예제 #1
class EventInfo(TreeModel):
    runnumber = IntCol()
    evtnumber = IntCol()
    lumiblock = IntCol()
    npv = IntCol()
    mu = FloatCol()
    chain_EF_tau20_medium1 = IntCol()
    chain_EF_tauNoCut = IntCol()
    chain_L2_tauNoCut = IntCol()
    chain_L1_TAU8 = IntCol()
    chain_L1_TAU11I = IntCol()
    chain_L2_tau18Ti_loose2_e18vh_medium1 = IntCol(-1111)

    def set(cls, this, other):
        this.runnumber = other.RunNumber
        this.evtnumber = other.EventNumber
        this.lumiblock = other.lbn
        this.npv = other.evt_calcVars_numGoodVertices
        this.mu = other.averageIntPerXing
        this.chain_EF_tau20_medium1 = other.EF_tau20_medium1
        this.chain_EF_tauNoCut = other.EF_tauNoCut
        this.chain_L2_tauNoCut = other.L2_tauNoCut
        this.chain_L1_TAU8 = other.L1_TAU8
        this.chain_L1_TAU11I = other.L1_TAU11I
예제 #2
class TrueTau(FourMomentum):
    nProng = IntCol(default=-1111)
    nPi0 = IntCol(default=-1111)
    charge = IntCol(default=-1111)
    vis_pt = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    vis_p = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    vis_et = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    vis_e = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    vis_eta = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    vis_phi = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    vis_m = FloatCol(default=-1111.)

    def set(cls, this, other):
        FourMomentum.set(this, other)
        this.nProng = other.nProng
        this.nPi0 = other.nPi0
        this.charge = other.charge
        this.vis_pt = other.fourvect_vis.Pt()
        this.vis_p = other.fourvect_vis.P()
        this.vis_et = other.fourvect_vis.Et()
        this.vis_e = other.fourvect_vis.E()
        this.vis_m = other.fourvect_vis.M()
        with ignore_warning:
            this.vis_eta = other.fourvect_vis.Eta()
            this.vis_phi = other.fourvect_vis.Phi()
예제 #3
class Tau(FourMomentum, MatchedObject):
    A tau is a matchable four-momentum
    with a number of tracks and a charge
    numtrack = IntCol()
    charge = IntCol()
예제 #4
class EventModel(TreeModel):
    runnumber = IntCol()
    evtnumber = IntCol()
    weight = FloatCol()
    hadhad = IntCol() # 1 or 0
    lephad = IntCol() # 1 or 0
    leplep = IntCol() # 1 or 0
예제 #5
파일: savers.py 프로젝트: vladkrylov/STRT
 class rEvent(TreeModel):
     id = IntCol()
     xhits = stl.vector("float")
     yhits = stl.vector("float")
     nHits = IntCol()
     nTracks = IntCol()
     nGoodTracks = IntCol()
예제 #6
class TrueTau(FourMomentum + FourMomentum.prefix('full_')):
    nProng = IntCol(default=-1111)
    nPi0 = IntCol(default=-1111)
    charge = IntCol()
    flavor = CharCol()
    pdgId = IntCol(default=-1111)
    index = IntCol()
    eta_centrality = FloatCol() 
    collinear_momentum_fraction= FloatCol() 


    def set_full(cls, this, other):
        if isinstance(other, TLorentzVector):
            vect = other
            vect = other.fourvect
        this.full_pt = vect.Pt()
        this.full_p = vect.P()
        this.full_et = vect.Et()
        this.full_e = vect.E()
        this.full_m = vect.M()
        with ignore_warning:
            this.full_phi = vect.Phi()
            this.full_eta = vect.Eta()
예제 #7
class TrueJetBlock(TrueJet.prefix('jet1_') + TrueJet.prefix('jet2_')):

    dEta_jet1_jet2 = FloatCol(default = -9999)
    eta_product_jets = FloatCol(default = -9999)
    eta_product_jets_boosted = FloatCol(default = -9999)
    mass_jet1_jet2 = FloatCol(default = -9999) 
    jet_beta = Vector3
    numJets = IntCol()
    #num_true_jets_no_overlap =IntCol()

    def set(cls, tree, jet1, jet2):
        if jet1 is not None:
            tree.jet1.index = jet1.index
            FourMomentum.set(tree.jet1, jet1)
        if jet2 is not None:
            tree.jet2.index = jet2.index
            FourMomentum.set(tree.jet2, jet2)
            tree.dEta_jet1_jet2 = abs(jet1.eta - jet2.eta)
            tree.eta_product_jets = jet1.eta * jet2.eta
            tree.eta_product_jets_boosted = (jet1.fourvect_boosted.Eta() * jet2.fourvect_boosted.Eta())

            tree.mass_jet1_jet2 = (jet1.fourvect + jet2.fourvect).M()
예제 #8
 class Event(TreeModel):
     data = FloatCol()
     forecast = FloatCol()  #FloatArrayCol(mulmax)
     year = IntCol()
     month = IntCol()
     day = IntCol()
     hour = IntCol()
예제 #9
 class OpDet(TreeModel):
     eventid = IntCol()
     id = IntCol()
     NTDC = IntCol()
     NS_PER_TDC = FloatCol()
     adc = FloatArrayCol(GPUDaqUBooNE.NTDC)
     q = FloatCol()
     t = FloatCol()
예제 #10
class Track(FourMomentum):
    d0 = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    z0 = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    nBLHits = IntCol(default=-1111)
    nPixHits = IntCol(default=-1111)
    nSCTHits = IntCol(default=-1111)
    nTRTHits = IntCol(default=-1111)
    nHits = IntCol(default=-1111)
예제 #11
class Event(TreeModel):
    # def __init__(self):
        iEvents = IntCol()
        nFinalParticles = IntCol()
        # num_vals = IntCol()
        px = DoubleArrayCol(ARRAY_LENGTH)
        py = DoubleArrayCol(ARRAY_LENGTH)
        pz = DoubleArrayCol(ARRAY_LENGTH)
        energy = DoubleArrayCol(ARRAY_LENGTH)
예제 #12
class RecoTau(FourMomentum + CaloTau + TrackTau + CaloTrackTau +
    index = IntCol(default=-1)
    BDTloose = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    BDTmedium = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    BDTtight = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    index_matched_true = IntCol(default=-1)
    index_matched_EF = IntCol(default=-1)
    index_matched_L1 = IntCol(default=-1)
예제 #13
class CaloTau(TreeModel):
    PSSFraction = FloatCol(-1111.)
    nStrip = IntCol(-1111)
    nEffStripCells = FloatCol(-1111.)
    corrCentFrac = FloatCol(-1111.)
    centFrac = FloatCol(-1111.)
    isolFrac = FloatCol(-1111.)
    EMRadius = FloatCol(-1111.)
    HadRadius = FloatCol(-1111.)
    EMEnergy = FloatCol(-1111.)
    HadEnergy = FloatCol(-1111.)
    CaloRadius = FloatCol(-1111.)
    stripWidth2 = FloatCol(-1111.)
    numTopoClusters = IntCol(-1111)
    numEffTopoClusters = FloatCol(-1111.)
    topoInvMass = FloatCol(-1111.)
    effTopoInvMass = FloatCol(-1111.)
    topoMeanDeltaR = FloatCol(-1111.)
    effTopoMeanDeltaR = FloatCol(-1111.)
    lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE = FloatCol(-1111.)
    lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE = FloatCol(-1111.)
    EMFractionAtEMScale = FloatCol(-1111.)
    HADFractionAtEMScale = FloatCol(-1111.)

    def set(cls, this, other):
        this.PSSFraction = other.calcVars_PSSFraction
        this.nStrip = other.seedCalo_nStrip
        this.corrCentFrac = other.calcVars_corrCentFrac
        this.centFrac = other.seedCalo_centFrac
        this.isolFrac = other.seedCalo_isolFrac
        this.EMRadius = other.seedCalo_EMRadius
        this.HadRadius = other.seedCalo_hadRadius
        this.EMEnergy = other.seedCalo_etEMAtEMScale
        this.HadEnergy = other.seedCalo_etHadAtEMScale
        this.CaloRadius = (this.EMRadius * this.EMEnergy +
                           this.HadRadius * this.HadEnergy)
        this.stripWidth2 = other.seedCalo_stripWidth2
        this.numTopoClusters = other.numTopoClusters
        this.numEffTopoClusters = other.numEffTopoClusters
        this.topoInvMass = other.topoInvMass
        this.effTopoInvMass = other.effTopoInvMass
        this.topoMeanDeltaR = other.topoMeanDeltaR
        this.effTopoMeanDeltaR = other.effTopoMeanDeltaR
        this.lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE = other.seedCalo_lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE
        this.lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE = other.seedCalo_lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE
        this.EMFractionAtEMScale = other.calcVars_EMFractionAtEMScale
        seedCalo_et = other.seedCalo_etEMAtEMScale + other.seedCalo_etHadAtEMScale
        this.HADFractionAtEMScale = 0 if seedCalo_et == 0 else other.seedCalo_etHadAtEMScale / (
예제 #14
class Event(TreeModel):
    nevents = IntCol()
    npv = IntCol()
    n_AK8 = IntCol()
    n_Higgs = IntCol()
    n_Top = IntCol()
    n_AK8MatchedToHiggs = IntCol()
    n_AK8MatchedToTop = IntCol()
    m_tH = IntCol()
    m_W = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name="n_Top")
    m_Top = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name="n_Top")
    m_Higgs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name="n_Higgs")

    pt_AK8 = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8')
    eta_AK8 = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8')
    phi_AK8 = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8')
    e_AK8 = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8')

    pt_Higgs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Higgs')
    eta_Higgs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Higgs')
    phi_Higgs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Higgs')
    e_Higgs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Higgs')

    pt_Top = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Top')
    eta_Top = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Top')
    phi_Top = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Top')
    e_Top = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Top')

    pt_W = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Top')
    eta_W = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Top')
    phi_W = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Top')
    e_W = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_Top')

    pt_MatchedHiggs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToHiggs')
    eta_MatchedHiggs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToHiggs')
    phi_MatchedHiggs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToHiggs')
    e_MatchedHiggs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToHiggs')
    m_MatchedHiggs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToHiggs')

    pt_MatchedTop = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToTop')
    eta_MatchedTop = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToTop')
    phi_MatchedTop = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToTop')
    e_MatchedTop = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToTop')
    m_MatchedTop = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToTop')

    pt_AK8MatchedToHiggs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToHiggs')
    eta_AK8MatchedToHiggs = FloatArrayCol(10,
    phi_AK8MatchedToHiggs = FloatArrayCol(10,
    e_AK8MatchedToHiggs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToHiggs')
    m_AK8MatchedToHiggs = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToHiggs')

    pt_AK8MatchedToTop = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToTop')
    eta_AK8MatchedToTop = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToTop')
    phi_AK8MatchedToTop = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToTop')
    e_AK8MatchedToTop = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToTop')
    m_AK8MatchedToTop = FloatArrayCol(10, length_name='n_AK8MatchedToTop')
예제 #15
class GenTree(TreeModel):

    p_NuGen = FloatCol()
    pt_NuGen = FloatCol()
    phi_NuGen = FloatCol()
    eta_NuGen = FloatCol()
    theta_NuGen = FloatCol()
    px_NuGen = FloatCol()
    py_NuGen = FloatCol()
    pz_NuGen = FloatCol()
    vx_NuGen = FloatCol()
    vy_NuGen = FloatCol()
    vz_NuGen = FloatCol()
    vx_SecGen = FloatCol()
    vy_SecGen = FloatCol()
    vz_SecGen = FloatCol()
    vx_PVReco = FloatCol()
    vy_PVReco = FloatCol()
    vz_PVReco = FloatCol()
    vx_SecReco = FloatCol()
    vy_SecReco = FloatCol()
    vz_SecReco = FloatCol()
    dx_SecReco = FloatCol()
    dy_SecReco = FloatCol()
    dz_SecReco = FloatCol()
    d3D_SecReco = FloatCol()
    vx_SecReco_T = FloatCol()
    vy_SecReco_T = FloatCol()
    vz_SecReco_T = FloatCol()
    dx_SecReco_T = FloatCol()
    dy_SecReco_T = FloatCol()
    dz_SecReco_T = FloatCol()
    d3D_SecReco_T = FloatCol()
    num_looseMuons = IntCol()
    num_tightMuons = IntCol()
    num_promptMuons = IntCol()
    num_muonsLoose_noPrompt = IntCol()
    num_muonsTight_noPrompt = IntCol()
    dist_allVtx = FloatCol()
    muon_vtx_dxy = FloatCol()
    muon_vtx_dz = FloatCol()
    muonT_vtx_dxy = FloatCol()
    muonT_vtx_dz = FloatCol()
    muonPrompt_pt = FloatCol()
    muonPrompt_px = FloatCol()
    muonPrompt_py = FloatCol()
    muonPrompt_pz = FloatCol()
    muonPrompt_eta = FloatCol()
예제 #16
class EmbeddingModel(TreeModel):
    # embedding corrections
    embedding_reco_unfold = FloatCol(default=1.)
    embedding_trigger_weight = FloatCol(default=1.)
    embedding_dimuon_mass = FloatCol()
    embedding_isolation = IntCol()
    embedding_spin_weight = FloatCol(default=1.)
예제 #17
파일: letponInJet.py 프로젝트: jpriscia/HNL
class GenTree(TreeModel):

        p_NuGen = FloatCol()
        pt_NuGen = FloatCol()
        phi_NuGen = FloatCol()
        eta_NuGen = FloatCol()
        theta_NuGen = FloatCol()
        px_NuGen = FloatCol()
        py_NuGen = FloatCol()
        pz_NuGen = FloatCol()
        vx_NuGen = FloatCol()
        vy_NuGen = FloatCol()
        vz_NuGen = FloatCol()

        deltaR_HNL = FloatCol()
        #jet_HNL_p = FloatCol()
        jet_HNL_pt = FloatCol()
        jet_HNL_eta = FloatCol()
        jet_HNL_phi = FloatCol()

        deltaR_muon = FloatCol()
        #jet_muon_p = FloatCol()
        jet_muon_pt = FloatCol()
        jet_muon_eta = FloatCol()
        jet_muon_phi = FloatCol()
        frac_HNLjet = FloatCol()
        frac_muonjet = FloatCol()
        numbOfDaughters = IntCol()
예제 #18
파일: savers.py 프로젝트: vladkrylov/STRT
 class rTrack(TreeModel):
     id = IntCol()
     event_id = IntCol()
     hit_indices = stl.vector("int")
     residuals = stl.vector("float")
     lincoords = stl.vector("float")
     color = IntCol()
     length = FloatCol()
     rho = FloatCol()
     theta = FloatCol()
     x0 = FloatCol()
     y0 = FloatCol()
     x1 = FloatCol()
     y1 = FloatCol()
     nHits = IntCol()
     R2 = FloatCol()
     is_good = IntCol()
예제 #19
class Event(Jet.prefix('jet1_'), Jet.prefix('jet2_'), Tau.prefix('tau1_'),
    An event is composed of two jets and two taus
    an event number and some missing transverse energy
    eventnumber = IntCol()
    missingET = Vector2
예제 #20
class Event(TreeModel):
    # properties of particle "a"
    a_x = FloatCol()
    a_y = FloatCol()
    a_z = FloatCol()
    # properties of particle "b"
    b_x = FloatCol()
    b_y = FloatCol()
    b_z = FloatCol()
    # a collection of particles
    col_x = stl.vector("float")
    col_y = stl.vector("float")
    col_z = stl.vector("float")
    col_n = IntCol()
    # a TLorentzVector
    p = LorentzVector
    i = IntCol()
예제 #21
class Event(TreeModel):
    s = CharCol()
    string = CharArrayCol(5)
    x = FloatCol()
    y = FloatCol()
    z = FloatCol()
    f = FloatArrayCol(5)
    i = IntCol()
예제 #22
class Event(TreeModel):
    # derived variables
    mass_MMC = FloatCol()
    mass_transverse_met_lep = FloatCol()
    mass_vis = FloatCol()
    pt_h = FloatCol()
    deltaeta_jet_jet = FloatCol()
    mass_jet_jet = FloatCol()
    prodeta_jet_jet = FloatCol()
    deltar_tau_lep = FloatCol()
    pt_tot = FloatCol()
    sum_pt = FloatCol()
    pt_ratio_lep_tau = FloatCol()
    met_phi_centrality = FloatCol()
    lep_eta_centrality = FloatCol()

    # tau variables
    tau_pt = FloatCol()
    tau_eta = FloatCol()
    tau_phi = FloatCol()

    # lepton variables
    lep_pt = FloatCol()
    lep_eta = FloatCol()
    lep_phi = FloatCol()

    # met variables
    met = FloatCol()
    met_phi = FloatCol()
    met_sumet = FloatCol()

    # other
    jet_num = IntCol()

    jet_leading_pt = FloatCol()
    jet_leading_eta = FloatCol()
    jet_leading_phi = FloatCol()

    jet_subleading_pt = FloatCol()
    jet_subleading_eta = FloatCol()
    jet_subleading_phi = FloatCol()

    jet_all_pt = FloatCol()

    Htautau = IntCol()
예제 #23
class TrackTau(TreeModel):
    numTrack = IntCol(default=-1111)
    nWideTrk = IntCol(default=-1111)
    nOtherTrk = IntCol(default=-1111)
    ipSigLeadTrk = FloatCol(-1111.)
    trFlightPathSig = FloatCol(-1111.)
    massTrkSys = FloatCol(-1111.)
    dRmax = FloatCol(-1111.)

    def set(cls, this, other):
        this.numTrack = other.numTrack
        this.nWideTrk = other.seedCalo_nWideTrk
        this.nOtherTrk = other.otherTrk_n
        this.ipSigLeadTrk = other.ipSigLeadTrk
        this.trFlightPathSig = other.trFlightPathSig
        this.massTrkSys = other.massTrkSys
        this.dRmax = other.seedCalo_dRmax
class EcalVetoEvent(TreeModel):
    evtNum = IntCol()
    pnWeight = FloatCol()
    trigPass = BoolCol()
    nReadoutHits = IntCol()
    summedDet = FloatCol()
    summedTightIso = FloatCol()
    maxCellDep = FloatCol()
    showerRMS = FloatCol()
    xStd = FloatCol()
    yStd = FloatCol()
    avgLayerHit = FloatCol()
    stdLayerHit = FloatCol()
    deepestLayerHit = IntCol()
    discValue = FloatCol()
    recoilPx = FloatCol()
    recoilPy = FloatCol()
    recoilPz = FloatCol()
    recoilX = FloatCol()
    recoilY = FloatCol()
    fiducial = BoolCol()
    hcalenergy = FloatCol()
    leadhadpid = IntCol()
    leadhadke = FloatCol()
    leadhadthetaz = FloatCol()
    nelectrons = IntCol()
    ele0P = FloatArrayCol(3)
    ele1P = FloatArrayCol(3)
    ele0PosSP = FloatArrayCol(3)
    ele1PosSP = FloatArrayCol(3)
    trigEnergy = FloatCol()
    ele0TotalEnergies = FloatArrayCol(34)
    ele1TotalEnergies = FloatArrayCol(34)
    photonTotalEnergies = FloatArrayCol(34)
    overlapTotalEnergies = FloatArrayCol(34)
    overlapPlusPhotonTotalEnergies = FloatArrayCol(34)
    outsideTotalEnergies = FloatArrayCol(34)
    outsideTotalNHits = FloatArrayCol(34)
    outsideMinusPhotonTotalEnergies = FloatArrayCol(34)
    outsideMinusPhotonTotalNHits = FloatArrayCol(34)
    outsideXmeans = FloatArrayCol(34)
    outsideYmeans = FloatArrayCol(34)
    outsideXstds = FloatArrayCol(34)
    outsideYstds = FloatArrayCol(34)
예제 #25
class Event(TreeModel):
    s = CharCol()
    string = CharArrayCol(5)
    x = FloatCol()
    y = FloatCol()
    z = FloatCol()
    f = FloatArrayCol(5)
    num_vals = IntCol()
    # variable-length array
    vals = FloatArrayCol(5, length_name='num_vals')
예제 #26
파일: models.py 프로젝트: aashaqshah/hhntup
class TrueTau(FourMomentum + FourMomentum.prefix('vis_')):
    nProng = IntCol(default=-1111)
    nPi0 = IntCol(default=-1111)
    charge = IntCol()

    def set_vis(cls, this, other):
        if isinstance(other, TLorentzVector):
            vect = other
            vect = other.fourvect
        this.vis_pt = vect.Pt()
        this.vis_p = vect.P()
        this.vis_et = vect.Et()
        this.vis_e = vect.E()
        this.vis_m = vect.M()
        with ignore_warning:
            this.vis_phi = vect.Phi()
            this.vis_eta = vect.Eta()
예제 #27
class HitEvent(TreeModel):

    # Integers for number of fit, and number of event
    fitNum = IntCol()
    eventNum = IntCol()

    # Doubles for fitted and true alignment for this fit
    fittedAlignment = DoubleCol()
    trueAlignment = DoubleCol()

    # Doubles for track parameters
    fittedTrackGrad = DoubleCol()
    fittedTrackInt = DoubleCol()
    trueTrackGrad = DoubleCol()
    trueTrackInt = DoubleCol()

    # Doubles for true and fitted hit distances
    trueHitDistance = DoubleCol()
    fittedHitDistance = DoubleCol()

    # Indexes for position of wire hit
    moduleNum = IntCol()
    planeNum = IntCol()
    layerNum = IntCol()
    wireNum = IntCol()
예제 #28
class ClusterBasedTau(TreeModel):
    pi0BDTPrimary = FloatCol(-1111.)
    pi0BDTSecondary = FloatCol(-1111.)
    pi0_ptratio = FloatCol(-1111.)
    pi0_vistau_m = FloatCol(-1111.)
    pi0_n = IntCol(-1111)
    clbased_pt = FloatCol(-1111.)

    def set(cls, this, other):
        this.pi0BDTPrimary = other.calcVars_pi0BDTPrimaryScore
        this.pi0BDTSecondary = other.calcVars_pi0BDTSecondaryScore
        this.pi0_ptratio = other.pi0_vistau_pt / other.pt
        this.pi0_vistau_m = other.pi0_vistau_m
        this.pi0_n = other.pi0_n
        this.clbased_pt = other.fourvect_clbased.Pt()
예제 #29
    class PhotonData(TreeModel):
        end_x = FloatCol()
        end_y = FloatCol()
        end_z = FloatCol()
        reflect_diffuse = IntCol()
        reflect_specular = IntCol()
        bulk_scatter = IntCol()
        bulk_absorb = IntCol()
        surface_detect = IntCol()
        surface_absorb = IntCol()
        surface_reemit = IntCol()

        def reset(self):
            self.reflect_diffuse = 0
            self.reflect_specular = 0
            self.bulk_scatter = 0
            self.bulk_absorb = 0
            self.surface_detect = 0
            self.surface_absorb = 0
            self.surface_reemit = 0
예제 #30
class Event(TreeModel):

    x = stl.vector('TLorentzVector')
    i = IntCol()