예제 #1
파일: node.py 프로젝트: guevvy561/homebot
    def _read_raw_packet(self):
        Reads a raw line of data from the Arduino.
        with self._serial_read_lock:
            data = (self._serial.readline() or '').strip()
#             self._serial.reset_input_buffer()

        if data:
            self.print('read raw data:', data)
            if data[0] == c.ID_HASH:
                # Check for new hash.
                    self.expected_hash = int(data[1:].strip())
                except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
            elif self.expected_hash:
                # Validate packet.
                packet = Packet.from_string(data)
                if packet.hash != self.expected_hash:
                    #                     if self.verbose:
                    self.print('Invalid packet read due to hash mismatch:',
                    data = ''

        if data:
            # Record a successful read.
            self.last_read = time.time()

        return data
예제 #2
파일: node.py 프로젝트: guevvy561/homebot
    def _read_packet(self):
        Reads a packet from the Arduino.
        data = self._read_raw_packet()
        if data:
            packet = Packet.from_string(data)

            # Keep a receipt of when we receive acknowledgments so the write thread
            # knows when to stop waiting.
            if packet.data == c.OK:
                with self._acks_lock:
                    self._acks[packet.id] = time.time()

            # Record pong so we know Arduino is still alive.
#             if packet.id == c.ID_PONG:
#                 self.last_pong = time.time()

            self.read_count += 1

            if packet.non_get_id in c.ALL_IDS:
                self.packet_counts[packet.non_get_id] += 2
            return packet