def Iterative_Deepening_DFS(init, goal): nodes = rp.build_graph() initNode = nodes.get(init) goalNode = nodes.get(goal) frontier = Stack() path_cost = 0.0 node_expended = 0 path = Stack() if == print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', goal) print('Solution cost', path_cost) return isGoal = False iteDepth = 0 while not isGoal: frontier.push(initNode) initNode.depth = 0 node_expended = 0 while not frontier.isEmpty(): if isGoal: break parentNode = frontier.pop() node_expended = node_expended + 1 for i in range(0, len(parentNode.neighbors)): childNode = nodes.get(parentNode.neighbors[i].destination) childNode.parent = parentNode childNode.depth = parentNode.depth + 1 if childNode.depth <= iteDepth: frontier.push(childNode) if == goal: isGoal = True break iteDepth = iteDepth + 1 if isGoal: node = goalNode while != init: path.push( stepCost = 0.0 for x in range(len(node.neighbors)): if node.neighbors[x].destination == stepCost = node.neighbors[x].distance break path_cost = path_cost + stepCost node = node.parent path.push( print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', path.stack) print('Solution cost', path_cost) else: print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path: There is no solution') print('Solution cost', path_cost) return
def Breadth_First_Search(init, goal): nodes = rp.build_graph() initNode = nodes.get(init) goalNode = nodes.get(goal) frontier = Queue() frontier.offer(initNode) path_cost = 0.0 node_expended = 0 path = Stack() if == print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', goal) print('Solution cost', path_cost) return isGoal = False ite = 0 while not frontier.isEmpty(): ite = ite + 1 if ite > 20: break if isGoal: break parentNode = frontier.pop() node_expended = node_expended + 1 for i in range(0, len(parentNode.neighbors)): childNode = nodes.get(parentNode.neighbors[i].destination) childNode.parent = parentNode frontier.offer(childNode) if == goal: isGoal = True break if isGoal: node = goalNode while != init: path.push( stepCost = 0.0 for x in range(len(node.neighbors)): if node.neighbors[x].destination == stepCost = node.neighbors[x].distance break path_cost = path_cost + stepCost node = node.parent path.push( print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', path.stack) print('Solution cost', path_cost) else: print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path: There is no solution') print('Solution cost', path_cost) return
def A_Star_Search(init, goal): R = 3959 nodes = rp.build_graph() initNode = nodes.get(init) initNode.cost = 0.0 goalNode = nodes.get(goal) phi_init = * math.pi / 180 theta_init = initNode.lon * math.pi / 180 init_x = math.cos(phi_init) * math.cos(theta_init) * R init_y = math.cos(phi_init) * math.sin(theta_init) * R init_z = math.sin(phi_init) * R phi_goal = * math.pi / 180 theta_goal = goalNode.lon * math.pi / 180 goal_x = math.cos(phi_goal) * math.cos(theta_goal) * R goal_y = math.cos(phi_goal) * math.sin(theta_goal) * R goal_z = math.sin(phi_goal) * R heu = math.sqrt( math.pow(goal_x - init_x, 2) + math.pow(goal_y - init_y, 2) + math.pow(goal_z - init_z, 2)) initNode.heu = heu frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.offer(initNode) path_cost = 0.0 node_expended = 0 path = Stack() closeList = {} if == print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', goal) print('Solution cost', path_cost) return isGoal = False ite = 0 while not frontier.isEmpty(): ite = ite + 1 if ite > 20: break if isGoal: break parentNode = frontier.pop() closeList[] = parentNode node_expended = node_expended + 1 if == isGoal = True break for i in range(len(parentNode.neighbors)): childNode = nodes.get(parentNode.neighbors[i].destination) if not in closeList: currCost = parentNode.neighbors[i].distance + parentNode.cost phi_child = * math.pi / 180 theta_child = childNode.lon * math.pi / 180 child_x = math.cos(phi_child) * math.cos(theta_child) * R child_y = math.cos(phi_child) * math.sin(theta_child) * R child_z = math.sin(phi_child) * R currHeu = math.sqrt( math.pow(goal_x - child_x, 2) + math.pow(goal_y - child_y, 2) + math.pow(goal_z - child_z, 2)) childNode.heu = currHeu if currCost < childNode.cost: childNode.cost = currCost childNode.parent = parentNode if not frontier.isContain(childNode): frontier.offer(childNode) if isGoal: node = goalNode while != init: path.push( stepCost = 0.0 for x in range(len(node.neighbors)): if node.neighbors[x].destination == stepCost = node.neighbors[x].distance break path_cost = path_cost + stepCost node = node.parent path.push( print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', path.stack) print('Solution cost', path_cost) else: print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path: There is no solution') print('Solution cost', path_cost) return
def Uniform_Cost_Search(init, goal): nodes = rp.build_graph() initNode = nodes.get(init) initNode.cost = 0.0 goalNode = nodes.get(goal) frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.offer(initNode) path_cost = 0.0 node_expended = 0 path = Stack() closeList = {} if == print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', goal) print('Solution cost', path_cost) return isGoal = False ite = 0 while not frontier.isEmpty(): ite = ite + 1 if ite > 20: break if isGoal: break parentNode = frontier.pop() closeList[] = parentNode node_expended = node_expended + 1 if == isGoal = True break for i in range(len(parentNode.neighbors)): childNode = nodes.get(parentNode.neighbors[i].destination) if not in closeList: currCost = parentNode.neighbors[i].distance + parentNode.cost if currCost < childNode.cost: childNode.cost = currCost childNode.parent = parentNode if not frontier.isContain(childNode): frontier.offer(childNode) if isGoal: node = goalNode while != init: path.push( stepCost = 0.0 for x in range(len(node.neighbors)): if node.neighbors[x].destination == stepCost = node.neighbors[x].distance break path_cost = path_cost + stepCost node = node.parent path.push( print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', path.stack) print('Solution cost', path_cost) else: print('Number of nodes expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path: There is no solution') print('Solution cost', path_cost) return
def A_Star_Search(init, goal): vertices = domain.build_graph() initNode = domain.Node(0) = list(init)[0] initNode.neighbors = vertices.get( initNode.visited.add( initNode.cost = 0.0 goalNode = domain.Node("inf") frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.offer(initNode) path_cost = 0.0 node_expended = 0 path = Stack() li = list(goal) if len(init) == len(goal): print('Number of vertices expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', list(init)[0]) print('Solution cost', path_cost) return isGoal = False ite = 0 nodeId = 1 while not frontier.isEmpty(): ite = ite + 1 if ite > 2000000: break parentNode = frontier.pop() node_expended = node_expended + 1 print(parentNode.cost) if len(parentNode.visited) == len(goal): isGoal = True goalNode = parentNode break for i in range(len(parentNode.neighbors)): childNode = domain.Node(nodeId) nodeId = nodeId + 1 print(nodeId) = parentNode.neighbors[i].destination childNode.parent = parentNode childNode.neighbors = vertices.get( currCost = parentNode.neighbors[i].distance + parentNode.cost childNode.cost = currCost s = set(parentNode.visited) s.add( childNode.visited = s for j in range(len(goal)): if not li[j] in s: childNode.heu = (childNode.heu + domain.cal_heu( vertices.get(, vertices.get(li[j]))) break frontier.offer(childNode) print(childNode.visited) if isGoal: node = goalNode while node.tag != 0: path.push( stepCost = 0.0 for x in range(len(node.neighbors)): if node.neighbors[x].destination == stepCost = node.neighbors[x].distance break path_cost = path_cost + stepCost node = node.parent path.push( print('Number of vertices expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', path.stack) print('Solution cost', path_cost) else: print('Number of vertices expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path: There is no solution') print('Solution cost', path_cost) return
def Iterative_Deepening_DFS(init, goal): vertices = domain.build_graph() initNode = domain.Node(0) = list(init)[0] initNode.neighbors = vertices.get( initNode.visited.add( goalNode = domain.Node("inf") frontier = Stack() path_cost = 0.0 node_expended = 0 path = Stack() if len(init) == len(goal): print('Number of vertices expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', list(init)[0]) print('Solution cost', path_cost) return isGoal = False iteDepth = 0 nodeId = 1 while not isGoal: frontier.push(initNode) initNode.depth = 0 node_expended = 0 while not frontier.isEmpty(): if isGoal: break parentNode = frontier.pop() node_expended = node_expended + 1 for i in range(0, len(parentNode.neighbors)): childNode = domain.Node(nodeId) nodeId = nodeId + 1 print(nodeId) = parentNode.neighbors[i].destination childNode.parent = parentNode childNode.neighbors = vertices.get( s = set(parentNode.visited) s.add( childNode.visited = s childNode.depth = parentNode.depth + 1 print(childNode.visited) if childNode.depth <= iteDepth: frontier.push(childNode) if len(childNode.visited) == len(goal): isGoal = True goalNode = childNode break iteDepth = iteDepth + 1 if isGoal: node = goalNode while node.tag != 0: path.push( stepCost = 0.0 for x in range(len(node.neighbors)): if node.neighbors[x].destination == stepCost = node.neighbors[x].distance break path_cost = path_cost + stepCost node = node.parent path.push( print('Number of vertices expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path', path.stack) print('Solution cost', path_cost) else: print('Number of vertices expanded:', node_expended) print('Solution path: There is no solution') print('Solution cost', path_cost) return
commands = list() for line in open(filename): commands.append(line.strip()) if len(commands) == 3: if commands[2] == 'B': Breadth_First_search(commands[0], commands[1]) elif commands[2] == 'D': Depth_First_search(commands[0], commands[1]) elif commands[2] == 'I': Iterative_Deepening_DFs(commands[0], commands[1]) elif commands[2] == 'U': Uniform_Cost_search(commands[0], commands[1]) else: A_Star_search(commands[0], commands[1]) else: vertices = domain.build_graph() goal = set(vertices) init = set() init.add(commands[0]) if commands[1] == 'B': Breadth_First_Search(init, goal) elif commands[1] == 'D': Depth_First_Search(init, goal) elif commands[1] == 'I': Iterative_Deepening_DFS(init, goal) elif commands[1] == 'U': Uniform_Cost_Search(init, goal) else: A_Star_Search(init, goal)