예제 #1
  def callService(self, service_uri, service, type, *args, **kwds):
    Calls the service and return the response.
    To call the service the ServiceProxy can't be used, because it uses 
    environment variables to determine the URI of the running service. In our 
    case this service can be running using another ROS master. The changes on the
    environment variables is not thread safe.
    So the source code of the rospy.SerivceProxy (tcpros_service.py) was modified.
    @param service_uri: the URI of the service
    @type service_uri: C{str}
    @param service: full service name (with name space)
    @type service: C{str}
    @param type: service class
    @type type: ServiceDefinition: service class
    @param args: arguments to remote service
    @param kwds: message keyword arguments
    @return: the tuple of request and response.
    @rtype: C{(request object, response object)}
    @raise StartException: on error

    @see: L{rospy.SerivceProxy}

    from rospy.core import parse_rosrpc_uri, is_shutdown
    from rospy.msg import args_kwds_to_message
    from rospy.exceptions import TransportInitError, TransportException
    from rospy.impl.tcpros_base import TCPROSTransport, TCPROSTransportProtocol, DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE
    from rospy.impl.tcpros_service import TCPROSServiceClient
    from rospy.service import ServiceException
    request = args_kwds_to_message(type._request_class, args, kwds) 
    transport = None
    protocol = TCPROSServiceClient(service, type, headers={})
    transport = TCPROSTransport(protocol, service)
    # initialize transport
    dest_addr, dest_port = parse_rosrpc_uri(service_uri)

    # connect to service            
    transport.buff_size = DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE
      transport.connect(dest_addr, dest_port, service_uri)
    except TransportInitError as e:
      # can be a connection or md5sum mismatch
      raise StartException("unable to connect to service: %s"%e)
    transport.send_message(request, 0)
      responses = transport.receive_once()
      if len(responses) == 0:
        raise StartException("service [%s] returned no response"%service)
      elif len(responses) > 1:
        raise StartException("service [%s] returned multiple responses: %s"%(service, len(responses)))
    except TransportException as e:
      # convert lower-level exception to exposed type
      if is_shutdown():
        raise StartException("node shutdown interrupted service call")
        raise StartException("transport error completing service call: %s"%(str(e)))
    except ServiceException, e:
      raise StartException("Service error: %s"%(str(e)))
 def test_parse_rosrpc_uri(self):
     from rospy.core import parse_rosrpc_uri
     valid = [('rosrpc://localhost:1234/', 'localhost', 1234), 
              ('rosrpc://localhost2:1234', 'localhost2', 1234), 
              ('rosrpc://third:1234/path/bar', 'third', 1234), 
              ('rosrpc://foo.com:1/', 'foo.com', 1),
              ('rosrpc://foo.com:1/', 'foo.com', 1)]
     for t, addr, port in valid:
         paddr, pport = rospy.core.parse_rosrpc_uri(t)
         self.assertEquals(addr, paddr)
         self.assertEquals(port, pport)
         # validate that it's a top-level API method
         self.assertEquals(rospy.core.parse_rosrpc_uri(t), rospy.parse_rosrpc_uri(t))
     invalid = ['rosrpc://:1234/', 'rosrpc://localhost', 'http://localhost:1234/']
     for i in invalid:
             self.fail("%s was an invalid rosrpc uri"%i)
         except: pass
예제 #3
 def test_parse_rosrpc_uri(self):
     from rospy.core import parse_rosrpc_uri
     valid = [('rosrpc://localhost:1234/', 'localhost', 1234), 
              ('rosrpc://localhost2:1234', 'localhost2', 1234), 
              ('rosrpc://third:1234/path/bar', 'third', 1234), 
              ('rosrpc://foo.com:1/', 'foo.com', 1),
              ('rosrpc://foo.com:1/', 'foo.com', 1)]
     for t, addr, port in valid:
         paddr, pport = rospy.core.parse_rosrpc_uri(t)
         self.assertEquals(addr, paddr)
         self.assertEquals(port, pport)
         # validate that it's a top-level API method
         self.assertEquals(rospy.core.parse_rosrpc_uri(t), rospy.parse_rosrpc_uri(t))
     invalid = ['rosrpc://:1234/', 'rosrpc://localhost', 'http://localhost:1234/']
     for i in invalid:
             self.fail("%s was an invalid rosrpc uri"%i)
         except: pass
예제 #4
    def callService(self, service_uri, service, service_type, service_args=[]):
        Calls the service and return the response.
        To call the service the ServiceProxy can't be used, because it uses
        environment variables to determine the URI of the running service. In our
        case this service can be running using another ROS master. The changes on the
        environment variables is not thread safe.
        So the source code of the rospy.SerivceProxy (tcpros_service.py) was modified.

        :param str service_uri: the URI of the service
        :param str service: full service name (with name space)
        :param service_type: service class
        :type service_type: ServiceDefinition: service class
        :param service_args: arguments
        :return: the tuple of request and response.
        :rtype: (request object, response object)
        :raise StartException: on error
        :see: rospy.SerivceProxy<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/rospy/html/rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy-class.html>
        service = str(service)
        rospy.loginfo("Call service %s[%s]: %s, %s", utf8(service),
                      utf8(service_uri), utf8(service_type),
        from rospy.core import parse_rosrpc_uri, is_shutdown
        #    from rospy.msg import args_kwds_to_message
        from rospy.exceptions import TransportInitError, TransportException
        from rospy.impl.tcpros_base import TCPROSTransport, DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE  # ,TCPROSTransportProtocol
        from rospy.impl.tcpros_service import TCPROSServiceClient
        from rospy.service import ServiceException
        request = service_type._request_class()
        import genpy
            now = rospy.get_rostime()
            import std_msgs.msg
            keys = {'now': now, 'auto': std_msgs.msg.Header(stamp=now)}
            genpy.message.fill_message_args(request, service_args, keys)
        except genpy.MessageException as e:

            def argsummary(args):
                if type(args) in [tuple, list]:
                    return '\n'.join([
                        ' * %s (type %s)' % (a, type(a).__name__) for a in args
                    return ' * %s (type %s)' % (args, type(args).__name__)

            raise StartException(
                "Incompatible arguments to call service:\n%s\nProvided arguments are:\n%s\n\nService arguments are: [%s]"
                % (e, argsummary(service_args),

#    request = args_kwds_to_message(type._request_class, args, kwds)
        protocol = TCPROSServiceClient(service, service_type, headers={})
        transport = TCPROSTransport(protocol, service)
        # initialize transport
        dest_addr, dest_port = parse_rosrpc_uri(service_uri)
        # connect to service
        transport.buff_size = DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE
            transport.connect(dest_addr, dest_port, service_uri, timeout=5)
        except TransportInitError as e:
            # can be a connection or md5sum mismatch
            raise StartException(''.join(
                ["unable to connect to service: ",
        transport.send_message(request, 0)
            responses = transport.receive_once()
            if len(responses) == 0:
                raise StartException("service [%s] returned no response" %
            elif len(responses) > 1:
                raise StartException(
                    "service [%s] returned multiple responses: %s" %
                    (service, len(responses)))
        except TransportException as e:
            # convert lower-level exception to exposed type
            if is_shutdown():
                raise StartException("node shutdown interrupted service call")
                raise StartException(
                    "transport error completing service call: %s" % (utf8(e)))
        except ServiceException as e:
            raise StartException("Service error: %s" % (utf8(e)))
            transport = None
        return request, responses[0] if len(responses) > 0 else None
    def callService(self, service_uri, service, service_type, service_args=[]):
        Calls the service and return the response.
        To call the service the ServiceProxy can't be used, because it uses
        environment variables to determine the URI of the running service. In our
        case this service can be running using another ROS master. The changes on the
        environment variables is not thread safe.
        So the source code of the rospy.SerivceProxy (tcpros_service.py) was modified.

        @param service_uri: the URI of the service
        @type service_uri: C{str}
        @param service: full service name (with name space)
        @type service: C{str}
        @param service_type: service class
        @type service_type: ServiceDefinition: service class
        @param service_args: arguments
        @return: the tuple of request and response.
        @rtype: C{(request object, response object)}
        @raise StartException: on error

        @see: U{rospy.SerivceProxy<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/rospy/html/rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy-class.html>}

        service = str(service)
        rospy.loginfo("Call service %s[%s]: %s, %s", utf8(service), utf8(service_uri), utf8(service_type), utf8(service_args))
        from rospy.core import parse_rosrpc_uri, is_shutdown
#    from rospy.msg import args_kwds_to_message
        from rospy.exceptions import TransportInitError, TransportException
        from rospy.impl.tcpros_base import TCPROSTransport, DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE  # ,TCPROSTransportProtocol
        from rospy.impl.tcpros_service import TCPROSServiceClient
        from rospy.service import ServiceException
        request = service_type._request_class()
        import genpy
            now = rospy.get_rostime()
            import std_msgs.msg
            keys = {'now': now, 'auto': std_msgs.msg.Header(stamp=now)}
            genpy.message.fill_message_args(request, service_args, keys)
        except genpy.MessageException as e:
            def argsummary(args):
                if type(args) in [tuple, list]:
                    return '\n'.join([' * %s (type %s)' % (a, type(a).__name__) for a in args])
                    return ' * %s (type %s)' % (args, type(args).__name__)
            raise StartException("Incompatible arguments to call service:\n%s\nProvided arguments are:\n%s\n\nService arguments are: [%s]" % (e, argsummary(service_args), genpy.message.get_printable_message_args(request)))

#    request = args_kwds_to_message(type._request_class, args, kwds)
        protocol = TCPROSServiceClient(service, service_type, headers={})
        transport = TCPROSTransport(protocol, service)
        # initialize transport
        dest_addr, dest_port = parse_rosrpc_uri(service_uri)
        # connect to service
        transport.buff_size = DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE
            transport.connect(dest_addr, dest_port, service_uri, timeout=5)
        except TransportInitError as e:
            # can be a connection or md5sum mismatch
            raise StartException(''.join(["unable to connect to service: ", utf8(e)]))
        transport.send_message(request, 0)
            responses = transport.receive_once()
            if len(responses) == 0:
                raise StartException("service [%s] returned no response" % service)
            elif len(responses) > 1:
                raise StartException("service [%s] returned multiple responses: %s" % (service, len(responses)))
        except TransportException as e:
            # convert lower-level exception to exposed type
            if is_shutdown():
                raise StartException("node shutdown interrupted service call")
                raise StartException("transport error completing service call: %s" % (utf8(e)))
        except ServiceException, e:
            raise StartException("Service error: %s" % (utf8(e)))
예제 #6
    def callService(self, service_uri, service, type, *args, **kwds):
    Calls the service and return the response.
    To call the service the ServiceProxy can't be used, because it uses 
    environment variables to determine the URI of the running service. In our 
    case this service can be running using another ROS master. The changes on the
    environment variables is not thread safe.
    So the source code of the rospy.SerivceProxy (tcpros_service.py) was modified.
    @param service_uri: the URI of the service
    @type service_uri: C{str}
    @param service: full service name (with name space)
    @type service: C{str}
    @param type: service class
    @type type: ServiceDefinition: service class
    @param args: arguments to remote service
    @param kwds: message keyword arguments
    @return: the tuple of request and response.
    @rtype: C{(request object, response object)}
    @raise StartException: on error

    @see: L{rospy.SerivceProxy}

        from rospy.core import parse_rosrpc_uri, is_shutdown
        from rospy.msg import args_kwds_to_message
        from rospy.exceptions import TransportInitError, TransportException
        from rospy.impl.tcpros_base import TCPROSTransport, TCPROSTransportProtocol, DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE
        from rospy.impl.tcpros_service import TCPROSServiceClient
        from rospy.service import ServiceException
        request = args_kwds_to_message(type._request_class, args, kwds)
        transport = None
        protocol = TCPROSServiceClient(service, type, headers={})
        transport = TCPROSTransport(protocol, service)
        # initialize transport
        dest_addr, dest_port = parse_rosrpc_uri(service_uri)

        # connect to service
        transport.buff_size = DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE
            transport.connect(dest_addr, dest_port, service_uri)
        except TransportInitError as e:
            # can be a connection or md5sum mismatch
            raise StartException("unable to connect to service: %s" % e)
        transport.send_message(request, 0)
            responses = transport.receive_once()
            if len(responses) == 0:
                raise StartException("service [%s] returned no response" %
            elif len(responses) > 1:
                raise StartException(
                    "service [%s] returned multiple responses: %s" %
                    (service, len(responses)))
        except TransportException as e:
            # convert lower-level exception to exposed type
            if is_shutdown():
                raise StartException("node shutdown interrupted service call")
                raise StartException(
                    "transport error completing service call: %s" % (str(e)))
        except ServiceException, e:
            raise StartException("Service error: %s" % (str(e)))