def test_build_can_be_saved_if_fail(self): """ Verifies that correct Build is updated in MongoDB on failing build. SETUP: Mock save on Build """ with patch.object(Build, 'save') as save: save.return_value = True build = Build() build['_id'] = 1 with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: mock1.return_value = build with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock2: self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) self.queue.add_build(build) mock2.return_value = "There was an error building your build" self.thread.start() self.thread.join() self.assertEqual(build.status, 2) self.assertEqual(build.error, mock2.return_value)
def test_build_returns_success_result_if_pass(self): """ Verifies that returns a valid success result if the build succeeded """ with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock_method: build = Build() self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) mock_method.return_value = True result = self.thread._build(build) self.assertEqual(result, dict(success=True))
def test_build_returns_error_result_if_fail(self, Build): """ Verifies that returns a valid error result if the build failed """ with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock_method: build = Build() self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) mock_method.return_value = "There was an error processing your result." result = self.thread._build(build) self.assertEqual(result, dict(success=False, error=mock_method.return_value))
def test_worker_reads_first_id_if_queue_not_empty(self, Build): """ Verifies that WorkerThread gets first ID on BuildQueue if it is not empty """ build = Build() build['_id'] = 1 with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: mock1.return_value = build self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) self.queue.add_build(build) self.thread.start() self.thread.join() self.assertEqual(self.thread.current_build, None)
def test_post_to_github_without_credentials_returns_false(self): configs = dict() build = Build() build.error = "error string" build.ref = 'build_ref' = 'test_repo' = 'jesse' self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue, configs) with patch.object(requests, 'post') as mock: mock.return_value = True self.assertFalse(self.thread._post_to_github(build)) mock.assert_not_called()
def test_post_to_github_posts_to_correct_url(self): configs = dict(GITHUB_ID='github_id', GITHUB_SECRET='github_secret') build = Build() build.error = "error string" build.ref = 'build_ref' = 'test_repo' = 'jesse' self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue, configs) with patch.object(requests, 'post') as mock: mock.return_value = True self.assertTrue(self.thread._post_to_github(build)) expected_url = '' expected_data = {'body': 'error string', 'title': 'Build failure on ref build_ref'} mock.assert_called_once_with(expected_url, expected_data)
def test_build_not_sent_to_github_if_success(self): """ Verifies that nothing is sent to Github of build passes. """ with patch.object(Build, 'save') as save: save.return_value = True build = Build() build['_id'] = 1 with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: mock1.return_value = build with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock2: mock2.return_value = True with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_post_to_github') as mock3: mock3.return_value = True self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) self.queue.add_build(build) self.thread.start() self.thread.join() self.thread._post_to_github.assert_not_called()
def test_builds_builds_in_correct_order(self): """ Verifies that when multiple builds are in the BuildQueue, they are built in the correct order SETUP: Mock multiple builds """ with patch.object(Build, 'save') as save: save.return_value = True builds = [] for i in range(5): build = Build() build['_id'] = i builds.append(build) with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: def side_effect(key): return builds[key] mock1.side_effect = side_effect with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock2: mock2.return_value = True with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_post_to_github') as mock3: mock3.return_value = True self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) for b in builds: self.queue.add_build(b) self.thread.start() self.thread.join() for i in range(4): self.assertTrue(builds[i].build_time < builds[i+1].build_time)
def test_build_sent_to_github_if_fail(self): """ Verifies that build failure information is sent to Github as a new issue """ with patch.object(Build, 'save') as save: save.return_value = True build = Build() build['_id'] = 1 with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: mock1.return_value = build with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock2: mock2.return_value = "There was an error processing your build." with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_post_to_github') as mock3: mock3.return_value = True self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) self.queue.add_build(build) self.thread.start() self.thread.join() self.thread._post_to_github.assert_called_once_with(build)
def setUp(self): """ Create a queue and worker thread """ self.queue = BuildQueue() self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue)
class WorkerThreadTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test cases for Worker Thread""" @classmethod def setUpClass(self): """ Nothing needs to be set up for the whole class """ def setUp(self): """ Create a queue and worker thread """ self.queue = BuildQueue() self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) def tearDown(self): """ Nothing needs to be torn down """ def test_init_saves_queue(self): """ Verifies that WorkerThread saves BuildQueue from constructor """ self.assertEqual(self.thread.queue, self.queue) def test_worker_stops_if_queue_empty(self): """ Verifies that WorkerThread shuts down if BuildQueue is empty """ self.thread.start() self.thread.join() @patch('rosie.models.Build') def test_worker_reads_first_id_if_queue_not_empty(self, Build): """ Verifies that WorkerThread gets first ID on BuildQueue if it is not empty """ build = Build() build['_id'] = 1 with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: mock1.return_value = build self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) self.queue.add_build(build) self.thread.start() self.thread.join() self.assertEqual(self.thread.current_build, None) def test_build_can_be_retrieved_success(self): """ Verifies that WorkerThread can retrieve Build from Mongo with ID SETUP: Mock Build.find_one method """ with patch.object(Build, 'find_one') as mock_method: build = Build() build['_id'] = 1 mock_method.return_value = build self.queue.add_build(build) self.assertEqual(self.thread._retrieve_build(1), build) mock_method.assert_called_once_with(dict(_id=1)) def test_build_retrieved_fails_well(self): """ Verifies that WorkerThread provides appropriate exception when no such Build exists in MongoDB. SETUP: Connect to Build.find_one method """ with patch.object(Build, 'find_one') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = None with self.assertRaises(BuildNotFoundException): self.thread._retrieve_build(1) mock_method.assert_called_once_with(dict(_id=1)) @patch('rosie.models.Build') def test_build_returns_error_result_if_fail(self, Build): """ Verifies that returns a valid error result if the build failed """ with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock_method: build = Build() self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) mock_method.return_value = "There was an error processing your result." result = self.thread._build(build) self.assertEqual(result, dict(success=False, error=mock_method.return_value)) def test_build_returns_success_result_if_pass(self): """ Verifies that returns a valid success result if the build succeeded """ with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock_method: build = Build() self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) mock_method.return_value = True result = self.thread._build(build) self.assertEqual(result, dict(success=True)) def test_build_can_be_saved_if_success(self): """ Verifies that correct Build is updated in MongoDB on successful build. SETUP: Mock save on Build """ with patch.object(Build, 'save') as save: save.return_value = True build = Build() build['_id'] = 1 with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: mock1.return_value = build with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock2: self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) self.queue.add_build(build) mock2.return_value = True self.thread.start() self.thread.join() self.assertEqual(build.status, 1) def test_build_can_be_saved_if_fail(self): """ Verifies that correct Build is updated in MongoDB on failing build. SETUP: Mock save on Build """ with patch.object(Build, 'save') as save: save.return_value = True build = Build() build['_id'] = 1 with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: mock1.return_value = build with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock2: self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) self.queue.add_build(build) mock2.return_value = "There was an error building your build" self.thread.start() self.thread.join() self.assertEqual(build.status, 2) self.assertEqual(build.error, mock2.return_value) def test_build_sent_to_github_if_fail(self): """ Verifies that build failure information is sent to Github as a new issue """ with patch.object(Build, 'save') as save: save.return_value = True build = Build() build['_id'] = 1 with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: mock1.return_value = build with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock2: mock2.return_value = "There was an error processing your build." with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_post_to_github') as mock3: mock3.return_value = True self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) self.queue.add_build(build) self.thread.start() self.thread.join() self.thread._post_to_github.assert_called_once_with(build) def test_build_not_sent_to_github_if_success(self): """ Verifies that nothing is sent to Github of build passes. """ with patch.object(Build, 'save') as save: save.return_value = True build = Build() build['_id'] = 1 with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: mock1.return_value = build with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock2: mock2.return_value = True with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_post_to_github') as mock3: mock3.return_value = True self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) self.queue.add_build(build) self.thread.start() self.thread.join() self.thread._post_to_github.assert_not_called() def test_builds_builds_in_correct_order(self): """ Verifies that when multiple builds are in the BuildQueue, they are built in the correct order SETUP: Mock multiple builds """ with patch.object(Build, 'save') as save: save.return_value = True builds = [] for i in range(5): build = Build() build['_id'] = i builds.append(build) with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_retrieve_build') as mock1: def side_effect(key): return builds[key] mock1.side_effect = side_effect with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_bash_build') as mock2: mock2.return_value = True with patch.object(WorkerThread, '_post_to_github') as mock3: mock3.return_value = True self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue) for b in builds: self.queue.add_build(b) self.thread.start() self.thread.join() for i in range(4): self.assertTrue(builds[i].build_time < builds[i+1].build_time) def test_post_to_github_posts_to_correct_url(self): configs = dict(GITHUB_ID='github_id', GITHUB_SECRET='github_secret') build = Build() build.error = "error string" build.ref = 'build_ref' = 'test_repo' = 'jesse' self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue, configs) with patch.object(requests, 'post') as mock: mock.return_value = True self.assertTrue(self.thread._post_to_github(build)) expected_url = '' expected_data = {'body': 'error string', 'title': 'Build failure on ref build_ref'} mock.assert_called_once_with(expected_url, expected_data) def test_post_to_github_without_credentials_returns_false(self): configs = dict() build = Build() build.error = "error string" build.ref = 'build_ref' = 'test_repo' = 'jesse' self.thread = WorkerThread(self.queue, configs) with patch.object(requests, 'post') as mock: mock.return_value = True self.assertFalse(self.thread._post_to_github(build)) mock.assert_not_called()