screen based on spritemaps
landingSiteAddr = snes_to_pc(0x8F91F8)

vLandingSite = Room(vanillaRom, landingSiteAddr)
vLevelDataAddr = vLandingSite.defaultRoomState.levelDataPtr
vRoomScreenSize = (vLandingSite.width, vLandingSite.height)

hLandingSite = Room(hackRom, landingSiteAddr)
hLevelDataAddr = hLandingSite.defaultRoomState.levelDataPtr
hRoomScreenSize = (hLandingSite.width, hLandingSite.height)

print("hack landing site addr: {} size: {}".format(hex(hLevelDataAddr),
if len(sys.argv) > 3:

from graph.graph_utils import graphAreas as areas
from rooms import rooms as rooms_area
from rooms import rooms_alt

rooms = rooms_area
if layout == "alt":
    rooms = rooms_alt

from rom.rom import pc_to_snes,RealROM

rom = RealROM(vanilla)

statesChecksArgSize = {
    0xe5eb: 2,
    0xe612: 1,
    0xe629: 1

with open(asm, "w") as src:
    src.write("lorom\narch snes.cpu\n\n")
    for room in rooms:
#        print(room["Name"])
        def processState(stateWordAddr):
            src.write("org $8f%04x\n\tdb $%02x\n" % (stateWordAddr+16, areas.index(room['GraphArea'])))
        address = room['Address']+11
        # process additionnal states
예제 #9

import sys, os
# now that we're in directory 'tools/' we have to update sys.path
from rom.rom import RealROM, snes_to_pc

romFileName = sys.argv[1]
romFile = RealROM(romFileName)

# compute tiles for upper and lower letters
# lower chars are made of only one tile
char2tileLower = {
    '0': 96,
    'a': 106,
    '!': 132,
    '?': 133,
    '+': 134,
    '-': 135,
    '.': 136,
    ',': 137,
    '(': 138,
    ')': 139,
    ':': 140,
    ' ': 15

# add remaining letters/numbers
for i in range(1, ord('z') - ord('a') + 1):
    char2tileLower[chr(ord('a') + i)] = char2tileLower['a'] + i
for i in range(1, ord('9') - ord('0') + 1):
def readRooms(romFileName):
    romFile = RealROM(romFileName)
    for roomInfo in rooms:
        data = romFile.read(RoomHeader.Size)
        roomInfo['RoomIndex'] = data[RoomHeader.RoomIndex]
        roomInfo['Area'] = data[RoomHeader.Area]
        roomInfo['MapX'] = data[RoomHeader.MapX]
        roomInfo['MapY'] = data[RoomHeader.MapY]
        roomInfo['Width'] = data[RoomHeader.Width]
        roomInfo['Height'] = data[RoomHeader.Height]
        roomInfo['UpScroller'] = data[RoomHeader.UpScroller]
        roomInfo['DownScroller'] = data[RoomHeader.DownScroller]
        roomInfo['SpecialGfxBitflag'] = data[RoomHeader.SpecialGfxBitflag]
        roomInfo['DoorsPtr'] = snes_to_pc(
            concatBytes(data[RoomHeader.DoorsPtr1], data[RoomHeader.DoorsPtr2],
        #print("{} ({}) ({} x {}) in area: {}".format(roomInfo['Name'], hex(roomInfo['Address']), hex(roomInfo['Width']), hex(roomInfo['Height']), Areas.id2name[roomInfo['Area']]))

        readDoorsPtrs(romFile, roomInfo)
        readDoorsData(romFile, roomInfo)

    roomsGraph = {}
    for roomInfo in rooms:
        nodeName = removeChars(roomInfo['Name'], "][ '-")
        address = roomInfo['Address'] & 0xFFFF
        roomsGraph[address] = {
            'Name': nodeName,
            'Area': roomInfo['Area'],
            'Width': roomInfo['Width'],
            'Height': roomInfo['Height'],
            'Doors': {}
        for doorData in roomInfo["DoorData"]:
            roomsGraph[address]['Doors'][doorData['doorPtr']] = {
                'roomPtr': doorData['roomPtr'],
                'exitScreenX': doorData['screenX'],
                'exitScreenY': doorData['screenY'],
                'exitDirection': doorData['direction']

    # get screen data from corresponding door
    for (entryRoomAddress, entryRoom) in roomsGraph.items():
        for entryDoorData in entryRoom["Doors"].values():
            exitRoomAddress = entryDoorData['roomPtr']
            exitRoom = roomsGraph[exitRoomAddress]
            found = False
            for exitDoorData in exitRoom['Doors'].values():
                #if entryRoom['Name'] in ['GrappleTutorialRoom1', 'GrappleBeamRoom']:
                #print("entry doors count: {} exit doors count: {}".format(len(entryRoom["Doors"]), len(exitRoom['Doors'])))
                #print("{}/{} -> {}/{} ({})".format(entryRoom['Name'], hex(entryRoomAddress), exitRoom['Name'], hex(exitDoorData['roomPtr']), roomsGraph[exitDoorData['roomPtr']]['Name']))
                if exitDoorData['roomPtr'] == entryRoomAddress:
                    #if entryRoom['Name'] in ['GrappleTutorialRoom1', 'GrappleBeamRoom']:
                    #print("exitDoorData['roomPtr'] {} == entryRoomAddress {}".format(hex(exitDoorData['roomPtr']), hex(entryRoomAddress)))
                    for entryDoorData in entryRoom['Doors'].values():
                        if entryDoorData['roomPtr'] == exitRoomAddress:
                            entryDoorData['entryScreenX'] = exitDoorData[
                            entryDoorData['entryScreenY'] = exitDoorData[
                            entryDoorData['entryDirection'] = exitDoorData[
                            found = True
                #if entryRoom['Name'] in ['GrappleTutorialRoom1', 'GrappleBeamRoom']:
                #print("exitDoorData['roomPtr'] {} != entryRoomAddress {}".format(hex(exitDoorData['roomPtr']), hex(entryRoomAddress)))
            #if found == False:
            #print("door not found ({} -> {})".format(entryRoom['Name'], exitRoom['Name']))


    print("""digraph {
graph [overlap=orthoxy, splines=false, nodesep="1"];
node [shape="plaintext",fontsize=30];
edge [color="#0025fa80"];
    for (address, roomInfo) in roomsGraph.items():
        if roomInfo['Area'] == Areas.Tourian:
            src = roomInfo['Name']
            print("{} [label = {}];".format(
                genLabel(roomInfo['Name'], roomInfo["Width"],
            for doorData in roomInfo["Doors"].values():
                dstInfo = roomsGraph[doorData['roomPtr']]
                dst = dstInfo['Name']
                print("{}:x{}{}:{} -> {}:x{}{}:{};".format(
                    src, doorData.get('entryScreenX'),
                    getDir(doorData.get('entryDirection')), dst,
                    doorData.get('exitScreenX'), doorData.get('exitScreenY'),
for i in range(1, ord('9') - ord('0') + 1):
    char2tile[chr(ord('0') + i)] = char2tile['0'] + i

lineLength = 64
firstChar = 2 * 2
baseAddr = 0xB6F200 + lineLength * 8 + firstChar

texts = ["1. {} kraid", "2. {} phantoon", "3. {} draygon", "4. {} ridley"]

kill_synonyms = [
    "massacre", "slaughter", "slay", "wipe out", "annihilate", "eradicate",
    "erase", "exterminate", "finish", "neutralize", "obliterate", "destroy",
    "wreck", "smash", "crush", "end", "eliminate", "terminate"

romFile = RealROM(sys.argv[1])

alreadyUsed = []
for i, text in enumerate(texts):
    verb = random.choice(kill_synonyms)
    while verb in alreadyUsed:
        verb = random.choice(kill_synonyms)
    text = text.format(verb)
    addr = baseAddr + i * lineLength * 4
    for c in text:
        romFile.writeWord(0x3800 + char2tile[c])

예제 #12
      Range(0x5828, 0x6818, "  Song-specific tracker data", True),
    Range(0x6819, 0x6BFF, "Unused", allowUnused),
    Range(0x6C00, 0x6CE9, "Instrument table", True),
      Range(0x6C00, 0x6C8F, "  Shared instruments (0..17h)", False),
      Range(0x6C90, 0x6CE9, "  Song-specific instruments (18h..26h)", True),
    Range(0x6CEA, 0x6CFF, "Unused", allowUnused),
    Range(0x6D00, 0x6D9F, "Sample table", True),
      Range(0x6D00, 0x6D5F, "  Shared sample table", False),
      Range(0x6D60, 0x6D9F, "  Song-specific sample table", True),
    Range(0x6DA0, 0x6DFF, "Unused", allowUnused),
    Range(0x6E00, 0xFFFF, "Sample data", True),
      Range(0x6E00, 0xB20F, "  Shared sample data", False),
      Range(0xB210, 0xFFFF, "  Song-specific sample data", True)

rom = RealROM(sys.argv[1])

dataBlocks = []
addr = 0
while size - addr > 4:
    dataBlock = DataBlock(addr, rom)
    if dataBlock.size == 0:
    print("datablock addr: {} size: {} dest: {}".format(dataBlock.addr, dataBlock.size, hex(dataBlock.dest)))
    addr = dataBlock.getNextBlockAddr()
    #print("next addr: {}".format(addr))

print("found {} data blocks".format(len(dataBlocks)))
print("last addr: {} last bytes: {}".format(addr, data[addr:]))
예제 #13
class RomPatcher:
    # standard:
    # Instantly open G4 passage when all bosses are killed
    #   g4_skip.ips
    # Wake up zebes when going right from morph
    #   wake_zebes.ips
    # Seed display
    #   seed_display.ips
    # Custom credits with stats
    #   credits.ips
    # Custom credits with stats (tracking code)
    #   tracking.ips
    # Removes Gravity Suit heat protection
    # Mother Brain Cutscene Edits
    # Suit acquisition animation skip
    # Fix Morph & Missiles Room State
    # Fix heat damage speed echoes bug
    # Disable GT Code
    # Disable Space/Time select in menu
    # Fix Morph Ball Hidden/Chozo PLM's
    # Fix Screw Attack selection in menu
    # optional (Kejardon):
    # Allows the aim buttons to be assigned to any button
    #   AimAnyButton.ips
    # optional (Scyzer):
    # Remove fanfare when picking up an item
    #   itemsounds.ips
    # Allows Samus to start spinning in mid air after jumping or falling
    #   spinjumprestart.ips
    # optional standard (imcompatible with MSU1 music):
    # Max Ammo Display
    #   max_ammo_display.ips
    # optional (DarkShock):
    # Play music with MSU1 chip on SD2SNES
    #   supermetroid_msu1.ips
    # layout:
    # Disable respawning blocks at dachora pit
    #   dachora.ips
    # Make it possible to escape from below early super bridge without bombs
    #   early_super_bridge.ips
    # Replace bomb blocks with shot blocks before Hi-Jump
    #   high_jump.ips
    # Replace bomb blocks with shot blocks at Moat
    #   moat.ips
    # Raise platform in first heated norfair room to not require hi-jump
    #   nova_boost_platform.ip
    # Raise platforms in red tower bottom to always be able to get back up
    #   red_tower.ips
    # Replace bomb blocks with shot blocks before Spazer
    #   spazer.ips
    IPSPatches = {
        'Standard': ['new_game.ips', 'plm_spawn.ips', 'load_enemies_fix.ips',
                     'credits_varia.ips', 'seed_display.ips', 'tracking.ips',
                     'wake_zebes.ips', 'g4_skip.ips', # XXX those are door ASMs
                     'Mother_Brain_Cutscene_Edits', "Allow_All_Saves",
                     'Fix_heat_damage_speed_echoes_bug', 'Disable_GT_Code',
                     'Disable_Space_Time_select_in_menu', 'Fix_Morph_Ball_Hidden_Chozo_PLMs',
                     'Fix_Screw_Attack_selection_in_menu', 'fix_suits_selection_in_menu.ips',
                     'AimAnyButton.ips', 'endingtotals.ips',
                     'supermetroid_msu1.ips', 'max_ammo_display.ips', 'varia_logo.ips'],
        'VariaTweaks' : ['WS_Etank', 'LN_Chozo_SpaceJump_Check_Disable', 'ln_chozo_platform.ips', 'bomb_torizo.ips'],
        'Layout': ['dachora.ips', 'early_super_bridge.ips', 'high_jump.ips', 'moat.ips', 'spospo_save.ips',
                   'nova_boost_platform.ips', 'red_tower.ips', 'spazer.ips',
                   'brinstar_map_room.ips', 'kraid_save.ips', 'mission_impossible.ips'],
        'Optional': ['itemsounds.ips', 'rando_speed.ips', 'Infinite_Space_Jump', 'refill_before_save.ips',
                     'spinjumprestart.ips', 'elevators_doors_speed.ips', 'No_Music', 'random_music.ips',
                     'skip_intro.ips', 'skip_ceres.ips', 'animal_enemies.ips', 'animals.ips',
                     'draygonimals.ips', 'escapimals.ips', 'gameend.ips', 'grey_door_animals.ips',
                     'low_timer.ips', 'metalimals.ips', 'phantoonimals.ips', 'ridleyimals.ips',
                     'remove_elevators_doors_speed.ips', 'remove_itemsounds.ips', 'beam_doors.ips'],
        'Area': ['area_rando_layout.ips', 'door_transition.ips', 'area_rando_doors.ips',
                 'Sponge_Bath_Blinking_Door', 'east_ocean.ips', 'area_rando_warp_door.ips',
                 'crab_shaft.ips', 'Save_Crab_Shaft', 'Save_Main_Street' ],
        'Escape' : ['rando_escape.ips', 'rando_escape_ws_fix.ips'],
        'MinimizerTourian': ['minimizer_tourian.ips', 'nerfed_rainbow_beam.ips']

    def __init__(self, romFileName=None, magic=None, plando=False):
        self.romFileName = romFileName
        self.race = None
        if romFileName == None:
            self.romFile = FakeROM()
            self.romFile = RealROM(romFileName)
        if magic is not None:
            from rom.race_mode import RaceModePatcher
            self.race = RaceModePatcher(self, magic, plando)
        # IPS_Patch objects list
        self.ipsPatches = []
        # loc name to alternate address. we still write to original
        # address to help the RomReader.
        self.altLocsAddresses = {}
        # specific fixes for area rando connections
        self.roomConnectionSpecific = {
            # fix scrolling sky when transitioning to west ocean
            0x93fe: self.patchWestOcean
        self.doorConnectionSpecific = {
            # get out of kraid room: reload CRE
            0x91ce: self.forceRoomCRE,
            # get out of croc room: reload CRE
            0x93ea: self.forceRoomCRE

    def end(self):

    def writeItemCode(self, item, visibility, address):
        itemCode = ItemManager.getItemTypeCode(item, visibility)
        if self.race is None:
            self.romFile.writeWord(itemCode, address)
            self.race.writeItemCode(itemCode, address)

    def getLocAddresses(self, loc):
        ret = [loc.Address]
        if loc.Name in self.altLocsAddresses:
        return ret

    def writeNothing(self, itemLoc):
        loc = itemLoc.Location
        if loc.isBoss():

        for addr in self.getLocAddresses(loc):
            self.writeItemCode(ItemManager.Items['Missile'], loc.Visibility, addr)
            # all Nothing not at this loc Id will disappear when loc
            # item is collected
            self.romFile.writeByte(self.nothingId, addr + 4)

    def writeItem(self, itemLoc):
        loc = itemLoc.Location
        if loc.isBoss():
            raise ValueError('Cannot write Boss location')
        #print('write ' + itemLoc.Item.Type + ' at ' + loc.Name)
        for addr in self.getLocAddresses(loc):
            self.writeItemCode(itemLoc.Item, loc.Visibility, addr)
            # if nothing was written at this loc before (in plando),
            # then restore the vanilla value
            self.romFile.writeByte(loc.Id, addr + 4)

    def writeItemsLocs(self, itemLocs):
        self.nItems = 0
        self.nothingMissile = False
        for itemLoc in itemLocs:
            loc = itemLoc.Location
            item = itemLoc.Item
            if loc.isBoss():
            isMorph = loc.Name == 'Morphing Ball'
            if item.Category == 'Nothing':
                if loc.Id == self.nothingId and not loc.restricted and itemLoc.Accessible:
                    # nothing at morph gives a missile pack
                    self.nothingMissile = True
                    self.nItems += 1
                self.nItems += 1
            if isMorph:

    # trigger morph eye enemy on whatever item we put there,
    # not just morph ball
    def patchMorphBallEye(self, item):
#        print('Eye item = ' + item.Type)
        # consider Nothing as missile, because if it is at morph ball it will actually be a missile
        if item.Category == 'Nothing':
            if self.nothingId == 0x1a:
                isNothingMissile = True
            isNothingMissile = False
        isAmmo = item.Category == 'Ammo' or isNothingMissile
        isMissile = item.Type == 'Missile' or isNothingMissile
        # category to check
        if ItemManager.isBeam(item):
            cat = 0xA8 # collected beams
        elif item.Type == 'ETank':
            cat = 0xC4 # max health
        elif item.Type == 'Reserve':
            cat = 0xD4 # max reserves
        elif isMissile:
            cat = 0xC8 # max missiles
        elif item.Type == 'Super':
            cat = 0xCC # max supers
        elif item.Type == 'PowerBomb':
            cat = 0xD0 # max PBs
            cat = 0xA4 # collected items
        # comparison/branch instruction
        # the branch is taken if we did NOT collect item yet
        if item.Category == 'Energy' or isAmmo:
            comp = 0xC9 # CMP (immediate)
            branch = 0x30 # BMI
            comp = 0x89 # BIT (immediate)
            branch = 0xF0 # BEQ
        # what to compare to
        if item.Type == 'ETank':
            operand = 0x65 # < 100
        elif item.Type == 'Reserve' or isAmmo:
            operand = 0x1 # < 1
        elif ItemManager.isBeam(item):
            operand = ItemManager.BeamBits[item.Type]
            operand = ItemManager.ItemBits[item.Type]
        self.patchMorphBallCheck(0x1410E6, cat, comp, operand, branch) # eye main AI
        self.patchMorphBallCheck(0x1468B2, cat, comp, operand, branch) # head main AI

    def patchMorphBallCheck(self, offset, cat, comp, operand, branch):
        # actually patch enemy AI
        self.romFile.writeByte(cat, offset)
        self.romFile.writeByte(comp, offset+2)

    def writeItemsNumber(self):
        # write total number of actual items for item percentage patch (patch the patch)
        for addr in [0x5E64E, 0x5E6AB]:
            self.romFile.writeByte(self.nItems, addr)

    def addIPSPatches(self, patches):
        for patchName in patches:

    def customShip(self, ship):
        self.applyIPSPatch(ship, ipsDir='rando/patches/ships')

    def customSprite(self, sprite, customNames):
        self.applyIPSPatch(sprite, ipsDir='rando/patches/sprites')

        if not customNames:

        # custom sprite message boxes update
        messageBoxes = {
            'marga.ips': {
                'Morph': 'morphing doll',
                'SpringBall': 'spring doll',
            'super_controid.ips': {
                'PowerBomb': 'm-80,000 helio bomb'
            'alucard.ips': {
                'HiJump': 'gravity boots',
                'SpeedBooster': 'god speed shoes',
                'Morph': 'soul of bat',
                'XRayScope': 'holy glasses',
                'Varia': 'fire mail',
                'Gravity': 'holy symbol',
                'ETank': 'life vessel',
                'Reserve': 'heart vessel'
            'samus_backwards.ips': {
                'ETank': 'ygrene knat',
                'Missile': 'elissim',
                'Super': 'repus elissim',
                'PowerBomb': 'rewop bmob',
                'Grapple': 'gnilpparg maeb',
                'XRayScope': 'yar-x epocs',
                'Varia': 'airav uius',
                'SpringBall': 'gnirps llab',
                'Morph': 'gnihprom llab',
                'ScrewAttack': 'wercs kcatta',
                'HiJump': 'pmuj-ih stoob',
                'SpaceJump': 'ecaps pmuj',
                'SpeedBooster': 'deeps retsoob',
                'Charge': 'egrahc maeb',
                'Ice': 'eci maeb',
                'Wave': 'evaw maeb',
                'Spazer': 'rezaps',
                'Plasma': 'amsalp maeb',
                'Bomb': 'bmob',
                'Reserve': 'evreser knat',
                'Gravity': 'ytivarg tius'
                'ETank': 'energy tank',
                'Missile': 'misille',
                'Super': 'super missile',
                'PowerBomb': 'power bomb',
                'Grapple': 'grappling beam',
                'XRayScope': 'x-ray scope',
                'Varia': 'varia suit',
                'SpringBall': 'spring ball',
                'Morph': 'morphing ball',
                'ScrewAttack': 'screw attack',
                'HiJump': 'hi-jump boots',
                'SpaceJump': 'space jump',
                'SpeedBooster': 'speed booster',
                'Charge': 'charge beam',
                'Ice': 'ice beam',
                'Wave': 'wave beam',
                'Spazer': 'spazer',
                'Plasma': 'plasma beam',
                'Bomb': 'bomb',
                'Reserve': 'server tank',
                'Gravity': 'gravity suit'
        messageBoxes['samus_upside_down_and_backwards.ips'] = messageBoxes['samus_backwards.ips']
        vFlip = ['samus_upside_down.ips', 'samus_upside_down_and_backwards.ips']
        hFlip = ['samus_backwards.ips']
        doVFlip = sprite in vFlip
        doHFlip = sprite in hFlip
        if (doVFlip or doHFlip) and sprite not in messageBoxes:
            sprite = 'vanilla'
        if sprite in messageBoxes:
            messageBox = MessageBox(self.romFile)
            for (messageKey, newMessage) in messageBoxes[sprite].items():
                messageBox.updateMessage(messageKey, newMessage, doVFlip, doHFlip)

    def writePlmTable(self, plms, area, bosses, startAP):
        # called when saving a plando
            if bosses == True or area == True:

            doors = self.getStartDoors(plms, area, None)
            self.applyStartAP(startAP, plms, doors)

        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Error patching {}. ({})".format(self.romFileName, e))

    def applyIPSPatches(self, startAP="Landing Site",
                        optionalPatches=[], noLayout=False, suitsMode="Classic",
                        area=False, bosses=False, areaLayoutBase=False,
                        noVariaTweaks=False, nerfedCharge=False, nerfedRainbowBeam=False,
                        escapeAttr=None, noRemoveEscapeEnemies=False,
                        minimizerN=None, minimizerTourian=True, doorsColorsRando=False):
            # apply standard patches
            stdPatches = []
            plms = []
            # apply race mode first because it fills the rom with a bunch of crap
            if self.race is not None:
            stdPatches += RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Standard'][:]
            if self.race is not None:
            if suitsMode != "Classic":
            if suitsMode == "Progressive":
            if nerfedCharge == True:
            if nerfedRainbowBeam == True:
            if bosses == True or area == True:
                stdPatches += ["WS_Main_Open_Grey", "WS_Save_Active"]
            if bosses == True:

            for patchName in stdPatches:

            if noLayout == False:
                # apply layout patches
                for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Layout']:
            if noVariaTweaks == False:
                # VARIA tweaks
                for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['VariaTweaks']:

            # apply optional patches
            for patchName in optionalPatches:
                if patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Optional']:

            # random escape
            if escapeAttr is not None:
                if noRemoveEscapeEnemies == True:
                for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Escape']:
                # handle incompatible doors transitions
                if area == False and bosses == False:
                # animals and timer
                self.applyEscapeAttributes(escapeAttr, plms)

            # apply area patches
            if area == True:
                if areaLayoutBase == True:
                    for p in ['area_rando_layout.ips', 'Sponge_Bath_Blinking_Door', 'east_ocean.ips']:
                for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Area']:
            elif bosses == True:
            if minimizerN is not None:
                if minimizerTourian == True:
                    for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['MinimizerTourian']:
            doors = self.getStartDoors(plms, area, minimizerN)
            if doorsColorsRando:
            self.applyStartAP(startAP, plms, doors)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Error patching {}. ({})".format(self.romFileName, e))

    def applyIPSPatch(self, patchName, patchDict=None, ipsDir="rando/patches"):
        if patchDict is None:
            patchDict = patches
        print("Apply patch {}".format(patchName))
        if patchName in patchDict:
            patch = IPS_Patch(patchDict[patchName])
            # look for ips file
            if os.path.exists(patchName):
                patch = IPS_Patch.load(patchName)
                patch = IPS_Patch.load(os.path.join(appDir, ipsDir, patchName))

    def getStartDoors(self, plms, area, minimizerN):
        doors = [0x10] # red brin elevator
        def addBlinking(name):
            key = 'Blinking[{}]'.format(name)
            if key in patches:
            if key in additional_PLMs:
        if area == True:
            plms += ['Maridia Sand Hall Seal', "Save_Main_Street", "Save_Crab_Shaft"]
            for accessPoint in accessPoints:
                if accessPoint.Internal == True or accessPoint.Boss == True:
            addBlinking("West Sand Hall Left")
            addBlinking("Below Botwoon Energy Tank Right")
        if minimizerN is not None:
            # add blinking doors inside and outside boss rooms
            for accessPoint in accessPoints:
                if accessPoint.Boss == True:
        return doors

    def applyStartAP(self, apName, plms, doors):
        ap = getAccessPoint(apName)
        if not GraphUtils.isStandardStart(apName):
            # not Ceres or Landing Site, so Zebes will be awake
        (w0, w1) = getWord(ap.Start['spawn'])
        if 'doors' in ap.Start:
            doors += ap.Start['doors']
        addr = 0x10F200
        patch = [w0, w1] + doors
        assert (addr + len(patch)) < 0x10F210, "Stopped before new_game overwrite"
        patchDict = {
            'StartAP': {
                addr: patch
        self.applyIPSPatch('StartAP', patchDict)
        # handle custom saves
        if 'save' in ap.Start:
        # handle optional rom patches
        if 'rom_patches' in ap.Start:
            for patch in ap.Start['rom_patches']:

    def applyEscapeAttributes(self, escapeAttr, plms):
        # timer
        escapeTimer = escapeAttr['Timer']
        if escapeTimer is not None:
            minute = int(escapeTimer / 60)
            second = escapeTimer % 60
            minute = int(minute / 10) * 16 + minute % 10
            second = int(second / 10) * 16 + second % 10
            patchDict = {'Escape_Timer': {0x1E21:[second, minute]}}
            self.applyIPSPatch('Escape_Timer', patchDict)
        # animals door to open
        if escapeAttr['Animals'] is not None:
            escapeOpenPatches = {
                'Green Brinstar Main Shaft Top Left':'Escape_Animals_Open_Brinstar',
                'Business Center Mid Left':"Escape_Animals_Open_Norfair",
                'Crab Hole Bottom Right':"Escape_Animals_Open_Maridia",
            if escapeAttr['Animals'] in escapeOpenPatches:

    # adds ad-hoc "IPS patches" for additional PLM tables
    def applyPLMs(self, plms):
        # compose a dict (room, state, door) => PLM array
        # 'PLMs' being a 6 byte arrays
        plmDict = {}
        # we might need to update locations addresses on the fly
        plmLocs = {} # room key above => loc name
        for p in plms:
            plm = additional_PLMs[p]
            room = plm['room']
            state = 0
            if 'state' in plm:
                state = plm['state']
            door = 0
            if 'door' in plm:
                door = plm['door']
            k = (room, state, door)
            if k not in plmDict:
                plmDict[k] = []
            plmDict[k] += plm['plm_bytes_list']
            if 'locations' in plm:
                locList = plm['locations']
                for locName, locIndex in locList:
                    plmLocs[(k, locIndex)] = locName
        # make two patches out of this dict
        plmTblAddr = 0x7E9A0 # moves downwards
        plmPatchData = []
        roomTblAddr = 0x7EC00 # moves upwards
        roomPatchData = []
        plmTblOffset = plmTblAddr
        def appendPlmBytes(bytez):
            nonlocal plmPatchData, plmTblOffset
            plmPatchData += bytez
            plmTblOffset += len(bytez)
        def addRoomPatchData(bytez):
            nonlocal roomPatchData, roomTblAddr
            roomPatchData = bytez + roomPatchData
            roomTblAddr -= len(bytez)
        for roomKey, plmList in plmDict.items():
            entryAddr = plmTblOffset
            roomData = []
            for i in range(len(plmList)):
                plmBytes = plmList[i]
                assert len(plmBytes) == 6, "Invalid PLM entry for roomKey " + str(roomKey) + ": PLM list len is " + str(len(plmBytes))
                if (roomKey, i) in plmLocs:
                    self.altLocsAddresses[plmLocs[(roomKey, i)]] = plmTblOffset
            appendPlmBytes([0x0, 0x0]) # list terminator
            def appendRoomWord(w, data):
                (w0, w1) = getWord(w)
                data += [w0, w1]
            for i in range(3):
                appendRoomWord(roomKey[i], roomData)
            appendRoomWord(entryAddr, roomData)
        # write room table terminator
        addRoomPatchData([0x0] * 8)
        assert plmTblOffset < roomTblAddr, "Spawn PLM table overlap"
        patchDict = {
            "PLM_Spawn_Tables" : {
                plmTblAddr: plmPatchData,
                roomTblAddr: roomPatchData
        self.applyIPSPatch("PLM_Spawn_Tables", patchDict)

    def commitIPS(self):

    def writeSeed(self, seed):
        seedInfo = random.randint(0, 0xFFFF)
        seedInfo2 = random.randint(0, 0xFFFF)
        self.romFile.writeWord(seedInfo, 0x2FFF00)

    def writeMagic(self):
        if self.race is not None:

    def writeMajorsSplit(self, majorsSplit):
        address = 0x17B6C
        if majorsSplit == 'Chozo':
            char = 'Z'
        elif majorsSplit == 'Full':
            char = 'F'
            char = 'M'
        self.romFile.writeByte(ord(char), address)

    def setNothingId(self, startAP, itemLocs):
        # morph ball loc by default
        self.nothingId = 0x1a
        # if not default start, use first loc with a nothing
        if not GraphUtils.isStandardStart(startAP):
            firstNothing = next((il.Location for il in itemLocs if il.Item.Category == 'Nothing' and 'Boss' not in il.Location.Class), None)
            if firstNothing is not None:
                self.nothingId = firstNothing.Id

    def writeNothingId(self):
        address = 0x17B6D
        self.romFile.writeByte(self.nothingId, address)

    def getItemQty(self, itemLocs, itemType):
        q = len([il for il in itemLocs if il.Accessible and il.Item.Type == itemType])
        if itemType == 'Missile' and self.nothingMissile == True:
            q += 1
        return q

    def getMinorsDistribution(self, itemLocs):
        dist = {}
        minQty = 100
        minors = ['Missile', 'Super', 'PowerBomb']
        for m in minors:
            # in vcr mode if the seed has stuck we may not have these items, return at least 1
            q = float(max(self.getItemQty(itemLocs, m), 1))
            dist[m] = {'Quantity' : q }
            if q < minQty:
                minQty = q
        for m in minors:
            dist[m]['Proportion'] = dist[m]['Quantity']/minQty

        return dist

    def getAmmoPct(self, minorsDist):
        q = 0
        for m,v in minorsDist.items():
            q += v['Quantity']
        return 100*q/66

    def writeRandoSettings(self, settings, itemLocs):
        dist = self.getMinorsDistribution(itemLocs)
        totalAmmo = sum(d['Quantity'] for ammo,d in dist.items())
        totalItemLocs = sum(1 for il in itemLocs if il.Accessible and not il.Location.isBoss())
        totalNothing = sum(1 for il in itemLocs if il.Accessible and il.Item.Category == 'Nothing')
        if self.nothingMissile == True:
            totalNothing -= 1
        totalEnergy = self.getItemQty(itemLocs, 'ETank')+self.getItemQty(itemLocs, 'Reserve')
        totalMajors = max(totalItemLocs - totalEnergy - totalAmmo - totalNothing, 0)
        address = 0x2736C0
        value = "{:>2}".format(totalItemLocs)
        line = " ITEM LOCATIONS              %s " % value
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40

        line = " item locations ............ %s " % value
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)
        address += 0x40

        maj = "{:>2}".format(int(totalMajors))
        htanks = "{:>2}".format(int(totalEnergy))
        ammo = "{:>2}".format(int(totalAmmo))
        blank = "{:>2}".format(int(totalNothing))
        line = "  MAJ %s EN %s AMMO %s BLANK %s " % (maj, htanks, ammo, blank)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40
        line = "  maj %s en %s ammo %s blank %s " % (maj, htanks, ammo, blank)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)
        address += 0x40

        pbs = "{:>2}".format(int(dist['PowerBomb']['Quantity']))
        miss = "{:>2}".format(int(dist['Missile']['Quantity']))
        supers = "{:>2}".format(int(dist['Super']['Quantity']))
        line = " AMMO PACKS  MI %s SUP %s PB %s " % (miss, supers, pbs)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40

        line = " ammo packs  mi %s sup %s pb %s " % (miss, supers, pbs)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)
        address += 0x40

        etanks = "{:>2}".format(int(self.getItemQty(itemLocs, 'ETank')))
        reserves = "{:>2}".format(int(self.getItemQty(itemLocs, 'Reserve')))
        line = " HEALTH TANKS         E %s R %s " % (etanks, reserves)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40

        line = " health tanks ......  e %s r %s " % (etanks, reserves)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)
        address += 0x80

        value = " "+settings.progSpeed.upper()
        line = " PROGRESSION SPEED ....%s " % value.rjust(8, '.')
        self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, line)
        address += 0x40

        line = " PROGRESSION DIFFICULTY  %s " % settings.progDiff.upper()
        self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, line)
        address += 0x80 # skip item distrib title

        param = (' SUITS RESTRICTION ........%s', 'Suits')
        line = param[0] % ('. ON' if settings.restrictions[param[1]] == True else ' OFF')
        self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, line)
        address += 0x40

        value = " "+settings.restrictions['Morph'].upper()
        line  = " MORPH PLACEMENT .....%s" % value.rjust(9, '.')
        self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, line)
        address += 0x40

        for superFun in [(' SUPER FUN COMBAT .........%s', 'Combat'),
                         (' SUPER FUN MOVEMENT .......%s', 'Movement'),
                         (' SUPER FUN SUITS ..........%s', 'Suits')]:
            line = superFun[0] % ('. ON' if superFun[1] in settings.superFun else ' OFF')
            self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, line)
            address += 0x40

        value = "%.1f %.1f %.1f" % (dist['Missile']['Proportion'], dist['Super']['Proportion'], dist['PowerBomb']['Proportion'])
        line = " AMMO DISTRIBUTION  %s " % value
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40

        line = " ammo distribution  %s " % value
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)
        address += 0x40

        # write ammo/energy pct
        address = 0x273C40
        (ammoPct, energyPct) = (int(self.getAmmoPct(dist)), int(100*totalEnergy/18))
        line = " AVAILABLE AMMO {:>3}% ENERGY {:>3}%".format(ammoPct, energyPct)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40
        line = " available ammo {:>3}% energy {:>3}%".format(ammoPct, energyPct)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)

    def writeSpoiler(self, itemLocs, progItemLocs=None):
        # keep only majors, filter out Etanks and Reserve
        fItemLocs = [il for il in itemLocs if il.Item.Category not in ['Ammo', 'Nothing', 'Energy', 'Boss']]
        # add location of the first instance of each minor
        for t in ['Missile', 'Super', 'PowerBomb']:
            itLoc = None
            if progItemLocs is not None:
                itLoc = next((il for il in progItemLocs if il.Item.Type == t), None)
            if itLoc is None:
                itLoc = next((il for il in itemLocs if il.Item.Type == t), None)
            if itLoc is not None: # in vcr mode if the seed has stucked we may not have these minors
        regex = re.compile(r"[^A-Z0-9\.,'!: ]+")

        itemLocs = {}
        for iL in fItemLocs:
            itemLocs[iL.Item.Name] = iL.Location.Name

        def prepareString(s, isItem=True):
            s = s.upper()
            # remove chars not displayable
            s = regex.sub('', s)
            # remove space before and after
            s = s.strip()
            # limit to 30 chars, add one space before
            # pad to 32 chars
            if isItem is True:
                s = " " + s[0:30]
                s = s.ljust(32)
                s = " " + s[0:30] + " "
                s = " " + s.rjust(31, '.')

            return s

        isRace = self.race is not None
        startCreditAddress = 0x2f5240
        address = startCreditAddress
        if isRace:
            addr = address - 0x40
            data = [0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x1008, 0x1013, 0x1004, 0x100c, 0x007f, 0x100b, 0x100e, 0x1002, 0x1000, 0x1013, 0x1008, 0x100e, 0x100d, 0x1012, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f]
            for i in range(0x20):
                w = data[i]
                addr += 0x2
        # standard item order
        items = ["Missile", "Super Missile", "Power Bomb",
                 "Charge Beam", "Ice Beam", "Wave Beam", "Spazer", "Plasma Beam",
                 "Varia Suit", "Gravity Suit",
                 "Morph Ball", "Bomb", "Spring Ball", "Screw Attack",
                 "Hi-Jump Boots", "Space Jump", "Speed Booster",
                 "Grappling Beam", "X-Ray Scope"]
        displayNames = {}
        if progItemLocs is not None:
            # reorder it with progression indices
            prog = ord('A')
            idx = 0
            progNames = [il.Item.Name for il in progItemLocs if il.Item.Category != 'Boss']
            for i in range(len(progNames)):
                item = progNames[i]
                if item in items and item not in displayNames:
                    items.insert(idx, item)
                    displayNames[item] = chr(prog + i) + ": " + item
                    idx += 1
        for item in items:
            # super fun removes items
            if item not in itemLocs:
            display = item
            if item in displayNames:
                display = displayNames[item]
            itemName = prepareString(display)
            locationName = prepareString(itemLocs[item], isItem=False)

            self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, itemName, isRace)
            self.writeCreditsString((address + 0x40), 0x18, locationName, isRace)

            address += 0x80

        # we need 19 items displayed, if we've removed majors, add some blank text
        while address < startCreditAddress + len(items)*0x80:
            self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, prepareString(""), isRace)
            self.writeCreditsString((address + 0x40), 0x18, prepareString(""), isRace)

            address += 0x80

        self.patchBytes(address, [0, 0, 0, 0], isRace)

    def writeCreditsString(self, address, color, string, isRace=False):
        array = [self.convertCreditsChar(color, char) for char in string]
        self.patchBytes(address, array, isRace)

    def writeCreditsStringBig(self, address, string, top=True):
        array = [self.convertCreditsCharBig(char, top) for char in string]
        self.patchBytes(address, array)

    def convertCreditsChar(self, color, byte):
        if byte == ' ':
            ib = 0x7f
        elif byte == '!':
            ib = 0x1F
        elif byte == ':':
            ib = 0x1E
        elif byte == '\\':
            ib = 0x1D
        elif byte == '_':
            ib = 0x1C
        elif byte == ',':
            ib = 0x1B
        elif byte == '.':
            ib = 0x1A
            ib = ord(byte) - 0x41

        if ib == 0x7F:
            return 0x007F
            return (color << 8) + ib

    def convertCreditsCharBig(self, byte, top=True):
        # from: https://jathys.zophar.net/supermetroid/kejardon/TextFormat.txt
        # 2-tile high characters:
        # A-P = $XX20-$XX2F(TOP) and $XX30-$XX3F(BOTTOM)
        # Q-Z = $XX40-$XX49(TOP) and $XX50-$XX59(BOTTOM)
        # ' = $XX4A, $XX7F
        # " = $XX4B, $XX7F
        # . = $XX7F, $XX5A
        # 0-9 = $XX60-$XX69(TOP) and $XX70-$XX79(BOTTOM)
        # % = $XX6A, $XX7A

        if byte == ' ':
            ib = 0x7F
        elif byte == "'":
            if top == True:
                ib = 0x4A
                ib = 0x7F
        elif byte == '"':
            if top == True:
                ib = 0x4B
                ib = 0x7F
        elif byte == '.':
            if top == True:
                ib = 0x7F
                ib = 0x5A
        elif byte == '%':
            if top == True:
                ib = 0x6A
                ib = 0x7A

        byte = ord(byte)
        if byte >= ord('A') and byte <= ord('P'):
            ib = byte - 0x21
        elif byte >= ord('Q') and byte <= ord('Z'):
            ib = byte - 0x11
        elif byte >= ord('a') and byte <= ord('p'):
            ib = byte - 0x31
        elif byte >= ord('q') and byte <= ord('z'):
            ib = byte - 0x21
        elif byte >= ord('0') and byte <= ord('9'):
            if top == True:
                ib = byte + 0x30
                ib = byte + 0x40

        return ib

    def patchBytes(self, address, array, isRace=False):
        for w in array:
            if not isRace:

    # write area randomizer transitions to ROM
    # doorConnections : a list of connections. each connection is a dictionary describing
    # - where to write in the ROM :
    # DoorPtr : door pointer to write to
    # - what to write in the ROM :
    # RoomPtr, direction, bitflag, cap, screen, distanceToSpawn : door properties
    # * if SamusX and SamusY are defined in the dict, custom ASM has to be written
    #   to reposition samus, and call doorAsmPtr if non-zero. The written Door ASM
    #   property shall point to this custom ASM.
    # * if not, just write doorAsmPtr as the door property directly.
    def writeDoorConnections(self, doorConnections):
        asmAddress = 0x7F800
        for conn in doorConnections:
            # write door ASM for transition doors (code and pointers)
#            print('Writing door connection ' + conn['ID'])
            doorPtr = conn['DoorPtr']
            roomPtr = conn['RoomPtr']
            if doorPtr in self.doorConnectionSpecific:
            if roomPtr in self.roomConnectionSpecific:
            self.romFile.seek(0x10000 + doorPtr)

            # write room ptr
            self.romFile.writeWord(roomPtr & 0xFFFF)

            # write bitflag (if area switch we have to set bit 0x40, and remove it if same area)

            # write direction

            # write door cap x

            # write door cap y

            # write screen x

            # write screen y

            # write distance to spawn
            self.romFile.writeWord(conn['distanceToSpawn'] & 0xFFFF)

            # write door asm
            asmPatch = []
            # call original door asm ptr if needed
            if conn['doorAsmPtr'] != 0x0000:
                # endian convert
                (D0, D1) = (conn['doorAsmPtr'] & 0x00FF, (conn['doorAsmPtr'] & 0xFF00) >> 8)
                asmPatch += [ 0x20, D0, D1 ]        # JSR $doorAsmPtr
            # special ASM hook point for VARIA needs when taking the door (used for animals)
            if 'exitAsmPtr' in conn:
                # endian convert
                (D0, D1) = (conn['exitAsmPtr'] & 0x00FF, (conn['exitAsmPtr'] & 0xFF00) >> 8)
                asmPatch += [ 0x20, D0, D1 ]        # JSR $exitAsmPtr
            # incompatible transition
            if 'SamusX' in conn:
                # endian convert
                (X0, X1) = (conn['SamusX'] & 0x00FF, (conn['SamusX'] & 0xFF00) >> 8)
                (Y0, Y1) = (conn['SamusY'] & 0x00FF, (conn['SamusY'] & 0xFF00) >> 8)
                # force samus position
                # see door_transition.asm. assemble it to print routines SNES addresses.
                asmPatch += [ 0x20, 0x00, 0xF6 ]    # JSR incompatible_doors
                asmPatch += [ 0xA9, X0,   X1   ]    # LDA #$SamusX        ; fixed Samus X position
                asmPatch += [ 0x8D, 0xF6, 0x0A ]    # STA $0AF6           ; update Samus X position in memory
                asmPatch += [ 0xA9, Y0,   Y1   ]    # LDA #$SamusY        ; fixed Samus Y position
                asmPatch += [ 0x8D, 0xFA, 0x0A ]    # STA $0AFA           ; update Samus Y position in memory
                # still give I-frames
                asmPatch += [ 0x20, 0x40, 0xF6 ]    # JSR giveiframes
            # return
            asmPatch += [ 0x60 ]   # RTS
            self.romFile.writeWord(asmAddress & 0xFFFF)

            for byte in asmPatch:
            # print("asmAddress=%x" % asmAddress)
            # print("asmPatch=" + str(["%02x" % b for b in asmPatch]))

            asmAddress += len(asmPatch)
            # update room state header with song changes
            # TODO just do an IPS patch for this as it is completely static
            #      this would get rid of both 'song' and 'songs' fields
            #      as well as this code
            if 'song' in conn:
                for addr in conn["songs"]:
                    self.romFile.seek(0x70000 + addr)

    # change BG table to avoid scrolling sky bug when transitioning to west ocean
    def patchWestOcean(self, doorPtr):
        self.romFile.writeWord(doorPtr, 0x7B7BB)

    # forces CRE graphics refresh when exiting kraid's or croc room
    def forceRoomCRE(self, roomPtr, creFlag=0x2):
        # Room ptr in bank 8F + CRE flag offset
        offset = 0x70000 + roomPtr + 0x8
        self.romFile.writeByte(creFlag, offset)

    buttons = {
        "Select" : [0x00, 0x20],
        "A"      : [0x80, 0x00],
        "B"      : [0x00, 0x80],
        "X"      : [0x40, 0x00],
        "Y"      : [0x00, 0x40],
        "L"      : [0x20, 0x00],
        "R"      : [0x10, 0x00],
        "None"   : [0x00, 0x00]

    controls = {
        "Shot"       : [0xb331, 0x1722d],
        "Jump"       : [0xb325, 0x17233],
        "Dash"       : [0xb32b, 0x17239],
        "ItemSelect" : [0xb33d, 0x17245],
        "ItemCancel" : [0xb337, 0x1723f],
        "AngleUp"    : [0xb343, 0x1724b],
        "AngleDown"  : [0xb349, 0x17251]

    # write custom contols to ROM.
    # controlsDict : possible keys are "Shot", "Jump", "Dash", "ItemSelect", "ItemCancel", "AngleUp", "AngleDown"
    #                possible values are "A", "B", "X", "Y", "L", "R", "Select", "None"
    def writeControls(self, controlsDict):
        for ctrl, button in controlsDict.items():
            if ctrl not in RomPatcher.controls:
                raise ValueError("Invalid control name : " + str(ctrl))
            if button not in RomPatcher.buttons:
                raise ValueError("Invalid button name : " + str(button))
            for addr in RomPatcher.controls[ctrl]:
                self.romFile.writeByte(RomPatcher.buttons[button][0], addr)

    def writePlandoAddresses(self, locations):
        for loc in locations:
            self.romFile.writeWord(loc.Address & 0xFFFF)

        # fill remaining addresses with 0xFFFF
        maxLocsNumber = 128
        for i in range(0, maxLocsNumber-len(locations)):

    def writePlandoTransitions(self, transitions, doorsPtrs, maxTransitions):

        for (src, dest) in transitions:

        # fill remaining addresses with 0xFFFF
        for i in range(0, maxTransitions-len(transitions)):

    def enableMoonWalk(self):
        # replace STZ with STA since A is non-zero at this point
        self.romFile.writeByte(0x8D, 0xB35D)

    def compress(self, address, data):
        # data: [] of 256 int
        # address: the address where the compressed bytes will be written
        # return the size of the compressed data
        compressedData = Compressor().compress(data)

        for byte in compressedData:

        return len(compressedData)

    def setOamTile(self, nth, middle, newTile):
        # an oam entry is made of five bytes: (s000000 xxxxxxxxx) (yyyyyyyy) (YXpp000t tttttttt)

        # after and before the middle of the screen is not handle the same
        if nth >= middle:
            x = (nth - middle) * 0x08
            x = 0x200 - (0x08 * (middle - nth))


    def writeVersion(self, version):
        # max 32 chars

        # new oamlist address in free space at the end of bank 8C
        self.romFile.writeWord(0xF3E9, 0x5a0e3)
        self.romFile.writeWord(0xF3E9, 0x5a0e9)

        # string length
        length = len(version)
        self.romFile.writeWord(length, 0x0673e9)
        middle = int(length / 2) + length % 2

        # oams
        for (i, char) in enumerate(version):
            self.setOamTile(i, middle, char2tile[char])

    def writeDoorsColor(self, doors):
        DoorsManager.writeDoorsColor(self.romFile, doors)
# - vanilla ROM
# - path to nspc directory. *has* to be one level deeper than music base dir
# - path to JSON metadata file to write.
# will also parse room state headers, and list pointers where
# music data/track has to be written, ie track number >= 5
# also lists the extra pointers for area rando, all of this
# stored in the JSON metadata

from rom.rom import RealROM, snes_to_pc
from rom.ips import IPS_Patch


musicDataTable = snes_to_pc(0x8FE7E4)
musicDataEnd = snes_to_pc(0xDED1C0)
# tracks pointed  music table, in that order
# array is songs in music data: (name, spc_path)
vanillaMusicData = [
    # Song 0: intro,
    # Song 1: menu theme
    [("Title sequence intro", "vanilla/title_menu.spc", "Vanilla Soundtrack"),
     ("Menu theme", None, "Vanilla Soundtrack")],
    # Song 0: thunder - zebes asleep,
    # Song 1: thunder - zebes awake,
    # Song 2: no thunder (morph room...)
    [("Crateria Landing - Thunder, Zebes asleep", "vanilla/crateria_arrival.spc", "Vanilla Soundtrack"),
     ("Crateria Landing - Thunder, Zebes awake", "vanilla/crateria_rainstorm.spc", "Vanilla Soundtrack"),
     ("Crateria Landing - No Thunder", "vanilla/crateria_underground.spc", "Vanilla Soundtrack")],
# we're in directory 'tools/' we have to update sys.path

# helper tool to debug written music data of seeds with customized music:
# use the playlist to find original tracks nspc data and compare

from rom.rom import RealROM, snes_to_pc
from rom.rompatcher import MusicPatcher, RomTypeForMusic
from utils.parameters import appDir

seed = sys.argv[1]
playlist_json = sys.argv[2]

# load args
rom = RealROM(seed)
with open(playlist_json, 'r') as f:
    playlist = json.load(f)

# use patcher ctor to load music metadata
p = MusicPatcher(rom,
                 baseDir=os.path.join(appDir + '/..', 'varia_custom_sprites',
vanillaTracks = p.vanillaTracks
allTracks = p.allTracks
tableAddr = p.musicDataTableAddress - 3
baseDir = p.baseDir
preserved = p.constraints['preserve']
nspcInfo = p.nspcInfo
예제 #16
class RomPatcher:
    # possible patches. see patches asm source if applicable and available for more information
    IPSPatches = {
        # applied on all seeds
        'Standard': [
            # faster MB cutscene transitions
            # "Balanced" suit mode
            # door ASM to skip G4 cutscene when all 4 bosses are dead
            # basepatch is generated from https://github.com/lordlou/SMBasepatch
        # VARIA tweaks
        'VariaTweaks': [
            'WS_Etank', 'LN_Chozo_SpaceJump_Check_Disable',
            'ln_chozo_platform.ips', 'bomb_torizo.ips'
        # anti-softlock/game opening layout patches
        'Layout': [
            'dachora.ips', 'early_super_bridge.ips', 'high_jump.ips',
            'moat.ips', 'spospo_save.ips', 'nova_boost_platform.ips',
            'red_tower.ips', 'spazer.ips', 'brinstar_map_room.ips',
            'kraid_save.ips', 'mission_impossible.ips'
        # comfort patches
        'Optional': [
            # animals
            'Escape_Animals_Change_Event',  # ...end animals
            # vanilla behaviour restore
        # base patchset+optional layout for area rando
        'Area': [
            'area_rando_layout.ips', 'door_transition.ips',
            'area_rando_doors.ips', 'Sponge_Bath_Blinking_Door',
            'east_ocean.ips', 'area_rando_warp_door.ips', 'crab_shaft.ips',
            'Save_Crab_Shaft', 'Save_Main_Street', 'no_demo.ips'
        # patches for boss rando
        'Bosses': ['door_transition.ips', 'no_demo.ips'],
        # patches for escape rando
        ['rando_escape.ips', 'rando_escape_ws_fix.ips', 'door_transition.ips'],
        # patches for  minimizer with fast Tourian
        'MinimizerTourian': ['minimizer_tourian.ips', 'open_zebetites.ips'],
        # patches for door color rando
        ['beam_doors_plms.ips', 'beam_doors_gfx.ips', 'red_doors.ips']

    def __init__(self, romFileName=None, magic=None, plando=False, player=0):
        self.log = utils.log.get('RomPatcher')
        self.romFileName = romFileName
        self.race = None
        self.romFile = RealROM(romFileName)
        #if magic is not None:
        #    from rom.race_mode import RaceModePatcher
        #    self.race = RaceModePatcher(self, magic, plando)
        # IPS_Patch objects list
        self.ipsPatches = []
        # loc name to alternate address. we still write to original
        # address to help the RomReader.
        self.altLocsAddresses = {}
        # specific fixes for area rando connections
        self.roomConnectionSpecific = {
            # fix scrolling sky when transitioning to west ocean
            0x93fe: self.patchWestOcean
        self.doorConnectionSpecific = {
            # get out of kraid room: reload CRE
            0x91ce: self.forceRoomCRE,
            # get out of croc room: reload CRE
            0x93ea: self.forceRoomCRE
        self.patchAccess = PatchAccess()
        self.player = player

    def end(self):

    def writeItemCode(self, item, visibility, address):
        itemCode = ItemManager.getItemTypeCode(item, visibility)
        if self.race is None:
            self.romFile.writeWord(itemCode, address)
            self.race.writeItemCode(itemCode, address)

    def getLocAddresses(self, loc):
        ret = [loc.Address]
        if loc.Name in self.altLocsAddresses:
        return ret

    def writeItem(self, itemLoc):
        loc = itemLoc.Location
        if loc.isBoss():
            raise ValueError('Cannot write Boss location')
        #print('write ' + itemLoc.Item.Type + ' at ' + loc.Name)
        for addr in self.getLocAddresses(loc):
            self.writeItemCode(itemLoc.Item, loc.Visibility, addr)

    def writeItemsLocs(self, itemLocs):
        self.nItems = 0
        for itemLoc in itemLocs:
            loc = itemLoc.Location
            item = itemLoc.Item
            if loc.isBoss():
            if item.Category != 'Nothing':
                self.nItems += 1
                if loc.Name == 'Morphing Ball':

    def writeSplitLocs(self, split, itemLocs, progItemLocs):
        majChozoCheck = lambda itemLoc: itemLoc.Item.Class == split and itemLoc.Location.isClass(
        fullCheck = lambda itemLoc: itemLoc.Location.Id is not None
        splitChecks = {
            lambda itemLoc: itemLoc.Item.Category not in
            ['Energy', 'Ammo', 'Boss']
        itemLocCheck = lambda itemLoc: itemLoc.Item.Category != "Nothing" and splitChecks[
        for area, addr in locIdsByAreaAddresses.items():
            locs = [
                il.Location for il in itemLocs
                if itemLocCheck(il) and il.Location.GraphArea == area
            self.log.debug("writeSplitLocs. area=" + area)
            self.log.debug(str([loc.Name for loc in locs]))
            for loc in locs:
        if split == "Scavenger":
            # write required major item order
            for itemLoc in progItemLocs:
                self.romFile.writeWord((itemLoc.Location.Id << 8)
                                       | itemLoc.Location.HUD)
            # bogus loc ID | "HUNT OVER" index

    # trigger morph eye enemy on whatever item we put there,
    # not just morph ball
    def patchMorphBallEye(self, item):
        #        print('Eye item = ' + item.Type)
        isAmmo = item.Category == 'Ammo'
        # category to check
        if ItemManager.isBeam(item):
            cat = 0xA8  # collected beams
        elif item.Type == 'ETank':
            cat = 0xC4  # max health
        elif item.Type == 'Reserve':
            cat = 0xD4  # max reserves
        elif item.Type == 'Missile':
            cat = 0xC8  # max missiles
        elif item.Type == 'Super':
            cat = 0xCC  # max supers
        elif item.Type == 'PowerBomb':
            cat = 0xD0  # max PBs
            cat = 0xA4  # collected items
        # comparison/branch instruction
        # the branch is taken if we did NOT collect item yet
        if item.Category == 'Energy' or isAmmo:
            comp = 0xC9  # CMP (immediate)
            branch = 0x30  # BMI
            comp = 0x89  # BIT (immediate)
            branch = 0xF0  # BEQ
        # what to compare to
        if item.Type == 'ETank':
            operand = 0x65  # < 100
        elif item.Type == 'Reserve' or isAmmo:
            operand = 0x1  # < 1
        elif ItemManager.isBeam(item):
            operand = item.BeamBits
            operand = item.ItemBits
        self.patchMorphBallCheck(0x1410E6, cat, comp, operand,
                                 branch)  # eye main AI
        self.patchMorphBallCheck(0x1468B2, cat, comp, operand,
                                 branch)  # head main AI

    def patchMorphBallCheck(self, offset, cat, comp, operand, branch):
        # actually patch enemy AI
        self.romFile.writeByte(cat, offset)
        self.romFile.writeByte(comp, offset + 2)

    def writeItemsNumber(self):
        # write total number of actual items for item percentage patch (patch the patch)
        for addr in [0x5E64E, 0x5E6AB]:
            self.romFile.writeByte(self.nItems, addr)

    def addIPSPatches(self, patches):
        for patchName in patches:

    def writePlmTable(self, plms, area, bosses, startLocation):
        # called when saving a plando
            if bosses == True or area == True:

            doors = self.getStartDoors(plms, area, None)
            self.writeDoorsColor(doors, self.player)
            self.applyStartAP(startLocation, plms, doors)

        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Error patching {}. ({})".format(
                self.romFileName, e))

    def applyIPSPatches(self,
                        startLocation="Landing Site",
            # apply standard patches
            stdPatches = []
            plms = []
            # apply race mode first because it fills the rom with a bunch of crap
            if self.race is not None:
            stdPatches += RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Standard'][:]
            if self.race is not None:
            if suitsMode != "Balanced":
            if suitsMode == "Progressive":
            if nerfedCharge == True:
            if nerfedRainbowBeam == True:
            if bosses == True or area == True:
                stdPatches += ["WS_Main_Open_Grey", "WS_Save_Active"]
            if bosses == True:
            if area == True or doorsColorsRando == True:
            if 'varia_hud.ips' in optionalPatches:
                # varia hud has its own variant of g4_skip for scavenger mode,
                # it can also make demos glitch out
            for patchName in stdPatches:

            if noLayout == False:
                # apply layout patches
                for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Layout']:
            if noVariaTweaks == False:
                # VARIA tweaks
                for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['VariaTweaks']:

            # apply optional patches
            for patchName in optionalPatches:
                if patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Optional']:

            # random escape
            if escapeAttr is not None:
                for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Escape']:
                # animals and timer
                self.applyEscapeAttributes(escapeAttr, plms)

            # apply area patches
            if area == True:
                for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Area']:
                    if areaLayoutBase == True and patchName in [
                            'Sponge_Bath_Blinking_Door', 'east_ocean.ips'
                if areaLayoutBase == True:

            if bosses == True:
                for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['Bosses']:
            if minimizerN is not None:
                if minimizerTourian == True:
                    for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['MinimizerTourian']:
            doors = self.getStartDoors(plms, area, minimizerN)
            if doorsColorsRando == True:
                for patchName in RomPatcher.IPSPatches['DoorsColors']:
                self.writeDoorsColor(doors, self.player)
            self.applyStartAP(startLocation, plms, doors)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Error patching {}. ({})".format(
                self.romFileName, e))

    def applyIPSPatch(self, patchName, patchDict=None, ipsDir=None):
        if patchDict is None:
            patchDict = self.patchAccess.getDictPatches()
        # print("Apply patch {}".format(patchName))
        if patchName in patchDict:
            patch = IPS_Patch(patchDict[patchName])
            # look for ips file
            if ipsDir is None:
                patch = IPS_Patch.load(
                patch = IPS_Patch.load(os.path.join(appDir, ipsDir, patchName))

    def applyIPSPatchDict(self, patchDict):
        for patchName in patchDict.keys():
            # print("Apply patch {}".format(patchName))
            patch = IPS_Patch(patchDict[patchName])

    def getStartDoors(self, plms, area, minimizerN):
        doors = [0x10]  # red brin elevator

        def addBlinking(name):
            key = 'Blinking[{}]'.format(name)
            if key in self.patchAccess.getDictPatches():
            if key in self.patchAccess.getAdditionalPLMs():

        if area == True:
            plms += [
                'Maridia Sand Hall Seal', "Save_Main_Street", "Save_Crab_Shaft"
            for accessPoint in Logic.accessPoints:
                if accessPoint.Internal == True or accessPoint.Boss == True:
            addBlinking("West Sand Hall Left")
            addBlinking("Below Botwoon Energy Tank Right")
        if minimizerN is not None:
            # add blinking doors inside and outside boss rooms
            for accessPoint in Logic.accessPoints:
                if accessPoint.Boss == True:
        return doors

    def applyStartAP(self, apName, plms, doors):
        ap = getAccessPoint(apName)
        # if start loc is not Ceres or Landing Site, or the ceiling loc picked up before morph loc,
        # Zebes will be awake and morph loc item will disappear.
        # this PLM ensures the item will be here whenever zebes awakes
        (w0, w1) = getWord(ap.Start['spawn'])
        if 'doors' in ap.Start:
            doors += ap.Start['doors']
        addr = 0x10F200
        patch = [w0, w1] + doors
        assert (addr +
                len(patch)) < 0x10F210, "Stopped before new_game overwrite"
        patchDict = {
            'StartAP': {
                addr: patch
        self.applyIPSPatch('StartAP', patchDict)
        # handle custom saves
        if 'save' in ap.Start:
        # handle optional rom patches
        if 'rom_patches' in ap.Start:
            for patch in ap.Start['rom_patches']:

    def applyEscapeAttributes(self, escapeAttr, plms):
        # timer
        escapeTimer = escapeAttr['Timer']
        if escapeTimer is not None:
            minute = int(escapeTimer / 60)
            second = escapeTimer % 60
            minute = int(minute / 10) * 16 + minute % 10
            second = int(second / 10) * 16 + second % 10
            patchDict = {'Escape_Timer': {0x1E21: [second, minute]}}
            self.applyIPSPatch('Escape_Timer', patchDict)
        # animals door to open
        if escapeAttr['Animals'] is not None:
            escapeOpenPatches = {
                'Green Brinstar Main Shaft Top Left':
                'Business Center Mid Left': "Escape_Animals_Open_Norfair",
                'Crab Hole Bottom Right': "Escape_Animals_Open_Maridia",
            if escapeAttr['Animals'] in escapeOpenPatches:
        # optional patches (enemies, scavenger)
        for patch in escapeAttr['patches']:

    # adds ad-hoc "IPS patches" for additional PLM tables
    def applyPLMs(self, plms):
        # compose a dict (room, state, door) => PLM array
        # 'PLMs' being a 6 byte arrays
        plmDict = {}
        # we might need to update locations addresses on the fly
        plmLocs = {}  # room key above => loc name
        additionalPLMs = self.patchAccess.getAdditionalPLMs()
        for p in plms:
            plm = additionalPLMs[p]
            room = plm['room']
            state = 0
            if 'state' in plm:
                state = plm['state']
            door = 0
            if 'door' in plm:
                door = plm['door']
            k = (room, state, door)
            if k not in plmDict:
                plmDict[k] = []
            plmDict[k] += plm['plm_bytes_list']
            if 'locations' in plm:
                locList = plm['locations']
                for locName, locIndex in locList:
                    plmLocs[(k, locIndex)] = locName
        # make two patches out of this dict
        plmTblAddr = 0x7E9A0  # moves downwards
        plmPatchData = []
        roomTblAddr = 0x7EC00  # moves upwards
        roomPatchData = []
        plmTblOffset = plmTblAddr

        def appendPlmBytes(bytez):
            nonlocal plmPatchData, plmTblOffset
            plmPatchData += bytez
            plmTblOffset += len(bytez)

        def addRoomPatchData(bytez):
            nonlocal roomPatchData, roomTblAddr
            roomPatchData = bytez + roomPatchData
            roomTblAddr -= len(bytez)

        for roomKey, plmList in plmDict.items():
            entryAddr = plmTblOffset
            roomData = []
            for i in range(len(plmList)):
                plmBytes = plmList[i]
                assert len(
                    plmBytes) == 6, "Invalid PLM entry for roomKey " + str(
                        roomKey) + ": PLM list len is " + str(len(plmBytes))
                if (roomKey, i) in plmLocs:
                    self.altLocsAddresses[plmLocs[(roomKey, i)]] = plmTblOffset
            appendPlmBytes([0x0, 0x0])  # list terminator

            def appendRoomWord(w, data):
                (w0, w1) = getWord(w)
                data += [w0, w1]

            for i in range(3):
                appendRoomWord(roomKey[i], roomData)
            appendRoomWord(entryAddr, roomData)
        # write room table terminator
        addRoomPatchData([0x0] * 8)
        assert plmTblOffset < roomTblAddr, "Spawn PLM table overlap"
        patchDict = {
            "PLM_Spawn_Tables": {
                plmTblAddr: plmPatchData,
                roomTblAddr: roomPatchData
        self.applyIPSPatch("PLM_Spawn_Tables", patchDict)

    def commitIPS(self):

    def writeSeed(self, seed):
        seedInfo = random.randint(0, 0xFFFF)
        seedInfo2 = random.randint(0, 0xFFFF)
        self.romFile.writeWord(seedInfo, 0x2FFF00)

    def writeMagic(self):
        if self.race is not None:

    def writeMajorsSplit(self, majorsSplit):
        address = 0x17B6C
        splits = {
            'Chozo': 'Z',
            'Major': 'M',
            'FullWithHUD': 'H',
            'Scavenger': 'S'
        char = splits.get(majorsSplit, 'F')
        self.romFile.writeByte(ord(char), address)

    def getItemQty(self, itemLocs, itemType):
        return len([
            il for il in itemLocs if il.Accessible and il.Item.Type == itemType

    def getMinorsDistribution(self, itemLocs):
        dist = {}
        minQty = 100
        minors = ['Missile', 'Super', 'PowerBomb']
        for m in minors:
            # in vcr mode if the seed has stuck we may not have these items, return at least 1
            q = float(max(self.getItemQty(itemLocs, m), 1))
            dist[m] = {'Quantity': q}
            if q < minQty:
                minQty = q
        for m in minors:
            dist[m]['Proportion'] = dist[m]['Quantity'] / minQty

        return dist

    def getAmmoPct(self, minorsDist):
        q = 0
        for m, v in minorsDist.items():
            q += v['Quantity']
        return 100 * q / 66

    def writeRandoSettings(self, settings, itemLocs):
        dist = self.getMinorsDistribution(itemLocs)
        totalAmmo = sum(d['Quantity'] for ammo, d in dist.items())
        totalItemLocs = sum(1 for il in itemLocs
                            if il.Accessible and not il.Location.isBoss())
        totalNothing = sum(1 for il in itemLocs
                           if il.Accessible and il.Item.Category == 'Nothing')
        totalEnergy = self.getItemQty(itemLocs, 'ETank') + self.getItemQty(
            itemLocs, 'Reserve')
        totalMajors = max(
            totalItemLocs - totalEnergy - totalAmmo - totalNothing, 0)
        address = 0x2736C0
        value = "{:>2}".format(totalItemLocs)
        line = " ITEM LOCATIONS              %s " % value
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40

        line = " item locations ............ %s " % value
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)
        address += 0x40

        maj = "{:>2}".format(int(totalMajors))
        htanks = "{:>2}".format(int(totalEnergy))
        ammo = "{:>2}".format(int(totalAmmo))
        blank = "{:>2}".format(int(totalNothing))
        line = "  MAJ %s EN %s AMMO %s BLANK %s " % (maj, htanks, ammo, blank)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40
        line = "  maj %s en %s ammo %s blank %s " % (maj, htanks, ammo, blank)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)
        address += 0x40

        pbs = "{:>2}".format(int(dist['PowerBomb']['Quantity']))
        miss = "{:>2}".format(int(dist['Missile']['Quantity']))
        supers = "{:>2}".format(int(dist['Super']['Quantity']))
        line = " AMMO PACKS  MI %s SUP %s PB %s " % (miss, supers, pbs)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40

        line = " ammo packs  mi %s sup %s pb %s " % (miss, supers, pbs)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)
        address += 0x40

        etanks = "{:>2}".format(int(self.getItemQty(itemLocs, 'ETank')))
        reserves = "{:>2}".format(int(self.getItemQty(itemLocs, 'Reserve')))
        line = " HEALTH TANKS         E %s R %s " % (etanks, reserves)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40

        line = " health tanks ......  e %s r %s " % (etanks, reserves)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)
        address += 0x80

        value = " " + "NA"  # settings.progSpeed.upper()
        line = " PROGRESSION SPEED ....%s " % value.rjust(8, '.')
        self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, line)
        address += 0x40

        line = " PROGRESSION DIFFICULTY %s " % value.rjust(
            7, '.')  # settings.progDiff.upper()
        self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, line)
        address += 0x80  # skip item distrib title

        param = (' SUITS RESTRICTION ........%s', 'Suits')
        line = param[0] % ('. ON' if settings.restrictions[param[1]] == True
                           else ' OFF')
        self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, line)
        address += 0x40

        value = " " + settings.restrictions['Morph'].upper()
        line = " MORPH PLACEMENT .....%s" % value.rjust(9, '.')
        self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, line)
        address += 0x40

        for superFun in [(' SUPER FUN COMBAT .........%s', 'Combat'),
                         (' SUPER FUN MOVEMENT .......%s', 'Movement'),
                         (' SUPER FUN SUITS ..........%s', 'Suits')]:
            line = superFun[0] % ('. ON' if superFun[1] in settings.superFun
                                  else ' OFF')
            self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, line)
            address += 0x40

        value = "%.1f %.1f %.1f" % (dist['Missile']['Proportion'],
        line = " AMMO DISTRIBUTION  %s " % value
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40

        line = " ammo distribution  %s " % value
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)
        address += 0x40

        # write ammo/energy pct
        address = 0x273C40
        (ammoPct, energyPct) = (int(self.getAmmoPct(dist)),
                                int(100 * totalEnergy / 18))
        line = " AVAILABLE AMMO {:>3}% ENERGY {:>3}%".format(
            ammoPct, energyPct)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=True)
        address += 0x40
        line = " available ammo {:>3}% energy {:>3}%".format(
            ammoPct, energyPct)
        self.writeCreditsStringBig(address, line, top=False)

    def writeSpoiler(self, itemLocs, progItemLocs=None):
        # keep only majors
        fItemLocs = [
            il for il in itemLocs
            if il.Item.Category not in ['Ammo', 'Nothing', 'Energy', 'Boss']
        # add location of the first instance of each minor
        for t in ['Missile', 'Super', 'PowerBomb']:
            itLoc = None
            if progItemLocs is not None:
                itLoc = next((il for il in progItemLocs if il.Item.Type == t),
            if itLoc is None:
                itLoc = next((il for il in itemLocs if il.Item.Type == t),
            if itLoc is not None:  # in vcr mode if the seed has stucked we may not have these minors
        regex = re.compile(r"[^A-Z0-9\.,'!: ]+")

        itemLocs = {}
        for iL in fItemLocs:
            itemLocs[iL.Item.Name] = iL.Location.Name

        def prepareString(s, isItem=True):
            s = s.upper()
            # remove chars not displayable
            s = regex.sub('', s)
            # remove space before and after
            s = s.strip()
            # limit to 30 chars, add one space before
            # pad to 32 chars
            if isItem is True:
                s = " " + s[0:30]
                s = s.ljust(32)
                s = " " + s[0:30] + " "
                s = " " + s.rjust(31, '.')

            return s

        isRace = self.race is not None
        startCreditAddress = 0x2f5240
        address = startCreditAddress
        if isRace:
            addr = address - 0x40
            data = [
                0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f,
                0x007f, 0x1008, 0x1013, 0x1004, 0x100c, 0x007f, 0x100b, 0x100e,
                0x1002, 0x1000, 0x1013, 0x1008, 0x100e, 0x100d, 0x1012, 0x007f,
                0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f, 0x007f
            for i in range(0x20):
                w = data[i]
                addr += 0x2
        # standard item order
        items = [
            "Missile", "Super Missile", "Power Bomb", "Charge Beam",
            "Ice Beam", "Wave Beam", "Spazer", "Plasma Beam", "Varia Suit",
            "Gravity Suit", "Morph Ball", "Bomb", "Spring Ball",
            "Screw Attack", "Hi-Jump Boots", "Space Jump", "Speed Booster",
            "Grappling Beam", "X-Ray Scope"
        displayNames = {}
        if progItemLocs is not None:
            # reorder it with progression indices
            prog = ord('A')
            idx = 0
            progNames = [
                il.Item.Name for il in progItemLocs
                if il.Item.Category != 'Boss'
            for i in range(len(progNames)):
                item = progNames[i]
                if item in items and item not in displayNames:
                    items.insert(idx, item)
                    displayNames[item] = chr(prog + i) + ": " + item
                    idx += 1
        for item in items:
            # super fun removes items
            if item not in itemLocs:
            display = item
            if item in displayNames:
                display = displayNames[item]
            itemName = prepareString(display)
            locationName = prepareString(itemLocs[item], isItem=False)

            self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, itemName, isRace)
            self.writeCreditsString((address + 0x40), 0x18, locationName,

            address += 0x80

        # we need 19 items displayed, if we've removed majors, add some blank text
        while address < startCreditAddress + len(items) * 0x80:
            self.writeCreditsString(address, 0x04, prepareString(""), isRace)
            self.writeCreditsString((address + 0x40), 0x18, prepareString(""),

            address += 0x80

        self.patchBytes(address, [0, 0, 0, 0], isRace)

    def writeCreditsString(self, address, color, string, isRace=False):
        array = [self.convertCreditsChar(color, char) for char in string]
        self.patchBytes(address, array, isRace)

    def writeCreditsStringBig(self, address, string, top=True):
        array = [self.convertCreditsCharBig(char, top) for char in string]
        self.patchBytes(address, array)

    def convertCreditsChar(self, color, byte):
        if byte == ' ':
            ib = 0x7f
        elif byte == '!':
            ib = 0x1F
        elif byte == ':':
            ib = 0x1E
        elif byte == '\\':
            ib = 0x1D
        elif byte == '_':
            ib = 0x1C
        elif byte == ',':
            ib = 0x1B
        elif byte == '.':
            ib = 0x1A
            ib = ord(byte) - 0x41

        if ib == 0x7F:
            return 0x007F
            return (color << 8) + ib

    def convertCreditsCharBig(self, byte, top=True):
        # from: https://jathys.zophar.net/supermetroid/kejardon/TextFormat.txt
        # 2-tile high characters:
        # A-P = $XX20-$XX2F(TOP) and $XX30-$XX3F(BOTTOM)
        # Q-Z = $XX40-$XX49(TOP) and $XX50-$XX59(BOTTOM)
        # ' = $XX4A, $XX7F
        # " = $XX4B, $XX7F
        # . = $XX7F, $XX5A
        # 0-9 = $XX60-$XX69(TOP) and $XX70-$XX79(BOTTOM)
        # % = $XX6A, $XX7A

        if byte == ' ':
            ib = 0x7F
        elif byte == "'":
            if top == True:
                ib = 0x4A
                ib = 0x7F
        elif byte == '"':
            if top == True:
                ib = 0x4B
                ib = 0x7F
        elif byte == '.':
            if top == True:
                ib = 0x7F
                ib = 0x5A
        elif byte == '%':
            if top == True:
                ib = 0x6A
                ib = 0x7A

        byte = ord(byte)
        if byte >= ord('A') and byte <= ord('P'):
            ib = byte - 0x21
        elif byte >= ord('Q') and byte <= ord('Z'):
            ib = byte - 0x11
        elif byte >= ord('a') and byte <= ord('p'):
            ib = byte - 0x31
        elif byte >= ord('q') and byte <= ord('z'):
            ib = byte - 0x21
        elif byte >= ord('0') and byte <= ord('9'):
            if top == True:
                ib = byte + 0x30
                ib = byte + 0x40

        return ib

    def patchBytes(self, address, array, isRace=False):
        for w in array:
            if not isRace:

    # write area randomizer transitions to ROM
    # doorConnections : a list of connections. each connection is a dictionary describing
    # - where to write in the ROM :
    # DoorPtr : door pointer to write to
    # - what to write in the ROM :
    # RoomPtr, direction, bitflag, cap, screen, distanceToSpawn : door properties
    # * if SamusX and SamusY are defined in the dict, custom ASM has to be written
    #   to reposition samus, and call doorAsmPtr if non-zero. The written Door ASM
    #   property shall point to this custom ASM.
    # * if not, just write doorAsmPtr as the door property directly.
    def writeDoorConnections(self, doorConnections):
        asmAddress = 0x7F800
        for conn in doorConnections:
            # write door ASM for transition doors (code and pointers)
            #            print('Writing door connection ' + conn['ID'])
            doorPtr = conn['DoorPtr']
            roomPtr = conn['RoomPtr']
            if doorPtr in self.doorConnectionSpecific:
            if roomPtr in self.roomConnectionSpecific:
            self.romFile.seek(0x10000 + doorPtr)

            # write room ptr
            self.romFile.writeWord(roomPtr & 0xFFFF)

            # write bitflag (if area switch we have to set bit 0x40, and remove it if same area)

            # write direction

            # write door cap x

            # write door cap y

            # write screen x

            # write screen y

            # write distance to spawn
            self.romFile.writeWord(conn['distanceToSpawn'] & 0xFFFF)

            # write door asm
            asmPatch = []
            # call original door asm ptr if needed
            if conn['doorAsmPtr'] != 0x0000:
                # endian convert
                (D0, D1) = (conn['doorAsmPtr'] & 0x00FF,
                            (conn['doorAsmPtr'] & 0xFF00) >> 8)
                asmPatch += [0x20, D0, D1]  # JSR $doorAsmPtr
            # special ASM hook point for VARIA needs when taking the door (used for animals)
            if 'exitAsmPtr' in conn:
                # endian convert
                (D0, D1) = (conn['exitAsmPtr'] & 0x00FF,
                            (conn['exitAsmPtr'] & 0xFF00) >> 8)
                asmPatch += [0x20, D0, D1]  # JSR $exitAsmPtr
            # incompatible transition
            if 'SamusX' in conn:
                # endian convert
                (X0, X1) = (conn['SamusX'] & 0x00FF,
                            (conn['SamusX'] & 0xFF00) >> 8)
                (Y0, Y1) = (conn['SamusY'] & 0x00FF,
                            (conn['SamusY'] & 0xFF00) >> 8)
                # force samus position
                # see door_transition.asm. assemble it to print routines SNES addresses.
                asmPatch += [0x20, 0x00, 0xF6]  # JSR incompatible_doors
                asmPatch += [0xA9, X0, X1
                             ]  # LDA #$SamusX        ; fixed Samus X position
                asmPatch += [
                    0x8D, 0xF6, 0x0A
                ]  # STA $0AF6           ; update Samus X position in memory
                asmPatch += [0xA9, Y0, Y1
                             ]  # LDA #$SamusY        ; fixed Samus Y position
                asmPatch += [
                    0x8D, 0xFA, 0x0A
                ]  # STA $0AFA           ; update Samus Y position in memory
                # still give I-frames
                asmPatch += [0x20, 0x40, 0xF6]  # JSR giveiframes
            # return
            asmPatch += [0x60]  # RTS
            self.romFile.writeWord(asmAddress & 0xFFFF)

            for byte in asmPatch:
            # print("asmAddress=%x" % asmAddress)
            # print("asmPatch=" + str(["%02x" % b for b in asmPatch]))

            asmAddress += len(asmPatch)
            # update room state header with song changes
            # TODO just do an IPS patch for this as it is completely static
            #      this would get rid of both 'song' and 'songs' fields
            #      as well as this code
            if 'song' in conn:
                for addr in conn["songs"]:
                    self.romFile.seek(0x70000 + addr)

    # change BG table to avoid scrolling sky bug when transitioning to west ocean
    def patchWestOcean(self, doorPtr):
        self.romFile.writeWord(doorPtr, 0x7B7BB)

    # forces CRE graphics refresh when exiting kraid's or croc room
    def forceRoomCRE(self, roomPtr, creFlag=0x2):
        # Room ptr in bank 8F + CRE flag offset
        offset = 0x70000 + roomPtr + 0x8
        self.romFile.writeByte(creFlag, offset)

    buttons = {
        "Select": [0x00, 0x20],
        "A": [0x80, 0x00],
        "B": [0x00, 0x80],
        "X": [0x40, 0x00],
        "Y": [0x00, 0x40],
        "L": [0x20, 0x00],
        "R": [0x10, 0x00],
        "None": [0x00, 0x00]

    controls = {
        "Shoot": [0xb331, 0x1722d],
        "Jump": [0xb325, 0x17233],
        "Dash": [0xb32b, 0x17239],
        "Item Select": [0xb33d, 0x17245],
        "Item Cancel": [0xb337, 0x1723f],
        "Angle Up": [0xb343, 0x1724b],
        "Angle Down": [0xb349, 0x17251]

    # write custom contols to ROM.
    # controlsDict : possible keys are "Shot", "Jump", "Dash", "ItemSelect", "ItemCancel", "AngleUp", "AngleDown"
    #                possible values are "A", "B", "X", "Y", "L", "R", "Select", "None"
    def writeControls(self, controlsDict):
        for ctrl, button in controlsDict.items():
            if ctrl not in RomPatcher.controls:
                raise ValueError("Invalid control name : " + str(ctrl))
            if button not in RomPatcher.buttons:
                raise ValueError("Invalid button name : " + str(button))
            for addr in RomPatcher.controls[ctrl]:
                self.romFile.writeByte(RomPatcher.buttons[button][0], addr)

    def writePlandoAddresses(self, locations):
        for loc in locations:
            self.romFile.writeWord(loc.Address & 0xFFFF)

        # fill remaining addresses with 0xFFFF
        maxLocsNumber = 128
        for i in range(0, maxLocsNumber - len(locations)):

    def writePlandoTransitions(self, transitions, doorsPtrs, maxTransitions):

        for (src, dest) in transitions:

        # fill remaining addresses with 0xFFFF
        for i in range(0, maxTransitions - len(transitions)):

    def enableMoonWalk(self):
        # replace STZ with STA since A is non-zero at this point
        self.romFile.writeByte(0x8D, 0xB35D)

    def setOamTile(self, nth, middle, newTile, y=0xFC):
        # an oam entry is made of five bytes: (s000000 xxxxxxxxx) (yyyyyyyy) (YXpp000t tttttttt)

        # after and before the middle of the screen is not handle the same
        if nth >= middle:
            x = (nth - middle) * 0x08
            x = 0x200 - (0x08 * (middle - nth))

        self.romFile.writeWord(0x3100 + newTile)

    def writeVersion(self, version, addRotation=False):
        # max 32 chars

        # new oamlist address in free space at the end of bank 8C
        self.romFile.writeWord(0xF3E9, 0x5a0e3)
        self.romFile.writeWord(0xF3E9, 0x5a0e9)

        # string length
        versionLength = len(version)
        if addRotation:
            rotationLength = len('rotation')
            length = versionLength + rotationLength
            length = versionLength
        self.romFile.writeWord(length, 0x0673e9)
        versionMiddle = int(versionLength / 2) + versionLength % 2

        # oams
        for (i, char) in enumerate(version):
            self.setOamTile(i, versionMiddle, char2tile[char])

        if addRotation:
            rotationMiddle = int(rotationLength / 2) + rotationLength % 2
            for (i, char) in enumerate('rotation'):
                self.setOamTile(i, rotationMiddle, char2tile[char], y=0x8e)

    def writeDoorsColor(self, doors, player):
        DoorsManager.writeDoorsColor(self.romFile, doors, player)
예제 #17

def move8tile(srcGfx, dstGfx, srcAddr, dstAddr):
    bytes = srcGfx.readBytes(0x20, srcAddr)
    dstGfx.writeBytes(bytes, 0x20, dstAddr)

def move16tile(srcGfx, dstGfx, srcAddr, dstAddr):
    move8tile(srcGfx, dstGfx, srcAddr, dstAddr)
    move8tile(srcGfx, dstGfx, srcAddr + 0x20, dstAddr + 0x20)
    move8tile(srcGfx, dstGfx, srcAddr + 0x200, dstAddr + 0x200)
    move8tile(srcGfx, dstGfx, srcAddr + 0x200 + 0x20, dstAddr + 0x200 + 0x20)

variagfx = RealROM(variagfx)
vanillagfx = RealROM(vanillagfx)

# move tiles to match vanilla layout
for tile in tiles:
    if tile['size'] == 16:
        move16tile(variagfx, vanillagfx, tile['src'], tile['dst'])
        move8tile(variagfx, vanillagfx, tile['src'], tile['dst'])


# update palette
variapal = RealROM(variapal)
vanillarom = RealROM(vanillarom)
import sys, os

# we're in directory 'tools/' we have to update sys.path

# extract ship tiles & layout & palette from hack, generate an ips in the end.

from rom.rom import RealROM, snes_to_pc
from rom.compression import Compressor

vanilla = sys.argv[1]

tileAddr = snes_to_pc(0x95A82F)
tilemapAddr = snes_to_pc(0x96FE69)

vanillaRom = RealROM(vanilla)

_, tileData = Compressor().decompress(vanillaRom, tileAddr)
_, tilemapData = Compressor().decompress(vanillaRom, tilemapAddr)

tileBytes = [b.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little') for b in tileData]
with open('ship7.gfx', 'wb') as ship:
    for byte in tileBytes:

tilemapBytes = [b.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little') for b in tilemapData]
with open('ship7.tilemap', 'wb') as tilemap:
    for byte in tilemapBytes:

print("ship7.gfx and ship7.tilemap extracted")
예제 #19
 def __init__(self, romFileName, magic=None):
     super(RomLoaderSfc, self).__init__()
     realROM = RealROM(romFileName)
     self.romReader = RomReader(realROM, magic)

import sys, os, json, hashlib

# we're in directory 'tools/' we have to update sys.path

from rom.rom import RealROM, snes_to_pc, pc_to_snes
from rom.rompatcher import MusicPatcher, RomTypeForMusic
from utils.parameters import appDir
from utils.utils import removeChars

seed = sys.argv[1]
baseDir = os.path.join(appDir + '/..', 'varia_custom_sprites', 'music')
rom = RealROM(seed)
p = MusicPatcher(rom, RomTypeForMusic.VariaSeed, baseDir=baseDir)
vanillaTracks = p.vanillaTracks
allTracks = p.allTracks
tableAddr = p.musicDataTableAddress - 3
nspcMetaPath = os.path.join(baseDir, "nspc_metadata.json")
with open(nspcMetaPath, "r") as f:
    nspcMeta = json.load(f)

def readNspcData(rom, addr):
    # songs can have two tracks
    nspcCount = 0
    step = 0
    data = []
    maxSize = 64 * 1024