예제 #1
            return 'Did you mean to write something on the paper?'
            'You write "%s" on the paper and feel a magical shift occur.' %
            "&nD%s writes something on the paper and vanishes before your eyes!"
            % cons.user.id, cons.user)
        del self.location.exits['west']
            self.location.exits['west'] = self.written_on
        except KeyError:
                'The text on the paper morphs back into the word "woods".')
            self.written_on = 'woods'
            self.location.exits['west'] = Thing.ID_dict[self.written_on]
        self.long_desc = 'This magical paper says "%s" on it.' % self.written_on
        return True

waterfall = Room('waterfall')
    'beautiful waterfall base',
    'This is a beautiful waterfall base. From here you can stand and look at the rushing waterfall. This place makes you feel peaceful inside and happy. You will always remember this place.'
waterfall.add_adjectives('waterfall', 'beautiful', 'special')
waterfall.add_names('place', 'base')
waterfall.add_exit('west', 'woods')

paper = PlaceChooser('magic paper', 'trunk of a tree')
예제 #2
wizardry_transporter = TransportRoom('learn wizardry', central_fountain)

central_fountain.set_description('central square', 'This is a central square at the intersection of two major roads. You see stores to the south, government buildings to the north, houses to the east, and a sign for a wizardry school to the west.')
government_entrences.set_description('cobbled street', 'This is a cobbled street with many government buildings on the side. There are many doors to a variety of buildings. To the south you see the central fountain, while to the north the street continues.')
south_shopping_one.set_description('street covered with shops', 'This is a street covered with shops on two stories--ground floor and the floor above. To get to the higher shops you must fly, which is made possible by the sapphires you see mounted in the roadway. A restaurant called "Gathernia" catches your eye.') #TODO: Auto generate more shops (like books on the bookshelf)
restraunt_one.set_description('busy restaurant named Gathernia', 'This is a busy restaurant named "Gathernia". Here you see many people eating and talking.')

central_fountain.add_exit('north', government_entrences.id)
central_fountain.add_exit('south', south_shopping_one.id)
government_entrences.add_exit('south', central_fountain.id)
south_shopping_one.add_exit('north', central_fountain.id)
restraunt_one.add_exit('out', south_shopping_one.id)

south_shopping_one.add_enter('gathernia', restraunt_one.id)

central_fountain.add_adjectives('busy', 'central')
government_entrences.add_adjectives('dark', 'cobbled')
south_shopping_one.add_adjectives('lively', 'bright', 'busy')


fountain = Scenery('fountain', 'crystal clear fountain', 'This is studded with gems in the center. All of the water coming out of the fountain is crystal clear.')
fountain.add_adjectives('gem-studded', 'crystal','clear')

silemon = DeepPocketSignUpWizard(government_entrences)

for i in range(1, 6):
    table = Container('table')
    table.set_description("wooden table numbered %s" % i, "This is a slightly battered wooden table at the restraunt. It has a number %s on it." % i)