예제 #1
def gaussianKernels(gs):
    global program
    convs = [("gauss%s" % len(a),a) for a in gs]
    convsres = [("gauss%s_res" % len(a),a) for a in gs]
    program = kernels.loadProgram(interfaces.convolvesep,convs=convs)
    krnls = [getattr(program, name) for (name, conv) in convs]
    for i, (name, conv) in enumerate(convs):
        krnls[i].res = getattr(program,convsres[i][0])
        krnls[i].width = len(conv)
    return krnls
예제 #2
def test_gradient():
    import time
    a = np.random.sample((1000,1000)).astype(np.float32)
    t = time.time()
    b = np.gradient(a)
    print "Numpy seconds", time.time()-t
    for engine in (kernels.GPU_ENGINE, kernels.CPU_ENGINE):
        program = kernels.loadProgram(interfaces.gradient, engine=engine)
        t = time.time()
        c = program.gradient(a, 1)
        print "Engine %s seconds %s" % (engine,time.time()-t)
예제 #3
import numpy as np
from rpc import interfaces, kernels

program = kernels.loadProgram(interfaces.operators,operators=[("add","+"), ("sub","-"),("mul","*"),("div","/")])

add = program.add
add_res = program.add_res
sub = program.sub
sub_res = program.sub_res
mul = program.mul
mul_res = program.mul_res
div = program.div
div_res = program.div_res

def test_operators():
    # 1+0 -> 1
    a = np.ones((100,100), dtype=np.float32)
    b = np.zeros_like(a)
    c = add(a,b)
    d = np.empty_like(a)
    assert c.sum() == c.size*1.0
    assert a.sum() == c.sum()
    assert a.sum() == d.sum()
    # 1-1 == 0
    b[:,:] = 1.0
    c = sub(a,b)
예제 #4
파일: hsi.py 프로젝트: seantrue/Yapocis
    return np.array(im2, np.float32).reshape(im.shape)

from rpc import kernels, interfaces

def splitChannels(rgb):
    r, g, b = rgb[:, :, 0], rgb[:, :, 1], rgb[:, :, 2]
    return r.copy(), g.copy(), b.copy()

def joinChannels(r, g, b):
    shape = list(r.shape)
    rgb = np.empty(tuple(shape), dtype=r.dtype)
    rgb[:, :, 0], rgb[:, :, 1], rgb[:, :, 2] = r.copy(), g.copy(), b.copy()
    return rgb

program = kernels.loadProgram(interfaces.hsi)

def rgb2hsi(r, g, b):
    h, s, i, trace = program.rgb2hsi(r, g, b) #@UnusedVariable
    return h, s, i

def hsi2rgb(h, s, i):
    r,g,b = program.hsi2rgb(h,s,i)
    return r,g,b
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from utils import showArray
    r = np.empty((256, 256), dtype=np.float32)
    g = np.empty_like(r)
    b = np.empty_like(r)
    for i in range(256):
        r[i, :] = i
예제 #5
파일: xy.py 프로젝트: seantrue/Yapocis
import numpy as np
from rpc import kernels, interfaces
from utils import showArray
xy = kernels.loadProgram(interfaces.xy)
a = np.zeros((402,798),dtype=np.int32)
addr,x,y,label = xy.addr(a)
showArray("y", y)
showArray("label", label)
예제 #6
Created on Jul 22, 2011

@author: seant

import numpy as np

from rpc import kernels, interfaces

program = kernels.loadProgram(interfaces.gradient, engine=kernels.GPU_ENGINE)
gradientcl = program.gradient
gradient_res = program.gradient_res
def gradient(image, reach=1):
    grad,theta = gradientcl(image, reach)
    # TODO: gradientCL should not be returning nans, and is
    theta[np.where(np.isnan(theta))] = 0.0
    grad[np.where(np.isnan(grad))] = 0.0
    return grad, theta

def test_gradient():
    import time
    a = np.random.sample((1000,1000)).astype(np.float32)
    t = time.time()
    b = np.gradient(a)
    print "Numpy seconds", time.time()-t
    for engine in (kernels.GPU_ENGINE, kernels.CPU_ENGINE):
        program = kernels.loadProgram(interfaces.gradient, engine=engine)
        t = time.time()
        c = program.gradient(a, 1)
예제 #7
파일: median.py 프로젝트: seantrue/Yapocis
Provides 2d median filter for 2d arrays
Created on Jul 22, 2011

import numpy as np
from rpc import kernels, interfaces

# Provision this program with just one median filter, fixed length of 9
program = kernels.loadProgram(interfaces.median3x3, width=9, steps=[9])
median3x3cl = program.median3x3
def median3x3slow(image, iterations=1):
    while iterations > 0:
        image = median3x3cl(image)
        iterations -= 1
    return image.copy()

def median3x3fast(image, iterations=1):
    if iterations == 1:
        # One pass through
        return median3x3cl(image)
    input = image
    output = np.zeros_like(input)
    if iterations == 2:
        # Send in data, don't retrieve
        program.first(input, output)
        input,output = output,input
        # Don't send in, retrieve data
        program.last(input, output)
        return output
    # Send in data, no retrieve
예제 #8
from rpc import kernels, interfaces
import numpy
import numpy.linalg as la
import time

# We don't _need_ specify the dtype: that's done in the interface
a = numpy.random.rand(50000)
b = numpy.random.rand(50000)

t = time.time()
# We don't need to manage a compiler and linker, that can be done for us
demo = kernels.loadProgram(interfaces.demo)

# We don't need to manage buffers, that can be done for us
a_plus_b = demo.sum(a,b)
print(la.norm(a_plus_b - (a+b)), la.norm(a_plus_b))
print "Elapsed:", time.time() - t

# And there are interesting stats available
print "Stats", demo
예제 #9
# with minor changes to move to numpy from the obsolete Numeric

import numpy as np
import time

# You can choose a calculation routine below (calc_fractal), uncomment
# one of the three lines to test the three variations
# Speed notes are listed in the same place

# set width and height of window, more pixels take longer to calculate
w = 1024
h = 1024

# Use the rpc extension to define and load the kernel as a callable.
from rpc import kernels, interfaces
calc_fractal_opencl = kernels.loadProgram(interfaces.mandelbrot,engine=kernels.CPU_ENGINE).mandelbrot

def calc_fractal_serial(q, maxiter):
    # calculate z using numpy
    # this routine unrolls calc_fractal_numpy as an intermediate
    # step to the creation of calc_fractal_opencl
    # it runs slower than calc_fractal_numpy
    z = np.zeros(q.shape, np.complex64)
    output = np.resize(np.array(0,), q.shape)
    for i in range(len(q)):
        for iter in range(maxiter):
            z[i] = z[i]*z[i] + q[i]
            if abs(z[i]) > 2.0:
                q[i] = 0+0j