def export(output_dir, bag_file): data = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(bag_file) bag_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bag_file))[0] output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) # for c in data.columns: # print c for chart in CHARTS: # Filter series # Drop rows where all values are missing # Resample: # - reduces amount of data # - reduces gaps in data (gives a nicer chart) chart_df = data.filter(items=chart["series"]).dropna(axis=0, how="all").resample('100L', how="first") if chart_df.columns.size > 0: path = os.path.join(output_dir, bag_name, chart["name"]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) print "Exporting chart %s to %s" % (chart["name"], path) os.chdir(path) vis = bearcart.Chart(chart_df) vis.create_chart(html_path=HTML_FILE, data_path=DATA_FILE, js_path=JS_FILE, css_path=CSS_FILE)
def plot_pid_performance(file): df = rpd.bag_to_dataframe(file) ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) ax1.plot(df.index, df.current_velocity__twist_linear_x, '-o', df.index, df.twist_cmd__twist_linear_x, '-o') plt.ylabel('Vehicle Speed (m/s)') plt.legend(['Actual', 'Demand']) ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3, sharex=ax1) ax2.plot(df.index, df.vehicle_throttle_cmd__pedal_cmd, '-o', df.index, df.vehicle_brake_cmd__pedal_cmd, '-o') plt.ylabel('-') plt.legend(['Throttle', 'Brake']) ax3 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2, sharex=ax1) ax3.plot(df.index, df.current_velocity__twist_angular_z, '-o', df.index, df.twist_cmd__twist_angular_z, '-o') plt.ylabel('Yaw Rate (rad/s)') plt.legend(['Actual', 'Demand']) # ax4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4, sharex=ax1) # ax4.plot(df.index, df.vehicle_steering_cmd__steering_wheel_angle_cmd, '-o') # plt.ylabel('Steering Angle (rad)') ax4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4, sharex=ax1) ax4.plot(df.index, df.speed_control_diag__error, '-o') plt.ylabel('Error')
def test_numbers_3_4(): df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe('data/rosout.bag') assert set(df) == { '/rosout/file', '/rosout/function', '/rosout/header/frame_id', '/rosout/header/seq', '/rosout/header/stamp/nsecs', '/rosout/header/stamp/secs', '/rosout/level', '/rosout/line', '/rosout/msg', '/rosout/name', '/rosout/topics/0' }
def update_df(self, image_keys): sample_freq = '{:0.4f}S'.format(1.0 / self.sample_freq_hz) df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(bag_name=self.bag_path, include=self.bag_topics) # Bin and resample image and drive command frames in order to gain # cleanly labeled data. Sample frequency should be less than # or equal to the most infrequent data sequence (e.g. images are # typically collected at ~30hz) self.df = df.resample(sample_freq).last().dropna()
def bag2pickle(paths=None, defaultPath="/home/rhagoletis/catkin/src/World/bags/"): ''' Load bag filesto make into respective dataframes ''' # defaultPath="/home/rhagoletis/catkin/src/World/bags/" if paths is None: paths = easygui.fileopenbox(title="Bags to Dataframes" , default=defaultPath, multiple=True, filetypes=["*traj.bag"]) print paths, "\n" metadata = None tic() i = 1 for path in paths: tic() print "starting analysis of file %s , %s / %s files" % (path.split('/')[-1], i, len(paths)) try: df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(path, include=['/trajectory']) except Exception as e: print "Bag has some nonetype error", path, e df = None parameters = None picklepath = None continue bag = rosbag.Bag(path) try: for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics='/metadata'): a = msg # parameters=json.loads( # metadata={"meta":parameters} metadata = json.loads( parameters = metadata['parameters'] except: print "no such file!, trying the pickle" try: metadata = depickler(paths[0].split('.bag')[0]) except IOError: metadata = depickler(paths[0].split('.bag')[0] + '.pickle') parameters = metadata['parameters'] obj = dict(df=df, metadata=metadata) picklepath = path + "_df.pickle" pickler(obj, picklepath) # df.to_pickle(picklepath) i += 1 toc() print "\nanalysis of %s files complete" % len(paths) return df, parameters, picklepath
def parse_single_run(bag_file, csv_convert=False): yaml_info = rosbag_pandas.get_bag_info(bag_file) df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(bag_file) df['time'] = (df.index - df.index[0]) / np.timedelta64(1, 's') df.index = df['time'] new_col_names = [] for column in df.columns.values: new_col_names.append(column.split('bb_controller_status__')[-1]) df.columns = new_col_names if csv_convert: csv_file_name = os.path.splitext(yaml_info["path"])[0] + '.csv' df.to_csv(csv_file_name) return df
def main(): global IS_BAG_TO_CSV global bag_index INFO_FLAG = True # ipdb.set_trace() rospy.init_node("topic_recorder", anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber("/tag_multimodal", Tag_MultiModal, callback_multimodal) if not os.path.isdir(hardcoded_data.bag_save_path): os.makedirs(hardcoded_data.bag_save_path) csv_index = 1 #ipdb.set_trace() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if TOPIC_START_FLAG and INFO_FLAG: print "Start to subscribe to topic /tag_multimodal" INFO_FLAG = False if IS_BAG_TO_CSV: print "HI" #ipdb.set_trace() csv_index = bag_index - 1 dataframe = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( os.path.join(hardcoded_data.bag_save_path, str(csv_index), 'tag_multimodal.bag')) df = dataframe[[ 'tag_multimodal__endpoint_state_pose_position_x', 'tag_multimodal__endpoint_state_pose_position_y', 'tag_multimodal__endpoint_state_pose_position_z', 'tag_multimodal__endpoint_state_pose_position_x', 'tag_multimodal__endpoint_state_pose_orientation_x', 'tag_multimodal__endpoint_state_pose_orientation_y', 'tag_multimodal__endpoint_state_pose_orientation_z', 'tag_multimodal__endpoint_state_pose_orientation_w', 'tag_multimodal__wrench_stamped_wrench_force_x', 'tag_multimodal__wrench_stamped_wrench_force_y', 'tag_multimodal__wrench_stamped_wrench_force_z', 'tag_multimodal__wrench_stamped_wrench_torque_x', 'tag_multimodal__wrench_stamped_wrench_torque_y', 'tag_multimodal__wrench_stamped_wrench_torque_z', 'tag_multimodal__tag' ]] df.to_csv( os.path.join(hardcoded_data.bag_save_path, str(csv_index), 'tag_multimodal.csv')) rospy.loginfo("csv transform finished !!") IS_BAG_TO_CSV = False
def _load_bag_data(self, file): bag = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(file) bag = bag.rename(columns={ self.topic + '__data': 'data', self.topic + '__format': 'format' }) df = bag[bag['format'].notnull()] self.image_data = df['data'].values self.num_images = self.image_data.size (self.width, self.height) =[0])).size assert self.width == 856 and self.height == 480, "Unexpected image dimensions (%d, %d)" % ( self.width, self.height)
def do_work(bag, include, exclude, output, fill, header): # covert a lenght one value to a regex if include is not None and len(include) == 1: include = include[0] # covert a lenght one value to a regex if exclude is not None and len(exclude) == 1: exclude = exclude[0] df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(bag, include=include, exclude=exclude, parse_header=header) if fill: df = df.ffill().bfill() if output is None: base, _ = os.path.splitext(bag) output = base + '.csv' df = rosbag_pandas.clean_for_export(df) df.to_csv(output)
def write_kalibr_yaml(filename, imu_topic, camera_file, camera_model): """ Writing yaml file for kalibr based on imu_topic and camera_file """ df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(filename, include=imu_topic, exclude=None, parse_header=True) df_mat = df.values imu_quaternion = df_mat[:, -4:] print imu_quaternion.shape imu_euler = ut.quat2euler(imu_quaternion) Ric = ut.euler2mat(*imu_euler[0]) Rci = Ric.T T_cam_imu = np.zeros((4, 4)) T_cam_imu[0:3, 0:3] = Rci T_cam_imu[3, 3] = 1 print ('The first IMU recording on the camera indicate the rotation of imu\' \'when placed on the camera in i frame:\n {}'.format(Ric)) print ('equivalenty the imu in camera frame will be Rci:\n {} '.format(Rci)) bag = rosbag.Bag(filename) sel_imgs_array, sel_imgs_index, timeshift = bp.get_timeshift_imu_images(bag, image_topic, imu_topic) print ('timeshift between imu and image recordings:\n\' \'{}'.format(timeshift)) model = 'omni' dist_model = 'radtan' K, dist_coef, intrinsics = ut.import_calib(camera_file, camera_model) #N = 320 #M = 260 N = K['width'] M = K['height'] print('width {}, height {}'.format(N, M)) bp.write_yaml(model, intrinsics, dist_model, dist_coef, T_cam_imu, timeshift, N, M, 'camchain.yaml')
def print_benchmark_table(include_rosbag_pandas=True, repeat=True): benchmarks.setup() bagnames = ["points_1k.bag", "points_1m.bag", "points_10m.bag"] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=bagnames) if include_rosbag_pandas: rosbag_pandas_times = [] for bagname in tqdm(bagnames): rosbag_pandas_times.append( timeit_auto(lambda: rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( ROOT_DIR + "/bags/" + bagname), repeat=repeat)) df = df.append( pd.Series(rosbag_pandas_times, index=bagnames, name="rosbag_pandas")) fast_rosbag_pandas_times = [] for bagname in tqdm(bagnames): fast_rosbag_pandas_times.append( timeit_auto(lambda: fast_rosbag_pandas.rosbag_to_dataframe( ROOT_DIR + "/bags/" + bagname, "points"), repeat=repeat)) df = df.append( pd.Series(fast_rosbag_pandas_times, index=bagnames, name="fast_rosbag_pandas")) df = df.transpose() # Add comparison if include_rosbag_pandas: df["Speedup"] = df["rosbag_pandas"] / df["fast_rosbag_pandas"] print( tabulate( df, tablefmt="pipe", headers=[ "rosbag_pandas (s)", "fast_rosbag_pandas (s)", "speedup factor" ], floatfmt=(".4f", ".4f", ".4f", ".1f"), ))
def read_data_bagfile(self, bagname, exclude=None, include='/base/odometry_controller/odometry'): ''' read data from a bagfile generated with ros :param bagname: path to bagfile :param exclude: exclude topics (regular expression possible) :param include: include topics (regular expression possible) :return: -- ''' global m_A global n_A df = rp.bag_to_dataframe(bagname, include=include, exclude=exclude, seconds=True) fieldnames = [] for dat in inc = include[1:] + '__' fieldnames.append( (inc.replace('/', '_') + dat[6:]).replace('.', '_')) fieldnames[2] = 'index' # save fieldnames from dataframe to matrix A A = df.reset_index()[[ fieldnames[i] for i in xrange(2, fieldnames.__len__()) ]].as_matrix() # dummy data for '%time' and 'field.header.stamp', because both are not necessary B = np.ones([A.shape[0], 2]) # put data matrix A and dummy matrix B together A = np.concatenate((B, A), axis=1) # set time to start at 0s A[:, AD.FHS] = A[:, AD.FHS] - A[0, AD.FHS] m_A, n_A = A.shape self.A = A print 'Time of Interval: {:.4f} [s]'.format(self.A[-1, AD.FHS] - self.A[0, AD.FHS])
### Create directory to save evaluation plots to set parent_dir = "/home/nasib/datasets/evaluated" path_plots = os.path.join(parent_dir, set_of_bags) os.mkdir(path_plots) ### End ### Specify path to directory containing rosbags for evaluation bag_path = "/home/nasib/datasets/rosbags/evaluation_sets/" + set_of_bags files_list = os.listdir(bag_path) print(files_list) file_path = bag_path + '/' + file plot_file = strip_name(file) ### Load all different topics into separate DataFrames df_mpc_weights = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( file_path, include=['/peregrine/mpc_costs']) ### Create time column for every DataFrame create_timecolumn(df_mpc_weights, '/peregrine/mpc_costs') ### Plot all relevant information'seaborn-whitegrid') fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1) fig.suptitle(plot_file) fig.set_size_inches(h=14, w=21) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.9, wspace=0.25, hspace=0.25)
def read_data(self): df = rbpd.bag_to_dataframe(self._data_path) df.head()
def export(output_dir, bag_file): data = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(bag_file) bag_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bag_file))[0] output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) #data = data.truncate(before="20150319 13:38:30", after="20150319 13:39:00") #data = data.truncate(before="20150319 14:53:30", after="20150319 14:54:30") # for c in data.columns: # print c for chart in CHARTS: # Filter series # Drop rows where all values are missing # Resample: # - reduces amount of data # - reduces gaps in data (gives a nicer chart) chart_df = data.filter(items=chart["series"]).dropna( axis=0, how="all").resample('100L', how="first") if chart_df.columns.size > 0: path = os.path.join(output_dir, bag_name, chart["name"]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) print "Exporting chart %s to %s" % (chart["name"], path) os.chdir(path) vis = bearcart.Chart(chart_df) vis.create_chart(html_path=HTML_FILE, data_path=DATA_FILE, js_path=JS_FILE, css_path=CSS_FILE) # # KML export # base = utm.fromLatLong(47.388650, 8.033269, 368) chart_df = data.filter(items=KML_SERIES).dropna( axis=0, how="all").resample('100L', how="first") if chart_df.columns.size > 0: mavros = KML_SERIES[0] in chart_df.columns path = os.path.join(output_dir, bag_name + '.kml') print "Exporting KML to %s" % (path) fid = open(path, 'w') fid.write(kmlhead(bag_name)) for row_index, row in chart_df.iterrows(): x = base.easting y = base.northing a = base.altitude # if (math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[0]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[1]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[2]])): # print "found nan" # print row if mavros and not (math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[0]]) or math.isnan( row[KML_SERIES[1]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[2]])): x = row[KML_SERIES[0]] y = row[KML_SERIES[1]] a = row[KML_SERIES[2]] elif not mavros and not (math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[3]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[4]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[5]])): x = x + row[KML_SERIES[3]] y = y + row[KML_SERIES[4]] a = a - row[KML_SERIES[5]] else: continue p = utm.UTMPoint(x, y,, fid.write("%f,%f,%f " % (p.longitude, p.latitude, a)) fid.write(kmltail("absolute")) fid.close()
def evaluate_benchmark(file_in, do_plot): vis = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(file_in, include="/pose_visual") man = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(file_in, include="/pose_estimation") timediff = (vis.index[0] - man.index[0]).total_seconds() ref = pd.read_pickle('reference_poses.pkl') vis = vis.set_index((vis.index - vis.index[0]).total_seconds() + timediff) k = 0 count = 0 errDist = 0 errAng = 0 for row in vis.itertuples(): while row.Index > ref.iloc[[k]].index: k += 1 if not (ref['pose_estimation__x'].iloc[[k]].values == 0 or math.isnan(ref['pose_estimation__x'].iloc[[k]])): errX = row.pose_visual__x - ref['pose_estimation__x'].iloc[[ k ]].values errY = row.pose_visual__y - ref['pose_estimation__y'].iloc[[ k ]].values errrotZ = row.pose_visual__rotZ - ref[ 'pose_estimation__rotZ'].iloc[[k]].values errDist += (errX**2 + errY**2)**(0.5) errAng += abs(errrotZ) count += 1 avgerrD = (errDist / count) avgerrR = (errAng / count) * 180 / math.pi pts_map = np.zeros((3)) k = 0 batime = 0 for topic, msg, t in rosbag.Bag(file_in).read_messages(): if topic == "/benchmark": batime += msg.BA_times_pass1 batime += msg.BA_times_pass2 pts_map[k] = msg.pts_map k += 1 if do_plot: refplot = ref.ix[145:325] visplot = vis.ix[145:325] f, (axx, axy, axr) = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True) refpose = axx.plot(refplot.index, refplot['pose_estimation__x'], label='True Posesk') vispose = axx.plot(visplot.index, visplot['pose_visual__x'], label='Visual Estimationsk') axy.plot(refplot.index, refplot['pose_estimation__y']) axy.plot(visplot.index, visplot['pose_visual__y']) axr.plot(refplot.index, refplot['pose_estimation__rotZ'] * 180 / math.pi) axr.plot(visplot.index, visplot['pose_visual__rotZ'] * 180 / math.pi) axx.set_title('X') axx.set_ylabel('Position [m]') axy.set_title('Y') axy.set_ylabel('Position [m]') axr.set_title('rotZ') axr.set_ylabel('Orientation [$\degree$]') axr.set_xlabel("Time [s]") axr.legend(('True pose', 'Visual estimation'), 'bottom left') fig2 = plt.figure() axxyy = fig2.add_subplot(111) axxyy.scatter(ref['pose_estimation__y'], ref['pose_estimation__x']) axxyy.plot(vis['pose_visual__y'], vis['pose_visual__x']) axxyy.set_xlabel("Y position [m]") axxyy.set_ylabel('X position [m]') axxyy.legend(('Estimated trajectory', 'Reference positions'), 'bottom left') axxyy.invert_xaxis() return (avgerrD, avgerrR, batime)
def bag_to_csv(bag_name, include, exclude=None, output=None, header=False, imu_kalibr=False): """bag_to_csv saves the csv file based on mentioned topic Parameters: ----------- bag_name: string, path of the bag include: the topic or topics to be included exclude: the topic to be excluded from the final csv file output: string, the name of the output file header: bool, (default=False), either include the header timestamp or not imu_kalibr: bool, (default=False), either the final file is for kalibr calibration or not, In case of kalibr calibration `imu0.csv` file, Only will be saved which includes the angular velocity (gyroscope data) and linear acceleroration (accelerometer data) with their timestamp. Returns: -------- Saving an csv file in the current directory df: Pandas dataframe of the saved file """ if imu_kalibr : df_origin = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( bag_name, include='/imu_3dm_node/imu/data', exclude=exclude, parse_header=header) df_origin = rosbag_pandas.clean_for_export(df_origin) base_name = 'imu_3dm_node_imu_data__' gyro_name = 'angular_velocity_' acc_name = 'linear_acceleration_' imu0_df = df_origin [ [base_name + 'header_stamp_secs', base_name + 'header_stamp_nsecs', base_name + gyro_name + 'x', base_name + gyro_name + 'y', base_name + gyro_name + 'z', base_name + acc_name + 'x' , base_name + acc_name + 'y', base_name + acc_name + 'z']] imu0_mat = imu0_df.values timestamp = [] for i in range(0, imu0_mat.shape[0]): string = str(int(imu0_mat[i, 0])) + str(int(imu0_mat[i, 1])) timestamp.append(int(string)) timestamp = np.asarray(timestamp) imu0_mat[:, 0] = timestamp imu0_mat = np.delete(imu0_mat, 1, 1) df = pd.DataFrame( imu0_mat, columns = ['timestamp', 'omega_x', 'omega_y', 'omega_z', 'alpha_x', 'alpha_y', 'alpha_z']) df.to_csv('imu0.csv', index=False) else: df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( bag_name, include=include, exclude=exclude, parse_header=header) df = rosbag_pandas.clean_for_export(df) if output is None: base, _ = os.path.splitext(bag_name) output = base + '.csv' df.to_csv(output) return df
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d import pandas as pd import math import rosbag_pandas import os import shutil set_of_bags = 'fifth_trial' def create_timecolumn(df, topic, delta=0.0): df['time'] = pd.to_datetime( df['{}/header/stamp/secs'.format(topic)], unit='s') + pd.to_timedelta( df['{}/header/stamp/nsecs'.format(topic)], unit='ns') + pd.to_timedelta(delta, unit='s') ### Create directory to save evaluation plots to set bag_file = "/home/michbaum/datasets/rosbags/ball_position_test_2_2020-02-13-12-36-50.bag" ### End df_tracker_states = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( bag_file, include=['/mbzirc_estimator/imm/state']) print(df_tracker_states) # df_tracker_states['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df_tracker_states['/mbzirc_estimator/imm/state/header/stamp/secs'], unit='s') + pd.to_timedelta(df['/mbzirc_estimator/imm/state/header/stamp/nsecs'], unit='ns') + pd.to_timedelta(delta, unit='s') # # plt.plot(df_tracker_states['time'], df_tracker_states['/mbzirc_estimator/imm/state/pose/pose/position/x'], color='darkblue', marker='^', linestyle='dotted', linewidth=1, markersize=3, label='Tracker') # plt.plot(df_tracker_states['time'], df_tracker_states['/mbzirc_estimator/imm/state/pose/pose/position/y'], color='darkblue', marker='^', linestyle='dotted', linewidth=1, markersize=3, label='Tracker') # plt.plot(df_tracker_states['time'], df_tracker_states['/mbzirc_estimator/imm/state/pose/pose/position/z'], color='darkblue', marker='^', linestyle='dotted', linewidth=1, markersize=3, label='Tracker')
rosbag_filesize = os.path.getsize(currentFile)/float(1024*1024) print "Reading rosbag file of " + "%.2f" % rosbag_filesize + " MBytes" if (rosbag_filesize > 30.0): print "It is not recommended to read such big file (> 30 MBytes). It will slowdown the computer." raw_input("Press CTRL+C to exit or other key to continue ...") # extract only these topics from the bag selected_topics = ['/mavros/global_position/global', '/atlas/raw/Conductivity', '/atlas/raw/DissolvedOxygen', '/atlas/raw/RedoxPotential', '/atlas/raw/Temperature', '/atlas/raw/pH'] # header/stamp/secs has the timestamp in order selected_columns = ['/mavros/global_position/global/header/stamp/secs', '/mavros/global_position/global/latitude', '/mavros/global_position/global/longitude', '/mavros/global_position/global/altitude', '/atlas/raw/Conductivity/ec', '/atlas/raw/DissolvedOxygen/do', '/atlas/raw/RedoxPotential/orp', '/atlas/raw/Temperature/celsius', '/atlas/raw/pH/pH', '/atlas/raw/Conductivity/header/stamp/secs', '/atlas/raw/DissolvedOxygen/header/stamp/secs', '/atlas/raw/RedoxPotential/header/stamp/secs', '/atlas/raw/Temperature/header/stamp/secs', '/atlas/raw/pH/header/stamp/secs'] df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(currentFile) #print (df.shape) #print (df.columns) #df.to_csv(os.path.join(filepath, filename+"-df3.csv")) print "###############################" print "Original table size (lines x cols): " + str(df.shape[0]) + " x " + str(df.shape[1]) print "###############################" print "" # delete the unwanted columns col_names = df.columns for col in col_names: if col not in selected_columns: df = df.drop([col], axis=1)
def test_numbers_3_4(): df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe('data/rosout.bag') assert set(df) == { 'rosout__file', 'rosout__function', 'rosout__level', 'rosout__line', 'rosout__msg', 'rosout__name' }
files_list = os.listdir(bag_path) print(files_list) copy_settings_files_to_plot_directory(files_list, bag_path, path_plots) filter_list_of_files(files_list) # filter_list_of_files(files_list) print(files_list) for file in files_list: file_path = bag_path + '/' + file plot_file = strip_name(file) ### Load all different topics into separate DataFrames df_tracker_states = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( file_path, include=['/mbzirc_estimator/imm/state']) df_tracker_future = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( file_path, include=['/mbzirc_estimator/imm/future']) df_tracker_evaluation = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( file_path, include=['/mbzirc_estimator/imm/evaluation']) df_groundtruth_ball = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( file_path, include=['/rod_with_ball/vrpn_client/estimated_odometry']) df_target_world = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( file_path, include=['/detection/target_world']) # Load entire ROSbag into a DataFrame df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(file_path) ### Create time column for every DataFrame create_timecolumn(df_tracker_states, '/mbzirc_estimator/imm/state') create_timecolumn(df_tracker_future, '/mbzirc_estimator/imm/future')
def load_bag(filename, include=CSV_TOPICS, column_names=CSV_COLUMN_NAMES): df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(filename, include=include) pad_bag(df) rename_columns(df, column_names) normalize_columns(df) return df
def bag2pickle(paths=None, defaultPath="/home/rhagoletis/catkin/src/World/bags/", toHdf5=True, toPickle=False): ''' Load bag filesto make into respective dataframes ''' if paths is None: paths = easygui.fileopenbox(title="Bags to Dataframes" , default=defaultPath, multiple=True, filetypes=["*traj.bag"]) print paths, "\n" metadata = None tic() i = 1 for path in paths: tic() print "starting analysis of file %s , %s / %s files" % (path.split('/')[-1], i, len(paths)) #read the trajectory topic from bag try: df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(path, include=['/trajectory']) except Exception as e: #If error, dump none print "Bag has some nonetype error", path, e df = None parameters = None picklepath = None continue #try to recover parameters dict from the json loaded in later bag = rosbag.Bag(path) try: for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics='/metadata'): a = msg # parameters=json.loads( # metadata={"meta":parameters} metadata = json.loads( parameters = metadata['parameters'] except: #if header recovery fails, try the pickle file stored in the same directory print "no such file!, trying the pickle" try: metadata = depickler(paths[0].split('.bag')[0]) parameters = metadata['parameters'] except IOError: #try the blank pickle if all fails metadata = depickler(paths[0].split('.bag')[0] + '.pickle') parameters = metadata['parameters'] except Exception as e: print ("tried all forms of recovery, but no avail",e) parameters = None #store the parameters in a dict df.parameters = parameters obj = dict(df=df, metadata=metadata) # legacy naming # picklepath=path+"_df.pickle" # new naming if toPickle: picklepath = path + ".dfpickle" pickler(obj, picklepath) # bagStamp=('_'.join(df.parameters['bagFileName'].split('/')[-1].split('_')[:3])) # print "stamp is",bagStamp if toHdf5: picklepath = path + '.h5' df.to_hdf(picklepath, 'df') # df.to_pickle(picklepath,) i += 1 toc() print "\nanalysis of %s files complete" % len(paths) return df, parameters, picklepath
import pandas as pd import rosbag_pandas dataframe = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe( '/home/sjtu/BAG/gps_test_0424_2017-04-24-20-52-44.bag' ) #awesome data processing dataframe.to_csv('gps_test.csv') print(dataframe) print(111)
import rosbag_pandas as rp df = rp.bag_to_dataframe("i-profile-new-cost.bag")
axes[idx].plot(s.index, s.values) axes[idx].set_title(label) idx = idx + 1 if __name__ == '__main__': ''' Main entry point for the function. Reads the command line arguements and performs the requested actions ''' # Build the command line argument parser parser = buildParser() # Read the arguments that were passed in args = parser.parse_args() bag = args.bag fields = args.series sharey = args.sharey yaml_info = rosbag_pandas.get_bag_info(bag) topics = rosbag_pandas.get_topics(yaml_info) data_keys = parse_series_args(topics, fields) df_keys = {} topics = [] for k, v in data_keys.items(): column = rosbag_pandas.get_key_name( v[0]) + '__' + rosbag_pandas.get_key_name(v[1]) column = column.replace('.', '_') df_keys[k] = column topics.append(v[0]) df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(bag, include=topics, seconds=True) graph(df, df_keys, sharey)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib import pandas as pd import rosbag_pandas # parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Plots logs of log.launch.""") parser.add_argument("bagfile", type=str, help="""Recorded rosbag file containing monitor logs.""") parser.add_argument('-e', '--export', type=str, help="Export figure to file.") args = parser.parse_args() # load data from bag file topics = ["/p2os/cmd_vel", "/emergency_stop/dmin", "/dmin_monitor/debug"] df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(args.bagfile, include=topics) # start with time 0 (timedelta to floats) df.index = [(i - df.index[0]) for i in df.index] print df.columns # substitutions substitutions = [] for c in df.columns: if '/dmin_monitor/debug/outputs' in c: split = c.split('/') substitutions.append(split[-2]) substitutions = sorted(set(substitutions)) print substitutions
def export(output_dir, bag_file): data = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(bag_file) bag_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bag_file))[0] output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) #data = data.truncate(before="20150319 13:38:30", after="20150319 13:39:00") #data = data.truncate(before="20150319 14:53:30", after="20150319 14:54:30") # for c in data.columns: # print c for chart in CHARTS: # Filter series # Drop rows where all values are missing # Resample: # - reduces amount of data # - reduces gaps in data (gives a nicer chart) chart_df = data.filter(items=chart["series"]).dropna(axis=0, how="all").resample('100L', how="first") if chart_df.columns.size > 0: path = os.path.join(output_dir, bag_name, chart["name"]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) print "Exporting chart %s to %s" % (chart["name"], path) os.chdir(path) vis = bearcart.Chart(chart_df) vis.create_chart(html_path=HTML_FILE, data_path=DATA_FILE, js_path=JS_FILE, css_path=CSS_FILE) # # KML export # base = utm.fromLatLong(47.388650, 8.033269, 368) chart_df = data.filter(items=KML_SERIES).dropna(axis=0, how="all").resample('100L', how="first") if chart_df.columns.size > 0: mavros = KML_SERIES[0] in chart_df.columns path = os.path.join(output_dir, bag_name + '.kml') print "Exporting KML to %s" % (path) fid = open(path, 'w') fid.write(kmlhead(bag_name)) for row_index, row in chart_df.iterrows(): x = base.easting y = base.northing a = base.altitude # if (math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[0]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[1]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[2]])): # print "found nan" # print row if mavros and not (math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[0]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[1]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[2]])): x = row[KML_SERIES[0]] y = row[KML_SERIES[1]] a = row[KML_SERIES[2]] elif not mavros and not (math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[3]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[4]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[5]])): x = x + row[KML_SERIES[3]] y = y + row[KML_SERIES[4]] a = a - row[KML_SERIES[5]] else: continue p = utm.UTMPoint(x, y,, fid.write("%f,%f,%f " % (p.longitude, p.latitude, a)) fid.write(kmltail("absolute")) fid.close()