예제 #1
#### 5. Main Filter Loop #######################################################################

# Now that everything is set up, we can start taking in the sensor data and creating estimates
# for our state in a loop.
for k in range(1, imu_f.data.shape[0]
               ):  # start at 1 b/c we have initial prediction from gt
    delta_t = imu_f.t[k] - imu_f.t[k - 1]

    # 1. Update state with IMU inputs
    q_prev = Quaternion(
        *q_est[k - 1, :])  # previous orientation as a quaternion object
    q_curr = Quaternion(axis_angle=(imu_w.data[k - 1] *
                                    delta_t))  # current IMU orientation
    c_ns = q_prev.to_mat()  # previous orientation as a matrix
    f_ns = (c_ns @ imu_f.data[k - 1]) + g  # calculate sum of forces
    p_check = p_est[k - 1, :] + delta_t * v_est[k - 1, :] + 0.5 * (delta_t**
                                                                   2) * f_ns
    v_check = v_est[k - 1, :] + delta_t * f_ns
    q_check = q_prev.quat_mult_left(q_curr)

    # 1.1 Linearize the motion model and compute Jacobians
    f_jac = np.eye(9)  # motion model jacobian with respect to last state
    f_jac[0:3, 3:6] = np.eye(3) * delta_t
    f_jac[3:6, 6:9] = -skew_symmetric(c_ns @ imu_f.data[k - 1]) * delta_t

    # 2. Propagate uncertainty
    q_cov = np.zeros((6, 6))  # IMU noise covariance
    q_cov[0:3, 0:3] = delta_t**2 * np.eye(3) * var_imu_f
    q_cov[3:6, 3:6] = delta_t**2 * np.eye(3) * var_imu_w
예제 #2
#### 5. Main Filter Loop #######################################################################

# Now that everything is set up, we can start taking in the sensor data and creating estimates
# for our state in a loop.
for k in range(1, imu_f.data.shape[0]
               ):  # start at 1 b/c we have initial prediction from gt
    delta_t = imu_f.t[k] - imu_f.t[k - 1]

    # 1. Update state with IMU inputs

    #calculating rotation matrix
    quat = Quaternion(q_est[k - 1, 0], q_est[k - 1, 1], q_est[k - 1, 2],
                      q_est[k - 1, 3])
    Cns = quat.to_mat()

    temp = Cns.dot(imu_f.data[k - 1])
    t3 = np.add(temp, g)
    t2 = delta_t * v_est[k - 1]
    t1 = (0.5 * delta_t**2) * t3

    p_check = np.add(p_est[k - 1], np.add(t2, t1))  #updating p
    v_check = np.add(v_est[k - 1], delta_t * t3)  #updating v
    q_euler = delta_t * imu_w.data[k - 1]
    q_check = Quaternion(euler=q_euler).quat_mult_right(q_est[k -
                                                              1])  #updating q

    # 1.1 Linearize the motion model and compute Jacobians
    F = np.identity(9)
    F[0:3, 3:6] = delta_t * np.eye(3)
예제 #3
# Now that everything is set up, we can start taking in the sensor data and creating estimates
# for our state in a loop.
for k in range(1, imu_f.data.shape[0]):  # start at 1 b/c we have initial prediction from gt
    delta_t = imu_f.t[k] - imu_f.t[k - 1]

    p_check = p_est[k-1]
    v_check = v_est[k-1]
    q_check = q_est[k-1]
    p_cov_check = p_cov[k-1]

    # 1. Update state with IMU inputs
    # convert q_check numpy array to q_check_quat Quaternion object to call to_mat
    q_check_quat = Quaternion(w=q_check[0], x=q_check[1], y=q_check[2], z=q_check[3], axis_angle=None, euler=None)
    C_ns = q_check_quat.to_mat()
    p_check = p_check + delta_t * v_check + (0.5 * delta_t**2)*(C_ns.dot(imu_f.data[k - 1]) + g)

    v_check = v_check + delta_t * (C_ns.dot(imu_f.data[k - 1]) + g)

    q_check = Quaternion(euler=imu_w.data[k-1]*delta_t).quat_mult_right(q_check)

    # 1.1 Linearize the motion model and compute Jacobians

    F_k_1 = np.eye(9)
    F_k_1[0:3, 3:6] = delta_t * np.eye(3)
    F_k_1[3:6, 6:9] = -delta_t * skew_symmetric(C_ns.dot(imu_f.data[k - 1]))

    #IMU process/motion model has accelerometer(a_x,a_y,a_z) and gyroscope(w_x,w_y,w_z) 6 degrees of uncorrelated uncertainty
예제 #4
# Now that everything is set up, we can start taking in the sensor data and creating estimates
# for our state in a loop.
last_gnss_idx = 0
last_lidar_idx = 0
for k in range(1, imu_f.data.shape[0]
               ):  # start at 1 b/c we have initial prediction from gt
    delta_t = imu_f.t[k] - imu_f.t[k - 1]
    curr_t = imu_f.t[k]
    f_k_1 = imu_f.data[k - 1]
    w_k_1 = imu_w.data[k - 1]
    p_k_1 = p_est[k - 1]
    v_k_1 = v_est[k - 1]
    q_k_1 = Quaternion(q_est[k - 1, 0], q_est[k - 1, 1], q_est[k - 1, 2],
                       q_est[k - 1, 3])
    Cns = q_k_1.to_mat()

    # 1. Update state with IMU inputs
    p_check = p_k_1 + delta_t * v_k_1 + (delta_t**2) / 2 * (Cns @ f_k_1 + g)

    v_check = v_k_1 + delta_t * (Cns @ f_k_1 + g)

    q_check = q_k_1.quat_mult_left(Quaternion(axis_angle=(w_k_1 * delta_t)))

    # 1.1 Linearize the motion model and compute Jacobians
    F_k_1 = np.identity(9)
    F_k_1[0:3, 3:6] = np.identity(3) * delta_t
    F_k_1[3:6, 6:9] = -1 * skew_symmetric(Cns @ f_k_1) * delta_t

    # 2. Propagate uncertainty
    Q_k = np.identity(6)
예제 #5
파일: slam.py 프로젝트: yhwalker/2d-slam
    def ekf(self):
        Main loop of the extended Kalman filter sensor fusion procedure.


        lid_i, lid_state = self.initialize_lidar()

        t = self.imu_t[0]  # initialize time step
        st = round(time.time())  # initialize runtime

        print("Initiating Kalman filter loop...")
        for k in range(1, self.n):

            # Progress report
            if k % 100 == 0:
                tm_new = round(time.time())
                tm_el = tm_new - st
                tm_rm = (self.n - k) * tm_el // k
                    "Iteration {0}/{1}: Time elapsed {2}m{3}sec - Est. time remaining {4}m{5}sec"
                    .format(k, self.n, tm_el // 60, tm_el % 60, tm_rm // 60,
                            tm_rm % 60))

            delta_t = (self.imu_t[k] - self.imu_t[k - 1])

            # Assign previous state
            p_km = self.p_est[k - 1].reshape(3, 1)
            v_km = self.v_est[k - 1].reshape(3, 1)
            q = self.imu_q[k, :].reshape(4, 1)
            del_u_km = self.del_u_est[k - 1].reshape(6, 1)
            quat = Quaternion(*q).normalize()
            C_ns = quat.to_mat()

            # Assign control inputs and calibrate with estimated sensor error
            f_km = self.imu_f[k - 1].reshape(3, 1) - del_u_km[:3]
            w_km = self.imu_w[k - 1].reshape(3, 1) - del_u_km[3:]

            # Update state
            p_check = p_km + delta_t * v_km + delta_t**2 / 2 * (
                C_ns.dot(f_km) - self.g.reshape(3, 1))
            v_check = v_km + delta_t * (C_ns.dot(f_km) - self.g.reshape(3, 1))
            q_check = q
            del_u_check = del_u_km

            # Linearize motion model
            F, L = SLAM.state_space_model(f_km, C_ns, delta_t)

            # Propagate uncertainty
            p_cov_km = self.p_cov[k - 1, :, :]
            p_cov_check = F.dot(p_cov_km).dot(F.T) + L.dot(self.Q_imu).dot(L.T)

            # Check availability of LIDAR measurements
            if lid_i != len(self.lid_r) and t >= self.lid_t[lid_i]:

                if self.algorithm == "icp":
                    y_k = SLAM.icp_state(self.gf, self.lid_r[lid_i], lid_state)
                if self.algorithm == "feature":
                    y_k = SLAM.feature_state(self.lid_r[lid_i - 1],
                                             self.lid_r[lid_i], lid_state)

                new_state = SLAM.measurement_update(y_k, p_check, v_check,
                                                    q_check, del_u_check,
                                                    p_cov_check, self.R_lid)
                p_check, v_check, q_check, p_cov_check, del_u_check, lid_state = new_state

                if self.algorithm == "feature":
                    x_hat = p_check[0, 0]
                    y_hat = p_check[1, 0]
                    yaw_hat = Quaternion(*q_check).normalize().to_euler()[2, 0]
                    update_map(self.gf, self.lid_r[lid_i], x_hat, y_hat,

                lid_i += 1

            # Store into state and uncertainty arrays
            self.p_est[k, :] = p_check.reshape(3, )
            self.v_est[k, :] = v_check.reshape(3, )
            self.q_est[k, :] = q_check.reshape(4, )
            self.del_u_est[k, :] = del_u_check.reshape(6, )
            self.p_cov[k, :, :] = p_cov_check

            # Increment time
            t += delta_t

        # Report finished progress
        tm_el = round(time.time()) - st
        print("Finished iterating after {0}m{1}sec".format(
            tm_el // 60, tm_el % 60))