def execute(self, userdata): if not self.d: f = open( self.fname, 'r' ) self.d = yaml.load( f ) self.size = len( self.d['servo_cap']['captures'] ) self.ind = 0 f.close() if self.ind < self.size: rospy.logout( 'YamlProc: issuing %d of %d' % (self.ind+1, self.size)) ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = '/map' ps.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) ps.pose.position.x = self.d['servo_cap']['captures'][ self.ind ][0] ps.pose.position.y = self.d['servo_cap']['captures'][ self.ind ][1] ang = self.d['servo_cap']['captures'][ self.ind ][2] q = Quaternion( *tft.quaternion_from_euler( 0.0, 0.0, math.radians( ang ))) ps.pose.orientation = q self.ind += 1 userdata.next_move_pose = ps userdata.tagid = self.d['servo_cap']['tagid'] userdata.bagfile_name = self.d['servo_cap']['bagfile_path'] + str(int( userdata.bagfile_topics = self.d['servo_cap']['bagfile_topics'] return 'succeeded' else: return 'aborted' # done!
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("handoff", anonymous=True) rospy.logout("handoff_node: Have run hrl_pr2_gains/ yet?") self.robot = hrl_pr2.HRL_PR2() if not (os.environ.has_key("ROBOT") and os.environ["ROBOT"] == "sim"): self.ts = tsen.TactileSensor() self.arm = "right_arm" self.start_ja = [ 0.040304940763152608, 1.2398003444166741, -1.2204088251845415, -1.9324078526157087, -31.197472992401149, -1.7430222641585842, -1.5358378047038517, ] # self.target_ja = [0.35891507126604916, 0.13778228113494312, -0.01277662779292843, -1.4992538841561938, -28.605807802842136, -0.96590944225972863, -3.0950669743130161] self.target_ja = [0.0818, 0.377, -0.860, -2.144, -3.975, -1.479, 3.907] self._sh = rospy.Service("/rfid_handoff/handoff", HandoffSrv, self.handoff) self._si = rospy.Service("/rfid_handoff/initialize", HandoffSrv, self.initialize) self._sj = rospy.Service("/rfid_handoff/handoff_pos", arm_srv, self.handoff_pos) self._swave = rospy.Service("/rfid_handoff/wave", HandoffSrv, self.wave) # self.initialize() # Prefer to do this manually... (rosservice call /rfid_handoff/initialize) rospy.logout("handoff_node: Waiting for service calls.")
def order_by_rostime(dat): # dat is [[trial, obj], ... ] # I'm too lazy to figure out how to reset time and prevent "TF_OLD_DATA" errors / warnings. # Instead, we're just going to order the bag playback in wall-clock order. def build_fname(t, o): # woot_150_6_tag_BlueHairBrus_headpost.bag fname = 'search_aware_home/woot_150_' + str( t) + '_tag_' + ahe.tdb[o][0].replace(' ', '') + '_headpost.bag' return fname dat = [[t, o] + [build_fname(t, o)] for t, o in dat] dat = [d for d in dat if glob.glob(d[-1]) != []] rospy.logout('Ordering the bagfiles in increasing order of start time.') def gettime(fname): print fname # returns the timestamp of the first message b = rosbag.Bag(fname) msg = b.read_messages().next() tt = msg[-1].to_sec() b.close() return tt start_times = [gettime(d[-1]) for d in dat] rospy.logout('Done ordering.') return [[dat[ind][0], dat[ind][1]] for ind in np.argsort(start_times)]
def run( self ): while self.should_run and not rospy.is_shutdown(): [ s.update_server() for s in self.ros_servers ] time.sleep(0.001) for n in self.names: rospy.logout( 'ROS_Robotis_Servo: Shutting Down /robotis/servo_' + n + ' on ' + self.dev_name )
def __init__(self, name = 'reader1', readPwr = 2300, portStr = '/dev/robot/RFIDreader', antFuncs = [], callbacks = []): Thread.__init__(self) self.should_run = True try: rospy.init_node( 'rfid_m5e_' + name ) except rospy.ROSException: pass self.mode = '' = name + '_reader' rospy.logout( 'ROS_M5e: Launching RFID Reader' ) rospy.logout( 'ROS_M5e: Please check out our related work @' ) rospy.logout( 'ROS_M5e: '' Building & Connecting to reader' ) def prin( x ): rospy.logout( 'ROS_M5e: lib_M5e: ' + x ) # use rospy.logout in underlying lib's output self.reader = M5e(readPwr=readPwr, portSTR = portStr, verbosity_func = prin) self.antFuncs = antFuncs self.callbacks = callbacks + [self.broadcast] rospy.logout( 'ROS_M5e: publishing RFID reader with type RFIDread to channel /rfid/'+name+'_reader' ) = rospy.Publisher('/rfid/'+name+'_reader', RFIDread) self.pub_arr = rospy.Publisher('/rfid/'+name+'_reader_arr', RFIDreadArr) self._mode_service_obj = rospy.Service('/rfid/'+name+'_mode', RfidSrv, self._mode_service) rospy.logout( 'ROS_M5e: '' Inialized and awaiting instructions' ) self.start() # Thread: calls
def __init__( self ): Thread.__init__( self ) self.should_run = True rospy.logout('servo_node: Initializing') rospy.init_node('servo_node') # Unfold "ears" to servo positions p_left = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'left_pan' ) t_left = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'left_tilt' ) p_left.move_angle( math.radians(-40), math.radians(10), blocking = False ) t_left.move_angle( 0.0, math.radians(10), blocking = False ) p_right = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'right_pan' ) t_right = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'right_tilt' ) p_right.move_angle( math.radians(40), math.radians(10), blocking = False ) t_right.move_angle( 0.0, math.radians(10), blocking = False ) self.reader = rmc.ROS_M5e_Client('ears') self.reader.track_mode('person ') # Use assisted teleop as pseudo-callback to see if valid movement: self.check_pub = rospy.Publisher( 'rfid_cmd_vel_check', Twist ) self.sub = rospy.Subscriber( "assisted_teleop_response", Twist, self.callback ) self.command_pub = rospy.Publisher( "rfid_cmd_vel", Twist ) self.moving = True time.sleep(3.0) # give antennas time to settle self.start()
def doCycle(self): #make sure that all adapters have legal states if self.legalStates(): if self.state == "nav": """ State Transitions from nav: 1) nav --- robot is inactive initially, reaches a goal, or timeout is reached ---> nav 2) nav --- robot is inactive and should be pursuing the current goal (move_base crashed) ---> nav """ if self.navigator.goalReached() or ( not and self.current_goal == None) or self.navigator.timeUp(): self.current_goal = self.goals[random.randint( 0, len(self.goals) - 1)] self.navigator.sendGoal(self.current_goal, "/map") print "nav --> nav" elif not and self.current_goal != None: self.navigator.sendGoal(self.current_goal, "/map") print "nav --> nav" else: if not self.navigator.legalState(): print("Waiting on %s to be published" % (self.navigator.state_topic)) rospy.logout("Waiting on %s to be published" % (self.navigator.state_topic))
def orient(self, request): tagid = if not rospy.logout('Tag id \'%s\' not found during last scan.' % tagid) return String_Int32Response(int(False)) arr = np.array([tagid]).T arr = arr[:, np.argsort(arr[0])] h, bins = np.histogram(arr[0], 36, (-np.pi, np.pi)) ind = np.sum(arr[0][:, np.newaxis] > bins, axis=1) - 1 # Gives indices for data into bins bin_centers = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2.0 best_dir = 0.0 best_rssi = 0.0 for i in np.unique(ind): avg_rssi = np.mean(arr[1, np.argwhere(ind == i)]) if avg_rssi > best_rssi: best_rssi = avg_rssi best_dir = bin_centers[i] rospy.logout( 'orient_node: Best dir (deg): %2.2f with avg rssi: %2.1f' % (math.degrees(best_dir), best_rssi)) self.rotate_backup_client.rotate_backup(best_dir, 0.0) return String_Int32Response(int(True))
def __init__( self ): rospy.init_node( 'handoff', anonymous = True ) rospy.logout( 'handoff_node: Have run hrl_pr2_gains/ yet?' ) self.robot = hrl_pr2.HRL_PR2() if not (os.environ.has_key('ROBOT') and os.environ['ROBOT'] == 'sim'): self.ts = tsen.TactileSensor() self.arm = 'right_arm' self.start_ja = [0.040304940763152608, 1.2398003444166741, -1.2204088251845415, -1.9324078526157087, -31.197472992401149, -1.7430222641585842, -1.5358378047038517] #self.target_ja = [0.35891507126604916, 0.13778228113494312, -0.01277662779292843, -1.4992538841561938, -28.605807802842136, -0.96590944225972863, -3.0950669743130161] self.target_ja = [0.0818, 0.377, -0.860, -2.144, -3.975, -1.479, 3.907] self.grasp_ja = [ -1.57263428749, -0.347376409246, -1.58724516843, -1.61707941489, -51.4022142048, -1.36894875484, -5.9965378332 ] self.stowgrasp_ja = [-0.130, 1.18, -1.410, -1.638, -141.06, -1.695, 48.616 ] self._sh = rospy.Service( '/rfid_handoff/handoff' , HandoffSrv, self.handoff ) self._si = rospy.Service( '/rfid_handoff/initialize' , HandoffSrv, self.initialize ) self._sj = rospy.Service( '/rfid_handoff/handoff_pos' , ArmSrv, self.handoff_pos ) self._ss = rospy.Service( '/rfid_handoff/stow' , HandoffSrv, self.stow ) self._sp = rospy.Service( '/rfid_handoff/pre_stow' , HandoffSrv, self.pre_stow ) self._sg = rospy.Service( '/rfid_handoff/grasp' , HandoffSrv, self.grasp ) self._senough = rospy.Service( '/rfid_handoff/stow_grasp' , HandoffSrv, self.stow_grasp ) self._swave = rospy.Service( '/rfid_handoff/wave' , HandoffSrv, self.wave ) # self.initialize() # Prefer to do this manually... (rosservice call /rfid_handoff/initialize) rospy.logout( 'handoff_node: Waiting for service calls.' )
def run(self, total_iter=1000): for i in xrange(total_iter): if self.mode == self.QUERY_MODE: for aF in self.antFuncs: antennaName = aF( self.reader ) # let current antFunc make appropriate changes results = self.reader.QueryEnvironment() if len(results) == 0: datum = [antennaName, '', -1] [cF(datum) for cF in self.callbacks] for tagid, rssi in results: datum = [antennaName, tagid, rssi] [cF(datum) for cF in self.callbacks] elif self.mode == self.TRACK_MODE: for aF in self.antFuncs: antennaName = aF( self.reader ) # let current antFunc make appropriate changes tagid = self.tag_to_track rssi = self.reader.TrackSingleTag(tagid, timeout=10, safe_response=False) #if rssi != -1: datum = [antennaName, tagid, rssi] [cF(datum) for cF in self.callbacks] else: time.sleep(0.005) rospy.logout('ROS_M5e: ' + + ' Shutting down reader')
def rotate_robot_loop(self): if self.rotate_mode == False: return angle = self.rotate_angle angle = angle / 180.0 * math.pi if angle > 0: z = 0.4 else: z = -0.4 self.twist.angular.z = z self.vel_pub.publish(self.twist) euler = self.quaternion_to_euler(self.odom.pose.pose.orientation) temp = euler.z - self.start_rotate_angle.z if angle > 0: if temp < 0: temp = 2 * math.pi + temp else: if temp > 0: temp = -2 * math.pi + temp if abs(temp) < 350 / 180 * math.pi: if abs(temp) >= abs(angle): self.rotate_mode = False rospy.logout("rotate loop " + str(angle / math.pi * 180) + " " + str(temp / math.pi * 180)) if self.rotate_mode == False: self.twist.angular.z = 0 self.vel_pub.publish(self.twist) rospy.logout("rotate finish")
def fetch_tool(self, duration=5.): rospy.logout("Moving the "+self.arm+" to fetch the object") self.switch_arm() self.arm_controller.reset_ep() ep_cur = self.arm_controller.get_ep() ep1 = copy.deepcopy(self.ar_ep) ep1[0][2]=ep_cur[0][2]+.1 self.epc_move_arm(self.arm_controller, ep_cur, ep1, duration) self.gripper.Open(self.arm) time.sleep(2.) self.tool_ep = copy.deepcopy(self.ar_ep) # Kinect on Monty has not been calibrated! #Offset due to Kinect error self.tool_ep[0][0]-= .05 # self.tool_ep[0][1]-= .01 # self.tool_ep[0][2]-= .03 self.tool_ep[0][2]-= .04 self.epc_move_arm(self.arm_controller, ep1, self.tool_ep, duration) self.gripper.Close(self.arm) time.sleep(2.) self.epc_move_arm(self.arm_controller, self.tool_ep, ep1, duration) self.found_tag = False self.search_tag = False self.pr2_init = False self.grasp_object = True
def execute(self, userdata): if not self.d: f = open( self.fname, 'r' ) self.d = yaml.load( f ) self.size = len( self.d['rad_cap']['captures'] ) self.ind = 0 f.close() self.t0 = if self.ind < self.size: rospy.logout( 'YamlProcPoses: issuing %d of %d' % (self.ind+1, self.size)) rospy.logout( 'YamlProcPoses: Time to capture %2.2f' % ( - self.t0 )) self.t0 = ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = '/map' ps.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) ps.pose.position.x = self.d['rad_cap']['captures'][ self.ind ][0] ps.pose.position.y = self.d['rad_cap']['captures'][ self.ind ][1] ang = self.d['rad_cap']['captures'][ self.ind ][2] q = Quaternion( *tft.quaternion_from_euler( 0.0, 0.0, math.radians( ang ))) ps.pose.orientation = q self.ind += 1 userdata.next_move_pose = ps return 'succeeded' else: return 'aborted' # done!
def __init__(self, ft=False, audio=False, kinematics=False, vision=False, pps=False, skin=False, \ subject=None, task=None, data_pub= False, verbose=False): rospy.logout('ADLs_log node subscribing..') self.subject = subject self.task = task self.data_pub = data_pub self.verbose = verbose self.initParams() = kinect_audio() if audio else None self.kinematics = robot_kinematics() if kinematics else None self.ft = tool_ft() if ft else None = artag_vision(False, viz=False) if vision else None self.pps_skin = pps_skin(True) if pps else None self.fabric_skin = fabric_skin(True) if skin else None self.waitForReady() self.initComms() if self.data_pub: t = threading.Thread(target=self.runDataPub) t.setDaemon(True) t.start()
def __init__( self ): rospy.logout('servo_node: Initializing') try: rospy.init_node('servo_node') except: # Node probably already initialized elsewhere pass # Create servos. self.p_left = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'left_pan' ) self.t_left = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'left_tilt' ) self.p_right = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'right_pan' ) self.t_right = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'right_tilt' ) # Create Costmap Services obj self.cs = costmap.CostmapServices( accum = 3 ) # Note: After moving, this will require accum * -1's before stopping. # Publish move_base command self._pub = rospy.Publisher( 'rfid_cmd_vel', Twist ) # Alterative ways to call servoing using ROS services / actionlib self._service_servo = rospy.Service( '/rfid_servo/servo', ServoSrv, self.service_request ) self._as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( '/rfid_servo/servo_act', ServoAction, execute_cb = self.action_request ) self._as.start() rospy.logout( 'servo_node: Service ready and waiting' )
def processARtag( self, msg ): if msg.markers != []: frame = msg.markers[0].header.frame_id p = msg.markers[0].pose.pose.position pt = PointStamped() pt.header.frame_id = frame pt.point.x = p.x pt.point.y = p.y pt.point.z = p.z pt.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) try: pt_bl = self.listener.transformPoint( '/torso_lift_link', pt ) pbl = pt_bl.point # pointing_frame manual offset (should actually be on p.y, # but this is a good approximation with less noise in robot frame). pbl.z = pbl.z - 0.2 self.lock.acquire() self.last_pos = [ pbl.x, pbl.y, pbl.z ] self.found_tag = True self.lock.release() except: rospy.logout( 'ARtagDetect: Transform failed' )
def __init__(self, ft_sensor_node_name): self.init_time = 0. self.counter = 0 self.counter_prev = 0 self.force = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T self.force_raw = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T self.torque = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T self.torque_raw = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T self.torque_bias = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T self.time_data = [] self.force_data = [] self.force_raw_data = [] self.torque_data = [] self.torque_raw_data = [] #capture the force on the tool tip self.force_sub = rospy.Subscriber(ft_sensor_node_name+\ '/wrench_zeroed', WrenchStamped, self.force_cb) #raw ft values from the NetFT self.force_raw_sub = rospy.Subscriber('pr2_netft/wrench_raw',\ WrenchStamped, self.force_raw_cb) self.force_zero = rospy.Publisher(ft_sensor_node_name+\ '/rezero_wrench', Bool) rospy.logout('Done subscribing to '+ft_sensor_node_name+\ '/rezero_wrench topic')
def __init__(self, service_name='/rotate_backup'): rospy.logout('rotate_backup_client: Waiting for service: \'%s\'' % service_name) rospy.wait_for_service(service_name) rospy.logout('rotate_backup_client: Service ready.') self._rb_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, FloatFloat_Int32)
def execute(self, userdata): rospy.logout( 'Executing PrintStr: %s' % self.ins ) f = raw_input() if string.find( f, 'yes' ) == -1: return 'aborted' else: return 'succeeded'
def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) self.should_run = True rospy.logout('servo_node: Initializing') rospy.init_node('servo_node') # Unfold "ears" to servo positions p_left = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client('left_pan') t_left = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client('left_tilt') p_left.move_angle(math.radians(-40), math.radians(10), blocking=False) t_left.move_angle(0.0, math.radians(10), blocking=False) p_right = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client('right_pan') t_right = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client('right_tilt') p_right.move_angle(math.radians(40), math.radians(10), blocking=False) t_right.move_angle(0.0, math.radians(10), blocking=False) self.reader = rmc.ROS_M5e_Client('ears') self.reader.track_mode('person ') # Use assisted teleop as pseudo-callback to see if valid movement: self.check_pub = rospy.Publisher('rfid_cmd_vel_check', Twist) self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("assisted_teleop_response", Twist, self.callback) self.command_pub = rospy.Publisher("rfid_cmd_vel", Twist) self.moving = True time.sleep(3.0) # give antennas time to settle self.start()
def __init__(self, robot): try: rospy.init_node('ZenitherClient') rospy.logout('ZenitherServer: Initialized Node') except rospy.ROSException: pass if robot not in zc.calib: raise RuntimeError('unknown robot') self.calib = zc.calib[robot] srv = '/zenither/move_position' rospy.wait_for_service(srv) self.move_position = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv, Float_Int) srv = '/zenither/stop' rospy.wait_for_service(srv) self.stop = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv, Float_Int) srv = '/zenither/apply_torque' rospy.wait_for_service(srv) self.apply_torque = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv, Float_Int) srv = '/zenither/torque_move_position' rospy.wait_for_service(srv) self.torque_move_position = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv, Float_Int) zenither_pose_topic = 'zenither_pose' self.h = None self.lock = RLock() rospy.Subscriber(zenither_pose_topic, FloatArray, self.pose_cb)
def joy_process( self, msg ): if msg.buttons[11] == 1 and time.time() - self.last_button > 1.0: if msg.buttons[12] == 1: # tri + R1 rospy.logout( 'demo_node: joy_process: Calling demo service' ) p = CmdProcess( ['rosservice', 'call', '/rfid_demo/demo'] ) self.last_button = time.time() elif msg.buttons[13] == 1: # circle + R1 rospy.logout( 'demo_node: joy_process: Calling handoff service' ) p = CmdProcess( ['rosservice', 'call', '/rfid_handoff/handoff'] ) self.last_button = time.time() elif msg.buttons[14] == 1: # X + R1 rospy.logout( 'demo_node: joy_process: Calling servo toggle service' ) p = CmdProcess( ['rosservice', 'call', '/rfid_servo/stop_next_obs', '1'] ) self.last_button = time.time() elif msg.buttons[15] == 1: # square + R1 rospy.logout( 'demo_node: joy_process: Calling handoff initialization service' ) p = CmdProcess( ['rosservice', 'call', '/rfid_handoff/initialize'] ) self.last_button = time.time() elif msg.buttons[9] == 1: # R2 + R1 rospy.logout( 'demo_node: joy_process: Calling handoff wave service' ) p = CmdProcess( ['rosservice', 'call', '/rfid_handoff/wave'] ) self.last_button = time.time()
def slct_obj_srv(): rospy.init_node('select_object_server') # Create Service for object info retrieving s = rospy.Service('slct_obj', RecognizeObject, handle_slt_obj) rospy.logout("Service select_object_server waiting") os.system("rosrun object_recognition_ros object_information_server") rospy.spin()
def joy_process(self, msg): if msg.buttons[11] == 1 and time.time() - self.last_button > 1.0: if msg.buttons[12] == 1: # tri + R1 rospy.logout('demo_node: joy_process: Calling demo service') p = CmdProcess(['rosservice', 'call', '/rfid_demo/demo']) self.last_button = time.time() elif msg.buttons[13] == 1: # circle + R1 rospy.logout('demo_node: joy_process: Calling handoff service') p = CmdProcess(['rosservice', 'call', '/rfid_handoff/handoff']) self.last_button = time.time() elif msg.buttons[14] == 1: # X + R1 rospy.logout( 'demo_node: joy_process: Calling servo toggle service') p = CmdProcess( ['rosservice', 'call', '/rfid_servo/stop_next_obs', '1']) self.last_button = time.time() elif msg.buttons[15] == 1: # square + R1 rospy.logout( 'demo_node: joy_process: Calling handoff initialization service' ) p = CmdProcess( ['rosservice', 'call', '/rfid_handoff/initialize']) self.last_button = time.time() elif msg.buttons[9] == 1: # R2 + R1 rospy.logout( 'demo_node: joy_process: Calling handoff wave service') p = CmdProcess(['rosservice', 'call', '/rfid_handoff/wave']) self.last_button = time.time()
def shutdown(): global loaded, unload_controller_service, load_controller_service, switch_controller_service rospy.loginfo( "Shutting down spawner. Stopping and unloading controllers...") try: # unloader unload_controller = rospy.ServiceProxy(unload_controller_service, UnloadController) # switcher switch_controller = rospy.ServiceProxy(switch_controller_service, SwitchController) rospy.loginfo("Stopping all controllers...") switch_controller([], loaded, SwitchControllerRequest.STRICT) rospy.loginfo("Unloading all loaded controllers...") for name in reversed(loaded): rospy.logout("Trying to unload %s" % name) unload_controller(name) rospy.logout("Succeeded in unloading %s" % name) except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.exceptions.ROSException) as exc: rospy.logwarn( "Controller Spawner error while taking down controllers: %s" % (exc))
def current_robot_position( self ): ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) ps.header.frame_id = '/base_link' ps.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 try: ps_map = self.listener.transformPose( '/map', ps ) except: rospy.logout( 'room_explore: Transform failed' ) ps_map = PoseStamped() ps_map.header.stamp = ps_map.header.frame_id = '/map' ps_map.pose.orientation = new_quat roll, pitch, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(( ps_map.pose.orientation.x, ps_map.pose.orientation.y, ps_map.pose.orientation.z, ps_map.pose.orientation.w )) rv = [ ps_map.pose.position.x, ps_map.pose.position.y, ps_map.pose.position.z, roll, pitch, yaw ] #print 'RV: ', rv return rv
def __init__(self): super(tool_audio, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self.cancelled = False self.init_time = 0. self.noise_freq_l = None self.noise_band = 150.0 self.noise_amp_num = 0 #20 #10 self.noise_amp_thres = 0.0 self.noise_amp_mult = 2.0 self.noise_bias = 0.0 # self.audio_freq = np.fft.fftfreq(self.CHUNK, self.UNIT_SAMPLE_TIME) self.audio_data = [] self.audio_amp = [] self.audio_data_raw = [] self.time_data = [] self.b, self.a = self.butter_bandpass(1, 400, self.RATE, order=6) self.p = pyaudio.PyAudio() deviceIndex = self.find_input_device() print 'Audio device:', deviceIndex =, channels=self.CHANNEL, rate=self.RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=self.CHUNK, input_device_index=deviceIndex) rospy.logout('Done subscribing audio') print 'Done subscribing audio'
def __init__(self,ft_sensor_topic_name): super(tool_ft, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self.cancelled = False self.init_time = 0. self.counter = 0 self.counter_prev = 0 self.force = np.matrix([0.,0.,0.]).T self.force_raw = np.matrix([0.,0.,0.]).T self.torque = np.matrix([0.,0.,0.]).T self.torque_raw = np.matrix([0.,0.,0.]).T self.torque_bias = np.matrix([0.,0.,0.]).T self.time_data = [] self.force_data = [] self.force_raw_data = [] self.torque_data = [] self.torque_raw_data = [] # capture the force on the tool tip # self.force_sub = rospy.Subscriber(ft_sensor_topic_name, WrenchStamped, self.force_cb) # raw ft values from the NetFT self.force_raw_sub = rospy.Subscriber(ft_sensor_topic_name, WrenchStamped, self.force_raw_cb) # self.force_zero = rospy.Publisher('/tool_netft_zeroer/rezero_wrench', Bool) rospy.logout('Done subscribing to '+ft_sensor_topic_name+' topic')
def __init__(self, ft_sensor_topic_name): super(tool_ft, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self.cancelled = False self.init_time = 0. self.counter = 0 self.counter_prev = 0 self.force = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T self.force_raw = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T self.torque = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T self.torque_raw = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T self.torque_bias = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T self.time_data = [] self.force_data = [] self.force_raw_data = [] self.torque_data = [] self.torque_raw_data = [] # capture the force on the tool tip # self.force_sub = rospy.Subscriber(ft_sensor_topic_name, WrenchStamped, self.force_cb) # raw ft values from the NetFT self.force_raw_sub = rospy.Subscriber(ft_sensor_topic_name, WrenchStamped, self.force_raw_cb) # self.force_zero = rospy.Publisher('/tool_netft_zeroer/rezero_wrench', Bool) rospy.logout('Done subscribing to ' + ft_sensor_topic_name + ' topic')
def __init__(self): = rospy.Publisher("/ros_switch", Bool) rospy.init_node("shaver_pwr_pub", anonymous=True) rospy.logout("shaver_pwr_pub node publishing..") self.state = False self.pwr_on = "Power is on" self.pwr_off = "Power is off"
def __init__(self): rospy.logout('servo_node: Initializing') try: rospy.init_node('servo_node') except: pass # Unfold "ears" to servo positions self.p_left = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client('left_pan') self.t_left = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client('left_tilt') self.p_right = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client('right_pan') self.t_right = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client('right_tilt') # Use assisted teleop as pseudo-callback to see if valid movement: self.scores = deque() self.og_pub = rospy.Publisher('assisted_teleop_check', Twist) self.og_sub = rospy.Subscriber('assisted_teleop_score', Float64, self.og_score_cb) self.command_pub = rospy.Publisher('rfid_cmd_vel', Twist) self._service_servo = rospy.Service('/rfid_servo/servo', StringInt32_Int32, self._service_stop = rospy.Service('/rfid_servo/stop', Empty, self.servo_stop) self._service_stop = rospy.Service('/rfid_servo/abort', Empty, self.servo_abort) self._service_stop_next_obs = rospy.Service( '/rfid_servo/stop_next_obs', Int32_Int32, self.stop_request) self.stop_next_obs = False # run forever self.should_run = True self.abort = False rospy.logout('servo_node: Service ready and waiting')
def __init__( self, topic = '/pressure/r_gripper_motor', mag_func = default_mag_func ): rospy.logout( 'tactile_sensor: Initializing' ) try: rospy.init_node( 'tactile_sensor' ) except: pass self.mag_func = mag_func self.left = None self.right = None self.l_bias = None self.r_bias = None self.topic = topic = rospy.Publisher( '/readings/' + string.replace(topic,'/','_') + '_mag', Float64 ) self.service = rospy.Service( '/readings/' + string.replace(topic,'/','_') + '_serv', FloatFloat_Int32, self.thresh_service ) self.reg_sensor( ) while self.left == None or self.right == None: time.sleep( 0.1 ) self.unreg_sensor() rospy.logout( 'tactile_sensor: Ready' )
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('handoff', anonymous=True) rospy.logout( 'handoff_node: Have run hrl_pr2_gains/ yet?') self.robot = hrl_pr2.HRL_PR2() if not (os.environ.has_key('ROBOT') and os.environ['ROBOT'] == 'sim'): self.ts = tsen.TactileSensor() self.arm = 'right_arm' self.start_ja = [ 0.040304940763152608, 1.2398003444166741, -1.2204088251845415, -1.9324078526157087, -31.197472992401149, -1.7430222641585842, -1.5358378047038517 ] #self.target_ja = [0.35891507126604916, 0.13778228113494312, -0.01277662779292843, -1.4992538841561938, -28.605807802842136, -0.96590944225972863, -3.0950669743130161] self.target_ja = [0.0818, 0.377, -0.860, -2.144, -3.975, -1.479, 3.907] self._sh = rospy.Service('/rfid_handoff/handoff', HandoffSrv, self.handoff) self._si = rospy.Service('/rfid_handoff/initialize', HandoffSrv, self.initialize) self._sj = rospy.Service('/rfid_handoff/handoff_pos', arm_srv, self.handoff_pos) self._swave = rospy.Service('/rfid_handoff/wave', HandoffSrv, self.wave) # self.initialize() # Prefer to do this manually... (rosservice call /rfid_handoff/initialize) rospy.logout('handoff_node: Waiting for service calls.')
def bias( self ): self.reg_sensor() rospy.logout( 'tactile_sensor: Biasing' ) self.l_bias = np.copy( self.left ) self.r_bias = np.copy( self.right ) self.unreg_sensor() return True
def move(self, request): r = request.rotate d = request.displace rospy.logout('rotate_backup: Asked to rotate: %3.2f (deg)' % math.degrees(r)) rospy.logout( 'rotate_backup: Asked to translate (forward-backward): %3.2f (m)' % d) self.non_nav_backup(d) self.non_nav_rotate(r) # success, pose, orient = self.get_pose() # if not success: # return FloatFloat_Int32Response( int(False) ) # new_point = Point( pose[0], pose[1], pose[2] ) # old_rx, old_ry, old_rz = orient # new_orient = tft.quaternion_from_euler( old_rx, old_ry, old_rz + r ) # new_quat = Quaternion( *new_orient ) # new_ps = PoseStamped() # new_ps.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) # new_ps.header.frame_id = '/odom_combined' # new_ps.pose.position = new_point # new_ps.pose.orientation = new_quat # new_ps ) # self.wait_for_stop() # rospy.logout( 'rotate_backup: Done with call.' ) return FloatFloat_Int32Response(int(True))
def scan(self, tag_id): # Note: action_request does pretty much the same thing, but with preemption. rospy.logout('ARservoScan: Scan requested for tagid \'%s\'' % tag_id) # Subscribe to RFID reader to figure out where it wants to go. zc = servo.ZedCalc(filt_len=5, tag_id=tag_id) def preempt_func(): # Note: I believe the variables are scoped at time of func def zed_next = zc.next_pub() # Where does RFID want to go? costmap_rv = self.cs.scoreTraj_NegHyst(0.1, 0.0, zed_next) #print zed_next #print costmap_rv if costmap_rv == -1.0: #rospy.logout( 'Obstacle still present.' ) return False # Still keep scaning else: rospy.logout('ARservoScan: Obstacle Gone... PREEMPT!') return True # Whatever was in way is gone. Should go back to servoing. success, found_tag, pos, frame = self.scanner.scan( preempt_func=preempt_func) # Success will be false if it was preempted (eg. preempt_func returns True) zc.stop() # Stop the RFID reader... if success and found_tag: found_tag, pos, frame = self.scanner.settle(pos, frame) rospy.logout('ARservoScan: Scan completed.') #print 'scan result: ', success, found_tag, pos, frame return (success, found_tag, pos, frame)
def fetch_tool(self, duration=5.): rospy.logout("Moving the " + self.arm + " to fetch the object") self.switch_arm() self.arm_controller.wait_for_ep() ep_cur = self.arm_controller.get_ep() ep1 = copy.deepcopy(self.ar_ep) ep1[0][2] = ep_cur[0][2] + .1 self.epc_move_arm(self.arm_controller, ep_cur, ep1, 10) self.gripper.Open(self.arm) time.sleep(2.) self.tool_ep = copy.deepcopy(self.ar_ep) # self.tool_ep[1] = np.mat(tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, np.pi/2, 0))[:3,:3] # Kinect on Monty has not been calibrated! #Offset due to Kinect error self.tool_ep[0][0] -= .02 # self.tool_ep[0][1]+= .02 self.tool_ep[0][2] += .025 # self.tool_ep[0][2]-= .05 self.epc_move_arm(self.arm_controller, ep1, self.tool_ep, 15) self.gripper.Close(self.arm) time.sleep(2.) self.epc_move_arm(self.arm_controller, self.tool_ep, ep1, 15) self.found_tag = False self.search_tag = False self.pr2_init = False self.grasp_object = True
def current_robot_position(self): ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) ps.header.frame_id = '/base_link' ps.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 try: ps_map = self.listener.transformPose('/map', ps) except: rospy.logout('room_explore: Transform failed') ps_map = PoseStamped() ps_map.header.stamp = ps_map.header.frame_id = '/map' ps_map.pose.orientation = new_quat roll, pitch, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( (ps_map.pose.orientation.x, ps_map.pose.orientation.y, ps_map.pose.orientation.z, ps_map.pose.orientation.w)) rv = [ ps_map.pose.position.x, ps_map.pose.position.y, ps_map.pose.position.z, roll, pitch, yaw ] #print 'RV: ', rv return rv
def __init__( self ): rospy.logout('servo_node: Initializing') try: rospy.init_node('servo_node') except: pass # Unfold "ears" to servo positions self.p_left = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'left_pan' ) self.t_left = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'left_tilt' ) self.p_right = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'right_pan' ) self.t_right = rr.ROS_Robotis_Client( 'right_tilt' ) # Use assisted teleop as pseudo-callback to see if valid movement: self.scores = deque() self.og_pub = rospy.Publisher( 'assisted_teleop_check', Twist ) self.og_sub = rospy.Subscriber( 'assisted_teleop_score', Float64, self.og_score_cb ) self.command_pub = rospy.Publisher( 'rfid_cmd_vel', Twist ) self._service_servo = rospy.Service('/rfid_servo/servo', StringInt32_Int32, ) self._service_stop = rospy.Service('/rfid_servo/stop', Empty, self.servo_stop ) self._service_stop = rospy.Service('/rfid_servo/abort', Empty, self.servo_abort ) self._service_stop_next_obs = rospy.Service('/rfid_servo/stop_next_obs', Int32_Int32, self.stop_request ) self.stop_next_obs = False # run forever self.should_run = True self.abort = False rospy.logout( 'servo_node: Service ready and waiting' )
def __init__(self, df, room, start_rad=1.5): Thread.__init__(self) try: rospy.init_node('RoomExplore') except: pass self.should_run = True self.frame = '/' + room self.height = df[room]['height'] self.width = df[room]['width'] self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.listener.waitForTransform('/base_link', '/map', rospy.Time(0), timeout=rospy.Duration(100)) self.setup_poses(radius=start_rad) # also initializes radius = rospy.Publisher('visarr', Marker) self._as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer('/explore', ExploreAction, execute_cb=self.action_request) self._as.start() rospy.logout('Action should be started.') self.start()
def __init__(self, topic='/pressure/r_gripper_motor', mag_func=default_mag_func): rospy.logout('tactile_sensor: Initializing') try: rospy.init_node('tactile_sensor') except: pass self.mag_func = mag_func self.left = None self.right = None self.l_bias = None self.r_bias = None self.topic = topic = rospy.Publisher( '/readings/' + string.replace(topic, '/', '_') + '_mag', Float64) self.service = rospy.Service( '/readings/' + string.replace(topic, '/', '_') + '_serv', FloatFloat_Int32, self.thresh_service) self.reg_sensor() while self.left == None or self.right == None: time.sleep(0.1) self.unreg_sensor() rospy.logout('tactile_sensor: Ready')
def __init__( self, name, fname, arm = 'right' ): self.arm = arm = name rospy.logout( 'TrajPlayback: Initializing (%s)' % ) try: rospy.init_node('traj_playback_' except: pass dat = hrl_util.load_pickle( fname ) self.q = np.mat( dat[0].T ) # subsample self.q = self.q[:,0::30] # smooth self.t = np.linspace( 1.3, 1.3 + (self.q.shape[1]-1)*0.3, self.q.shape[1] ) self.vel = self.q.copy() self.vel[:,1:] -= self.q[:,0:-1] self.vel[:,0] = 0 self.vel /= 0.3 self.pr2 = PR2() self.__service = rospy.Service( 'traj_playback/' + name, TrajPlaybackSrv, self.process_service ) rospy.logout( 'TrajPlayback: Ready for service requests (%s)' % )
def bias(self): self.reg_sensor() rospy.logout('tactile_sensor: Biasing') self.l_bias = np.copy(self.left) self.r_bias = np.copy(self.right) self.unreg_sensor() return True
def __init__(self, ft=True, audio=False, kinematics=False, subject=None, task=None): self.init_time = 0 self.tool_tracker_name, self.ft_sensor_topic_name = log_parse() self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.logout('ADLs_log node subscribing..') self.isScooping = True if task == 's' else False # = rospy.ServiceProxy('/audio_server', String_String) if audio else None # self.audioTrialName = rospy.ServiceProxy('/audio_server_trial_name', String_String) if audio else None self.ft = tool_ft('/netft_data') if ft else None = tool_audio_slim() if audio else None self.kinematics = tool_kinematics(self.tf_listener, targetFrame='/torso_lift_link', isScooping=self.isScooping) if kinematics else None # File saving self.iteration = 0 self.subject = subject.replace(' ', '') self.task = 'scooping' if task == 's' else 'feeding' directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../recordings/') if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) sensors = '' if self.ft is not None: sensors += 'f' if is not None: sensors += 'a' if self.kinematics is not None: sensors += 'k' self.record_root_path = directory self.folderName = os.path.join(directory, self.subject + '_' + self.task) ## self.folderName = os.path.join(directory, self.subject + '_' + self.task + '_' + sensors + '_' + time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y_%H-%M-%S/')) self.scooping_steps_times = [] self.scoopingStepsService = rospy.Service('/scooping_steps_service', None_Bool, self.scoopingStepsTimesCallback)
def enable_timer(self, enabled=True): if enabled: rospy.logout("Timer enabled") self._update_plot_timer.start(self._redraw_interval) else: rospy.logout("Timer stopped") self._update_plot_timer.stop()
def __init__(self): #conv_model_name = "processed_2.0m_7vc_barrett_18_grasp_types_5_layer_170x170_1_12_12_41" #conv_model_name = "processed_out_condensed_5_layer_170x170_2_6_16_55" #conv_model_name = "random_5_layer_170x170_2_6_16_43" #self.conv_model_name = "processed_sweet_guava_5_layer_72x72_2_13_10_29" #this is just the all bottle #self.conv_model_name = "processed_man-2_18_16_46_condensed72_5_layer_72x72_small_dset_2_18_17_29" self.conv_model_name = 'processed_gazebo_contact_and_potential_grasps-2_11_18_20_8_grasp_types72_5_layer_72x72_2_20_17_59' conv_model_filepath = paths.MODEL_DIR + self.conv_model_name + "/cnn_model.pkl" dataset_file = str(int(round(time.time() * 1000))) self.input_dset, raw_rgbd_filepath = init_rgbd_file(dataset_file) self.input_dset.create_dataset("rgbd", (1, 480, 640, 4)) self.save_dset, save_filepath = init_save_file(dataset_file, self.conv_model_name) rospy.logout(raw_rgbd_filepath) rospy.logout(save_filepath) self.pipeline = BarrettGraspClassificationPipeline(save_filepath, raw_rgbd_filepath, conv_model_filepath, input_key="rgbd") self.service = rospy.Service('calculate_grasps_service', CalculateGraspsService, self.service_request_handler)
def fetch_tool(self, duration=5.): rospy.logout("Moving the "+self.arm+" to fetch the object") self.switch_arm() self.arm_controller.wait_for_ep() ep_cur = self.arm_controller.get_ep() ep1 = copy.deepcopy(self.ar_ep) ep1[0][2]=ep_cur[0][2]+.1 self.epc_move_arm(self.arm_controller, ep_cur, ep1, 10) self.gripper.Open(self.arm) time.sleep(2.) self.tool_ep = copy.deepcopy(self.ar_ep) # self.tool_ep[1] = np.mat(tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, np.pi/2, 0))[:3,:3] # Kinect on Monty has not been calibrated! #Offset due to Kinect error self.tool_ep[0][0]-= .02 # self.tool_ep[0][1]+= .02 self.tool_ep[0][2]+= .025 # self.tool_ep[0][2]-= .05 self.epc_move_arm(self.arm_controller, ep1, self.tool_ep, 15) self.gripper.Close(self.arm) time.sleep(2.) self.epc_move_arm(self.arm_controller, self.tool_ep, ep1, 15) self.found_tag = False self.search_tag = False self.pr2_init = False self.grasp_object = True
def __init__( self, df, room, start_rad = 1.5, markers_update = lambda x: True ): try: rospy.init_node( 'SnakingExplore' ) except: pass self.frame = '/' + room self.markers_update = markers_update self.length = df[room]['length'] self.width = df[room]['width'] rospy.logout( 'snaking_explore: Initializing' ) self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.listener.waitForTransform( '/base_link', '/map', rospy.Time(0), timeout = rospy.Duration(100)) self.listener.waitForTransform( self.frame, '/map', rospy.Time(0), timeout = rospy.Duration(100)) self.setup_poses( radius = start_rad ) self.client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'move_base', MoveBaseAction ) self.client.wait_for_server() self._service = rospy.Service( '/explore/explore' , ExploreRoomSrv, self.service_request ) self._as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( '/explore', ExploreAction, execute_cb = self.action_request ) self._as.start() rospy.logout( 'snaking_explore: Ready and waiting.' )
def processARtag(self, msg): if msg.markers != []: frame = msg.markers[0].header.frame_id p = msg.markers[0].pose.pose.position pt = PointStamped() pt.header.frame_id = frame pt.point.x = p.x pt.point.y = p.y pt.point.z = p.z pt.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) try: pt_bl = self.listener.transformPoint("/torso_lift_link", pt) pbl = pt_bl.point # pointing_frame manual offset (should actually be on p.y, # but this is a good approximation with less noise in robot frame). pbl.z = pbl.z - 0.2 self.last_pos = [pbl.x, pbl.y, pbl.z] if not self.found_tag: self.hc.cancel_all_goals() # stop searching self.found_tag = True except: print pt rospy.logout("ARtagDetect: Transform failed") return False else: if not self.found_tag and ctime() - self.last_logout > 3.0: rospy.logout("ARtag still undetected...") self.last_logout = ctime()
def __init__(self, servo = None, name = '' ): if servo == None: raise RuntimeError( 'ROS_Robotis_Servo: No servo specified for server.\n' ) self.servo = servo = name try: rospy.init_node( 'robotis_servo_' + ) except rospy.ROSException: pass #self.servo.disable_torque() rospy.logout( 'ROS_Robotis_Servo: Starting Server /robotis/servo_' + ) = rospy.Publisher('/robotis/servo_' +, Float64) self.__service_ang = rospy.Service('/robotis/servo_' + name + '_readangle', None_Float, self.__cb_readangle) self.__service_ismove = rospy.Service('/robotis/servo_' + name + '_ismoving', None_Int32, self.__cb_ismoving) self.__service_moveang = rospy.Service('/robotis/servo_' + name + '_moveangle', MoveAng, self.__cb_moveangle)
def move(self, request): r = request.rotate d = request.displace rospy.logout("rotate_backup: Asked to rotate: %3.2f (deg)" % math.degrees(r)) rospy.logout("rotate_backup: Asked to translate (forward-backward): %3.2f (m)" % d) self.non_nav_backup(d) self.non_nav_rotate(r) # success, pose, orient = self.get_pose() # if not success: # return FloatFloat_Int32Response( int(False) ) # new_point = Point( pose[0], pose[1], pose[2] ) # old_rx, old_ry, old_rz = orient # new_orient = tft.quaternion_from_euler( old_rx, old_ry, old_rz + r ) # new_quat = Quaternion( *new_orient ) # new_ps = PoseStamped() # new_ps.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) # new_ps.header.frame_id = '/odom_combined' # new_ps.pose.position = new_point # new_ps.pose.orientation = new_quat # new_ps ) # self.wait_for_stop() # rospy.logout( 'rotate_backup: Done with call.' ) return FloatFloat_Int32Response(int(True))
def scan(self, tag_id): # Note: action_request does pretty much the same thing, but with preemption. rospy.logout("ARservoScan: Scan requested for tagid '%s'" % tag_id) # Subscribe to RFID reader to figure out where it wants to go. zc = servo.ZedCalc(filt_len=5, tag_id=tag_id) def preempt_func(): # Note: I believe the variables are scoped at time of func def zed_next = zc.next_pub() # Where does RFID want to go? costmap_rv = self.cs.scoreTraj_NegHyst(0.1, 0.0, zed_next) # print zed_next # print costmap_rv if costmap_rv == -1.0: # rospy.logout( 'Obstacle still present.' ) return False # Still keep scaning else: rospy.logout("ARservoScan: Obstacle Gone... PREEMPT!") return True # Whatever was in way is gone. Should go back to servoing. success, found_tag, pos, frame = self.scanner.scan(preempt_func=preempt_func) # Success will be false if it was preempted (eg. preempt_func returns True) zc.stop() # Stop the RFID reader... if success and found_tag: found_tag, pos, frame = self.scanner.settle(pos, frame) rospy.logout("ARservoScan: Scan completed.") # print 'scan result: ', success, found_tag, pos, frame return (success, found_tag, pos, frame)
def __init__(self, df, room, start_rad=1.5): try: rospy.init_node("RoomExplore") except: pass self.should_run = True self.frame = "/" + room self.old_markers = [] self.mid = 1 self.height = df[room]["height"] self.width = df[room]["width"] self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.listener.waitForTransform("/base_link", "/map", rospy.Time(0), timeout=rospy.Duration(100)) = rospy.Publisher("visarr", Marker) self.setup_poses(radius=start_rad) # also initializes radius print "Len: ", len(self.poses), " Publishing." self.publish_markers() self._as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer("/explore", ExploreAction, execute_cb=self.action_request) self._as.start() self.publish_markers() rospy.logout("Action should be started.")