def move_arm_to(X, Z, rad=0, side=1): pub = rospy.Publisher("/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand", ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) #Parameters Y = 0 a1 = 0.5 a2 = 0.425 a3 = 0.392 r = m.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) d = m.sqrt((Z - a1)**2 + r**2) #Angulos if side == 1: theta1 = -np.pi / 2 else: theta1 = np.pi / 2 theta3 = m.acos((d**2 - a3**2 - a2**2) / 2 * a2 * a3) theta2 = m.atan2(r, Z - a1) - m.atan2(a3 * m.sin(theta3), a2 + a3 * m.cos(theta3)) theta4 = -(theta3 + theta2) + rad theta5 = -np.pi / 2 theta6 = 0 msg = ManipulatorJoints() msg.joint_variable = [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6] print(msg) pub.publish(msg) rospy.spin()
def __init__(self): # Variaveis que controlam a rotina de toque self.touch = 0 self.state = -1 # Variavel que alerta sobre a forca self.forceFlag = 0 # Comandos a serem enviados para as juntas self.joint1 = 0.0 self.joint2 = 0.0 self.joint3 = 0.0 self.joint4 = 0.0 self.joint5 = 0.0 self.joint6 = 0.0 # Posicao desejada das juntas self.desired_joint1 = 0.0 self.desired_joint2 = 0.0 self.desired_joint3 = 0.0 self.desired_joint4 = 0.0 self.desired_joint5 = 0.0 self.desired_joint6 = 0.0 # Publica em jointsPosTargetCommand self.pub_jointsPos = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) self.subpinto = rospy.Subscriber('/aai_rosi_pose', Pose, self.callback_pose) # Subscreve em jointsPositionCurrentState, forceTorqueSensorOutput e aai_rosi_pose self.sub_joints = rospy.Subscriber('/ur5/jointsPositionCurrentState', ManipulatorJoints, self.callback_joints) self.sub_force = rospy.Subscriber('/ur5/forceTorqueSensorOutput', TwistStamped, self.callback_force) # Define a frequencia de publicacao node_sleep_rate = rospy.Rate(10) # Loop principal do algoritmo while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if rospy.get_param('touch_mode'): if self.state == -1: self.state = 0 traj = ManipulatorJoints() traj.header.stamp = traj.joint_variable = [ self.joint1, self.joint2, self.joint3, self.joint4, self.joint5, self.joint6 ] # Publica a mensagem self.pub_jointsPos.publish(traj) # Pausa node_sleep_rate.sleep() else: pass
def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Starting node key_node") rospy.init_node('arm_exe', anonymous=True) self.key_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints) # pub = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints) rate = rospy.Rate(10) #10hz msg = ManipulatorJoints() msg.joint_variable = command_array # rate.sleep() for i in range(4): self.key_publisher.publish(msg) rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): # Subscriber estado atual do manipulador self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('/ur5/jointsPositionCurrentState', ManipulatorJoints, self.callback_EstadoManipulador) # Publisher do estado estado atual para JointState = rospy.Publisher('joint_states', JointState, queue_size=10) # Inicializacao da variavel para receber o valor das juntas do manipulador self.states = ManipulatorJoints() # Inicializacao da variavel para receber os valores das juntas self.juntas = JointState() self.juntas.header = Header() self.juntas.header.stamp = = [ 'joint_ur5_j1', 'joint_ur5_j2', 'joint_ur5_j3', 'joint_ur5_j4', 'joint_ur5_j5', 'joint_ur5_j6' ] self.juntas.position = [] self.juntas.velocity = [] self.juntas.effort = [] # Frequencia de execucao do no self.rate = rospy.Rate(10) # Loop a ser executado para atualizacao da posicao das juntas (entre planejador e simulador) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.juntas.header.stamp = self.juntas.position = self.states.joint_variable self.rate.sleep()
def envia_comando_manipulador(self, vetor_com_angulos_das_juntas): ''' Recebe vetor contendo os angulos de todas as juntas do manipulador Publica isso no topico '/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand' ''' # Registra o publisher pub = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) # Ajeita informacoes recebidas para o formato de msg do topico comando = ManipulatorJoints() comando.joint_variable = vetor_com_angulos_das_juntas # Publica pub.publish(comando)
def __init__(self): super(MoveGroupPythonInteface, self).__init__() #self.pontos=[] #self.juntas = [] self.seq_points = [] #self.trajetoria = JointState() moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('move_group_python_interface', anonymous=True) #self.serv = rospy.Service('planning', Planning, self.handle_planning) robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() group_name = "manipulator" move_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(group_name) display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( '/move_group/display_planned_path', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=20) self.states = ManipulatorJoints() # Publisher das posicoes da trajetoria self.pub_manipulator = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) # Subscriber odom self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.callback_Odom) # Subscriber dos estados das juntas self.sub_manipulatorStates = rospy.Subscriber( '/ur5/jointsPositionCurrentState', ManipulatorJoints, self.callback_Mstates) # Subscriber dos estados das juntas planejado self.joint_states = rospy.Subscriber( '/move_group/fake_controller_joint_states', JointState, self.callback_Jstates, queue_size=100) # Obtem o frame de referencia planning_frame = move_group.get_planning_frame() #print "============ Planning frame: %s" % planning_frame # Obtem o link do efetuador eef_link = move_group.get_end_effector_link() #print "============ End effector link: %s" % eef_link # Obtem o nome do grupo definido no moveit config group_names = robot.get_group_names() #print "============ Available Planning Groups:", robot.get_group_names() # Misc variables self.rpy = 0 self.yawOrientation = 0 self.robot = robot self.scene = scene self.move_group = move_group self.display_trajectory_publisher = display_trajectory_publisher self.planning_frame = planning_frame self.eef_link = eef_link self.group_names = group_names
def __init__(self): # Posicao relativa (x, y) do ponto mais proximo ao robo self.near_x = 5 self.near_y = 0 # Angulo desejado self.angle = 0 # Posicao desejada das juntas self.joint1 = 0 self.joint2 = 0 self.joint3 = 0 self.joint4 = 0 self.joint5 = 0 self.joint6 = 0 # Topicos em que vai se subscrever e publicar self.sub_hokuyo = rospy.Subscriber('/sensor/hokuyo', HokuyoReading, self.callback_hokuyo) self.sub_joints = rospy.Subscriber('/ur5/jointsPositionCurrentState', ManipulatorJoints, self.callback_joints) self.pub_jointsPos = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) # Frequencia de publicacao node_sleep_rate = rospy.Rate(5) # Mensagem de inicializacao rospy.loginfo('Coleta do Transportador de Correia iniciado') # Loop principal, responsavel pelos procedimentos chaves do programa while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Caso esteja na tarefa do toque, esse no nao deve publicar nada if rospy.get_param('touch_mode'): continue else: traj = ManipulatorJoints() traj.header.stamp = traj.joint_variable = [self.joint1, self.joint2, self.joint3, self.joint4, self.joint5, self.joint6] # Publica a mensagem self.pub_jointsPos.publish(traj) # Pausa node_sleep_rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): # Comandos a serem enviados para as juntas self.joint1 = 0 self.joint2 = 0 self.joint3 = 0 self.joint4 = 0 self.joint5 = 0 self.joint6 = 0 # Publica em jointsPosTargetCommand self.pub_jointsPos = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) # Subscreve em jointsPositionCurrentState self.sub_joints = rospy.Subscriber('/ur5/jointsPositionCurrentState', ManipulatorJoints, self.callback_joints) # Define a frequencia de publicacao node_sleep_rate = rospy.Rate(10) # Loop principal do algoritmo while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # traj = ManipulatorJoints() traj.header.stamp = traj.joint_variable = [ self.joint1, self.joint2, self.joint3, self.joint4, self.joint5, self.joint6 ] # Publica a mensagem self.pub_jointsPos.publish(traj) # Pausa node_sleep_rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): self.imu = Imu() self.states = ManipulatorJoints() self.forces = TwistStamped() self.theta = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.orientacao = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.pub_manipulator = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) self.sub_manipulatorStates = rospy.Subscriber( '/ur5/jointsPositionCurrentState', ManipulatorJoints, self.callback_Mstates) self.sub_manipulatorForces = rospy.Subscriber( '/ur5/forceTorqueSensorOutput', TwistStamped, self.callback_Mforces) self.sub_imu = rospy.Subscriber('/sensor/imu', Imu, self.callback_Imu) # defining the eternal loop frequency node_sleep_rate = rospy.Rate(10) # eternal loop (until second order) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #manipulator = ManipulatorJoints() orientation_q = self.imu.orientation orientation_list = [ orientation_q.x, orientation_q.y, orientation_q.z, orientation_q.w ] (roll, pitch, yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list) self.orientacao = [roll, pitch, yaw] #angulos = [] #for i in range(0, 6): # s = "Escolha o angulos theta" + str(i) + "\n" # ang = float(input(s)) # angulos.append(ang) # adding the element angulos = [math.pi - yaw, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] print(angulos) self.theta = angulos self.pub_manipulator.publish(joint_variable=self.theta) #theta = np.array(self.theta) #theta = angulos #self.theta = np.array(theta).tolist() node_sleep_rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): super(MoveGroupPythonInteface, self).__init__() self.pontos = [] self.juntas = [] self.seq_points = [] self.trajetoria = JointState() moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('move_group_python_interface', anonymous=True) self.serv = rospy.Service('planning', Planning, self.handle_planning) robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() group_name = "manipulator" move_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(group_name) display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( '/move_group/display_planned_path', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=20) self.states = ManipulatorJoints() # Publisher das posicoes da trajetoria self.pub_manipulator = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) # Subscriber dos estados das juntas self.sub_manipulatorStates = rospy.Subscriber( '/ur5/jointsPositionCurrentState', ManipulatorJoints, self.callback_Mstates) # Subscriber dos estados das juntas planejado self.joint_states = rospy.Subscriber( '/move_group/fake_controller_joint_states', JointState, self.callback_Jstates, queue_size=100) # Obtem o frame de referencia planning_frame = move_group.get_planning_frame() #print "============ Planning frame: %s" % planning_frame # Obtem o link do efetuador eef_link = move_group.get_end_effector_link() #print "============ End effector link: %s" % eef_link # Obtem o nome do grupo definido no moveit config group_names = robot.get_group_names() #print "============ Available Planning Groups:", robot.get_group_names() #orientation_constraint = OrientationConstraint() #orientation_constraint.link_name = "tool_pointer" #orientation_constraint.orientation.w = 1.0 #orientation_constraint.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 0.1 #orientation_constraint.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 0.1 #orientation_constraint.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 0.1 #orientation_constraint.weight = 1 #constraint_0 = moveit_msgs.msg.JointConstraint() #constraint_0.joint_name = 'base_link' #constraint_0.header.frame_id ##constraint_0.position = joint_goal[0] #constraint_0.orientation.w = 1.0 #constraint_0.tolerance_above = 0.1 #constraint_0.tolerance_below = 0.1 #constraint_0.weight = 1.0 #joint_limits = moveit_msgs.msg.Constraints() #joint_limits.joint_constraints.append(constraint_0) #joint_limits.joint_constraints.append(constraint_1) #joint_limits.joint_constraints.append(constraint_2) #move_group.set_path_constraints(joint_limits) #print "============ Printing robot state" #print robot.get_current_state() #print "" # Misc variables #self.box_name = '' self.robot = robot self.scene = scene self.move_group = move_group self.display_trajectory_publisher = display_trajectory_publisher self.planning_frame = planning_frame self.eef_link = eef_link self.group_names = group_names
# uint32 seq # time stamp # string frame_id # float32[] joint_variable import rospy import numpy as np from rosi_defy.msg import RosiMovement from rosi_defy.msg import RosiMovementArray from rosi_defy.msg import ManipulatorJoints from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy from pynput.keyboard import Listener, Key joint = 0 command_array = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] msg = ManipulatorJoints() class KeyboardPublisher: def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Starting node key_node") rospy.init_node('arm_exe', anonymous=True) self.key_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints) # pub = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints) rate = rospy.Rate(10) #10hz msg = ManipulatorJoints() msg.joint_variable = command_array # rate.sleep() for i in range(4): self.key_publisher.publish(msg)
def interpreter(changeReadValue): global terrainCorrection global x, y, z, memory global yawCorrection if ( == 1 and memory != ray = ManipulatorJoints() pub = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) ray.joint_variable = [ yawCorrection, terrainCorrection, 0, 0, math.radians(-90), 0 ] pub.publish(ray) ang = 0 rospy.sleep(1.5) while (z < 0.2 or ang < 0.3) and ang < 2: ray.joint_variable = [ yawCorrection + math.radians(90), terrainCorrection + ang, 0, -ang, math.radians(-90), 0 ] ang += 0.001 pub.publish(ray) rospy.sleep(0.2) print '1:', ang while ang > 0: print '2:', ang ang -= 0.001 ray.joint_variable = [ yawCorrection + math.radians(90), terrainCorrection + ang, 0, -ang, math.radians(-90), 0 ] pub.publish(ray) rospy.sleep(0.2) ray.joint_variable = [yawCorrection, terrainCorrection, 0, 0, 0, 0] pub.publish(ray) for inn in range(10000): flug = rospy.Publisher('/cpmo', Int8, queue_size=1) flug.publish(1) for inn in range(10000): flug = rospy.Publisher('/cpmo', Int8, queue_size=1) flug.publish(0) elif ( == 0): ray = ManipulatorJoints() pub = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) ray.joint_variable = (yawCorrection, terrainCorrection, 0, 0, 0, 0) pub.publish(ray) elif ( == 2): ray = ManipulatorJoints() pub = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) ray.joint_variable = (yawCorrection + math.radians(90), 0, 0, math.radians(-20), math.radians(-90), 0) pub.publish(ray) memory =
def __init__(self): self.force = 0 self.laser = 0 self.image = None self.cX = 0 self.cY = 0 self.bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge() cv2.namedWindow("window", 1) self.imu = Imu() self.states = ManipulatorJoints() self.forces = TwistStamped() self.theta = [ 0, math.pi / 15, math.pi / 15, -math.pi / 7.5, -math.pi / 2, 0 ] self.orientacao = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.pub_manipulator = rospy.Publisher('/ur5/jointsPosTargetCommand', ManipulatorJoints, queue_size=1) self.sub_manipulatorStates = rospy.Subscriber( '/ur5/jointsPositionCurrentState', ManipulatorJoints, self.callback_Mstates) #self.sub_manipulatorForces = rospy.Subscriber('/ur5/forceTorqueSensorOutput', TwistStamped, self.callback_Mforces) self.sub_imu = rospy.Subscriber('/sensor/imu', Imu, self.callback_Imu) self.sub_image = rospy.Subscriber('sensor/ur5toolCam', Image, self.callback_Image) self.sub_laser = rospy.Subscriber('sensor/hokuyo', HokuyoReading, self.callback_Laser) self.sub_force = rospy.Subscriber('ur5/forceTorqueSensorOutput', TwistStamped, self.callback_Force) # defining the eternal loop frequency node_sleep_rate = rospy.Rate(10) # eternal loop (until second order) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #manipulator = ManipulatorJoints() orientation_q = self.imu.orientation orientation_list = [ orientation_q.x, orientation_q.y, orientation_q.z, orientation_q.w ] (roll, pitch, yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list) self.orientacao = [roll, pitch, yaw] angulos = [] distX = 320 - self.cX kp = -0.0005 #for i in range(0, 6): # s = "Escolha o angulos theta" + str(i) + "\n" # ang = float(input(s)) # angulos.append(ang) # adding the element #print(self.laser) #self.theta = [0,0,0,0,0,0] #self.theta[0] = kp*distX - math.pi/2 - yaw print(self.force) if self.force < 0.15: self.theta[0] = -math.pi / 2 - yaw if self.states < 1.2: self.theta[1] += 0.004 self.theta[2] -= 0.007 self.theta[3] += 0.003 else: self.theta[2] += 0.003 self.theta[3] -= 0.003 #self.theta[4] = -math.pi/2 #self.theta[5] = 0 #angulos = theta #size = self.image.shape #print(size) #print(angulos) angulos = self.theta self.pub_manipulator.publish(joint_variable=angulos) #theta = np.array(self.theta) #theta = angulos #self.theta = np.array(theta).tolist() node_sleep_rate.sleep()