def foot_scale_cb(self, request): #FootScaleRequest): # save messages self.save_msgs = True while len(self.last_msgs) < 100: rospy.sleep(0.1) rospy.logerr_throttle(0.5, "Collecting messages for Scale correction") self.save_msgs = False rospy.sleep(0.1) # process last requests for saving messages # this is a bit inefficient but it works message_data = np.zeros((8, len(self.last_msgs))) for i in range(len(self.last_msgs)): message_data[0][i] = self.last_msgs[i].l_l_f message_data[1][i] = self.last_msgs[i].l_l_b message_data[2][i] = self.last_msgs[i].l_r_f message_data[3][i] = self.last_msgs[i].l_r_b message_data[4][i] = self.last_msgs[i].r_l_f message_data[5][i] = self.last_msgs[i].r_l_b message_data[6][i] = self.last_msgs[i].r_r_f message_data[7][i] = self.last_msgs[i].r_r_b single_scale = request.weight / ( np.mean(message_data[request.sensor]) -[request.sensor]) rospy.logwarn("mean:" + str(np.median(message_data[request.sensor]))) self.scale[request.sensor] = float(single_scale) rospy.set_param("~scale", self.scale) self.last_msgs = [] self.save_yaml() return FootScaleResponse()
def zero_cb(self, request): #EmptyRequest): # save messages self.save_msgs = True while len(self.last_msgs) < 100: rospy.sleep(0.1) rospy.logerr_throttle(0.5, "Collecting messages for Zeroing") self.save_msgs = False rospy.sleep(0.1) # process last requests for saving messages message_data = np.zeros((8, len(self.last_msgs))) for i in range(len(self.last_msgs)): message_data[0][i] = self.last_msgs[i].l_l_f message_data[1][i] = self.last_msgs[i].l_l_b message_data[2][i] = self.last_msgs[i].l_r_f message_data[3][i] = self.last_msgs[i].l_r_b message_data[4][i] = self.last_msgs[i].r_l_f message_data[5][i] = self.last_msgs[i].r_l_b message_data[6][i] = self.last_msgs[i].r_r_f message_data[7][i] = self.last_msgs[i].r_r_b self.last_msgs = [] for i in range(8):[i] = (float(np.median(message_data[i]))) rospy.set_param("~zero", self.save_yaml() return EmptyResponse()
def callback(self, rgb, depth): if depth.encoding == '32FC1': depth_32 = self._cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth) * 1000 depth_cv = np.array(depth_32, dtype=np.uint16) elif depth.encoding == '16UC1': depth_cv = self._cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth) else: rospy.logerr_throttle( 1, 'Unsupported depth type. Expected 16UC1 or 32FC1, got {}'. format(depth.encoding)) return rgb_cv = self._cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb, 'bgr8') labels, probs = self._hand_segmentation.segment(rgb_cv, depth_cv) kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) cv2.erode(labels, kernel, labels) idx = (labels == 1) rgb_cv[idx] = [0, 0, 255] overlay_msg = self._cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(rgb_cv) overlay_msg.header.stamp = overlay_msg.header.frame_id = rgb.header.frame_id overlay_msg.encoding = 'bgr8' self._overlay_pub.publish(overlay_msg)
def controller_cb(self, j): if not self.initialized: return if len( != 2: rospy.logerr_throttle(0.5, 'Array size should be {}', len(self.joint_ids)) return new_pos = {} new_pos_print = {} vel = {} # > 360 max_dist = 0 # deg max_vel = 114.0 # RPM max_t = 0 # sec for idx, i in enumerate(self.joint_ids): rospy.loginfo('cur_pos[{}]: {}'.format( i, self.cur_pos[i].get() - self.zeros[i])) for idx, i in enumerate(self.joint_ids): new_pos[i] =[idx] + self.zeros[i] new_pos_print[i] =[idx] dist = math.fabs(self.cur_pos[i].get() - new_pos[i]) if dist > max_dist: max_dist = dist max_t = max_dist / (114.0) rospy.loginfo('max_t: {}'.format(max_t)) for i in self.joint_ids: if max_t: vel[i] = math.fabs(self.cur_pos[i].get() - new_pos[i]) / max_t else: vel[i] = 0.0 rospy.loginfo('new_pos: {}'.format(new_pos_print)) rospy.loginfo('Vel: {}'.format(vel)) for i in self.joint_ids: self.led[i].set(0) is_error = False try: self.vel[i].set(vel[i]) self.pos[i].set(new_pos[i], deferred=True) except BusError as e: # Set LED self.led[i].set(1) # Don't move self.pos[i].set(self.cur_pos[i].get()) rospy.logerr_throttle(0.5, e) is_error = True if not is_error: self.bus.send_action()
def scan(self, callback): """Starts the DVL data collection. This method is blocking, but calls callback at every ensemble. To stop a scan, simply call the preempt() method. Otherwise, the scan will run forever. Args: callback: Callback for feedback. Called with args=(TeledyneNavigator, Ensemble). """ self._preempted = False # Set PD5 output format. self.write("PD5\n") # Set earth coordinate transformation. self.write("EX11111\n") # Start pinging. self.write("CS\n") while not self._preempted: # Preempt on ROS shutdown. if rospy.is_shutdown(): self.preempt() return try: ensemble = self._get_ensemble() callback(self, ensemble) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr_throttle(1.0, str(e)) continue
def _callback_camera_info(self, camera_info): if camera_info.K[0] == 0: rospy.logerr_throttle( 5.0, rospy.get_name() + ": Invalid CameraInfo received. Check your camera settings.") self._camera_info = camera_info
def start_animation(self): """ This will NOT wait by itself. You have to check animation_finished() by yourself. :return: """ first_try = self.blackboard.dynup_action_client.wait_for_server( rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("hcm/anim_server_wait_time", 1))) if not first_try: server_running = False while not server_running and not self.blackboard.shut_down_request and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.logerr_throttle(5.0, "Dynup Action Server not running! Dynup cannot work without dynup server!" "Will now wait until server is accessible!") server_running = self.blackboard.dynup_action_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(1)) if server_running: rospy.logwarn("Dynup server now running, hcm will go on.") else: rospy.logwarn("Dynup server did not start.") return False goal = bitbots_msgs.msg.DynUpGoal() goal.front = True # is currently ignored self.blackboard.dynup_action_client.send_goal(goal) return True
def _check_constraints(self): for constraint in self.constraints: source_topic = constraint['source_topic'] warn_delay = constraint['warn_delay'] error_delay = constraint['error_delay'] now = source_cb = self.topic_auto_subscriber_dict[source_topic] source_timestamp = source_cb.get_timestamp() if source_timestamp is not None: delay = (now - source_timestamp).to_sec() if delay >= error_delay: rospy.logerr_throttle( 5, "Time constraint not satisfied! {} Seconds passed after last {} Message!" .format(delay, source_topic)) elif delay >= warn_delay: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5, "Time constraint not satisfied! {} Seconds passed after last {} Message!" .format(delay, source_topic)) else: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5, "Never received {}!".format(source_topic))
def get_inverse_kinematics(self, pose): try: rospy.wait_for_service('compute_ik', 2) except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException) as e: rospy.logerr("Arm commander - Impossible to connect to IK service : " + str(e)) return False, [] try: tool_link_pose = self.__transform_handler.tcp_to_ee_link_pose_target(pose, "tool_link") moveit_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_ik', GetPositionIK) req = PositionIKRequest() req.group_name = self.__arm.get_name() req.ik_link_name = self.__arm.get_end_effector_link() = self.__arm_state.joints_name req.robot_state.joint_state.position = self.__arm_state.joint_states req.pose_stamped.pose = tool_link_pose response = moveit_ik(req) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr("Arm commander - Service call failed: {}".format(e)) return False, [] if response.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.NO_IK_SOLUTION: rospy.logerr_throttle(0.5, "Arm commander - MoveIt didn't find an IK solution") return False, [] elif response.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr("Arm commander - IK Failed : code error {}".format(response.error_code.val)) return False, [] return True, list(response.solution.joint_state.position[:6])
def setpoint_publisher(mavros_interface_node, commander_class_instance, ros_rate=100): """ This method continuously publishes the setpoint state - must run at a deterministic rate to prevent offboard mode from exiting (offboard mode exits if a new instruction is not received at a minimum of 2 hz) """ rate = rospy.Rate(ros_rate) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: # todo - add this thread lock to mission_states # todo - use commander lock rather than mission states lock? # with mavros_interface_node.setpoint_lock: mavros_interface_node.setpoint_lock.acquire() mavros_interface_node.local_pos_pub_raw.publish( commander_class_instance.sp_raw) mavros_interface_node.setpoint_lock.release() except Exception as e: rospy.logerr_throttle( 1, ('couldnt publish the setpoint message because: ', e)) try: # prevent garbage in console output when thread is killed rate.sleep() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
def check_joint_raw_sensor_value(self, initial_raw_value, joint, dictionary): status = "" warning = False test_failed = False if joint.joint_name != self._hand_prefix + "_wrj1" and joint.joint_name != self._hand_prefix + "_thj5": initial_raw_value = initial_raw_value[-1:] for i, value in enumerate(initial_raw_value): time = + self._check_duration while < time and test_failed is not True: difference = joint._raw_sensor_data[i] - initial_raw_value[i] if abs(difference) <= SENSOR_CUTOUT_THRESHOLD: if abs(difference) < NR_OF_BITS_NOISE_WARNING: status = "{} bits noise - CHECK PASSED".format( abs(difference) + 1) elif abs(difference) == NR_OF_BITS_NOISE_WARNING: rospy.logwarn_throttle(1, "Found value with 3 bits diff") status = "3 bits noise - WARNING" test_failed = True else: rospy.logerr_throttle( 1, "Found value with {} bits diff".format( abs(difference) + 1)) status = "{} bits noise - CHECK FAILED".format( abs(difference) + 1) test_failed = True self._publishing_rate.sleep() print("Finished loop for {}".format(joint.joint_name)) if joint.joint_name not in dictionary: dictionary[joint.joint_name] = status else: name = joint.joint_name + "_1" dictionary[name] = status
def spawn_drone(self): """ Spawn the drone. """ # 1. create spawn service handle try: client = rospy.ServiceProxy('/spawn', SpawnRobot) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr_throttle(1.0, 'Spawn Client Creation Failed : %s' % e) # 2. obtain semi-hardcoded drone image img = os.path.join(rospack.get_path('iarc_sim_engine'), 'data', 'drone.jpg') # 3. actually spawn the drone drone = self.spawn_robot( client,, img=img, radius=cfg.DRONE_RADIUS, pose=Pose2D(0, 0, cfg.PI / 2), robot_class=Drone, ) return drone
def start_animation(self, anim): """ This will NOT wait by itself. You have to check animation_finished() by yourself. :param anim: animation to play :return: """ rospy.loginfo("Playing animation " + anim) if anim is None or anim == "": rospy.logwarn("Tried to play an animation with an empty name!") return False first_try = self.blackboard.animation_action_client.wait_for_server( rospy.Duration(1)) if not first_try: server_running = False while not server_running and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.logerr_throttle( 5.0, "Animation Action Server not running! Motion can not work without animation action server. " "Will now wait until server is accessible!") server_running = self.blackboard.animation_action_client.wait_for_server( rospy.Duration(1)) if server_running: rospy.logwarn("Animation server now running, hcm will go on.") else: rospy.logwarn("Animation server did not start.") return False goal = humanoid_league_msgs.msg.PlayAnimationGoal() goal.animation = anim goal.hcm = True # the animation is from the hcm self.blackboard.animation_action_client.send_goal(goal) return True
def publish_uav_target_pose(): try: current_pose, target_pose = target_finder.extract_poses() targetOdom = Odometry() # Populating Odometry msg global sequence_number targetOdom.header.frame_id = "odom" targetOdom.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() targetOdom.header.seq = sequence_number sequence_number += 1 x, y, theta = target_pose q = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, theta, axes='sxyz') targetOdom.pose.pose.position.x = x targetOdom.pose.pose.position.y = y targetOdom.pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] targetOdom.pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] targetOdom.pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] targetOdom.pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] uav_target_odom_pub.publish(targetOdom) targetPose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() targetPose.header = targetOdom.header targetPose.pose.pose = targetOdom.pose.pose uav_target_pose_pub.publish(targetPose) except ValueError as ex: rospy.logerr_throttle(5.0, rospy.get_name() + " : " + str(ex))
def updateTfs(self, event=None): rospy.logdebug("updateTfs") model_states = self.getWorldState() Tr_m = self.getRobotTransform(model_states=model_states) if Tr_m is None: return None try: To_r = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform("base_footprint", "odom", Tr_m.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(.1)) #Approach inspired by To_r_mat = self.transformToMat(To_r) Tr_m_mat = self.transformToMat(Tr_m) Tm_o_mat = Tm_o = self.matToTransform(Tm_o_mat) Tm_o.header.frame_id = "map" Tm_o.header.stamp = To_r.header.stamp Tm_o.child_frame_id = "odom" self.tf_broadcaster_m.sendTransform(Tm_o) self.transform = Tm_o except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logerr_throttle(1, "can't find odom to base")
def _publish_area(self): try: if self._sim2d: t, _ = self._tf.lookupTransform('map', 'base_link', rospy.Time(0)) x, y, z = t r = z * np.tan(np.pi / 3) th = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi) ar_x = x + r * np.cos(th) ar_y = y + r * np.sin(th) ar = np.stack([ar_x, ar_y, 0 * ar_y], axis=-1) poly = self._a2p(ar) self._ar_msg.header.stamp = self._ar_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' self._ar_msg.polygon = poly self._ar_pub.publish(self._ar_msg) elif self._cam_frame: # looks a bit stupid ... TODO(yoonyoungcho): fix t, q = self._tf.lookupTransform(self._map_frame, self._cam_frame, rospy.Time(0)) q = [q[3], q[0], q[1], q[2]] ar = observability(self._K, self._w, self._h, q, t, False) poly = self._a2p(ar) self._ar_msg.header.stamp = self._ar_msg.header.frame_id = self._map_frame self._ar_msg.polygon = poly self._ar_pub.publish(self._ar_msg) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr_throttle( 1.0, 'Exception at _publish_area() in : {}'.format(e))
def initialize(self): if self._initialized: return try: for i in range(self._num_markers): #M = tx.compose_matrix(translate = self._xyz[i], angles=self._rpy[i]) #txn = tx.translation_from_matrix(M) #rxn = tx.quaternion_from_matrix(M) txn = self._xyz[i] rxn = tx.quaternion_from_euler(*(self._rpy[i])) req = SetModelStateRequest() req.model_state.model_name = 'a_{}'.format(i) req.model_state.reference_frame = 'map' # TODO : wait for base_link for correctness. for now, ok. fill_pose_msg(req.model_state.pose, txn, rxn) res = self._gsrv(req) if not res.success: rospy.logerr_throttle( 1.0, 'Set Model Request Failed : {}'.format( res.status_message)) return except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr_throttle(1.0, 'Initialization Failed : {}'.format(e)) return self._initialized = True
def inverse(self, t, TGB): if len(t) < self._num_jnts: rospy.logerr_throttle( 5, "[ServoIk.inverse] Wrong number of joints published. Published: {} Existing: {}" .format(len(t), self._num_jnts)) return None else: joints_array = kdl.JntArray(self._num_jnts) for i in xrange(self._num_jnts): joints_array[i] = t[i] joint_velocities_array = kdl.JntArray(self._num_jnts) FEB = kdl.Frame() FGB = kdl.Frame( kdl.Rotation.Quaternion(TGB[1][0], TGB[1][1], TGB[1][2], TGB[1][3]), kdl.Vector(TGB[0][0], TGB[0][1], TGB[0][2])) self._fk_p.JntToCart(joints_array, FEB) FEGB = FGB * FEB.Inverse() iterations = 0 while (FEGB.p.Norm() > LINEAR_TOLERANCE or FEGB.M.GetRotAngle()[0] > ANGULAR_TOLERANCE) \ and iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS: iterations += 1 twist = kdl.Twist(FEGB.p, FEGB.M.GetRot()) self._ik_v.CartToJnt(joints_array, twist, joint_velocities_array) maximum = 0.0 for i in xrange(self._num_jnts): if joint_velocities_array[i] > maximum: maximum = joint_velocities_array[i] if maximum > SATURATION: reduction = SATURATION / maximum else: reduction = 1.0 for i in xrange(self._num_jnts): joints_array[i] += reduction * joint_velocities_array[i] self._fk_p.JntToCart(joints_array, FEB) FEGB = FGB * FEB.Inverse() logdebug('amount of iterations needed: %s', iterations) if iterations >= MAX_ITERATIONS: return None solution = [] for i in xrange(self._num_jnts): while joints_array[i] < pi: joints_array[i] += 2.0 * pi while joints_array[i] > pi: joints_array[i] -= 2.0 * pi if joints_array[i] < self.lower_limits[i] \ or joints_array[i] > self.upper_limits[i]: return None solution.append(joints_array[i]) return solution
def __check_alarms(self): """Check alarms, if there is an alarm, check that all alarms are in whitelist, and reset if so. Returns: True if no alarms found, False if alarms were found (regardless of whether reset was successful) """ alarms = self.__alarm_interface.alarms unrecognized_alarms = [ alm for alm in alarms if alm.alarm_identifier not in self.__alrm_whitelist ] if len(alarms) >= NUM_ALARMS: rospy.logwarn( 'There are the max number of %d alarms on the ' 'robot. Potentially missing some alarms', NUM_ALARMS) if len(alarms) > 0: rospy.logdebug('Alarms on Robot: %s', alarms) if len(unrecognized_alarms) == 0: rospy.loginfo('Alarm in whitelist, resetting') with self.__config_lock: self.__io_interface.reset() else: rospy.logerr_throttle( 5, 'At least one alarm is not in whitelist, check teach ' 'pendant. All alarms: %s' % (alarms, )) return len(alarms) == 0
def precondition_check(self): # check we are landed # todo - if we are already airborne then passthrough this state # todo - if in gps mode then take an average of readings for the start x,y and z data? if self._prerun_complete: try: # rospy.sleep(1.0) self.start_x = copy(self._ros_message_node.local_x) self.start_y = copy(self._ros_message_node.local_y) self.start_z = copy(self._ros_message_node.local_z) if self.heading_tgt_rad is None: self.heading_tgt_rad = copy( self._ros_message_node.yaw_local) self.preconditions_satisfied = True rospy.loginfo('takeoff target: {} start z: {}'.format( self.to_altitude_tgt, self.start_z)) self.vel_ramp_time_start = except Exception as e: rospy.logerr_throttle( 1, 'some exception {} happened in 2323jj3'.format(e))
def __connect(self, retry): """ connect with ble device through gatttool, return a pexpect object """ while True: try: gt = pexpect.spawn("gatttool -b " + self.mac + " -t random --char-write-req -a " + self.write_handle + " -n 0100 --listen") connect_expect = "Characteristic value was written successfully" gt.expect(connect_expect, timeout=10) break except (pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF) as e: rospy.logerr_throttle( 10, rospy.get_name() + ": Failed to connect to device, please check connection and handle settings" ) if (retry): rospy.logwarn_throttle(10, "Reconnecting...") else: exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: rospy.loginfo( rospy.get_name() + ": Received keyboard interrupt. Quitting cleanly.") retry = False exit(0) if (not retry): break return gt
def handle_gps(msg, args): """ Publish the GPS position in waterlinked frame. """ pub, tf = args e, n, a, zone, band = lla_to_utm(msg.latitude, msg.longitude, 0.0, radians=False) rospy.logdebug("utm: {} {} {}".format(e, n, a)) p_utm = PointStamped(Header(0, rospy.Time.from_sec(0.0), "utm"), Point(e, n, a)) # tf = Buffer() try: p_wl = tf.transform(p_utm, "waterlinked") rospy.logdebug("waterlinked: {} {} {}".format(p_wl.point.x, p_wl.point.y, p_wl.point.z)) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr_throttle(5.0, "{} | {}".format(rospy.get_name(), e.message)) return msg_pose_with_cov_stamped = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() var_xyz = pow(1.5, 2) # calculate variance from standard deviation msg_pose_with_cov_stamped.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp msg_pose_with_cov_stamped.header.frame_id = p_wl.header.frame_id msg_pose_with_cov_stamped.pose.pose.position.x = p_wl.point.x msg_pose_with_cov_stamped.pose.pose.position.y = p_wl.point.y msg_pose_with_cov_stamped.pose.pose.position.z = p_wl.point.z msg_pose_with_cov_stamped.pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1) msg_pose_with_cov_stamped.pose.covariance = [ var_xyz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, var_xyz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, var_xyz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] pub.publish(msg_pose_with_cov_stamped)
def callback_rgbd(self, rgb, depth): if depth.encoding == '32FC1': depth_cv = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth) elif depth.encoding == '16UC1': depth_cv = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth).copy().astype(np.float32) depth_cv /= 1000.0 else: rospy.logerr_throttle( 1, 'Unsupported depth type. Expected 16UC1 or 32FC1, got {}'.format( depth.encoding)) return im = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb, 'bgr8') # rescale image if necessary if cfg.TEST.SCALES_BASE[0] != 1: im_scale = cfg.TEST.SCALES_BASE[0] im = pad_im(cv2.resize(im, None, None, fx=im_scale, fy=im_scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR), 16) depth_cv = pad_im(cv2.resize(depth_cv, None, None, fx=im_scale, fy=im_scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST), 16) with lock: = im.copy() self.depth = depth_cv.copy() self.rgb_frame_id = rgb.header.frame_id self.rgb_frame_stamp = rgb.header.stamp
def yPositionCheck(self): # Position constraints are set in vector_field_planner_params.yaml # y_constraint: [ymin, ymax] if np.any([self.y_constraint[0] > self.pos[1], self.pos[1] > self.y_constraint[1]]): rospy.logerr_throttle(1,"Unsafe Y Position: Y=%.2f" %(self.pos[1])) return False return True
def controller(self): if (rospy.get_time() - self.pose_msg_time > self.max_msg_timeout): rospy.logwarn_throttle(10.0, "No pose received!") return 0.0 if (rospy.get_time() - self.twist_msg_time > self.max_msg_timeout): rospy.logwarn_throttle(10.0, "No twist received!") return 0.0 if self.controller_type is None: rospy.logwarn_throttle(10.0, "No controller chosen!") return 0.0 # return 0.0 if setpoint is 'unsafe' if ((self.desired_x_pos < self.min_x_limit) or (self.desired_x_pos > self.max_x_limit)): rospy.logwarn_throttle(10.0, "x setpoint outside safe region!") return 0.0 # return 0.0 if setpoint velocity is 'unsafe' if ((self.desired_x_velocity < -self.x_d_limit) or (self.desired_x_velocity > self.x_d_limit)): rospy.logwarn_throttle(10.0, "x velocity setpoint outside safe region!") return 0.0 # return 0.0 if x_pos is 'unsafe' if ((self.current_x_pos < self.min_x_limit) or (self.current_x_pos > self.max_x_limit)): rospy.logwarn_throttle(10.0, "x outside safe region!") return 0.0 if self.x_uncertainty > 1.0: return 0 if self.controller_type == 0: # SMC self.e1 = self.desired_x_pos - self.current_x_pos self.e2 = self.desired_x_velocity - self.current_x_velocity s = self.e2 + self.Lambda * self.e1 k = 10**(-self.k_u * self.x_uncertainty) u = self.alpha * (self.desired_x_acceleration + self.Lambda * self.e2 + self.kappa * (s / (abs(s) + self.epsilon))) elif self.controller_type == 1: # PD-Controller self.e1 = self.desired_x_pos - self.current_x_pos self.e2 = self.desired_x_velocity - self.current_x_velocity u = self.k_p * self.e1 + self.k_d * self.e2 else: rospy.logerr_throttle(10.0, "\nError! Undefined Controller chosen.\n") return 0.0 k = 10**(-self.k_u * self.x_uncertainty) return self.sat(k * u)
def initialise(self): if not self.action_server_ok: rospy.logwarn_throttle(5, "No action server found for A_GotoWaypoint!") return mission_plan = if mission_plan is None: rospy.logwarn("No mission plan found!") return wp = mission_plan.get_current_wp() # wp = # # if this is the first ever action, we need to get it ourselves if wp is None: rospy.logwarn("No wp found to execute! Does the plan have any waypoints that we understand?") return if wp.tf_frame != self.goal_tf_frame: rospy.logerr_throttle(5, 'The frame of the waypoint({0}) does not match the expected frame({1}) of the action client!'.format(frame, self.goal_tf_frame)) return if wp.maneuver_id == imc_enums.MANEUVER_SAMPLE: # TODO change this behaviour lol rospy.logwarn(5, "THIS IS A SAMPLE MANEUVER, WE ARE USING SIMPLE GOTO FOR THIS!!!") # construct the message goal = GotoWaypointGoal() goal.waypoint_pose.pose.position.x = wp.x goal.waypoint_pose.pose.position.y = wp.y goal.goal_tolerance = self.goal_tolerance # 0=None, 1=Depth, 2=Altitude in the action # thankfully these are the same in IMC and in the Action # but Action doesnt have 'height' if wp.z_unit == imc_enums.Z_HEIGHT: wp.z_unit = imc_enums.Z_NONE goal.z_control_mode = wp.z_unit goal.travel_depth = wp.z # 0=None, 1=RPM, 2=speed in the action # 0=speed, 1=rpm, 2=percentage in IMC if wp.speed_unit == imc_enums.SPEED_UNIT_RPM: goal.speed_control_mode = GotoWaypointGoal.SPEED_CONTROL_RPM goal.travel_rpm = wp.speed elif wp.speed_unit == imc_enums.SPEED_UNIT_MPS: goal.speed_control_mode = GotoWaypointGoal.SPEED_CONTROL_SPEED goal.travel_speed = wp.speed else: goal.speed_control_mode = GotoWaypointGoal.SPEED_CONTROL_NONE rospy.logwarn_throttle(1, "Speed control of the waypoint action is NONE!") self.action_goal = goal rospy.loginfo(">>> Goto waypoint action goal initialized:"+str(goal)) # ensure that we still need to send the goal self.sent_goal = False
def package(self) -> Optional[Dict]: if not self.last_reading or not issubclass(self.msg, Messages.string): return None try: return json.loads( except Exception as e: rospy.logerr_throttle( 0.5, f'Parse package failed:\n{e}\n{self.last_reading}') return None
def callback(self, request): rgb = request.rgb depth = request.depth_registered response = skin_srvs.PredictHandsResponse() # Kinect One / Nerf data logic # Normally, we expect 32FC1 to contain the distance in meters. # However, the recorded data from the Nerf experiments, which uses a Kinect # One, gives millimeters as 32FC1. is_nerf = False if depth.encoding == '32FC1' and is_nerf: depth_32 = self._cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth) + 0.5 depth_cv = np.array(depth_32, dtype=np.uint16) elif depth.encoding == '32FC1': # Standard Kinect 360: depth is 32FC1 as meters, which we conver to 16-bit millimeters depth_32 = self._cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth) * 1000 depth_cv = np.array(depth_32, dtype=np.uint16) elif depth.encoding == '16UC1': depth_cv = self._cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth) else: rospy.logerr_throttle( 1, 'Unsupported depth type. Expected 32FC1 or 16UC1, got {}'. format(depth.encoding)) return response rgb_cv = self._cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb, 'bgr8') labels, probs = self._hand_segmentation.segment(rgb_cv, depth_cv) kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) cv2.erode(labels, kernel, labels) now = response.prediction = self._cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(labels) response.prediction.header.stamp = now response.prediction.header.frame_id = rgb.header.frame_id response.prediction.encoding = 'mono8' idx = (labels == 1) rgb_cv[idx] = [0, 0, 255] overlay_msg = self._cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(rgb_cv) overlay_msg.header.stamp = overlay_msg.header.frame_id = rgb.header.frame_id overlay_msg.encoding = 'bgr8' self._label_pub.publish(overlay_msg) if self.is_publishing_depth_cloud: rgb.header.stamp = now rgb.header.frame_id = self._info.header.frame_id depth_msg = self._cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(depth_cv) depth_msg.header.stamp = now depth_msg.header.frame_id = self._info.header.frame_id self._info.header.stamp = now self._rgb_pub.publish(rgb) self._depth_pub.publish(depth_msg) self._info_pub.publish(self._info) return response
def handle_link_states(self, data): try: idx ="lander::l_scoop_tip") except ValueError: rospy.logerr_throttle(1, "lander::l_scoop_tip not found in link_states") return position = data.pose[idx].position orientation = data.pose[idx].orientation self.check_and_submit(position, orientation)
def set_PWM_callback(self, msg):, data.width if not 0<<=31 or not (msg.width == 0 or 500<=msg.width<=2500): rospy.logerr_throttle(1, "Malformed PWM message: %d | %d" % (, msg.width)) return #convert to duty cycle hz = self.gpio.get_PWM_frequency( duty = (1/hz)*10**10/msg.width #10^6*10^4 rospy.loginfo("Pin: %d, Duty: %d",, duty) self.gpio.set_PWM_dutycycle(, duty)
def need_kill(self): now = in_grace_period = now - self.LAUNCH_TIME < self.GRACE_PERIOD odom_loss = now - self.last_time > self.TIMEOUT and not in_grace_period if odom_loss: rospy.logerr_throttle(1, 'LOST ODOM FOR {} SECONDS'.format(( - self.last_time).to_sec())) self.ab.raise_alarm( problem_description='LOST ODOM FOR {} SECONDS'.format(( - self.last_time).to_sec()), severity=5 ) return odom_loss or self.odom_discontinuity
def wait_for_server(self): """Waits until interoperability server is reachable.""" reachable = False rate = rospy.Rate(1) while not reachable and not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: response = requests.get( self.url, timeout=self.timeout, verify=self.verify) response.raise_for_status() reachable = response.ok except requests.ConnectionError: rospy.logwarn_throttle(5.0, "Waiting for server: {}".format( self.url)) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr_throttle( 5.0, "Unexpected error waiting for server: {}, {}".format( self.url, e)) if not reachable: rate.sleep()
def test_log(self): # we can't do anything fancy here like capture stdout as rospy # grabs the streams before we do. Instead, just make sure the # routines don't crash. real_stdout = sys.stdout real_stderr = sys.stderr try: try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO sys.stdout = StringIO() sys.stderr = StringIO() import rospy rospy.loginfo("test 1") self.assert_("test 1" in sys.stdout.getvalue()) rospy.logwarn("test 2") self.assert_("[WARN]" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) self.assert_("test 2" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) sys.stderr = StringIO() rospy.logerr("test 3") self.assert_("[ERROR]" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) self.assert_("test 3" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) sys.stderr = StringIO() rospy.logfatal("test 4") self.assert_("[FATAL]" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) self.assert_("test 4" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) # logXXX_throttle for i in range(3): sys.stdout = StringIO() rospy.loginfo_throttle(3, "test 1") if i == 0: self.assert_("test 1" in sys.stdout.getvalue()) rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(1)) elif i == 1: self.assert_("" == sys.stdout.getvalue()) rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(2)) else: self.assert_("test 1" in sys.stdout.getvalue()) for i in range(3): sys.stderr = StringIO() rospy.logwarn_throttle(3, "test 2") if i == 0: self.assert_("test 2" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(1)) elif i == 1: self.assert_("" == sys.stderr.getvalue()) rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(2)) else: self.assert_("test 2" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) for i in range(3): sys.stderr = StringIO() rospy.logerr_throttle(3, "test 3") if i == 0: self.assert_("test 3" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(1)) elif i == 1: self.assert_("" == sys.stderr.getvalue()) rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(2)) else: self.assert_("test 3" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) for i in range(3): sys.stderr = StringIO() rospy.logfatal_throttle(3, "test 4") if i == 0: self.assert_("test 4" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(1)) elif i == 1: self.assert_("" == sys.stderr.getvalue()) rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(2)) else: self.assert_("test 4" in sys.stderr.getvalue()) finally: sys.stdout = real_stdout sys.stderr = real_stderr