def measuredCPCallBack(self, data): msg = igtlpoint() = "Measured" msg.pointdata = Point(data.pose.position.x * m_to_mm, data.pose.position.y * m_to_mm, data.pose.position.z * m_to_mm) self.igtl_point_pub.publish(msg) if self.record_started and self.curr_location < self.num_fiducials: print(self.counter) # convert pose to array self.pose[self.curr_location, self.counter, :, :] = rosPoseToArray(data.pose) self.counter += 1 # check for length if self.counter >= self.num_data: self.counter = 0 self.record_started = False x_avg = self.pose[self.curr_location, :, 0, 3].mean() y_avg = self.pose[self.curr_location, :, 1, 3].mean() z_avg = self.pose[self.curr_location, :, 2, 3].mean() self.registration_point[self.curr_location, :] = np.array( [x_avg, y_avg, z_avg]) self.igtl_point_pub.publish(msg) self.curr_location += 1 printMenu()
def servoCPCallBack(self, data): msg = igtlpoint() = "Servo" msg.pointdata = Point(data.pose.position.x * m_to_mm, data.pose.position.y * m_to_mm, data.pose.position.z * m_to_mm) self.igtl_point_pub.publish(msg)
def main(): ADC.setup() cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('IGTL_POINT_OUT', igtlpoint) rospy.init_node('cmd', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz Pointmsg = igtlpoint() # Pointname = "received" while(1):"received" potVal=potVal0*1.8 Pointmsg.pointdata.x=float(potVal) Pointmsg.pointdata.y=float(potVal) Pointmsg.pointdata.z=float(potVal) cmd_pub.publish(Pointmsg) sleep(1)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('dvrk_slicer') self._mtml = DvrkArm('MTML') self._mtmr = DvrkArm('MTMR') self._mtmr_pos_pre = None self._mtml_pos_pre = None self._footpedals = DvrkFootPedals() self._cam_transform = Frame() self._probe_transform = Frame() self._igtl_cam_trans = igtltransform() = 'CameraTransform' self._igtl_cam_trans.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 self._igtl_probe_trans = igtltransform() = 'ProbeTransform' self._igtl_probe_trans.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 self._igtl_fiducial_point = igtlpoint() = 'ENTRY' self._fiducial_offset = Frame(Rotation().RPY(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0)) self._igtl_text = igtlstring() self._igtl_cam_trans_pub = rospy.Publisher('/IGTL_TRANSFORM_OUT', igtltransform, queue_size=1) self._igtl_probe_trans_pub = rospy.Publisher('/IGTL_TRANSFORM_OUT', igtltransform, queue_size=1) self._igtl_fiducial_pub = rospy.Publisher('/IGTL_POINT_OUT', igtlpoint, queue_size=1) self._igtl_status_pub = rospy.Publisher('/IGTL_TEXT_OUT', igtlstring, queue_size=1) self._rate = rospy.Rate(120) self._pub_msg_pairs = dict() self._pub_msg_pairs[self._igtl_cam_trans_pub] = self._igtl_cam_trans self._pub_msg_pairs[self._igtl_probe_trans_pub] = self._igtl_probe_trans self._pub_msg_pairs[self._igtl_fiducial_pub] = self._igtl_fiducial_point # self._pub_msg_pairs[self._igtl_status_pub] = self._igtl_text self._fiducial_placement_modes = ['ENTRY', 'TARGET'] self._fiducial_placement_active_mode = 0 self._cam_init_pose_computed = False self._r_init_pos = Vector() self._l_init_pos = Vector() self._init_vec = Vector()
def igtl_exporter(): rospy.init_node('igtl_exporter', anonymous=True) pub_igtl_point_out = rospy.Publisher('IGTL_POINT_OUT', igtlpoint, queue_size=10) moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) ## Instantiate a `RobotCommander`_ object. Provides information such as the robot's ## kinematic model and the robot's current joint states robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() ## Instantiate a `PlanningSceneInterface`_ object. This provides a remote interface ## for getting, setting, and updating the robot's internal understanding of the ## surrounding world: scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() ## Instantiate a `MoveGroupCommander`_ object. This object is an interface ## to a planning group (group of joints). ## This interface can be used to plan and execute motions: group_name = "ur5" move_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(group_name) listener = tf.TransformListener() rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): wpose = move_group.get_current_pose().pose end = Point() end.x = wpose.position.x * 1000 end.y = wpose.position.y * 1000 end.z = wpose.position.z * 1000 end_effector = igtlpoint() = "Pose" end_effector.pointdata = end pub_igtl_point_out.publish(end_effector) rospy.loginfo(end_effector) rate.sleep()
def igtl_exporter(): rospy.init_node('igtl_exporter', anonymous=True) pub_igtl_point_out = rospy.Publisher('IGTL_POINT_OUT', igtlpoint, queue_size=10) #pub_igtl_transform_out = rospy.Publisher('IGTL_TRANSFORM_OUT', igtltransform, queue_size=10) moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) #rospy.init_node('move_group_python_interface_tutorial', anonymous=True) ## Instantiate a `RobotCommander`_ object. Provides information such as the robot's ## kinematic model and the robot's current joint states robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() ## Instantiate a `PlanningSceneInterface`_ object. This provides a remote interface ## for getting, setting, and updating the robot's internal understanding of the ## surrounding world: scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() ## Instantiate a `MoveGroupCommander`_ object. This object is an interface ## to a planning group (group of joints). In this tutorial the group is the primary ## arm joints in the Panda robot, so we set the group's name to "panda_arm". ## If you are using a different robot, change this value to the name of your robot ## arm planning group. ## This interface can be used to plan and execute motions: group_name = "ur5" move_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(group_name) ## Create a `DisplayTrajectory`_ ROS publisher which is used to display ## trajectories in Rviz: # display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/move_group/display_planned_path', # moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, # queue_size=20) # Misc variables #self.box_name = '' # self.robot = robot # self.scene = scene # self.move_group = move_group # self.display_trajectory_publisher = display_trajectory_publisher #self.planning_frame = planning_frame #self.eef_link = eef_link #self.group_names = group_names listener = tf.TransformListener() rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): wpose = move_group.get_current_pose().pose end = Point() end.x = wpose.position.x * 1000 end.y = wpose.position.y * 1000 end.z = wpose.position.z * 1000 end_effector = igtlpoint() = "Pose" end_effector.pointdata = end pub_igtl_point_out.publish(end_effector) rospy.loginfo(end_effector) #log_str = "igtl_exporter %s" % rospy.get_time() #rospy.loginfo(log_str) #pub.publish(log_str) rate.sleep()