예제 #1
from root import RootWindow
from datapicker import DataPicker
from typepicker import TypePicker
from exportbutton import ExportButton
from advancedplot import AdvancedPlot

root = RootWindow()
root.dataPicker = DataPicker(root)
root.typePicker = TypePicker(root)
root.exportButton = ExportButton(root)
root.advancedPlot = AdvancedPlot(root)

# root
    # dataPicker
        # allGames []
        # allGameNames.get()
        # allGameFileNames []
        # also assigned all players and teams their _name.
        # curatedTeamNames.get() list in box
        # curatedPlayerNames.get()
        # gameBox.curselection() list of selected (number) - allGames
        # teamBox.curselection() - curatedTeamNames
        # playerBox.curselection() - curatedPlayerNames
    # typePicker
        # plotOvertime.get() 1/0