def nearest(): lat = request.args.get('lat', '') lng = request.args.get('lng', '') routing = Routing(con) node_id = routing.get_nearest_node(lat,lng) return jsonify({'id': node_id})
def plot_line(topo, proto, label, color, linestyle='-', linewidth=2): start = time.time() routing = Routing(topo, proto, log) paths = routing.generate_random_permutation_paths() edge_counts = sorted(routing.edge_counts(paths).values()) x = [0] y = [0] for i in range(len(edge_counts)): # format graph properly if i != 0 and edge_counts[i] != edge_counts[i - 1]: x.append(i) y.append(edge_counts[i - 1]) x.append(i) y.append(edge_counts[i]) y.append(edge_counts[-1] + 1) x.append(len(edge_counts) - 1) plt.plot(x, y, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, label=label) finish = time.time()'{} ran in: {}'.format(label, finish - start))
def computeroute(): latfrom = request.args.get('latfrom', '') lngfrom = request.args.get('lngfrom', '') latto = request.args.get('latto', '') lngto = request.args.get('lngto', '') routing = Routing(con) route = routing.compute_route(latfrom, lngfrom, latto, lngto) profile = routing.get_side_profile(latfrom, lngfrom, latto, lngto) bottomlevelprofile_formatted = [p[0] for p in profile] lengthprofile_formatted = [p[1] for p in profile] surfacelevel_formatted = [p[1] for p in profile] pipediameter_formatted = [p[3] for p in profile] bob_end_formatted = [p[4] for p in profile] bob_start_formatted = [p[5] for p in profile] bbb_end_formatted = [(p[4] + float(p[3])) for p in profile] bbb_start_formatted = [(p[5] + float(p[3])) for p in profile] display_names_formatted = [p[6] for p in profile] return jsonify({ 'route': json.loads(route), 'surface_level': surfacelevel_formatted, 'length_profile': lengthprofile_formatted, 'bottom_level': bottomlevelprofile_formatted, 'pipe_diamter': pipediameter_formatted, 'bob_start': bob_start_formatted, 'bob_end': bob_end_formatted, 'bbb_start': bbb_start_formatted, 'bbb_end': bbb_end_formatted, 'display_names': display_names_formatted })
def __init__(self, grouping='shuffle', parallelism=1, paraNext=1): self.parallelism = parallelism self.paraNext = paraNext self.processed = parallelism*[0] self.grouping = grouping r = Routing(type=self.grouping) self.routingMethod = r.getRoutingMethod()
def createIncidentToIncidentMatrices(self): distances = {} incidentMap = self.simulation.getActiveIncidents(self.agent) router = Routing() for incidentType, incidents in incidentMap.iteritems(): distances[incidentType] = {} for incidentId, pos in incidents.iteritems(): for incident2Id, pos2 in incidents.iteritems(): if incidentId != incident2Id: if incidentId not in distances[incidentType]: distances[incidentType][incidentId] = {} if incident2Id in distances[ incidentType] and incidentId in distances[ incidentType][incident2Id]: distances[incidentType][incidentId][ incident2Id] = distances[incidentType][ incident2Id][incidentId] else: distance = len( router.route(, pos.lon,, pos2.lon)['timecoords']) distances[incidentType][incidentId][ incident2Id] = distance distances[incidentType][incidentId][ incident2Id] = distance return distances
def test_routing(self): self.test_field_finalization() r = Routing(self.field) ret = r.route(4) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret[0], 1)
def launch(): """ Starts the Controller: - topo is a string with comma-separated arguments specifying what topology to build. e.g.: 'jellyfish,4' - routing is a string indicating what routing mechanism to use: e.g.: 'ecmp8', 'kshort' """ # NOTE: currently only support jellyfish topology."Launching Jellyfish controller") # Read out configuration from file. # NOTE: assumes jellyfish has been installed in the home directory. config_loc = 'pox/ext/__jellyconfig' with open(config_loc, 'r', os.O_NONBLOCK) as config_file:"inside") n = int(config_file.readline().split('=')[1]) k = int(config_file.readline().split('=')[1]) r = int(config_file.readline().split('=')[1]) seed = int(config_file.readline().split('=')[1]) routing = config_file.readline().split('=')[1].strip() jelly_topology = topologies["jelly"](random_seed=seed, n=n, k=k, r=r) my_routing = Routing(jelly_topology, routing, log, seed=seed) my_routing.generate_rtable() core.registerNew(JellyfishController, jelly_topology, my_routing)
def find_total_turns(total_data, start_point, end_point, total_train): """ Take total data and proceeding find the smallest turn. """ from routing import Routing ls_instance = setup_all_lines(total_data) path = Routing() path.ls_lines = ls_instance setup_state(path.all_train_history, total_train, start_point) return path.find_smallest_turn()
def _full_simple(self, fn, nocheck=False): field = self.construct_field() blocks = self.parse_blocks(os.path.join(self.test_data_dir, fn)) f = self.construct_force_algo_obj(self.field, self.blocks, self.pins) cid = fn.split("op")[1].split(".")[0] f.step_build(DEBUG) f1 = f.get_debug_field() if DEBUG: fn = draw_field(f1, "schematic_build_{}.pdf".format(cid)) f.step_initial(DEBUG) f2 = f.get_debug_field() if DEBUG: fn = draw_field(f2, "schematic_init_{}.pdf".format(cid)) f.step_main(DEBUG) f3 = f.get_debug_field() if DEBUG: fn = draw_field(f3, "schematic_main_{}.pdf".format(cid)) f.step_last(DEBUG) f4 = f.get_debug_field() if DEBUG: f4.trim_size() fn = draw_field(f4, "schematic_final_{}.pdf".format(cid)) # CHECK IF OVERLAPPING BLOCKS WERE FOUND overlap = f4.has_overlapping_blocks() if overlap: f4.show_blocks(sortkey=("groups", "pos")) f4.trim_size() draw_field(f4, "schematic_final_{}.pdf".format(cid)) else: try: f = f4.to_field() f.optimize_size() f.optimize_block_dirs() r = Routing(f) ret = r.route(4) fn = draw_field(f, "schematic_real_{}.pdf".format(cid)) except RoutingException as e: if not nocheck: print "failed with circuit {}".format(cid) print "continuing due to 'nocheck' == True" else: raise e if not nocheck: self.assertFalse(overlap, "Found overlapping blocks!")
def __init__(self, nodes, edges, minb, maxb, tx_num, tx_min, tx_max): assert nodes > 0 and edges > 0 assert 0 <= minb <= maxb assert 0 < tx_min <= tx_max self.min_balance = minb self.max_balance = maxb self.graph = MyGraph(nodes, edges, minb, maxb) self.MST = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(self.graph.nx_graph, weight='weight', algorithm='prim') self.tx = Transaction(nodes, tx_num, tx_min, tx_max) self.routing = Routing(proxy='weight') self.paths = {} self.stats = Statistics() self.dumper = Dump() self.dumper.dump_files(self.graph, self.tx)
def test_full(self): ### # slice the self.files list to reduce test time!!! ### for fn in self.files[:7]: print "-> full run - fn: {}".format(fn) field = self.construct_field() blocks = self.parse_blocks(os.path.join(self.test_data_dir, fn)) f = self.construct_force_algo_obj(self.field, self.blocks, self.pins) cid = fn.split("op")[1].split(".")[0] f.step_build(DEBUG) f1 = f.get_debug_field() fn = draw_field(f1, "schematic_build_{}.pdf".format(cid)) f.step_initial(DEBUG) f2 = f.get_debug_field() fn = draw_field(f2, "schematic_init_{}.pdf".format(cid)) f.step_main(DEBUG) f3 = f.get_debug_field() fn = draw_field(f3, "schematic_main_{}.pdf".format(cid)) f.step_last(DEBUG) f4 = f.get_debug_field() fn = draw_field(f4, "schematic_final_{}.pdf".format(cid)) # CHECK IF OVERLAPPING BLOCKS WERE FOUND overlap = f4.has_overlapping_blocks() if overlap: print "-"*80 print "#### FAILED ..... FAILED ..... circ_id: {}".format(cid) #f4.show_blocks(sortkey="pos") #f4.show_blocks(sortkey="name") f4.show_blocks(sortkey=("groups", "pos")) else: print "-"*80 print "#### {} ####".format(cid) f = f4.to_field() f.optimize_size() f.optimize_block_dirs() #f.expand_field(4) r = Routing(f) ret = r.route(4) fn = draw_field(f, "schematic_real_{}.pdf".format(cid))
def main(argv): input_dir = argv[1] output_dir = argv[2] for file_name in os.listdir(input_dir): print("The order ", file_name, " is processing...") input_path = os.path.join(input_dir, file_name) with open(input_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: message_str = order = Order(message_str) mypack_obj = mypack.Pack(order) hwpack_obj = Pack(message_str, mypack_obj=mypack_obj) route = Routing(order, pack_obj=hwpack_obj) nondominated_sol_listlist = route.population_global_search2(1400, 7) for sol_list in nondominated_sol_listlist: route.res["solutionArray"].append(route.sol_2_trucklist_Dict[''.join([str(x) for x in sol_list])]) route.save_sols(output_dir) print("The order ", file_name, " is done.")
def viaroute(): """ """ routing = Routing(con) coords = request.args.getlist('loc') app.logger.debug('coordinates: %s', coords) first_pair = [] segments = [] polyline_segments = [] for counter, coord in enumerate(coords): if counter > 0: previous = coords[counter-1].split(',') current = coords[counter].split(',') if counter % 2 == 0: segment = routing.compute_route(previous[0], previous[1], current[0], current[1]) segcoords = json.loads(segment).get('coordinates') for s in segcoords: print "s:", s polyline_segments.append((s[1], s[0])) segments.append(json.loads(segment)) return jsonify({ "hint_data": { "locations": [], "checksum": 0000000001 }, "route_name": ["Purmerend Riolering"], "via_indices": [], "found_alternative": False, "route_summary": { "end_point": "O 2206", "start_point": "", "total_time": 0, "total_distance": 0 }, "via_points": [], "route_geometry": PolylineCodec().encode(polyline_segments), "status_message": "Found route between points", "status": 0 })
def createResponderToIncidentMatrices(self): responders = self.simulation.getResponders(self.agent) incidents = self.simulation.getActiveIncidents(self.agent) distances = {} router = Routing() for t, respondersByType in responders.iteritems(): distances[t] = {} for responderId, data in respondersByType.iteritems(): lat, lon = data["route"][0] distances[t][responderId] = {} incidentType = "fire" if t == "fireFighters" else "injury" if t == "ambulances" else "looters" for incident, incidentPos in incidents[incidentType].iteritems( ): distance = len( router.route(lat, lon,, incidentPos.lon)['timecoords']) distances[t][responderId][incident] = distance return distances
def __init__(self, with_reconstruction=True): super(CapsNet, self).__init__() self.with_reconstruction = with_reconstruction self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 256, 9) self.primary_caps = nn.Conv2d(256, 32 * 8, 9, stride=2) self.digit_caps = Routing(32 * 6 * 6, 10, 8, 16, 32) if with_reconstruction: self.fc1 = nn.Linear(160, 512) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 784)
class TestWifi(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, port, id): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = id self.w = WifiReal(port, id) self.r = Routing(self.w) self.t = Topology(self.r) def prt(self, msg): print("APP {}: {}".format(, msg)) def run(self): # print(self.module.get_visible_macs()) while (True): self.prt("Starting cycle") # self.prt(self.r.get_graph()) s_time = time.time() while (time.time() - s_time < 5 + (randint(0, 20) / 5)): self.w.listen_for_lines()
def __init__(self, port, id): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = id self.w = WifiReal(port, id) self.r = Routing(self.w) self.t = Topology(self.r)
from flask import Flask import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() try: from .routing import Routing except ModuleNotFoundError: from routing import Routing app = Flask(__name__) Routing(app) if __name__ == "__main__":
def getRandomPosition(self): lat, lon = convert2LatLon( self.distribution(np.random.uniform(), np.random.uniform())) r = Routing() return r.snapToRoad(lat, lon)
def main(version): shared_state = State() topo = Topology(shared_state, version) app = Routing(shared_state, version) app.start_event_loop()
print "# ble", index, "pin", pin, ":", selection, "(", subblock[ pin], ")" inputs[index * self.bitgen.inputs + pin - 1] = selection self.bitgen.gen_lb(inputs, functions, flops) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) != 6: sys.stderr.write( "usage: {:s} <placement.out> <routing.out> <> <logic.blif>\n" .format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) placement = Placement(sys.argv[1]) routing = Routing(sys.argv[2]) netlist = NET(sys.argv[3]) blif = BLIF(sys.argv[4]) tracks = int(sys.argv[5]) / 2 bitgen = Bitgen(cluster_size=4, ble_inputs=6, lb_inputs_per_side=4, tracks_per_direction=tracks, mux_size=5) fpga = FPGA(placement, routing, netlist, blif, bitgen) fpga.generate()
import time from graph import Graph get_ipt = True if get_ipt: mesh_id = 225 mesh_mac = "882931169" # mesh_id = 202 # mesh_mac = "-346438966" else: mesh_id = 79 mesh_mac = "-346438577" w = CompWifi(mesh_id, mesh_mac) r = Routing(w) t = Topology(r) def recv_msg(from_mac, msg): print("APP: from {}: {}".format(from_mac, msg)) t.register_recv_msg_handler(recv_msg) class GetIpt(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.ipt = None def run(self): while(True): self.ipt = input()
'/createSimulation', 'createSimulation', '/(.+)/connectUser', 'connectUser', '/(.+)/addAgent', 'addAgent', '/(.+)/start', 'startSimulation', '/(.+)/(.+)/assignToIncident', 'assignToIncident', '/(.+)/(.+)/incidents', 'incidents', '/(.+)/(.+)/score', 'score', '/postScore', 'postScore', '/scoreboard', 'scoreboard', '/(.+)/(.+)/responders', 'responders', '/availableSimulations', 'activeSimulations', '/route', 'route', '/images/(.+)', 'images', '/(.+)', 'fileLoader') routing = Routing() manager = Manager() class Application(web.application): def run(self, url="", port=8080, *middleware): func = self.wsgifunc(*middleware) return web.httpserver.runsimple(func, (url, port)) class disaster: # exampleURL: # http://localhost:1234/disaster def GET(self): page = web.template.frender('html/index.html') return page() class agentDisaster: # exampleURL:
class Map_To_Graph: def __init__(self): self.brushfire_cffi = Cffi() self.topology = Topology() self.routing = Routing() self.coverage = Coverage() # Origin is the translation between the (0,0) of the robot pose and the # (0,0) of the map self.origin = {} self.origin['x'] = 0 self.origin['y'] = 0 self.resolution = 0.05 self.step = 0 # Load map's translation if rospy.has_param('origin'): translation = rospy.get_param('origin') self.origin['x'] = translation[0] self.origin['y'] = translation[1] if rospy.has_param('resolution'): self.resolution = rospy.get_param('resolution') # Initilize sensor's specs self.sensor_names = [] self.sensor_direction = [] self.sensor_fov = [] self.sensor_range = [] self.sensor_shape = [] self.sensor_reliability = [] self.min_distance = 0 self.navigation_target = 0 # Read sensor's specs self.robot_radius = rospy.get_param('robot_radius') self.sensor_names = rospy.get_param('sensor_names') self.sensor_number = len(self.sensor_names) self.navigation_target = rospy.get_param('navigation_target') self.navigation_pattern = rospy.get_param('navigation_pattern') self.fixed_step = rospy.get_param('fixed_step') for name in self.sensor_names: self.sensor_direction.append( rospy.get_param(name + '/sensor_direction')) self.sensor_fov.append(rospy.get_param(name + '/fov')) self.sensor_range.append(rospy.get_param(name + '/range')) self.sensor_shape.append(rospy.get_param(name + '/shape')) self.sensor_reliability.append( rospy.get_param(name + '/reliability')) self.ogm_topic = '/map' self.ogm = 0 self.ogm_raw = 0 self.ogm_width = 0 self.ogm_height = 0 self.ogm_header = 0 # Flag to wait ogm subscriber to finish self.ogm_compute = False self.gvd = 0 self.brush = 0 self.nodes = [] self.door_nodes = [] self.rooms = [] self.room_doors = [] self.room_type = [] self.room_sequence = [] self.entering_doors = {} self.exiting_doors = {} self.wall_follow_nodes = [] self.wall_follow_sequence = [] self.zig_zag_nodes = [] self.zig_zag_sequence = [] self.simple_nodes = [] self.simple_sequence = [] # Load nodes from json file map_name = rospy.get_param('map_name') filename = '/home/mal/catkin_ws/src/topology_finder/data/' + map_name + '.json' with open(filename, 'r') as read_file: = json.load(read_file) self.nodes =['nodes'] self.door_nodes =['doors'] self.rooms =['rooms'] self.room_doors =['roomDoors'] self.room_type =['roomType'] if 'room_sequence' in self.room_sequence =['room_sequence'] if 'entering_doors' in self.entering_doors = { int(k): v for k, v in['entering_doors'].items() } if 'exiting_doors' in self.exiting_doors = { int(k): v for k, v in['exiting_doors'].items() } if 'wall_follow_nodes' in self.wall_follow_nodes =['wall_follow_nodes'] if 'wall_follow_sequence' in self.wall_follow_sequence =['wall_follow_sequence'] if 'zig_zag_nodes' in self.zig_zag_nodes =['zig_zag_nodes'] if 'zig_zag_sequence' in self.zig_zag_sequence =['zig_zag_sequence'] if 'simple_nodes' in self.simple_nodes =['simple_nodes'] if 'simple_sequence' in self.simple_sequence =['simple_sequence'] self.node_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/nodes', Marker, queue_size=100) self.candidate_door_node_pub = rospy.Publisher('/nodes/candidateDoors', Marker, queue_size=100) self.door_node_pub = rospy.Publisher('/nodes/doors', Marker, queue_size=100) self.room_node_pub = rospy.Publisher('/nodes/rooms', Marker, queue_size=100) def server_start(self): rospy.init_node('map_to_graph') rospy.loginfo('map_to_graph node initialized.') # Read ogm self.ogm_compute = True rospy.Subscriber(self.ogm_topic, OccupancyGrid, self.read_ogm) while self.ogm_compute: pass # Calculate brushfire field self.brush = self.brushfire_cffi.obstacleBrushfireCffi(self.ogm) # Calculate gvd from brushfire and ogm self.gvd = self.topology.gvd(self.brush) time.sleep(1) # self.print_markers(self.nodes, [1., 0., 0.], self.node_publisher) # self.print_markers(self.door_nodes, [0., 0., 1.], self.door_node_pub) # Find sequence of rooms if not already exists if self.room_sequence == []: self.find_room_sequence(True) if self.navigation_pattern == 'simple': self.find_all_wall_nodes() rospy.loginfo("Visualize node sequence") self.visualise_node_sequence(self.simple_sequence) self.simple_sequence, self.simple_nodes = self.a_priori_coverage( self.simple_sequence, False) # Compute length of sequence i = 0 for temp_nodes in self.simple_nodes: distances = cdist(np.array(temp_nodes), np.array(temp_nodes), 'euclidean') cost = self.routing.route_length(distances, range(len(temp_nodes))) string = 'Length of zig zag nodes at room ' + str( i) + ': ' + str(cost) print(string) i += 1 else: self.find_best_path_wall_nodes() self.visualise_node_sequence(self.wall_follow_sequence) self.wall_follow_sequence, self.wall_follow_nodes = self.a_priori_coverage( self.wall_follow_sequence) # Save wall nodes to json['wall_follow_nodes'] = self.wall_follow_nodes['wall_follow_sequence'] = self.wall_follow_sequence rospy.loginfo("Visualize node sequence") self.visualise_node_sequence(self.wall_follow_sequence) # Compute length of sequence i = 0 for temp_nodes in self.wall_follow_nodes: distances = cdist(np.array(temp_nodes), np.array(temp_nodes), 'euclidean') cost = self.routing.route_length(distances, range(len(temp_nodes))) string = 'Length of wall follow nodes at room ' + str( i) + ': ' + str(cost) print(string) i += 1 map_name = rospy.get_param('map_name') filename = '/home/mal/catkin_ws/src/topology_finder/data/' + map_name + '.json' with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: data_to_json = json.dump(, outfile) print("5 secs sleep with wall_follow_sequence") rospy.sleep(5) self.zig_zag_sequence, self.zig_zag_nodes = self.add_zig_zag_nodes( self.wall_follow_sequence) self.zig_zag_sequence, self.zig_zag_nodes = self.a_priori_coverage( self.zig_zag_sequence, False) # Save zig zag nodes to json['zig_zag_nodes'] = self.zig_zag_nodes['zig_zag_sequence'] = self.zig_zag_sequence rospy.loginfo("Visualize zig zag node sequence") self.visualise_node_sequence(self.zig_zag_sequence) # Compute length of sequence i = 0 for temp_nodes in self.zig_zag_nodes: distances = cdist(np.array(temp_nodes), np.array(temp_nodes), 'euclidean') cost = self.routing.route_length(distances, range(len(temp_nodes))) string = 'Length of zig zag nodes at room ' + str( i) + ': ' + str(cost) print(string) i += 1 map_name = rospy.get_param('map_name') filename = '/home/mal/catkin_ws/src/topology_finder/data/' + map_name + '.json' with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: data_to_json = json.dump(, outfile) return # Method to visualize sequence of nodes splited into rooms with different color def visualise_node_sequence(self, rooms): id = 0 for nodes in rooms: rgb = [0, 0, 0] i = 0 for node in nodes: rgb[0] = i / len(nodes) rgb[1] = min(2 * i, len(nodes)) / len(nodes) rgb[2] = min(3 * i, len(nodes)) / len(nodes) self.print_markers([node['position']], rgb, self.room_node_pub, id) rospy.sleep(0.01) i += 1 id += 1 print("Printed entire room") return # Method to visualize room nodes splited into segments with different color in each one def visualise_node_segments(self, room, id=0): color_num = 0 color = [1., 0., 0.] # threshold = 256/len(splited_node_route) for segment in room: self.print_markers(segment, np.array(color_num) * color, self.room_node_pub, id) id += 1 color_num += 30 / 256 if color_num > 1: color = (color[1:] + color[:1]) color_num -= 1 rospy.sleep(0.1) return id # Do uniform sampling across whole map and gather points near obstacles def uniform_sampling(self): # Uniform sampling on map nodes = [] # Sampling step is half the sensor's range min_range = int(min(self.sensor_range) / self.resolution) max_range = int(max(self.sensor_range) / self.resolution) step = int(1.5 * self.robot_radius / self.resolution) step_list = [] while step <= max_range: temp_nodes = [] step_list.append(step) indx = np.where((self.brush > step) & (self.brush <= 2 * step) & (self.brush <= max_range)) indx = zip(*indx) for x, y in indx: if not x % step and not y % step: temp_nodes.append((x, y)) step *= 2 nodes.append(temp_nodes) obstacles = np.zeros((self.ogm_width, self.ogm_height)) final_nodes = [] i = len(nodes) - 1 while i >= 0: temp_nodes = nodes[i] # self.print_markers(temp_nodes, [1., 0., 0.], self.node_publisher) # rospy.sleep(2) # Check if new nodes override previous ones and delete them for point in temp_nodes: x, y = point indexes = self.brushfire_cffi.circularRayCastCoverageCffi( point, self.ogm, max_range, 360, 0, 0, True) if not len(indexes): continue if i == len(nodes) - 1: obstacles[zip(*indexes)] = 1 final_nodes.append(point) else: temp = obstacles[zip(*indexes)] p = len(np.where(temp > 0)[0]) / len(indexes) if p < 0.9: final_nodes.append((x, y)) obstacles[zip(*indexes)] = 1 i -= 1 return final_nodes, step_list # Find sequence of rooms def find_room_sequence(self, save_result): rospy.loginfo("Finding room sequence...") self.room_sequence = [] # Create graph graph = Graph() for room in self.room_doors: if len(room) > 1: for i in range(len(room)): for j in range(i + 1, len(room)): node_id_1 = self.door_nodes.index(room[i]) node_id_2 = self.door_nodes.index(room[j]) # Find brushfire distance (closest to real dist) between doors dist = self.brushfire_cffi.pointToPointBrushfireCffi(tuple(room[i]), \ tuple(room[j]), self.ogm) if dist < 0: rospy.loginfo("Error computing door distance!") return graph.add_edge(node_id_1, node_id_2, dist) graph.add_edge(node_id_2, node_id_1, dist) # Calculate graph's distances between all nodes doors_length = len(self.door_nodes) if doors_length > 2: distances = np.zeros((doors_length, doors_length), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(doors_length): for j in range(i + 1, doors_length): _, _, _, dist = find_path(graph, i, j) distances[i][j] = dist distances[j][i] = distances[i][j] # Call hill climb algorithm max_iterations = 500 * doors_length # door_route, cost, iter = self.routing.hillclimb(distances, max_iterations) door_route, cost, iter = self.routing.random_restart_hillclimb( distances, max_iterations) print('Optimal RRHC room sequence', door_route, self.routing.route_length(distances, door_route)) # door_route, cost, iter = self.routing.anneal(distances, max_iterations, 1.0, 0.95) # print('Optimal ANNEAL room sequence', door_route, self.routing.route_length(distances, door_route)) #Sub-optimal / greedy sequence greedy_route = [] greedy_route.append(door_route[0]) for i in range(1, doors_length): #find min previous = greedy_route[i - 1] unvisited = [] for j in range(doors_length): if j not in greedy_route: unvisited.append(j) minimum = distances[previous, unvisited[0]] min_idx = unvisited[0] for idx in unvisited: if distances[previous][idx] < minimum: minimum = distances[previous][idx] min_idx = idx greedy_route.append(min_idx) greedy_cost = self.routing.route_length(distances, greedy_route) print('Greedy room sequence', greedy_route, greedy_cost) elif doors_length == 2: door_route = [0, 1] _, _, _, dist = find_path(graph, 0, 1) print('Only 2 doors with distance ', dist) elif self.door_nodes != []: door_route = [0] print('One door found!') else: door_route = [] self.room_sequence = [0] print('One room only!') # Correspond door route to room route for door in door_route: for i in range(len(self.room_doors)): if self.door_nodes[door] in self.room_doors[ i] and i not in self.room_sequence: self.room_sequence.append(i) enter = {} leave = {} if doors_length >= 2: # Compute enter & exit doors of each room according to found room_sequence room_i = 1 # Start from 2nd room room_idx = self.room_sequence[room_i] entered = False # Simulate door/room sequence on the graph for i in range(len(door_route)): # Find path from current to next door door_idx = door_route[i] next_door_idx = door_route[(i + 1) % len(door_route)] # print('Room', room_idx) path = find_path(graph, door_idx, next_door_idx) # print('Path',path.nodes) if entered and len( path.nodes ) > 1: # if already inside room, first node of path is already used ii = 1 else: ii = 0 # Transverse through path and check for corresponding rooms while ii < len(path.nodes): node_idx = path.nodes[ii] door = self.door_nodes[node_idx] if door in self.room_doors[room_idx]: # print('Door',node_idx, door,'in room', room_idx) if not entered: enter[room_idx] = door entered = not entered if len(self.room_doors[room_idx]) == 1: ii -= 1 # To revisit this door else: leave[room_idx] = door entered = not entered room_i += 1 room_idx = self.room_sequence[room_i % len( self.room_sequence)] # print('Room changed', room_idx) ii -= 1 # To revisit this door ii += 1 elif self.door_nodes != []: for i in range(len(self.room_sequence)): enter[i] = self.door_nodes[0] leave[i] = self.door_nodes[0] self.entering_doors = enter self.exiting_doors = leave # # Print results per room (blue - entering door, read - exiting door, green - room nodes) # for room_idx in self.room_sequence: # print('Room',room_idx, 'all doors',self.room_doors[room_idx]) # self.print_markers([enter[room_idx]], [0,0,1], self.node_publisher) # self.print_markers([leave[room_idx]], [1,0,0], self.door_node_pub) # self.print_markers(self.rooms[room_idx], [0,1,0], self.room_node_pub) # rospy.sleep(4) if save_result: # Save room sequence['room_sequence'] = self.room_sequence['entering_doors'] = self.entering_doors['exiting_doors'] = self.exiting_doors map_name = rospy.get_param('map_name') filename = '/home/mal/catkin_ws/src/topology_finder/data/' + map_name + '.json' with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: data_to_json = json.dump(, outfile) return # Find the yaw that maximizes the covered walls of a given node def find_best_yaw(self, node, next_node, loop_threshold, obstacle_weight, rotation_weight): yaw_between_nodes = math.degrees( math.atan2(next_node[1] - node[1], next_node[0] - node[0])) yaw = [] steps = int(max(self.sensor_range) / self.resolution) # Find reachable obstacles obstacles = self.brushfire_cffi.inRangeObstacleBrushfireCffi( node, self.ogm, steps, True) if len(obstacles) == 0: return yaw # In case of many obstacles more poses are needed for full coverage found = 0 while found < loop_threshold * len(obstacles) and len(obstacles): best_evaluation = 0 best_yaw = 0 best_found = 0 best_covered_obstacles = [] for angle in range(-180, 180, 10): pose = [node[0], node[1], angle] all_covered_obstacles = self.coverage.checkNearbyObstacleCover( pose) covered_obstacles = [] for ob in all_covered_obstacles: if ob in obstacles: covered_obstacles.append(ob) if not len(covered_obstacles): continue # Absolute yaw of current and next node in [0,180] next_rotation = np.abs(angle - yaw_between_nodes) while next_rotation >= 360: next_rotation -= 360 if next_rotation > 180: next_rotation = 360 - next_rotation # Evaluate candidate angle # Use Motor Schema with covered area and rotation to next node as parameters evaluation = obstacle_weight * len(covered_obstacles) / len( obstacles) + rotation_weight * (180 - next_rotation) / 180 if evaluation > best_evaluation: best_evaluation = evaluation best_yaw = angle best_found = len(covered_obstacles) best_covered_obstacles = covered_obstacles found += best_found # Check if obstacle is coverable if best_evaluation: yaw.append(best_yaw) else: break # Speed up process bypassing deletions if all obstacles are covered if found >= loop_threshold * len(obstacles): break else: # Discard checked obstacles for ob in best_covered_obstacles: if ob in obstacles: obstacles.remove(ob) yaw = list(set(yaw)) return yaw # Find the yaw that maximizes the covered walls of a given node def find_yaw(self, node, next_node, obstacle_weight, rotation_weight): yaw_between_nodes = math.degrees( math.atan2(next_node[1] - node[1], next_node[0] - node[0])) yaw = [] steps = int(max(self.sensor_range) / self.resolution) node_brush = self.brush[node] steps = max(steps, node_brush) # Find reachable obstacles obstacles = self.brushfire_cffi.inRangeObstacleBrushfireCffi( node, self.ogm, steps, True) if len(obstacles) == 0: return yaw # In case of many obstacles more poses are needed for full coverage found = 0 best_evaluation = 0 best_yaw = 0 for angle in range(-180, 180, 10): pose = [node[0], node[1], angle] all_covered_obstacles = self.coverage.checkNearbyObstacleCover( pose) covered_obstacles = 0 for ob in all_covered_obstacles: if ob in obstacles: covered_obstacles += 1 if not covered_obstacles: continue # Absolute yaw of current and next node in [0,180] next_rotation = np.abs(angle - yaw_between_nodes) while next_rotation >= 360: next_rotation -= 360 if next_rotation > 180: next_rotation = 360 - next_rotation # Evaluate candidate angle # Use Motor Schema with covered area and rotation to next node as parameters evaluation = obstacle_weight * covered_obstacles / len( obstacles) + rotation_weight * (180 - next_rotation) / 180 if evaluation > best_evaluation: best_evaluation = evaluation best_yaw = angle # Check if obstacle is coverable if best_evaluation: yaw.append(best_yaw) return yaw def find_weights(self): if self.navigation_target == 'cover_first': angles = [] for s in range(self.sensor_number): theta = self.sensor_direction[s] while theta < 0: theta += 360 while theta >= 360: theta -= 360 if theta > 180: theta = 360 - theta if theta > 90: theta = 180 - theta angles.append((90 - theta) / 90) obstacle_weight = 1 + np.mean(angles) rotation_weight = 2 - np.mean(angles) elif self.navigation_target == 'fast_first': angles = [] for s in range(len(self.sensor_number)): theta = self.sensor_direction[s] fov = self.sensor_fov[s] / 2 while theta < 0: theta += 360 while theta >= 360: theta -= 360 if theta > 180: theta = 360 - theta if theta > 90: theta = 180 - theta theta = min(theta + fov, 90) angles.append((90 - theta) / 90) obstacle_weight = 1 + np.mean(angles) rotation_weight = 2 - np.mean(angles) else: obstacle_weight = 1 rotation_weight = 1 return obstacle_weight, rotation_weight # Add zig zag nodes inside already computed node sequence def add_zig_zag_nodes(self, wall_follow_sequence): zig_zag_nodes = [] zig_zag_sequence = [] filled_ogm = self.topology.doorClosure(self.door_nodes, self.ogm, self.brushfire_cffi) j = 0 for room in wall_follow_sequence: temp_nodes = [] temp_sequence = [] room_brush = self.brushfire_cffi.pointBrushfireCffi( self.rooms[j], filled_ogm) for i in range(len(room)): if not i: temp_nodes.append(room[i]['position']) temp_sequence.append(room[i]) continue node = room[i]['position'] previous_node = room[i - 1]['position'] x_final, y_final = 0, 0 if previous_node[0] == node[0] and np.abs( previous_node[1] - node[1]) and np.abs(previous_node[1] - node[1]) <= max( self.sensor_range) / self.resolution: dif = np.abs(previous_node[1] - node[1]) x1 = int(node[0] - dif / 2) x2 = int(node[0] + dif / 2) y = int(np.min([previous_node[1], node[1]]) + dif / 2) if self.brush[x1, y] >= self.brush[x2, y]: x_final = x1 y_final = y yaw = math.degrees( math.atan2(y - node[1], x1 - node[0])) else: x_final = x2 y_final = y yaw = math.degrees( math.atan2(y - node[1], x2 - node[0])) elif previous_node[1] == node[1] and np.abs( previous_node[0] - node[0]) and np.abs(previous_node[0] - node[0]) <= max( self.sensor_range) / self.resolution: dif = np.abs(previous_node[0] - node[0]) y1 = int(node[1] - dif / 2) y2 = int(node[1] + dif / 2) x = int(np.min([previous_node[0], node[0]]) + dif / 2) if self.brush[x, y1] >= self.brush[x, y2]: x_final = x y_final = y1 yaw = math.degrees( math.atan2(y1 - node[1], x - node[0])) else: x_final = x y_final = y2 yaw = math.degrees( math.atan2(y2 - node[1], x - node[0])) if room_brush[x_final][y_final] > 1: temp_nodes.append((x_final, y_final)) temp_sequence.append({ 'position': (x_final, y_final), 'yaw': yaw }) temp_nodes.append(room[i]['position']) temp_sequence.append(room[i]) zig_zag_nodes.append(temp_nodes) zig_zag_sequence.append(temp_sequence) j += 1 return zig_zag_sequence, zig_zag_nodes # Find nodes for wall following coverage def find_all_wall_nodes(self): rospy.loginfo("Finding simple strategy nodes...") self.simple_nodes = [] self.simple_sequence = [] obstacle_weight, rotation_weight = 1, 1 # Uniform sampling on map nodes = [] step = int(self.fixed_step / self.resolution) indx = np.where((self.brush > step) & (self.brush <= 2 * step)) indx = zip(*indx) for x, y in indx: if not x % step and not y % step: nodes.append((x, y)) self.print_markers(nodes, [1., 0., 0.], self.node_publisher) rospy.sleep(2) # Find rooms of nodes # Fill door holes with "wall" filled_ogm = self.topology.doorClosure(self.door_nodes, self.ogm, self.brushfire_cffi) id = 0 for i in range(len(self.rooms)): # Brushfire inside each room and gather brushed wall_follow_nodes found_nodes = [] brush = self.brushfire_cffi.pointBrushfireCffi( self.rooms[i], filled_ogm) for n in nodes: if brush[n] > 0: found_nodes.append(n) found_nodes.sort() # Optimize path finding print("Found {} nodes in room {}.".format(len(found_nodes), i)) # # DEBUG nodes_length = len(found_nodes) if nodes_length: distances = cdist(np.array(found_nodes), np.array(found_nodes), 'euclidean') print('Distances of nodes done.') # DEBUG: found_nodes.insert(0, self.entering_doors[i]) found_nodes.append(self.exiting_doors[i]) # Call RR hillclimb to optimize path max_iterations = 2000 * len(found_nodes) distances = cdist(np.array(found_nodes), np.array(found_nodes), 'euclidean') cost = self.routing.route_length(distances, range(len(found_nodes))) print('Route length after adding doors', cost) # node_route, cost, iter = self.routing.hillclimb(distances, max_iterations) fixed_edges = True node_route, cost, iter = self.routing.random_restart_hillclimb( distances, max_iterations, fixed_edges) print('Second HC route length', cost, 'made iters', iter, 'from', max_iterations) found_nodes_with_yaw = [] k = 1 # DEBUG: for n in range(len(found_nodes)): print('Closest obstacles process: {}/{}'.format( k, nodes_length)) # Find closest obstacle to get best yaw x, y = found_nodes[node_route[n]] x2, y2 = found_nodes[node_route[(n + 1) % len(node_route)]] yaw = self.find_yaw((x, y), (x2, y2), obstacle_weight, rotation_weight) if yaw == []: continue for point in yaw: temp_dict = {'position': (x, y), 'yaw': point} found_nodes_with_yaw.append(temp_dict) k += 1 self.simple_nodes.append(found_nodes) self.simple_sequence.append(found_nodes_with_yaw) # Save wall nodes to json['simple_nodes'] = self.simple_nodes['simple_sequence'] = self.simple_sequence map_name = rospy.get_param('map_name') filename = '/home/mal/catkin_ws/src/topology_finder/data/' + map_name + '.json' with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: data_to_json = json.dump(, outfile) return # Find nodes for wall following coverage with optimal path def find_best_path_wall_nodes(self): rospy.loginfo("Finding wall follow nodes...") self.wall_follow_nodes = [] self.wall_follow_sequence = [] loop_threshold = 0.6 obstacle_weight, rotation_weight = self.find_weights() # Uniform sampling on map nodes, self.step = self.uniform_sampling() # self.print_markers(nodes, [1., 0., 0.], self.node_publisher) rospy.sleep(1) # Find rooms of nodes # Fill door holes with "wall" filled_ogm = self.topology.doorClosure(self.door_nodes, self.ogm, self.brushfire_cffi) id = 0 for i in range(0, len(self.rooms)): # Brushfire inside each room and gather brushed wall_follow_nodes found_nodes = [] brush = self.brushfire_cffi.pointBrushfireCffi( self.rooms[i], filled_ogm) for n in nodes: if brush[n] > 0: found_nodes.append(n) found_nodes.sort() # Optimize path finding print("Found {} nodes in room {}.".format(len(found_nodes), i)) # # DEBUG if len(found_nodes) == 0: print("ERROR!") continue nodes_length = len(found_nodes) distances = cdist(np.array(found_nodes), np.array(found_nodes), 'euclidean') print('Distances of nodes done.') # DEBUG: cost = self.routing.route_length(distances, range(nodes_length)) print('Sorted route length', cost) # Call hill climb algorithm max_iterations = 150 * nodes_length node_route, cost, iter = self.routing.step_hillclimb( distances, max_iterations, self.step) print('Route of wall follow nodes found.') print('First step HC route length', cost) # Reorder according to step HC results temp_route = [] for n in node_route: temp_route.append(found_nodes[n]) # Add entering & exiting doors and rotate already found route # so that 2nd point is the closest one to the entering door first_route = [] enter = self.entering_doors[i] first_route.append(enter) closest_idx = cdist(np.array([enter]), np.array(temp_route)).argmin() for ii in range(len(temp_route)): first_route.append(temp_route[(ii + closest_idx) % nodes_length]) first_route.append(self.exiting_doors[i]) # Do another hillclimb to optimize path max_iterations = 2000 * len(first_route) distances = cdist(np.array(first_route), np.array(first_route), 'euclidean') cost = self.routing.route_length(distances, range(len(first_route))) print('Route length after adding doors and rotating sequence', cost) fixed_edges = True node_route, cost, iter = self.routing.random_restart_hillclimb( distances, max_iterations, fixed_edges) print('Second HC route length', cost, 'made iters', iter, 'from', max_iterations) final_route = [] for n in node_route: final_route.append(first_route[n]) found_nodes_with_yaw = [] k = 1 # DEBUG: for n in range(len(final_route)): # print('Closest obstacles process: {}/{}'.format(k, nodes_length)) # Find closest obstacle to get best yaw x, y = final_route[n] x2, y2 = final_route[(n + 1) % len(final_route)] # Find cover_first poses yaw = self.find_best_yaw((x, y), (x2, y2), loop_threshold, obstacle_weight, rotation_weight) if yaw != []: for point in yaw: temp_dict = {'position': (x, y), 'yaw': point} found_nodes_with_yaw.append(temp_dict) k += 1 self.wall_follow_nodes.append(found_nodes) self.wall_follow_sequence.append(found_nodes_with_yaw) # Save wall nodes to json['wall_follow_best_yaw_weigths'] = { 'loop_threshold': loop_threshold, 'obstacle_weight': obstacle_weight, 'rotation_weight': rotation_weight } map_name = rospy.get_param('map_name') filename = '/home/mal/catkin_ws/src/topology_finder/data/' + map_name + '.json' with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: data_to_json = json.dump(, outfile) return # Do an a priori coverage with found order of nodes to eliminate the not needed def a_priori_coverage(self, nodes, eliminate=True): self.coverage.initCoverage() new_sequence = [] new_nodes = [] for room in nodes: # i = 0 new_room = [] new_room_nodes = [] for i in range(len(room)): node = room[i] x, y = node['position'] yaw = node['yaw'] if not i or i == len(room) - 1 or not eliminate: self.coverage.updateCover([x, y, yaw], publish=False, track_specs=False) updated = True else: updated = self.coverage.checkAndUpdateCover( self.brush, [x, y, yaw], 0.85) if updated: new_room.append(node) new_room_nodes.append(node['position']) self.coverage.coverage_pub.publish(self.coverage.coverage_ogm) new_sequence.append(new_room) new_nodes.append(new_room_nodes) rospy.loginfo( "A-priori coverage done at room {0}, room nodes size changed from {1} to {2}" .format(i, len(room), len(new_room))) i += 1 near_obstacles = np.where(self.brush == 2) near_obstacles_cover = self.coverage.coverage[near_obstacles] covered_obstacles = len(np.where(near_obstacles_cover >= 80)[0]) rospy.loginfo("Estimated coverage percentage {}".format( covered_obstacles / len(near_obstacles_cover))) return new_sequence, new_nodes def read_ogm(self, data): # OGM is a 2D array of size width x height # The values are from 0 to 100 # 0 is an unoccupied pixel # 100 is an occupied pixel # 50 or -1 is the unknown self.ogm_raw = np.array( self.ogm_width = self.ogm_height = self.ogm_header = data.header self.ogm = np.zeros((,, \ dtype = # Reshape ogm to a 2D array for x in range(0, for y in range(0, self.ogm[x][y] =[x + * y] # Initilize coverage OGM with same size width x height self.coverage.coverage = np.zeros((self.ogm_width, self.ogm_height)) = = np.zeros(self.ogm_width * self.ogm_height) self.coverage.ogm = self.ogm self.coverage.ogm_raw = self.ogm_raw self.coverage.ogm_width = self.ogm_width self.coverage.ogm_height = self.ogm_height self.coverage.ogm_header = self.ogm_header self.ogm_compute = False return # Method to publish points to rviz def print_markers(self, nodes, color, publisher, id=0): points = [] for point in nodes: p = Point() p.x = point[0] * self.resolution + self.origin['x'] p.y = point[1] * self.resolution + self.origin['y'] p.z = 0 points.append(p) # Create Marker for nodes marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "/map" = id marker.type = marker.POINTS marker.action = marker.ADD marker.points = points marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 marker.scale.x = 0.2 marker.scale.y = 0.2 marker.scale.z = 0.2 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.r = color[0] marker.color.g = color[1] marker.color.b = color[2] # rospy.loginfo("Printing nodes!") publisher.publish(marker) return
def __init__(self): self.w = WifiSim() self.r = Routing(self.w) self.t = Topology(self.r) self.t.register_recv_msg_handler(self.recv_msg) self.mac = self.t.mac
class Simulator: graph: MyGraph MST: nx.Graph tx: Transaction routing: Routing shortcuts: [] paths: Dict[Tuple, List] min_balance = 0 max_balance = 0 stats: Statistics dumper: Dump def __init__(self, nodes, edges, minb, maxb, tx_num, tx_min, tx_max): assert nodes > 0 and edges > 0 assert 0 <= minb <= maxb assert 0 < tx_min <= tx_max self.min_balance = minb self.max_balance = maxb self.graph = MyGraph(nodes, edges, minb, maxb) self.MST = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(self.graph.nx_graph, weight='weight', algorithm='prim') self.tx = Transaction(nodes, tx_num, tx_min, tx_max) self.routing = Routing(proxy='weight') self.paths = {} self.stats = Statistics() self.dumper = Dump() self.dumper.dump_files(self.graph, self.tx) def setup(self): pass def shortcuts(self): pass def verify_path(self, t: Transaction.Tx, path: List) -> bool: for i in range(len(path) - 1): if (path[i], path[i + 1]) in self.graph.channels_obj: ch = self.graph.channels_obj[(path[i], path[i + 1])] else: ch = self.graph.channels_obj[(path[i + 1], path[i])] if (ch.alice == path[i] and ch.alice_balance < or \ (ch.bob == path[i] and ch.bob_balance < logging.warning("ch.alice_balance <") logging.warning("stop a unavailable tx") return False return True def change_balance(self, t: Transaction.Tx, path: List): # change balance for i in range(len(path) - 1): if (path[i], path[i + 1]) in self.graph.channels_obj: ch = self.graph.channels_obj[(path[i], path[i + 1])] else: ch = self.graph.channels_obj[(path[i + 1], path[i])] if ch.alice == path[i]: ch.alice_balance -= ch.bob_balance += else: ch.alice_balance += ch.bob_balance -= def refresh_weight(self): for (pair, channel) in self.graph.channels_obj.items(): channel.calculate_weight() def execute_transaction(self, t: Transaction.Tx, path) -> bool: if path is None or path is []: return False if not self.verify_path(t, path): return False self.change_balance(t, path) return True def route(self, t: Transaction.Tx) -> bool: path = self.routing.single_path(self.MST, t.source, t.destination, proxy='weight') self.stats.routing_count += 1 self.paths[(t.source, t.destination)] = path if self.execute_transaction(t, path): self.stats.tx_success += 1 self.stats.one_time_routing_count += 1 return True else: return False def reroute(self, t: Transaction.Tx) -> bool: path = self.routing.single_path(self.graph.nx_graph, t.source, t.destination, proxy='weight') self.stats.re_routing_count += 1 if self.execute_transaction(t, path): self.stats.tx_success += 1 self.stats.re_routing_success += 1"reroute success") return True else: self.stats.tx_fail += 1 self.stats.re_routing_fail += 1 logging.warning("reroute failed!!!") return False def run(self): # self.dumper.dump_files(self.graph, self.tx) #'weight')) # self.test() for t in self.tx.tx_list: self.stats.tx_count += 1 if (t.source, t.destination) in self.paths: # if exist available path path = self.paths[(t.source, t.destination)] if self.execute_transaction(t, path): # valid path, no routing self.stats.no_routing_count += 1 self.stats.tx_success += 1 else: # not valid path, reroute if not self.route(t): self.reroute(t) else: # don't exist path now if not self.route(t): self.reroute(t)"finish %d tx" % self.stats.tx_count) self.stats.show_stats() def test(self): print(self.routing.single_path(self.MST, 1, 2)) print(self.routing.single_path(self.MST, 1, 6)) print(self.routing.single_path(self.MST, 1, 8)) self.draw_graph(save=True) def draw_graph(self, save=False): plt.figure(figsize=[16.4, 14.8]) plt.subplot(121) edge_labels_g = dict([(( u, v, ), round(d['weight'], 2)) for u, v, d in self.graph.nx_graph.edges(data=True)]) pos_g = nx.spring_layout(self.graph.nx_graph) nx.draw(self.graph.nx_graph, pos=pos_g, node_size=160, with_labels=True) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(self.graph.nx_graph, pos=pos_g, edge_labels=edge_labels_g, font_size=16, alpha=0.5) plt.subplot(122) pos_mst = nx.spring_layout(self.MST) edge_labels_mst = dict([(( u, v, ), round(d['weight'], 2)) for u, v, d in self.MST.edges(data=True)]) nx.draw(self.MST, pos=pos_mst, node_size=160, with_labels=True, edge_color='r', node_color='#ffaa00') nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(self.MST, pos=pos_mst, edge_labels=edge_labels_mst, font_size=16, alpha=0.5) if save: pic_name = 'graph_' + str(self.graph.node_num) + '_' + str( self.graph.edge_num) + '.svg' plt.savefig('./pic/' + pic_name, format='svg')
def __init__(self): self.brushfire_cffi = Cffi() self.topology = Topology() self.routing = Routing() self.coverage = Coverage() # Origin is the translation between the (0,0) of the robot pose and the # (0,0) of the map self.origin = {} self.origin['x'] = 0 self.origin['y'] = 0 self.resolution = 0.05 self.step = 0 # Load map's translation if rospy.has_param('origin'): translation = rospy.get_param('origin') self.origin['x'] = translation[0] self.origin['y'] = translation[1] if rospy.has_param('resolution'): self.resolution = rospy.get_param('resolution') # Initilize sensor's specs self.sensor_names = [] self.sensor_direction = [] self.sensor_fov = [] self.sensor_range = [] self.sensor_shape = [] self.sensor_reliability = [] self.min_distance = 0 self.navigation_target = 0 # Read sensor's specs self.robot_radius = rospy.get_param('robot_radius') self.sensor_names = rospy.get_param('sensor_names') self.sensor_number = len(self.sensor_names) self.navigation_target = rospy.get_param('navigation_target') self.navigation_pattern = rospy.get_param('navigation_pattern') self.fixed_step = rospy.get_param('fixed_step') for name in self.sensor_names: self.sensor_direction.append( rospy.get_param(name + '/sensor_direction')) self.sensor_fov.append(rospy.get_param(name + '/fov')) self.sensor_range.append(rospy.get_param(name + '/range')) self.sensor_shape.append(rospy.get_param(name + '/shape')) self.sensor_reliability.append( rospy.get_param(name + '/reliability')) self.ogm_topic = '/map' self.ogm = 0 self.ogm_raw = 0 self.ogm_width = 0 self.ogm_height = 0 self.ogm_header = 0 # Flag to wait ogm subscriber to finish self.ogm_compute = False self.gvd = 0 self.brush = 0 self.nodes = [] self.door_nodes = [] self.rooms = [] self.room_doors = [] self.room_type = [] self.room_sequence = [] self.entering_doors = {} self.exiting_doors = {} self.wall_follow_nodes = [] self.wall_follow_sequence = [] self.zig_zag_nodes = [] self.zig_zag_sequence = [] self.simple_nodes = [] self.simple_sequence = [] # Load nodes from json file map_name = rospy.get_param('map_name') filename = '/home/mal/catkin_ws/src/topology_finder/data/' + map_name + '.json' with open(filename, 'r') as read_file: = json.load(read_file) self.nodes =['nodes'] self.door_nodes =['doors'] self.rooms =['rooms'] self.room_doors =['roomDoors'] self.room_type =['roomType'] if 'room_sequence' in self.room_sequence =['room_sequence'] if 'entering_doors' in self.entering_doors = { int(k): v for k, v in['entering_doors'].items() } if 'exiting_doors' in self.exiting_doors = { int(k): v for k, v in['exiting_doors'].items() } if 'wall_follow_nodes' in self.wall_follow_nodes =['wall_follow_nodes'] if 'wall_follow_sequence' in self.wall_follow_sequence =['wall_follow_sequence'] if 'zig_zag_nodes' in self.zig_zag_nodes =['zig_zag_nodes'] if 'zig_zag_sequence' in self.zig_zag_sequence =['zig_zag_sequence'] if 'simple_nodes' in self.simple_nodes =['simple_nodes'] if 'simple_sequence' in self.simple_sequence =['simple_sequence'] self.node_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/nodes', Marker, queue_size=100) self.candidate_door_node_pub = rospy.Publisher('/nodes/candidateDoors', Marker, queue_size=100) self.door_node_pub = rospy.Publisher('/nodes/doors', Marker, queue_size=100) self.room_node_pub = rospy.Publisher('/nodes/rooms', Marker, queue_size=100)
def run(): custom_path_width = 2 # leave the value 0 and it's calculated using the drone FOV specified # Routing( 2D-array of global coordinates specifying the corners of the map, # plot padding, # user defined path width in meters - used for testing # - leave the value 0 and it's calculated using the drone FOV specified) sohn = Routing(odin_arr, 0.00002, custom_path_width) sohn.get_local_coordinates() sohn.analyze_coordinates() # get_to_route( path limit points, # origo global coordinates, # relay box coordinates, # path functions ) get_to_route(sohn.get_path_limit_points(), sohn.get_origo(), odin_relay_box, sohn.get_path_functions()) # search_route( path width (meters) - if default pass obj.get_path_width as parameter, # path limit points, # origo global points, # path functions, # drone speed (m/s) - default value 1 if 0 is passed as a parameter ) search_route(custom_path_width, sohn.get_path_limit_points(), sohn.get_origo(), sohn.get_path_functions(), 0) # print(cmd_string) cmd_string = go_home(sohn.get_path_limit_points(), odin_relay_box, sohn.get_origo()) parser(cmd_string)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ author: chuanwu.sun created: 2017-03-10 22:25 e-mail: chuanwusun at """ from routing import Routing r = Routing()
from flask import (Flask, request) from flask_restful import Api, reqparse, Resource from flask_cors import CORS from database import init_database from routing import Routing from configurations import configurations from models.user import User app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = configurations['secret_key'] CORS(app, supports_credentials=True) db = init_database(app) api = Api(app) Routing.add_resources(api) if __name__ == '__main__': with app.app_context(): db.create_all()
""" # NOTE: currently only support jellyfish topology."Launching Jellyfish controller") # Read out configuration from file. # NOTE: assumes jellyfish has been installed in the home directory. config_loc = 'pox/ext/__jellyconfig' with open(config_loc, 'r', os.O_NONBLOCK) as config_file:"inside") n = int(config_file.readline().split('=')[1]) k = int(config_file.readline().split('=')[1]) r = int(config_file.readline().split('=')[1]) seed = int(config_file.readline().split('=')[1]) routing = config_file.readline().split('=')[1].strip() jelly_topology = topologies["jelly"](random_seed=seed, n=n, k=k, r=r) my_routing = Routing(jelly_topology, routing, log, seed=seed) my_routing.generate_rtable() core.registerNew(JellyfishController, jelly_topology, my_routing) # for debugging if __name__ == '__main__': topo = 'dummy' routing = 'ecmp' my_topology = build_topology(topo) my_routing = Routing(my_topology, routing, log) my_routing.generate_rtable()