def main(): while True: try: time.sleep(1) with get_android() as android: print('connected to Samsung GS3') while True: raw_data = if raw_data: frame = AndroidFrame(raw_data) odom_msg = Odometry() odom_msg.latitude_deg = int(frame.lat_deg) odom_msg.latitude_min = frame.lat_min odom_msg.longitude_deg = int(frame.lon_deg) odom_msg.longitude_min = frame.lon_min odom_msg.bearing_deg = frame.azimuth_deg odom_msg.speed = 0 lcm_.publish('/odometry', odom_msg.encode()) bearing_msg = Bearing() bearing_msg.bearing = frame.azimuth_deg lcm_.publish('/bearing', bearing_msg.encode()) else: print('read timed out, retrying the connection') break except usb.core.USBError: traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info()) print('USBError occured, retrying...')
async def transmit_fake_odometry(): while True: new_odom = Odometry() new_odom.latitude_deg = random.uniform(42, 43) new_odom.longitude_deg = random.uniform(-84, -82) new_odom.bearing_deg = random.uniform(0, 359) lcm_.publish('/odom', new_odom.encode()) print("Published new odometry") await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
async def run(self): ''' Runs main loop for filtering data and publishing state estimates ''' while True: msg = None sensor_data = self._getFreshData() if self.filter is None: # Need position and bearing to initialize if sensor_data["pos"] is not None and sensor_data[ "bearing"] is not None: msg = self._initFilter(sensor_data) else: if self.config["filter"] == "pipe": # Need position and bearing to pipe if sensor_data["pos"] is not None and sensor_data[ "bearing"] is not None: msg = Odometry() msg.latitude_deg, msg.latitude_min = decimal2min( sensor_data["pos"][0]) msg.longitude_deg, msg.longitude_min = decimal2min( sensor_data["pos"][1]) msg.bearing_deg = sensor_data["bearing"] msg.speed = sensor_data["speed"] if sensor_data[ "speed"] is not None else 0.0 elif self.config["filter"] == "ekf": # Need accel or pos to do anything if sensor_data["accel"] is not None and sensor_data[ "rpy"] is not None: ground_accel = sensor_data["accel"][0] * np.abs( np.cos(sensor_data["rpy"][1])) else: ground_accel = None msg = self.filter.iterate(ground_accel, sensor_data["pos"], sensor_data["bearing"], rtk=self.gps.isRtk()) msg = state2odom(msg) if msg is not None: self.lcm.publish(self.config["odom_channel"], msg.encode()) # DEBUG # print("[SensorFusion] Published odometry") # printOdom(msg) # print('\n') else: print("[SensorFusion] Unable to publish state.") await asyncio.sleep(self.config["dt"])
def main(): lcm = aiolcm.AsyncLCM() serialPort = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0') serialPort.baudrate = 4800 serialPort.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS serialPort.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE serialPort.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE while (True): oneByte = if oneByte != b'$': continue fiveBytes = if fiveBytes != b'GPRMC': continue odometry = Odometry() serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1] serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1] hasFix = serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1] if hasFix != b'A': continue latitude = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]) serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1] longitude = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]) serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1] speed = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]) bearing = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]) odometry.latitude_deg = int(latitude / 100) odometry.longitude_deg = int(longitude / 100) odometry.latitude_min = latitude - (odometry.latitude_deg * 100) odometry.longitude_min = longitude - (odometry.longitude_deg * 100) odometry.bearing_deg = bearing odometry.speed = speed lcm.publish('/odometry', odometry.encode())
class SimulatorMetaClass: # variables defined here are common to all classes # ideally it shouldn't matter bc we only ever need one instance # this is bad practice imho, just defined vars in the block below def __init__(self): # other args if ya want em # all initially defined variables should be here # while not technically globals, this is basically where they are # defined for the sim, since the entire instance is the SimMetaClass # below: class list, one class for each message type # published or recieved. instantiate them at the bottom # of this message definition block # use the provided imported classes and dump these later # you still need to set all the defaults self.AutonStateMsg = AutonState() self.AutonStateMsg.is_auton = False self.CourseMsg = Course() self.CourseMsg.num_waypoints = 0 self.CourseMsg.hash = 0 self.CourseMsg.waypoints = [] self.GPSMsg = GPS() self.GPSMsg.latitude_deg = 39 self.GPSMsg.latitude_min = 0 self.GPSMsg.longitude_deg = -110 self.GPSMsg.longitude_min = 0 self.GPSMsg.bearing_deg = 0 self.GPSMsg.speed = -999 # this value is never used # so it's being set to a dummy value. DO NOT USE IT self.JoystickMsg = Joystick() self.JoystickMsg.forward_back = 0 self.JoystickMsg.left_right = 0 self.JoystickMsg.dampen = 0 self.JoystickMsg.kill = False self.JoystickMsg.restart = False self.NavStatusMsg = NavStatus() self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state = 0 self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state_name = "" self.NavStatusMsg.completed_wps = 0 self.NavStatusMsg.missed_wps = 0 self.NavStatusMsg.total_wps = 0 self.NavStatusMsg.found_tbs = 0 self.NavStatusMsg.total_tbs = 0 self.ObstacleMsg = Obstacle() self.ObstacleMsg.detected = False self.ObstacleMsg.bearing = 0.0 self.ObstacleMsg.distance = 0.0 self.ObstaclesMsg = Obstacles() self.ObstaclesMsg.num_obstacles = 0 self.ObstaclesMsg.hash = 0 self.ObstaclesMsg.obstacles = [] self.OdometryMsg = Odometry() self.OdometryMsg.latitude_deg = 0 self.OdometryMsg.latitude_min = 0 self.OdometryMsg.longitude_deg = 0 self.OdometryMsg.longitude_min = 0 self.OdometryMsg.bearing_deg = 0 self.OdometryMsg.speed = 0 self.TargetMsg = Target() self.TargetMsg.distance = 0 self.TargetMsg.bearing = 0 self.TargetListMsg = TargetList() self.TargetListMsg.targetList = [Target(), Target()] self.WaypointMsg = Waypoint() = False self.WaypointMsg.gate = False self.WaypointMsg.odom = Odometry() # definitions for message processing are below, with callbacks (cb) # at the top and publishing at the bottom # in this setup, camelCasing denotes a class instance # while under_scored_variables indicate a variable within the class # to avoid confusion def autonstate_cb(self, channel, msg): m = AutonState.decode(msg) self.AutonStateMsg.is_auton = m.is_auton def course_cb(self, channel, msg): m = Course.decode(msg) self.CourseMsg.num_waypoints = m.num_waypoints self.CourseMsg.hash = m.hash self.CourseMsg.waypoints = m.waypoints def gps_cb(self, channel, msg): m = GPS.decode(msg) self.GPSMsg.latitude_deg = m.latitude_deg self.GPSMsg.latitude_min = m.latitude_min self.GPSMsg.longitude_deg = m.longitude_deg self.GPSMsg.longitude_min = m.longitude_min self.GPSMsg.bearing_deg = m.bearing_deg self.GPSMsg.speed = m.speed def joystick_cb(self, channel, msg): m = Joystick.decode(msg) self.JoystickMsg.forward_back = m.forward_back self.JoystickMsg.left_right = m.left_right self.JoystickMsg.dampen = m.dampen # 1-dampen/2 self.JoystickMsg.kill = m.kill self.JoystickMsg.restart = m.restart def navstatus_cb(self, channel, msg): m = NavStatus.decode(msg) self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state = m.nav_state self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state_name = m.nav_state_name self.NavStatusMsg.completed_wps = m.completed_wps self.NavStatusMsg.missed_wps = m.missed_wps self.NavStatusMsg.total_wps = m.total_wps self.NavStatusMsg.found_tbs = m.found_tbs self.NavStatusMsg.total_tbs = m.total_tbs def obstacle_cb(self, channel, msg): m = Obstacle.decode(msg) self.ObstacleMsg.detected = m.detected self.ObstacleMsg.bearing = m.bearing self.ObstacleMsg.distance = m.distance def obstacles_cb(self, channel, msg): m = Obstacles.decode(msg) self.ObstaclesMsg.num_obstacles = m.num_obstacles self.ObstaclesMsg.hash = m.hash self.ObstaclesMsg.obstacles = m.obstacles def odometry_cb(self, channel, msg): m = Odometry.decode(msg) self.OdometryMsg.latitude_deg = m.latitude_deg self.OdometryMsg.latitude_min = m.latitude_min self.OdometryMsg.longitude_deg = m.longitude_deg self.OdometryMsg.longitude_min = m.longitude_min self.OdometryMsg.bearing_deg = m.bearing_deg self.OdometryMsg.speed = m.speed def target_cb(self, channel, msg): m = Target.decode(msg) self.TargetMsg.distance = m.distance self.TargetMsg.bearing = m.bearing def targetlist_cb(self, channel, msg): m = TargetList.decode(msg) self.TargetListMsg.targetList = m.targetList def waypoint_cb(self, channel, msg): m = Waypoint.decode(msg) = self.WaypointMsg.gate = m.gate self.WaypointMsg.odom = m.odom async def publish_autonstate(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/autonstate", self.AutonStateMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def publish_course(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/course", self.CourseMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def publish_gps(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/gps", self.GPSMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def publish_joystick(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/joystick", self.JoystickMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def publish_navstatus(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/navstatus", self.NavStatusMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def publish_obstacle(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/obstacle", self.ObstacleMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def publish_obstacles(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/obstacles", self.ObstaclesMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def publish_odometry(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/odometry", self.OdometryMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def publish_target(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/target", self.TargetMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def publish_targetlist(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/targetlist", self.TargetListMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def publish_waypoint(self, lcm): while True: lcm.publish("/waypoint", self.WaypointMsg.encode()) await asyncio.sleep(1) # callback function: takes in variable from LCM, sets values locally # SimObject definitions are below # SimObj is the abstract base class that contains properties # common to all objects. define additional simulator objects # as if you would the Rover class, including proper # superclass init # identical to the GPS message, minus speed, bc it's a useful # object to have internally class AutonState: def __init__(self, is_auton): self.is_auton = is_auton class Course: def __init__(self, num_waypoints, hash, waypoints): self.num_waypoints = num_waypoints self.hash = hash self.waypoints = waypoints class GPS: def __init__(self, latitude_deg, latitude_min, longitude_deg, longitude_min, bearing_deg, speed): self.latitude_deg = latitude_deg self.latitude_min = latitude_min self.longitude_deg = longitude_deg self.longitude_deg = longitude_min self.bearing = bearing_deg self.speed = speed class Joystick: def __init__(self, forward_back, left_right, dampen, kill, restart): self.forward_back = forward_back self.left_right = left_right self.dampen = dampen self.kill = kill self.restart = restart class NavStatus: def __init__(self, nav_state, nav_state_name, completed_wps, missed_wps, total_wps, found_tbs, total_tbs): self.nav_state = nav_state self.nav_state_name = nav_state_name self.completed_wps = completed_wps self.missed_wps = missed_wps self.total_wps = total_wps self.found_tbs = found_tbs self.total_tbs = total_tbs class Obstacle: def __init__(self, detected, bearing, distance): self.detected = detected self.bearing = bearing self.distance = distance class Obstacles: def __init__(self, num_obstacles, hash, obstacles): self.num_obstacles = num_obstacles self.hash = hash self.obstacles = obstacles # pull exact coordinates from GPS self.lat_deg = GPS.latitude_deg self.lat_min = GPS.latitude_min self.lon_deg = GPS.longitude_deg self.lon_min = GPS.longitude_min self.bearing = GPS.bearing_deg class Odometry: def __init__(self, latitude_deg, latitude_min, longitude_deg, longitude_min, bearing_deg, speed): self.latitude_deg = latitude_deg self.latitude_min = latitude_min self.longitude_deg = longitude_deg self.longitude_min = longitude_min self.bearing = bearing_deg self.speed = speed class Target: def __init__(self, distance, bearing): self.distance = distance self.bearing = bearing class TargetList: def __init__(self, targetList): self.targetList = targetList class Waypoint: def __init__(self, search, gate, odom): = search self.gate = gate self.odom = odom # parent class of sim objects. Has all properties common to all # objects class SimObj(ABC): # define initial location and other properties def __init__(self, GPS): self.lat_deg = GPS.latitude_deg self.lat_min = GPS.latitude_min self.lon_deg = GPS.longitude_deg self.lon_min = GPS.longitude_min self.bearing = GPS.bearing_deg self.shape = 0 # need to create a seed system? # any methods common to all classes should be defined def get_coords(self): return [self.lat_deg, self.lat_min, self.lon_deg, self.lon_min] def get_bearing(self): return self.bearing # here is an abstract method, may be useful # @abstractmethod # def sample_abs_method(self): # pass class Field(SimObj): def __init__(self, GPS, radius=2): # other properties super().__init__(GPS) self.radius = radius # in degrees, if not specified # radius is 2 class Rover(SimObj): def __init__(self, GPS, speed_trans=1, speed_rot=1): super().__init__(GPS) self.fov = 120 # units of degrees, # 120 if not specified self.cv_thresh = 5 self.speed_translational = speed_trans # speed multiplier, 1 if not specified self.speed_rotational = speed_rot """