예제 #1
    fq = open('annoy_fq.txt', 'a')
    ff = open('annoy_ff.txt', 'a')
    tree_size = [100, 200, 400]
    _k = [
        100, 200, 400, 1000, 2000, 4000, 10000, 20000, 40000, 100000, 200000,
    for ts in tree_size:
        for kk in _k:
            print("tree_Size:", ts, "kk:", kk)
            start_graph = time.time()
            t = AnnoyIndex(
                128, 'euclidean')  # Length of item vector that will be indexed
            for i in range(len(xb)):
                t.add_item(i, xb[i])
            t.build(ts)  # 10 trees
            end_graph = time.time()
            start_query = end_graph
            accuracy = 0
            for i in range(len(xq)):
                ans = t.get_nns_by_vector(xq[i], k, kk)
                for x in ans:
                    if x in gt[i]:
                        accuracy += 1

            end_query = time.time()

            f = open('annoy_results.txt', 'a')
            fg = open('annoy_fg.txt', 'a')
            fq = open('annoy_fq.txt', 'a')