def readInPoses(self): poses = rospy.get_param('~poses') rospy.loginfo("Found %d poses on the param server", len(poses)) for key, value in poses.iteritems(): try: # TODO: handle multiple points in trajectory trajectory = JointTrajectory() trajectory.joint_names = value["joint_names"] point = JointTrajectoryPoint() point.time_from_start = Duration(value["time_from_start"]) point.positions = value["positions"] trajectory.points = [point] self.poseLibrary[key] = trajectory except: rospy.logwarn( "Could not parse pose \"%s\" from the param server:", key) rospy.logwarn(sys.exc_info()) # add a default crouching pose: if not "crouch" in self.poseLibrary: trajectory = JointTrajectory() trajectory.joint_names = ["Body"] point = JointTrajectoryPoint() point.time_from_start = Duration(1.5) point.positions = [ 0.0, 0.0, # head 1.545, 0.33, -1.57, -0.486, 0.0, 0.0, # left arm -0.3, 0.057, -0.744, 2.192, -1.122, -0.035, # left leg -0.3, 0.057, -0.744, 2.192, -1.122, -0.035, # right leg 1.545, -0.33, 1.57, 0.486, 0.0, 0.0 ] # right arm trajectory.points = [point] self.poseLibrary["crouch"] = trajectory
def __init__(self, topic='motion/controller/look_at/in_pose_ref', duration=120, interval=[3, 5], maxXYZ=[1, 0.3, 0.5], minXYZ=[1.0, -0.3, 0.0], frame_xyz='base_link', frame_out='odom_combined'): super(RandPoseGenerator, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failure']) # Store topic parameter for later use. if not isinstance(topic, str): raise ValueError("Topic name must be string.") if not isinstance(duration, (int, float)) or duration <= 0: raise ValueError("Duration must be positive number.") if len(interval) != 2 or any([ not isinstance(t, (int, float)) for t in interval ]) or any([t < 0 for t in interval]) or interval[0] > interval[1]: raise ValueError("Interval must represent interval of time.") if len(minXYZ) != 3 or any( [not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in minXYZ]): raise ValueError("minXYZ: list of three numbers was expected.") if len(maxXYZ) != 3 or any( [not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in maxXYZ]): raise ValueError("maxXYZ: list of three numbers was expected.") if not isinstance(frame_xyz, str) or not isinstance(frame_out, str): raise ValueError("Frame names must be string.") self._topic = topic self._duration = Duration.from_sec(duration) self._interval = interval self._minXYZ = minXYZ self._maxXYZ = maxXYZ self._frame_in = frame_xyz self._frame_out = frame_out # create proxies self._publisher = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: PoseStamped}) self._tf_listener = ProxyTransformListener().listener() self._tf_listener.waitForTransform(self._frame_out, self._frame_in, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1)) if not self._tf_listener.canTransform(self._frame_out, self._frame_in, rospy.Time(0)): raise ValueError( "Unable to perform transform between frames %s and %s." % (self._frame_out, self._frame_in)) # state self._start_timestamp = None self._movement_timestamp = None self._movement_duration = Duration() # error in enter hook self._error = False
def write_with_offset(outbag, topic, msg, t, offset_sec): def add_offset(t, offset): # ignore those which are not unix timestamps return t + offset if is_unix_time(t.to_sec()) else t try: offset = Duration.from_sec(offset_sec) stamp = 0 if hasattr(msg, 'header'): msg.header.stamp = add_offset(msg.header.stamp, offset) elif hasattr(msg, 'stamp'): msg.stamp = add_offset(msg.stamp, offset) elif hasattr(msg, 'transforms'): for id,_ in enumerate(msg.transforms): msg.transforms[id].header.stamp = add_offset(msg.transforms[id].header.stamp, offset) # for RealSense metadata elif hasattr(msg, 'value'): try: value = int(msg.value) if is_unix_time(float(value) / 1000): msg.value = str(value + int(offset_sec * 1000)) except ValueError: try: value = float(msg.value) if is_unix_time(value / 1000): msg.value = '%.6f' % (value + offset_sec * 1000) except ValueError: pass except TypeError: print (str(msg)) print ('Cannot process above message: topic=%s, t=%.9f, offset=%.9f' % (topic, t.to_sec(), offset_sec)) exit() else: t = add_offset(t, offset) outbag.write(topic, msg, t)
def handle_camera_direction(self, subject): command = JointTrajectory() command.joint_names = ["head_2_joint", "head_1_joint"] point1 = JointTrajectoryPoint() #point2 = JointTrajectoryPoint() point1.velocities = [0.0, 0.0] #point2.velocities = [0] point1.time_from_start = Duration(2.0, 0.0) rospy.loginfo(subject) if subject[0] == 'up': self.head_ud = self.head_ud + self.head_move_step_size if subject[0] == 'down': self.head_ud = self.head_ud - self.head_move_step_size if subject[0] == 'left': self.head_lr = self.head_lr + self.head_move_step_size if subject[0] == 'right': self.head_lr = self.head_lr - self.head_move_step_size rospy.loginfo(self.head_ud) point1.positions = [self.head_ud, self.head_lr] command.points = [point1] self.pub_head.publish(command) return
def __init__(self, controller='motion/controller/joint_state_head', tolerance=0.17, timeout=10.0, joint_topic="joint_states", outcomes=['done', 'failed', 'timeout']): super(SetJointStateBase, self).__init__(outcomes=outcomes) # Store topic parameter for later use. self._controller = controller self._joint_topic = joint_topic self._tolerance = tolerance self._timeout = Duration.from_sec(timeout) # create proxies self._action_client = ProxyActionClient( {self._controller: SetOperationalAction}) self._pose_publisher = ProxyPublisher( {self._controller + '/in_joints_ref': JointState}) self._pose_subscriber = ProxySubscriberCached( {self._joint_topic: JointState}) # timestamp self._timestamp = None # error in enter hook self._error = False
def velocitiesPublisher(output): #Newly added global arm_current freq = 20 r = rospy.Rate(freq) # ROS publishers duration = Duration(nsecs=1e9 / float(freq) * 3.0) arm_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_controller/safe_command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) arm_msg = JointTrajectory() correction_velocities = Vector3() formatOutput(output, correction_velocities) print('correction_velocities[] ', correction_velocities) joint_angles_6 = correction_velocities.z joint_angles_7 = correction_velocities.x arm_pub.publish(correction_velocities) #arm_msg.joint_names = ["arm_1_joint", "arm_2_joint", "arm_3_joint", "arm_4_joint", "arm_5_joint", "arm_6_joint", # "arm_7_joint"] arm_msg.joint_names = ["arm_6_joint", "arm_7_joint"] arm_point = JointTrajectoryPoint() arm_point.time_from_start = duration arm_msg.points = [arm_point] # Subscribers arm_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/arm_controller/state', JointTrajectoryControllerState, cb_arm_state)
def test_extrapolation(dir, m, pose1, pose2, service, time1, time_12): # this stuff is done to test the accuracy of the extrapolation # wait some time to get the expected position rospy.sleep(Duration.from_sec(5)) resp = service("centroid,cuboid") object3 = resp.objects[0].object time3 = resp.stamp pose3 = m.transform_to(object3) # Get the duration between the first perception and now time_13 = time3 - time1 # get the relation between the first and second duration diff_time = float(time_13.to_sec()) / float(time_12.to_sec()) # table = [["stamps: ", time1, time2, time3], ["duration: ", time_12, time_13, diff_time]] # print tabulate(table) # calculate the new longer vector (scalar multiplication by hand) dir_13 = numpy.array([diff_time * dir[0], diff_time * dir[1]]) # add this new vector on the points from the first perception pose_comp = copy.deepcopy(pose1) pose_comp.primitive_poses[0].position.x += dir_13[0] pose_comp.primitive_poses[0].position.y += dir_13[1] = "red_cube" print pose_comp # print out the table for the different poses for debug table = [get_position(pose1), get_position(pose2), get_position(pose3), get_position(pose_comp)] print tabulate(table) dev = get_position(pose3)[1] / get_position(pose_comp)[1] * 100 print dev return pose_comp
def velocitiesPublisher(output): #### newly added #### global arm_current #### newly added #### # 6x1 matrix for end_effector work-space velocities # Obtained by multiplying NPF with output end_effector_velocities = correction_velocities = Vector3() formatOutput(end_effector_velocities, correction_velocities) #### newly added #### # Frequency which TIAGo runs at freq = 50 r= rospy.Rate(freq) duration = Duration(nsecs-1e9/float(freq)*3.0) # Publisher arm_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_controller/safe_command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) arm_msg = JointTrajectory() # Test to send velocity commands to TIAGo joint 6 and joint 7 joint_angles_6 = correction_velocities.z joint_angles_7 = correction_velocities.x arm_pub.publish(correction_velocities) arm_msg.joint_names = ["arm_6_joint", "arm_7_joint"] arm_point = JointTrajectoryPoint() arm_point.time_from_start = duration arm_msg.points = [arm_point]
def get_short_data(self): """ Returns a shortend version of the item data. :returns: data of the item :rtype: str """ data_dict = self.get_latest_data() if data_dict["window_stop"] == Time(0): return "No data yet" elif ( - data_dict["window_stop"]) > Duration(MAXIMUM_OFFLINE_TIME): # last entry was more than MAXIMUM_OFFLINE_TIME ago, it could be offline! return "No data since " + prepare_number_for_representation( - data_dict["window_stop"]) \ + " seconds" content = "" if data_dict["state"] is "error": content += self.get_erroneous_entries_for_log() else: content +="frequency") + ": " + prepare_number_for_representation(data_dict["frequency"]) \ + " " +"frequency_unit") + " - " content +="bandwidth") + ": " + prepare_number_for_representation( data_dict["bandwidth"]) + " " \ +"bandwidth_unit") + " - " content +="dropped_msgs") + ": " + prepare_number_for_representation(data_dict["dropped_msgs"]) \ + " " +"dropped_msgs_unit") return content
def __init__(self, controller='joint_state_head', duration=120, interval=[2.0, 4.0], joints=[], minimal=[], maximal=[]): super(RandJointsMovements, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'], input_keys=['config']) # Store topic parameter for later use. self._controller = 'motion/controller/' + controller # create proxies self._set_operational_caller = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._controller + '/set_operational': SetBool}) self._publisher = ProxyPublisher( {self._controller + '/in_joints_ref': JointState}) # state self._start_timestamp = None self._movement_timestamp = None self._movement_duration = Duration() # user input self.set_movement_parameters(duration, interval, joints, minimal, maximal) # error in enter hook self._error = False
def start(self): if not self.__running: self.__get_history() self.__register_subscribers() self.__running = True self.__timer = Timer(Duration(nsecs=UPDATE_FREQUENCY), self.__update_model)
def execute(self, userdata): if self._error: return 'failed' # check if time elasped if - self._start_timestamp > self._duration: return 'done' # check if we have tosend new point if - self._movement_timestamp > self._movement_duration: # determine new interval self._movement_timestamp = self._movement_duration = Duration.from_sec( random.uniform(*self._interval)) # form message msg = JointState() msg.header = Header( = ['joint52', 'joint53', 'eyes_pitch', 'eyes_yaw'] # random durection x = random.uniform(0, 1) y = random.uniform(0, 1) # compute head position msg.position = [0, 0, 0, 0] msg.position[0] = self._min2356[0] * x + self._max2356[0] * (1 - x) msg.position[1] = self._min2356[1] * y + self._max2356[1] * (1 - y) # compute eyes position msg.position[2] = self._min2356[2] * y + self._max2356[2] * (1 - y) msg.position[3] = self._min2356[3] * x + self._max2356[3] * (1 - x) # send message try: self._publisher.publish(self._controller + '/in_joints_ref', msg) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send JointState message `' + self._topic + '`:\n%s' % str(e))
def __init__(self, outcomes = ['unknown'], pose_ns = 'saved_msgs/joint_state', tolerance = 0.17, joint_topic = "joint_states", timeout = 1.0): # Process supplied pose list. Note it must be processed befor superclass constructor is called, # beacuse it changes 'outcomes' list due to side effect. # check if 'unknown' outcome is present if 'unknown' not in outcomes: raise RuntimeError, '"unknown" should presents in state outcomes' # remove 'unknown' while preserving items order poses_names = [ outcome for outcome in outcomes if outcome != 'unknown' ] # Load poses from paramere server. Pose is loaded in form dict(joint name -> position), # but they are stored as a list of tuples (pose_name, pose_dict) to preserve order. self._poses = [ (name, self.load_joint_state(pose_ns, name)) for name in poses_names ] # Call superclass constructor. super(CheckJointState, self).__init__(outcomes = outcomes) # Subscribe to the joint topic. self._joint_topic = joint_topic self._pose_subscriber = ProxySubscriberCached({ self._joint_topic: JointState }) # Store topic parameter for later use. self._tolerance = tolerance self._timeout = Duration.from_sec(timeout) # timestamp self._timestamp = None
def executeBodyPose(self, goal): if not goal.pose_name in self.poseLibrary: rospy.loginfo("Pose %s not in library, reload library from parameters..." % goal.pose_name) self.readInPoses() if goal.pose_name in self.poseLibrary: rospy.loginfo("Executing body pose %s...", goal.pose_name); if not self.stopWalkSrv is None: self.stopWalkSrv() trajGoal = JointTrajectoryGoal() # time out one sec. after trajectory ended: trajGoal.trajectory = self.poseLibrary[goal.pose_name] timeout = trajGoal.trajectory.points[-1].time_from_start + Duration(1.0) trajGoal.trajectory.header.stamp = # TODO: cancel goal after timeout is not working yet in nao_controller self.trajectoryClient.send_goal_and_wait(trajGoal, timeout) if self.trajectoryClient.get_state() != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: self.poseServer.set_aborted(text="JointTrajectory action did not succeed (timeout?)"); self.poseServer.set_succeeded() rospy.loginfo("Done."); else: msg = "pose \""+goal.pose_name+"\" not in pose_manager's library"; rospy.logwarn("%s", msg) self.poseServer.set_aborted(text=str(msg));
def execute(self, userdata): if self._error: return 'failed' # check if time elasped if - self._start_timestamp > self._duration: return 'done' # check if we have tosend new point if - self._movement_timestamp > self._movement_duration: # determine new interval self._movement_timestamp = self._movement_duration = Duration.from_sec( random.uniform(*self._interval)) # form message msg = JointState() msg.header = Header( = self._joints for i in range(0, len(self._joints)): x = random.uniform(0, 1) msg.position.append(self._minimal[i] * x + self._maximal[i] * (1 - x)) # send message try: self._publisher.publish(self._controller + '/in_joints_ref', msg) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send JointState message `' + self._topic + '`:\n%s' % str(e))
def __aggregate_topic_data(self, event): """ Aggregates the topic every TOPIC_AGGREGATION_FREQUENCY nsecs and pushes the updated data to self.__calculated_data. :param event: containing information when this method was called - not used but needed for the interface """ aggregated_data = {} for key in self._attributes: aggregated_data[key] = 0 for key in self.__calculated_data.keys(): self.__calculated_data[key].append(0) child_count = 0 for connection in self.get_childs( ): # !assuming all childs are connection items! values = connection.aggregate_data( self.__aggregation_window) # average over N seconds if values: for key in self.add_keys: aggregated_data[key] += values[key] for key in self.max_keys: if values[key] > aggregated_data[key]: aggregated_data[key] = values[key] for key in self.avg_keys: aggregated_data[key] += values[key] child_count += 1 for key in self.avg_keys: if child_count == 0: aggregated_data[key] = 0 else: aggregated_data[key] /= child_count self._data_lock.acquire() for key in self._attributes: self.__calculated_data[key][-1] = aggregated_data[key] self.__calculated_data["window_start"][-1] = self.__calculated_data["window_stop"][-1] = - (Duration( secs=1) if int(Duration( secs=1).to_sec()) <= int( else Time(0)) self._data_lock.release()
def update_graphs(self, event): """ Updates and redraws the graphs. """ self.__update_graphs_lock.acquire() if self.__draw_graphs or self.__first_update_pending: plotable_items = self.__plotable_items[min( self.__current_selected_combo_box_index * self.__items_per_group, len(self.__plotable_items)):min( (self.__current_selected_combo_box_index + 1) * self.__items_per_group, len(self.__plotable_items))] plotable_data = self.__model.get_root_item( ).get_items_younger_than( - (Duration(secs=self.__combo_box_index_to_seconds( self.__current_range_combo_box_index)) if int( Duration(secs=self.__combo_box_index_to_seconds( self.__current_range_combo_box_index)).to_sec()) <= int( else Time(0)), "window_stop", *plotable_items) temp_time = [] temp_content = [] if plotable_data["window_stop"]: modulo = (len(plotable_data["window_stop"]) / 200) + 1 length = len(plotable_data["window_stop"]) else: length = 0 modulo = 1 for i in range(0, length, modulo): # now having maximally 100 items to plot :) temp_time.append( int(str(plotable_data["window_stop"][i])) / 1000000000) x = np.array(temp_time) for key in plotable_items: for i in range(0, length, modulo): temp_content.append(plotable_data[key][i]) y = np.array(temp_content) del temp_content[:] self.__plotted_curves[key].setData(x=x, y=y) self.__first_update_pending = False self.__update_graphs_lock.release()
def timed_out(self): data_dict = self.get_latest_data() if data_dict["window_stop"] == Time(0): return False elif ( - data_dict["window_stop"]) > Duration(TIME_OUT): # last entry was more than TIME_OUT, so it's offline return True return False
def _update_current_state(self): """ This method updates the current state of the AbstractItem. :raises TypeError: at the initialization, it's possible that last_states["state"] has no entries and a TypeError occures """ if self.get_state(): if self.get_state() is not "error": last_states = self.get_rated_items_younger_than( - ( Duration(secs=WARNING_TIMEOUT) if int(Duration(secs=5).to_sec()) <= int( else Time(0)), "state") try: for i in range(0, len(last_states["state"])): if last_states["state"][i] is "error": self.set_state("warning") break except TypeError: return
def __init__(self, logger, seuid, first_message, parent=None): """Initializes the TopicItem. :param seuid: the seuid of the item :type seuid: str :param logger: a logger where to log when special events occur :type logger: ModelLogger :param parent: the parent-item :type parent: AbstractItem """ AbstractItem.__init__(self, logger, seuid, parent) self.__parent = parent self._type = "topic" self.add_keys = ["dropped_msgs", "traffic", "bandwidth", "frequency"] self.avg_keys = [ "period_mean", "period_stddev", "stamp_age_mean", "stamp_age_stddev" ] self.max_keys = ["period_max", "stamp_age_max"] self._attributes = [] self._attributes.extend([ "dropped_msgs", "traffic", "period_mean", "period_stddev", "period_max", "stamp_age_mean", "stamp_age_stddev", "stamp_age_max", "bandwidth", "frequency" ]) for item in self._attributes: self._add_data_list(item) self.__calculated_data = {} for key in self._attributes: self.__calculated_data[key] = [] self.__calculated_data["window_stop"] = [] self.__calculated_data["window_start"] = [] for item in self._attributes: self._rated_attributes.append(item + ".actual_value") self._rated_attributes.append(item + ".expected_value") self._rated_attributes.append(item + ".state") for item in self._rated_attributes: self._add_rated_data_list(item) self._logger.log("info",, seuid, "Created a new TopicItem") self.__timer = Timer(Duration(nsecs=TOPIC_AGGREGATION_FREQUENCY), self.__aggregate_topic_data) self.tree_items = [] self.__aggregation_window = rospy.get_param("~aggregation_window", 5) ### CARSON ADDED ###o self.throttle = None
def aggregate_data(self, period): """ :param period: The amount in seconds over which the data should be aggregated. :return: """ values = {} for key in self._attributes: values[key] = 0 entries = self.get_items_younger_than( - (Duration( secs=period) if int(Duration(secs=period).to_sec() ) <= int( else Time(0))) length = len(entries["window_stop"]) if entries["window_stop"] else 0 if length > 0: for key in self.add_keys: for i in range(0, length): values[key] += entries[key][i] for key in self.max_keys: if type(entries[key][-1]) == genpy.rostime.Time or type( entries[key][-1]) == genpy.rostime.Duration: for i in range(0, length): if entries[key][i].to_sec() > values[key]: values[key] = entries[key][i].to_sec() else: for i in range(0, length): if entries[key][i] > values[key]: values[key] = entries[key][i] for key in self.avg_keys: if type(entries[key][0]) is genpy.rostime.Time or type( entries[key][0]) is genpy.rostime.Duration: for i in range(0, length): values[key] += entries[key][i].to_sec() else: for i in range(0, length): values[key] += entries[key][i] values[key] = values[key] / length return values
def make_msg(joints, points_deg, tolerance_deg, time_tolerance): goal = control_msgs.msg.FollowJointTrajectoryGoal goal.goal_time_tolerance = Duration(time_tolerance) goal.path_tolerance = [ control_msgs.msg.JointTolerance(j, deg2rad(tolerance_deg), 0, 0) for j in joints if j[:8] != 'support/' ] goal.goal_tolerance = [ control_msgs.msg.JointTolerance(j, deg2rad(tolerance_deg), 0, 0) for j in joints if j[:8] != 'support/' ] header = std_msgs.msg.Header() header.stamp = points = [ trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint([deg2rad(p) for p in pos], [], [], [], Duration(time)) for time, pos in points_deg ] goal.trajectory = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory( header, joints, points) return goal
def update_graphs(self, event): """ Updates and redraws the graphs. """ self.__update_graphs_lock.acquire() if self.__selected_item is not None: if self.__draw_graphs or self.__first_update_pending: #print("items per group: " + str(self.__items_per_group)) #print("combo index: " + str(self.__current_selected_combo_box_index)) #print("len plot " + str(len(self.__plotable_items))) plotable_items = self.__plotable_items[min(self.__current_selected_combo_box_index * self.__items_per_group, len(self.__plotable_items)):min((self.__current_selected_combo_box_index + 1) * self.__items_per_group, len(self.__plotable_items))] plotable_data = self.__selected_item.get_items_younger_than( - Duration(secs=self.__combo_box_index_to_seconds(self.__current_range_combo_box_index)), - (Duration(secs=(self.__combo_box_index_to_seconds(self.__current_range_combo_box_index) + 10 )) if int(Duration(secs=self.__combo_box_index_to_seconds(self.__current_range_combo_box_index)).to_sec()) <= int( else Time(0) ), "window_stop", *plotable_items) if "window_stop" in plotable_data: if plotable_data["window_stop"]: temp_time = [] temp_content = [] length = len(plotable_data["window_stop"]) modulo = (length / 200) + 1 for i in range(0, length, modulo): # now having maximally 100 items to plot :) temp_time.append(plotable_data["window_stop"][i].to_sec()) x = np.array(temp_time) list_entries = self.__selected_item.get_list_items() time_entries = self.__selected_item.get_time_items() for key in plotable_items: if key in list_entries: pass else: if key in time_entries: for i in range(0, length, modulo): temp_content.append(float(str(plotable_data[key][i]))/1000000000) else: for i in range(0, length, modulo): temp_content.append(plotable_data[key][i]) y = np.array(temp_content) del temp_content[:] self.__plotted_curves[key].setData(x=x, y=y) else: pass self.__first_update_pending = False self.__update_graphs_lock.release()
def get_short_data(self): """ Returns a shortend version of the item data. :returns: data of the item :rtype: str """ data_dict = {} for key in self.__calculated_data: if self.__calculated_data[key]: data_dict[key] = self.__calculated_data[key][-1] else: data_dict[key] ="Currently no value available") data_dict["window_stop"] = Time(0) data_dict["window_start"] = Time(0) data_dict["state"] = self.get_state() try: if type(data_dict["window_stop"]) == type(1): data_dict["window_stop"] = Time(data_dict["window_stop"]) if data_dict["window_stop"] == Time(0): return "No data yet" elif ( - data_dict["window_stop"]) > Duration(MAXIMUM_OFFLINE_TIME): # last entry was more than MAXIMUM_OFFLINE_TIME ago, it could be offline! print("test 2") return "No data since " + prepare_number_for_representation( - data_dict["window_stop"]) \ + " seconds" except Exception as e: print(data_dict["window_stop"]) print(e) raise UserWarning content = "" if data_dict["state"] is "error": content += self.get_erroneous_entries_for_log() else: content +="frequency") + ": " + prepare_number_for_representation( data_dict["frequency"]) + " " \ +"frequency_unit") + " - " content +="bandwidth") + ": " + prepare_number_for_representation(bytes_to_kb(data_dict["bandwidth"])) \ + " " +"bandwidth_unit") + " - " content +="dropped_msgs") + ": " + prepare_number_for_representation(data_dict["dropped_msgs"]) \ + " " +"dropped_msgs_unit") return content
def _find_pose(self, image_stamp: rospy.rostime.Time) -> Optional[geometry_msgs.msg.Pose]: """ Find the pose that has the smallest time difference with the image timestamp :param image_stamp: an image time stamp :return: a geometric pose if found, none otherwise """ if len(self._last_poses) == 0: return None chosen_stamp = None smallest_delta = Duration(sys.maxsize) # Very big delta for stamp in self._last_poses.keys(): delta = abs(image_stamp-stamp) if delta < smallest_delta: smallest_delta = delta chosen_stamp = stamp return self._last_poses[chosen_stamp]
def set_movement_parameters(self, duration, interval, min2356, max2356): if not isinstance(duration, (int, float)) or duration < 0: raise ValueError("Duration must be nonegative number.") if len(interval) != 2 or any([ not isinstance(t, (int, float)) for t in interval ]) or any([t < 0 for t in interval]) or interval[0] > interval[1]: raise ValueError("Interval must represent interval of time.") if len(min2356) != 4 or any( [not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in min2356]): raise ValueError("min2356: list of four numbers was expected.") if len(max2356) != 4 or any( [not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in max2356]): raise ValueError("max2356: list of four numbers was expected.") self._duration = Duration.from_sec(duration) self._interval = interval self._min2356 = min2356 self._max2356 = max2356
def percieve_object(self): rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Start percieving Object') # create service service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/suturo/GetGripper", GetGripper) # get the first perception rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: call Perception Service') resp = service("firstConveyorCall,cuboid") if len(resp.objects) == 0 or not resp.objects[0].c_cuboid_success: rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: objects empty or no cuboid 1') return -1 object1 = resp.objects[0].object self.__perceived_pose_time = resp.stamp # wait some time until the second perception rospy.sleep(Duration.from_sec(0.5)) resp = service("cuboid") if len(resp.objects) == 0 or not resp.objects[0].c_cuboid_success: rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: objects empty or no cuboid 2') return -2 object2 = resp.objects[0].object time2 = resp.stamp # transform the points into odom_combined self.__perceived_pose = utils.manipulation.transform_to(object1) # utils.manipulation.get_planning_scene().add_object(self.__perceived_pose) pose2 = utils.manipulation.transform_to(object2) # calculate the vector from the points of first and second perception self.__direction = numpy.array([ (pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.x - self.__perceived_pose.primitive_poses[0].position.x), (pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.y - self.__perceived_pose.primitive_poses[0].position.y) ]) # calculate the time between the first and second perception self.__time_between_poses = time2 - self.__perceived_pose_time rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Return Object') return 0
def parseXapPoses(self, xaplibrary): try: poses = xapparser.getpostures(xaplibrary) except RuntimeError as re: rospy.logwarn("Error while parsing the XAP file: %s" % str(re)) return for name, pose in poses.items(): trajectory = JointTrajectory() trajectory.joint_names = pose.keys() joint_values = pose.values() point = JointTrajectoryPoint() point.time_from_start = Duration(2.0) # hardcoded duration! point.positions = pose.values() trajectory.points = [point] self.poseLibrary[name] = trajectory
def percieve_object(self): rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Start percieving Object') # create service service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/suturo/GetGripper", GetGripper) # get the first perception rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: call Perception Service') resp = service("firstConveyorCall,cuboid") if len(resp.objects) == 0 or not resp.objects[0].c_cuboid_success: rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: objects empty or no cuboid 1') return -1 object1 = resp.objects[0].object self.__perceived_pose_time = resp.stamp # wait some time until the second perception rospy.sleep(Duration.from_sec(0.5)) resp = service("cuboid") if len(resp.objects) == 0 or not resp.objects[0].c_cuboid_success: rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: objects empty or no cuboid 2') return -2 object2 = resp.objects[0].object time2 = resp.stamp # transform the points into odom_combined self.__perceived_pose = utils.manipulation.transform_to(object1) # utils.manipulation.get_planning_scene().add_object(self.__perceived_pose) pose2 = utils.manipulation.transform_to(object2) # calculate the vector from the points of first and second perception self.__direction = numpy.array( [(pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.x - self.__perceived_pose.primitive_poses[0].position.x), (pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.y - self.__perceived_pose.primitive_poses[0].position.y)]) # calculate the time between the first and second perception self.__time_between_poses = time2 - self.__perceived_pose_time rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Return Object') return 0
def set_movement_parameters(self, duration, interval, joints, minimal, maximal): if not isinstance(duration, (int, float)) or duration < 0: raise ValueError("Duration must be nonegative number.") if len(interval) != 2 or any([ not isinstance(t, (int, float)) for t in interval ]) or any([t < 0 for t in interval]) or interval[0] > interval[1]: raise ValueError("Interval must represent interval of time.") if len(joints) != len(minimal) or len(joints) != len(maximal): raise ValueError( "joints, minimal and maximal arrays must have the same size.") if any([not isinstance(v, str) for v in joints]): raise ValueError("joints: list of string is expected.") if any([not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in minimal]): raise ValueError("minimal: list of numbers is expected.") if any([not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in maximal]): raise ValueError("maximal: list of numbers is expected.") self._duration = Duration.from_sec(duration) self._interval = interval self._joints = joints self._minimal = minimal self._maximal = maximal
def __init__(self): self.target_identifier = TargetIdentifier() self.localizer = Localizer() self.bridge = CvBridge() self.sub_cam = rospy.Subscriber("/ardrone/bottom/image_raw", Image, self.identify_targets) self.sub_pos = rospy.Subscriber("/vicon/ARDroneCarre/ARDroneCarre", TransformStamped, self.store_pos) self.ob_locations = [] self.radius_list = [] self.lm_locations = [] self.crop_list = [] #self.yaw_list = [] self.epsilon = Duration(5) self.frames = 0 self.obstacle_frames = 0 self.landmark_frames = 0 self.not_pixels = 0 self.time_filtered = 0 return
def pos_calc_test(m): # create service service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/suturo/GetGripper", GetGripper) # get the first perception resp = service("firstConveyorCall,centroid,cuboid") object1 = resp.objects[0].object time1 = resp.stamp # wait some time until the second perception rospy.sleep(Duration.from_sec(0.5)) resp = service("centroid,cuboid") object2 = resp.objects[0].object time2 = resp.stamp # transform the points into odom_combined pose1 = m.transform_to(object1) pose2 = m.transform_to(object2) # calculate the vector from the points of first and second perception dir = numpy.array([(pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.x - pose1.primitive_poses[0].position.x), ( pose2.primitive_poses[0].position.y - pose1.primitive_poses[0].position.y)]) # dir_dist = sqrt(pow(dir[0], 2) + pow(dir[1], 2)) # get the duration between the two looks time_12 = time2 - time1 # set the time in 5 secs t_5 = + rospy.Duration(8) time_13 = t_5 - time1 diff_time = float(time_13.to_sec()) / float(time_12.to_sec()) dir_13 = numpy.array([diff_time * dir[0], diff_time * dir[1]]) # add this new vector on the points from the first perception pose_comp = copy.deepcopy(pose1) pose_comp.primitive_poses[0].position.x += dir_13[0] pose_comp.primitive_poses[0].position.y += dir_13[1] = "red_cube" # print out the table for the different poses for debug table = [get_position(pose1), get_position(pose2), get_position(pose_comp)] print tabulate(table) # return test_extrapolation(dir, m, pose1, pose2, service, time1, time_12) return pose_comp
def decode(self, _, data): """ Generate a rospy.rostime.Duration instance based on the given data which should be a string representation of a float. """ return Duration.from_sec(float(data))
def execute(self, userdata): rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Executing state FastGrasp') self.__t_point.header.frame_id = "/odom_combined" # TODO: Auf 10 Min grenzen testen if not utils.manipulation.is_gripper_open(): rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Open Gripper') utils.manipulation.open_gripper() r = self.percieve_object() i = 0 while r == -1: if i == 2 and not userdata.request_second_object: # TODO: Zeit anpassen, ab wann gecalled wird rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Request next object') rospy.ServiceProxy("/euroc_interface_node/request_next_object", RequestNextObject).call() userdata.request_second_object = True if i == 19 and userdata.request_second_object: rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Time Expired') return 'noObjectsLeft' r = self.percieve_object() i += 1 # TODO: Was passiert wenn das Objekt nur einmal gesehen wurde rospy.logdebug('FastGrasp: Begin movement, Plan 1') for j in range(0, 4): self.extrapolate(j) self.calculate_target_point(self.__pose_comp) if utils.manipulation.move_to(self.__t_point): rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 1: moved!") break else: rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 1: No Plan fount in step " + str(j)) if j == 3: return 'noPlanFound' if userdata.object_index == 1: offset = rospy.Duration(2) elif userdata.object_index == 2: offset = rospy.Duration(4) else: offset = rospy.Duration(4) while rospy.get_rostime() < self.__t_point_time - offset: rospy.sleep(0.01) self.__t_point.pose.position.z -= 0.07 rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 2") if utils.manipulation.move_to(self.__t_point): rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 2: moved!") else: rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 2: Cant grasp") return 'noPlanFound' utils.manipulation.close_gripper(self.__pose_comp) self.__t_point.pose.position.z += 0.1 rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 3") for k in range(0, 4): if utils.manipulation.move_to(self.__t_point): rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 3: moved!") break else: if k == 3: rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: No Plan found to lift object") return 'noPlanFound' rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Plan 3: Cant lift: " + str(k)) if self.__t_point.pose.position.y > 0: self.__t_point.pose.position.y -= 0.1 else: self.__t_point.pose.position.y += 0.1 if self.__t_point.pose.position.x > 0: self.__t_point.pose.position.x -= 0.1 else: self.__t_point.pose.position.x += 0.1 rospy.sleep(Duration.from_sec(0.5)) tfs = TorqueForceService() if tfs.is_free(): rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: Grasp Fail") return 'graspingFailed' rospy.logdebug("FastGrasp: objectGrasped, finished") userdata.object_index += 1 return 'objectGrasped'