def detach_remove_box(self, current_package, timeout=4): if rospy.get_param( '/ur5_2_vacuum_gripper_service') == True or rospy.get_param( '/conveyor_belt_service') == True: rospy.loginfo_once("Waiting for Service") rospy.sleep(1) rospy.set_param('/ur5_1_vacuum_gripper_service', True) self._scene.remove_attached_object(self._eef_link, name=current_package) try: rospy.wait_for_service( '/eyrc/vb/ur5/activate_vacuum_gripper/ur5_1') self.attach = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'eyrc/vb/ur5/activate_vacuum_gripper/ur5_1', vacuumGripper) self.attach(False) rospy.set_param('/ur5_1_vacuum_gripper_service', False) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e print "Trying again to connect service" rospy.wait_for_service( '/eyrc/vb/ur5/activate_vacuum_gripper/ur5_1') rospy.set_param('/ur5_1_vacuum_gripper_service', True) self.attach = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'eyrc/vb/ur5/activate_vacuum_gripper/ur5_1', vacuumGripper) self.attach(False) rospy.set_param('/ur5_1_vacuum_gripper_service', False)
def poses_callback(self, pose_msg, identity): """Callback for poses of other agents""" rospy.loginfo_once('Got other poses callback') if self.pose is None: return target_frame = f'drone_{self.my_id}/base_link' source_frame = 'world' try: transform = self.buffer.lookup_transform(target_frame=target_frame, source_frame=source_frame, time=rospy.Time(0)) except Exception as e: print(e) return point = PointStamped() point.header = pose_msg.header point.point.x = pose_msg.pose.position.x point.point.y = pose_msg.pose.position.y point.point.z = pose_msg.pose.position.z point_tf = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_point(point, transform) p = point_tf.point self.poses[identity] = np.array([p.x, p.y, p.z])
def __init__(self): """ Creates an instance of the ROS node. """ rospy.init_node('image_twirl') self.twirl_config_filepath = rospy.get_param('~twirl_config_filepath') self.twirler = imageTwirl(self.twirl_config_filepath) # Setup the publisher and subscriber. sub_topic = rospy.get_param('~image_input_topic') pub_topic = rospy.get_param('~image_output_topic') self.img_sub = rospy.Subscriber(sub_topic, Image, self.camera_callback) self.img_pub = rospy.Publisher(pub_topic, Image, queue_size=3, latch=True) # Converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images. self.bridge = CvBridge() # Specifies the rate (Hz) of publishers and other rospy processes. rospy.Rate(10) rospy.loginfo_once("The image_twirl node is initialized.")
def image_callback(self, image_msg, i): rospy.loginfo_once('Image callback') self.image_messages[i] = image_msg self.image_updated[i] = True if all(self.image_updated): self.image_updated = [False for _ in self.input_images] self.callback(*self.image_messages[:])
def callbackRadiationSource(self, data): if not self.is_initialized: return rospy.loginfo_once('[ComptonCamera]: getting radiation') self.got_radiation = True if in self.rad_sources_ids: idx = self.rad_sources_ids.get( self.rad_sources[idx-1].position = np.array([data.world_pos.x, data.world_pos.y, data.world_pos.z]) self.rad_sources[idx-1].last_update = else: rospy.loginfo('[ComptonCamera]: registering new source with ID {}'.format( if not data.material in materials.radiation_sources: rospy.logerr('the material {} is not in the database of radiation sources'.format(data.material)) else: new_source = Source(materials.radiation_sources[data.material].photon_energy, data.activity, np.array([data.world_pos.x, data.world_pos.y, data.world_pos.z]), self.rad_sources.append(new_source) self.rad_sources_ids[] = len(self.rad_sources)
def led_callback(req): if req.state == "stop": color = '#ff0000' frequency = 0 data = True elif req.state == "betriebsbereit": color = "#1aff00" frequency = 0 data = True elif req.state == "arbeitet": color = "#000dff" frequency = 1 data = True elif req.state == "pausiert": color = "#ff8800'" frequency = 0 data = True else: rospy.loginfo_once("The desired State is not defined!!!") color = '#ff0000' frequency = 0 data = False print data print "ledResponse" print ledResponse with grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051') as channel: stub = led_serv.LEDStateIndicatorStub(channel) stub.setLEDState(led_msg.LEDState(color=color, frequency=frequency)) #stub.setLEDState(led_msg.LEDState(color='#ff0000', frequency=0)) return ledResponse(data)
def callbackOdometry(self, data): if not self.is_initialized: return rospy.loginfo_once('[ComptonCamera]: getting odometry') self.odometry = data self.got_odometry = True # world2drone self.quaternion_d2w = Quaternion(self.odometry.pose.pose.orientation.w, self.odometry.pose.pose.orientation.x, self.odometry.pose.pose.orientation.y, self.odometry.pose.pose.orientation.z) # try: # position, quaternion = self.listener.lookupTransform("uav1/gps_origin", "uav1/fcu", rospy.Time(0)) if self._offset_ == "left": offset = Quaternion(0.707, 0, 0, 0.707) self.quaternion_d2w = offset * self.quaternion_d2w if self._offset_ == "right": offset = Quaternion(0.707, 0, 0, -0.707) self.quaternion_d2w = offset * self.quaternion_d2w # drone2world self.quaternion_w2d = self.quaternion_d2w.inverse
def callback_global_pos(self, msg): if not self.ready: return rospy.loginfo_once('Got global position') self.got_position = True self.latitude = msg.latitude self.longitude = msg.longitude
def sensor_check(self): try: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.loginfo_once("Starting sensor_check Thread") self.sensor_check_callback() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise
def pcl_callback(pcl_in_msg): rospy.loginfo_once("Received first pointcloud") # Get the point in numpy format and filter them pcl_in_numpy = ros_numpy.point_cloud2.pointcloud2_to_xyz_array(pcl_in_msg) pcl_out_numpy = [] for p in pcl_in_numpy: if np.linalg.norm(p) > clear_radius and p[2] > ground_th: pcl_out_numpy.append(p) # Transform into array pcl_out_numpy = np.array(pcl_out_numpy) # Check size if pcl_out_numpy.shape[0] == 0: rospy.logwarn_throttle(5, "No points in filtered point cloud!") return # Generate a PointCloud2 message and publish it pcl_out_msg = pcl_in_msg pcl_out_msg.header.stamp = pcl_out_msg.width = pcl_out_numpy.shape[0] pcl_out_msg.height = 1 pcl_out_msg.point_step = 12 pcl_out_msg.row_step = pcl_out_msg.point_step * pcl_out_numpy.shape[1] = pcl_out_numpy.astype(np.float32).tobytes() pcl_pub.publish(pcl_out_msg)
def attach_box(self, current_package, timeout=4): touch_links = self._robot.get_link_names(self._planning_group) self._scene.attach_box(self._eef_link, current_package, touch_links=touch_links) if rospy.get_param( '/ur5_2_vacuum_gripper_service') == True or rospy.get_param( '/conveyor_belt_service') == True: rospy.loginfo_once("Waiting for Service") rospy.sleep(1) rospy.set_param('/ur5_1_vacuum_gripper_service', True) try: rospy.wait_for_service( '/eyrc/vb/ur5/activate_vacuum_gripper/ur5_1') self.attach = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'eyrc/vb/ur5/activate_vacuum_gripper/ur5_1', vacuumGripper) self.attach(True) rospy.set_param('/ur5_1_vacuum_gripper_service', False) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e print "Trying to reconnect service" rospy.wait_for_service( '/eyrc/vb/ur5/activate_vacuum_gripper/ur5_1') rospy.set_param('/ur5_1_vacuum_gripper_service', True) self.attach = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'eyrc/vb/ur5/activate_vacuum_gripper/ur5_1', vacuumGripper) self.attach(True) rospy.set_param('/ur5_1_vacuum_gripper_service', False)
def callback_service_on_request(self, req): if req.get_package_type == True: self.pack = str(self._pc) return camera_packagesResponse(self.pack) else: rospy.loginfo_once("Package not found") return camera_packagesResponse("")
def scan_received(self, msg): """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data. Feel free to modify this, however, we hope it will provide a good guide. The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """ if not(self.initialized): # wait for initialization to complete rospy.loginfo_once("Waiting for initial pose estimate...") return else: rospy.loginfo_once("Initial pose estimate found!") # wait a little while to see if the transform becomes available. This fixes a race # condition where the scan would arrive a little bit before the odom to base_link transform # was updated. self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(0.5)) if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)): # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node return if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp)): # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node return # calculate pose of laser relative to the robot base p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id)) self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p) # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp, frame_id=self.base_frame), pose=Pose()) self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p) # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta) new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose) if not self.current_odom_xy_theta: self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta return if not(self.particle_cloud): # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud self.initialize_particle_cloud(msg.header.stamp) elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh): # we have moved far enough to do an update! self.update_particles_with_odom(msg) # update based on odometry if self.last_projected_stable_scan: last_projected_scan_timeshift = deepcopy(self.last_projected_stable_scan) last_projected_scan_timeshift.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp self.scan_in_base_link = self.tf_listener.transformPointCloud("base_link", last_projected_scan_timeshift) self.update_particles_with_laser(msg) # update based on laser scan self.update_robot_pose(msg.header.stamp) # update robot's pose self.resample_particles() # resample particles to focus on areas of high density # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them) self.publish_particles(msg)
def update(self, data, config): """ @brief { function_description } @param self The object @param data data handled through the ros class @param config parameters handled through dyn. recon. @return nothing """ # protected region user update begin # # can be removed once filled # Deep Copy in -> out data.out_vel_out.linear.x = data.in_vel_in.linear.x data.out_vel_out.angular.z = data.in_vel_in.angular.z # Get Current Displacement if data.in_amcl_pose_updated: dx = data.in_amcl_pose.pose.pose.position.x - data.in_move_base_goal.goal.target_pose.pose.position.x dy = data.in_amcl_pose.pose.pose.position.y - data.in_move_base_goal.goal.target_pose.pose.position.y self.displacement = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) if data.in_control_mode == 'NAVIGATION' and self.displacement < config.goal_dist_thres: # goal based velocity filter rospy.logdebug('Goal based Enhanced Filter Mode: %f < %f'% (self.displacement, config.goal_dist_thres)) data.out_vel_out.linear.x = config.Kp * self.displacement * data.in_vel_in.linear.x rospy.logdebug('Reduce velocity from %f to %f' % (data.in_vel_in.linear.x, data.out_vel_out.linear.x)) if data.out_vel_out.linear.x < config.auto_min_vel and config.auto_min_vel < data.in_vel_in.linear.x: rospy.logdebug('Bounded to %f', config.auto_min_vel) data.out_vel_out.linear.x = config.auto_min_vel # data.out_vel_out.angular.z = config.Kp * self.displacement * data.in_vel_in.angular.z else: rospy.loginfo_once('Acceleration Limit Velocity Filter Mode') # move_base is not started yet or started but in not active mode # just normal acceleration limit velocity filter # 0.05 sec is from 20 Hz # Find request linear acceleration acc_lin = (data.out_vel_out.linear.x - self.vel_prev.linear.x) / 0.05 # Filter Linear Velocity if acc_lin > config.acc_lin_lim: rospy.logdebug('Filter + %f, %f', acc_lin, config.acc_lin_lim) data.out_vel_out.linear.x = self.vel_prev.linear.x + config.acc_lin_lim * 0.05 elif acc_lin < -config.dec_lin_lim: rospy.logdebug('Filter - %f, %f', acc_lin, config.dec_lin_lim) data.out_vel_out.linear.x = self.vel_prev.linear.x - config.dec_lin_lim * 0.05 # Find request angular acceleration acc_ang = (data.out_vel_out.angular.z - self.vel_prev.angular.z) / 0.05 # Filter Angular Velocity if acc_ang > config.acc_ang_lim: rospy.logdebug('Filter + %f, %f', acc_ang, config.acc_ang_lim) data.out_vel_out.angular.z = self.vel_prev.angular.z + config.acc_ang_lim * 0.05 elif acc_ang < -config.dec_ang_lim: rospy.logdebug('Filter - %f, %f', acc_ang, config.dec_ang_lim) data.out_vel_out.angular.z = self.vel_prev.angular.z - config.dec_ang_lim * 0.05 self.vel_prev = data.out_vel_out
def mainTimer(self, event): rospy.loginfo_once('Main timer spinning') self.publisher_fov.publish(self.image_size) self.publisher_overlap.publish(self.overlap) self.publisher_width.publish(self.image_size*self.width) self.publisher_height.publish(self.image_size*self.height)
def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.goal_msg == None: rospy.loginfo_once("Waiting for goal...") continue cmd = self.computeTwistCmd() self.twist_pub.publish(cmd) self.update_rate.sleep()
def callback(self, msg): # convert ros imgmsg to opencv img cloud = orh.rospc_to_o3dpc(msg, remove_nans=True) cloud = cloud.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size=self.voxel_size) cloud = orh.apply_pass_through_filter(cloud, self.ROI['x'], self.ROI['y'], self.ROI['z']) cloud = orh.o3dpc_to_rospc(cloud, frame_id=msg.header.frame_id) self.point_pub.publish(cloud) rospy.loginfo_once("Published the result as topic. check /filt_point2")
def run_publisher(self): ''' Publisher thread main loop ''' rospy.loginfo_once("Starting publisher Thread") try: while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self.connection_status: self.connection_status = self._robot.get_connection_status() self.publish() self._ros_rate.sleep() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def talker(): rospy.init_node('steering_sweeper', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(20) # 20hz steer_class=dbw_mkz_msgs.msg.SteeringCmd() steer_pub = rospy.Publisher('vehicle/steering_cmd',dbw_mkz_msgs.msg.SteeringCmd, queue_size=2) inputval=float(input("Please enter the desired steering angle in DEGREES: ")) desSteerAngleRad=inputval*(math.pi/180) # Need to convert from deg to radians for Steering Cmd steer_class.enable=True steer_class.steering_wheel_angle_cmd=desSteerAngleRad steer_class.steering_wheel_angle_velocity=2 # Hard coded here. while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.loginfo_once('Published Steering Command') steer_pub.publish(steer_class) rate.sleep()
def publish_occupancygrid(self, gridmap, stamp): # Convert gridmap to ROS supported data type : int8[] # # The map data, in row-major order, starting with (0,0). Occupancy probabilities are in the range [0,100]. Unknown is -1. gridmap_p = l2p(gridmap) #unknown_mask = (gridmap_p == self.sensor_model_p_prior) # for setting unknown cells to -1 gridmap_int8 = (gridmap_p * 100).astype(dtype=np.int8) #gridmap_int8[unknown_mask] = -1 # for setting unknown cells to -1 # Publish map = gridmap_int8 self.map_msg.header.stamp = stamp self.map_pub.publish(self.map_msg) rospy.loginfo_once("Published map!")
def main(): rospy.init_node('node_t5_qr_decode_service', anonymous=True) rospy.sleep(6) cam = Camera1() # wait for process to finish rospy.sleep(4) packages = str(cam._pc) print 'Packages Detected = ' + str(len(cam._pc)) rospy.loginfo_once(cam._pc) s = rospy.Service('/2Dcamera_packages_type', camera_packages, cam.callback_service_on_request) pkg = { 'red': ['R', 'HP', 'Medicine', '450'], 'green': ['G', 'LP', 'Clothes', '150'], 'yellow': ['Y', 'MP', 'Food', '250'] } count = 0 for i in cam._pc.keys(): count += 1 pkg_location = i[-2:] colour = cam._pc[i] pkg_sku = pkg[colour][0] + pkg_location + '0121' pkg_item = pkg[colour][2] pkg_priority = pkg[colour][1] pkg_storage = 'R' + pkg_location[0] + ' C' + pkg_location[1] pkg_cost = pkg[colour][3] info = { 'id': 'Inventory', 'Team Id': 'VB#693', 'Unique Id': 'RRCneYRC', 'SKU': pkg_sku, 'Item': pkg_item, 'Priority': pkg_priority, 'Storage Number': pkg_storage, 'Cost': pkg_cost, 'Quantity': '1' } message = str(info) goal_handle = cam.send_goal_to_mqtt_client("spreadsheet", "pub", cam._config_mqtt_pub_topic, message) cam._goal_handles['Inventory:' + str(count)] = goal_handle rospy.sleep(1) rospy.loginfo("Goal Sent") rospy.spin()
def connect(self): self.every_event_listener.subscribe() rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 1hz while True: self.pub_state.publish("CONNECTING") connection = self.drone.connect() if getattr(connection, 'OK') == True: break if rospy.is_shutdown(): exit() rate.sleep() # Connect to the SkyController if rospy.get_param("/skycontroller"): self.pub_state.publish("CONNECTED_SKYCONTROLLER") rospy.loginfo("Connection to SkyController: " + getattr(connection, 'message')) self.switch_manual() # Connect to the drone while True: if self.drone( connection_state(state="connected", _policy="check")): break if rospy.is_shutdown(): exit() else: self.pub_state.publish("SERCHING_DRONE") rospy.loginfo_once( "Connection to Anafi: " + str(self.drone.get_state(connection_state)["state"])) rate.sleep() self.pub_state.publish("CONNECTED_DRONE") rospy.loginfo("Connection to Anafi: " + str(self.drone.get_state(connection_state)["state"])) # Connect to the Anafi else: self.pub_state.publish("CONNECTED_DRONE") rospy.loginfo("Connection to Anafi: " + getattr(connection, 'message')) self.switch_offboard() self.frame_queue = queue.Queue() self.flush_queue_lock = threading.Lock() # Setup the callback functions to do some live video processing self.drone.set_streaming_callbacks(raw_cb=self.yuv_frame_cb, flush_raw_cb=self.flush_cb) self.drone.start_video_streaming()
def _cb_localPos(self, msg): self.curPos = msg if self.first: self.first = False if (self.uavState.armed == True) and (self.isAirbourne == False): if (self.curPos.pose.position.z > 1.0): # if the node is started and the drone is airbourne, take control and loiter rospy.loginfo_once( "UAV is airbourne, Companion Computer taking control") self.isAirbourne = True self.companion_has_control = True self.messageHandlerPub.publish(self.companion_has_control) self.setState('loiter') pass
def capture_handler(self): clear_neib = True temp_state_oppo_neigh = {k:v for k, v in self.state_oppo_neigh.items()} # print(temp_state_oppo_neigh) for i in temp_state_oppo_neigh: if self.is_capture(i): self.caplist.append(i) rospy.loginfo_once(str(self)+' reports: '+i+' is captured') else: clear_neib = False if clear_neib: rospy.loginfo_once(str(self)+' reports: not seeing any intruders')
def main(): rospy.init_node('rgb_tset') br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() rate = rospy.Rate(10.0) # -90, 0, -90에 대한 quaternion 계산 x, y, z, w = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(-np.pi / 2, 0, -np.pi / 2) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.loginfo_once("rgb_OK") # sendTransform( translation, quaternion, 현제시간, 생성할 tf 이름, 부모 tf 이름) br.sendTransform((0, 0, 0), (x, y, z, w),, "tb3_1/rgb_test", "tb3_1/cam_test") rate.sleep()
def show_search_camera_prop(self): if self._pubvideo is not None: while self._color_counter in self._color_not_accepted: rospy.loginfo_once("Search") self._color_counter += 1 try: cv2.imshow(self._cv2WindowName, cv2.cvtColor(self._pubvideo, self._color_counter )) # cv2.imshow(self._cv2WindowName, cv2.cvtColor(self._pubvideo, 2 )) rospy.loginfo(f'_color_counter ={self._color_counter}') except Exception as e: rospy.loginfo(f'_color_counter ={self._color_counter} not Accepted') self._color_counter += 1 if self._color_counter > self._color_counter_max: self._color_counter = self._color_counter_min
def __init__(self): self.ready = False self.got_position = False self.airborne= False rospy.init_node('pixhawk_takeoff', anonymous=True) self.takeoff_height = rospy.get_param('~takeoff_height') self.subscriber_pos = rospy.Subscriber('~global_pos_in', NavSatFix, self.callback_global_pos) self.service_arming = rospy.ServiceProxy('~arming_out', CommandBool) self.service_set_mode = rospy.ServiceProxy('~mode_out', SetMode) self.service_push_wp = rospy.ServiceProxy('~waypoint_push', WaypointPush) self.ready = True while not self.got_position and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.1) rospy.loginfo_once('Waiting for vehicle position...') # #{ Prepare mission wp0 = Waypoint() wp0.frame = 3 # GLOBAL_REL_ALT wp0.command = 22 # TAKEOFF wp0.is_current = True wp0.x_lat = self.latitude wp0.y_long = self.longitude wp0.z_alt = self.takeoff_height wp0.autocontinue = True wp1 = Waypoint() wp1.frame = 3 # GLOBAL_REL_ALT wp1.command = 17 # NAV_LOITER_UNLIM wp1.is_current = False wp1.x_lat = self.latitude wp1.y_long = self.longitude wp1.z_alt = self.takeoff_height wp1.autocontinue = True # #} resp =, [wp0, wp1]) print(resp.success) print(resp.wp_transfered) self.switch_to_mode('AUTO.MISSION') while not self.call_arming() and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.logerr_once('Arming failed. Retrying...') rospy.sleep(0.01) rospy.loginfo('Vehicle armed')
def ocp_result_callback(self, data): rospy.loginfo_once("First message received.") if not self.initialized: self.dim_states = data.dim_states self.dim_controls = data.dim_controls # Read data self.mutex.acquire() if self.plot_states: self.tx = np.array(data.time_states) self.x = np.matrix(data.states) self.x = np.reshape(self.x, (self.tx.size, int(self.dim_states))) self.tu = np.array(data.time_controls) self.u = np.matrix(data.controls) self.u = np.reshape(self.u, (self.tu.size, int(self.dim_controls))) self.mutex.release()
def connect(self): vel = Twist() for i in range(100): self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(vel) while not self.state.connected: rospy.loginfo_once("Connecting to drone") rospy.sleep(0.01) rospy.loginfo("Connected to Drone") while self.state.mode != "GUIDED": rospy.loginfo_once("Waiting for mode to set to `GUIDED`") rospy.sleep(0.01) rospy.loginfo("Mode set to `GUIDED`")
def sync_save(image1, image2): imgl = conv.imgmsg_to_cv2(image1) imgr = conv.imgmsg_to_cv2(image2) namel = str(image1.header.stamp.secs) + '.' + str(image1.header.stamp.nsecs) + '.jpg' namer = str(image1.header.stamp.secs) + '.' + str(image1.header.stamp.nsecs) + '.jpg' dirl = "/media/E/All_codes/A_lab/A_grad/stero_slam/slam_catkin_ws/src/stereo_dso_ros/data/" + dataDir + "/image_0" dirr = "/media/E/All_codes/A_lab/A_grad/stero_slam/slam_catkin_ws/src/stereo_dso_ros/data/" + dataDir + "/image_1" if not os.path.exists(dirl): os.makedirs(dirl) if not os.path.exists(dirr): os.makedirs(dirr) cv.imwrite(dirl + '/' + namel, imgl) cv.imwrite(dirr + '/' + namer, imgr) rospy.loginfo_once("image saved to " + dirl + '/' + namel) rospy.loginfo_once("image saved to " + dirr + '/' + namer)