예제 #1
    def __init__(self, num, addr, raw):
        (raw) is the raw string of the instructions of the gadget 
        # irsb is an array of BARF instructions
        # ins is an array of Assembly instructions
            (irsb, ins) = Analysis.getIR(raw, addr)
        except Exception as e:
            raise GadgetException(str(e.msg))

        # Some strings representations
        self.asmStr = "; ".join(str(i) for i in ins)
        self.hexStr = "\\x" + "\\x".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in raw)
        # Initializing the memory in Z3 for this gadget
        memorySMT = Array("MEM", BitVecSort(REGSIZE.size), BitVecSort(8))
        self.addr = addr  # int
        # Get the string for the address, depends on the architecture size
        self.addrStr = '0x' + format(
            addr, '0' + str(Analysis.ArchInfo.bits / 4) + 'x')
        self.graph = Graph()
        self.regCount = {
        }  # Keys are integers, values are integers. regCount[2] = 0 <=> R2_0 have appeared but R2_1 not yet
        self.spInc = None  # How much have Stack Pointer been incremented by
        self.num = num  # Identifier or the gadget
        self.normalRet = None  # True iff the gadgets ends up by a normal ret; instruction
        self.nbInstr = 0  # Number of REIL instructions of this gadget
        self.dep = None
        self.valuesTable = {}  # Used dinamically when building graph
        # Building graph and computing the dependencies
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, num, addr, raw):
        (raw) is the raw string of the instructions of the gadget 
        # irsb is an array of BARF instructions
        # ins is an array of Assembly instructions

        if (raw in analyzed_raw_to_gadget):
            self._copy_gadget(num, addr, analyzed_raw_to_gadget[raw])
            # Check for 'int 0x80' gadgets
            if (raw == '\xcd\x80'):
                self.num = num
                self.sort = GadgetSort.INT80
                self.asmStr = 'int 0x80'
                self.hexStr = '\\xcd\\x80'
                self.addr = addr
                self.addrStr = '0x' + format(
                    addr, '0' + str(Analysis.ArchInfo.bits / 4) + 'x')
                self.dep = GadgetDependencies()
            # Check for 'syscall' gadgets
            elif (raw == '\x0f\x05'):
                self.num = num
                self.sort = GadgetSort.SYSCALL
                self.asmStr = 'syscall'
                self.hexStr = '\\x0f\\x05'
                self.addr = addr
                self.addrStr = '0x' + format(
                    addr, '0' + str(Analysis.ArchInfo.bits / 4) + 'x')
                self.dep = GadgetDependencies()

            # Build regular gadget
                (irsb, ins) = Analysis.getIR(raw, addr)
            except Analysis.AnalysisException as e:
                raise GadgetException(str(e))

            self.sort = GadgetSort.REGULAR
            self.duplicate = None  # If the gadget is a copy of another gadget, then self.duplicate = pointer to the original gadget !
            # Some strings representations
            self.ins = ins  # List of instructions
            self.asmStr = "; ".join(str(i) for i in ins)
            self.hexStr = "\\x" + "\\x".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c))
                                             for c in raw)
            self.addr = addr  # int
            # Get the string for the address, depends on the architecture size
            self.addrStr = '0x' + format(
                addr, '0' + str(Analysis.ArchInfo.bits / 4) + 'x')
            self.regCount = {
            }  # Keys are integers, values are integers. regCount[2] = 0 <=> R2_0 have appeared but R2_1 not yet
            self.spInc = None  # How much have Stack Pointer been incremented by
            self.num = num  # Identifier or the gadget
            self.ret = RetType.UNKNOWN  # Type of the last instruction of the gadget (ret, call, ... )
            self.retValue = None  # (int) register to jmp to if ret is CALL_REG or JMP_REG
            self.nbInstr = 0  # Number of REIL instructions of this gadget
            self.dep = None
            self.valuesTable = {}  # Used dinamically when building graph
            self.validPreConstraint = None  # If the preconstraint is valid or not
            self.preConstraint = None
            # Building graph and computing the dependencies
            self.graph = Graph()
            analyzed_raw_to_gadget[raw] = self