예제 #1
def test_cell_magic_localconverter(ipython_with_magic, clean_globalenv):
    x = (1, 2, 3)
    from rpy2.rinterface import IntSexpVector

    def tuple_str(tpl):
        res = IntSexpVector(tpl)
        return res

    from rpy2.robjects.conversion import Converter
    my_converter = Converter('my converter')
    my_converter.py2rpy.register(tuple, tuple_str)
    from rpy2.robjects import default_converter

    foo = default_converter + my_converter

    ipython_with_magic.push({'x': x, 'foo': foo})
    snippet = textwrap.dedent("""

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        ipython_with_magic.run_cell_magic('R', '-i x', snippet)

    ipython_with_magic.run_cell_magic('R', '-i x -c foo', snippet)

    assert isinstance(globalenv['x'], vectors.IntVector)
예제 #2
def read_rds(path):
    print('reading...', end='', flush=True)
    my_converter = Converter('lme4-aware converter',
    my_converter.ri2ro.register(SexpS4, ri2ro_s4)
    with localconverter(my_converter) as cv:
        obj = robjects.r("readRDS('%s')" % path)
    df = robjects.conversion.ri2py(obj)
    return df
예제 #3
def read(path):
    rpath = StrSexpVector((path, ))
    readrds = baseenv['readRDS']
    my_converter = Converter('lme4-aware converter',
    my_converter.ri2ro.register(SexpS4, ri2ro_s4)
    with localconverter(my_converter) as cv:
        obj = robjects.r("readRDS('%s')" % path)
    if isinstance(obj, lmermod.LMerMod) or isinstance(obj, glmermod.GLMerMod):
        return obj
        return robjects.conversion.ri2py(obj)
예제 #4
    def test_cell_magic_localconverter(self):

        x = (1, 2, 3)
        from rpy2.rinterface import StrSexpVector

        def tuple_str(tpl):
            res = StrSexpVector(tpl)
            return res

        from rpy2.robjects.conversion import Converter
        my_converter = Converter('my converter')
        my_converter.py2ri.register(tuple, tuple_str)
        from rpy2.robjects import default_converter

        foo = default_converter + my_converter

        self.ip.push({'x': x, 'foo': foo})
        snippet = '''
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.ip.run_cell_magic, 'R',
                          '-i x', snippet)
        self.ip.run_cell_magic('R', '-i x -c foo', snippet)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(globalenv['x'], vectors.StrVector))
예제 #5
파일: rmagic.py 프로젝트: uhjish/rpy2
class RInterpreterError(ri.RRuntimeError):
    """An error when running R code in a %%R magic cell."""
    def __init__(self, line, err, stdout):
        self.line = line
        self.err = err.rstrip()
        self.stdout = stdout.rstrip()

    def __str__(self):
        s = 'Failed to parse and evaluate line %r.\nR error message: %r' % \
                (self.line, self.err)
        if self.stdout and (self.stdout != self.err):
            s += '\nR stdout:\n' + self.stdout
        return s

converter = Converter('ipython conversion', template=template_converter)

# The default conversion for lists is currently to make them an R list. That has
# some advantages, but can be inconvenient (and, it's inconsistent with the way
# python lists are automatically converted by numpy functions), so for
# interactive use in the rmagic, we call unlist, which converts lists to vectors
# **if the list was of uniform (atomic) type**.
def ri2py_list(obj):
    # simplify2array is a utility function, but nice for us
    # TODO: use an early binding of the R function
    return ro.r.simplify2array(obj)

# The R magic is opiniated about what the R vectors should become.
예제 #6
def _get_converter(template_converter=template_converter):
    return Converter('ipython conversion',
예제 #7
import os

import rpy2
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
from rpy2.robjects import default_converter

import pandas
from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri

## convert magic
from rpy2.robjects.conversion import Converter

simple_conver = Converter('simple')

def list_to_vector(list):
    if len(list) == 0:
        return rpy2.rinterface.NA_Real

    if isinstance(list[0], str):
        return rpy2.rinterface.StrSexpVector(list)
    if isinstance(list[0], int):
        return rpy2.rinterface.IntSexpVector(list)
    if isinstance(list[0], float):
        return rpy2.rinterface.FloatSexpVector(list)
    if isinstance(list[0], bool):
        return rpy2.rinterface.BoolSexpVector(list)

    if isinstance(list[0], dict):  ## need to convert to data frame

        ## let's hope the keys are always the same for each of things in the list
예제 #8
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
import pandas as pd

# method to return Python representation of R vectors
def tuple_str(tpl):
    return FloatSexpVector(tpl)

def complex_sexp_str(dictionary):
    return ComplexSexpVector(dictionary)

my_converter = Converter('my converter')
my_converter.py2ri.register(tuple, tuple_str)
my_converter.py2ri.register(dict, complex_sexp_str)
''' installs required packages and libraries for executing R functions  '''

def install_packages():
    packnames = ('base', 'ggplot2', 'smoof', 'mlr', 'mlrMBO', 'DiceKriging',
                 'randomForest', 'ParamHelpers', 'stats', 'rgenoud', 'lhs',
                 'methods', 'emoa')

    if all(isinstalled(x) for x in packnames):
        have_tutorial_packages = True
        have_tutorial_packages = False
예제 #9
파일: r.py 프로젝트: sjdv1982/seamless
def bridge_r(*, bridge_parameters, **kwargs):
    import shutil
    from copy import deepcopy

    device = bridge_parameters["device"]
    Rstdout_cache = []

    def write_stdout(output):

    import textwrap
    import numpy as np
    import tempfile
    from glob import glob
    from os import stat
    import contextlib

    import rpy2
    import rpy2.rinterface as ri
    import rpy2.robjects as ro
    from rpy2.robjects.lib import grdevices
    import rpy2.robjects.packages as rpacks
    from rpy2.robjects.conversion import (Converter, localconverter)
    from rpy2.robjects.conversion import converter as template_converter
    from rpy2.robjects import numpy2ri
    template_converter += numpy2ri.converter

    class RInterpreterError(ri.embedded.RRuntimeError):
        """An error when running R code in Seamless."""

        msg_prefix_template = ('Failed to parse and evaluate line %r.\n'
                               'R error message: %r')
        rstdout_prefix = '\nR stdout:\n'

        def __init__(self, line, err, stdout):
            self.line = line
            self.err = err.rstrip()
            self.stdout = stdout.rstrip()

        def __str__(self):
            s = (self.msg_prefix_template % (self.line, self.err))
            if self.stdout and (self.stdout != self.err):
                s += self.rstdout_prefix + self.stdout
            return s

    converter = Converter('Seamless conversion', template=template_converter)

    def _(obj):
        if len(obj) == 1:
            obj = obj[0]
        return obj

    def _(obj):
        return str(obj[0])

        cairo = rpacks.importr('Cairo')
    except ri.embedded.RRuntimeError as rre:
        if rpacks.isinstalled('Cairo'):
            msg = ('An error occurred when trying to load the ' +
                   'R package Cairo\'\n%s' % str(rre))
            msg = textwrap.dedent("""
            The R package 'Cairo' is required but it does not appear
            to be installed/available
        raise RInterpreterError(msg)

    def setup_graphics(args):
        """Setup graphics in preparation for evaluating R code.
        args : argparse bunch (should be whatever the R magic got)."""

        args = deepcopy(args)
        if args.get('units') is not None:
            if args["units"] != "px" and getattr(args, "res") is None:
                args.res = 72

        plot_arg_names = ['width', 'height', 'pointsize', 'bg']
        if device == 'png':
            plot_arg_names += ['units', 'res']

        argdict = {}
        for name in plot_arg_names:
            val = args.get(name)
            if val is not None:
                argdict[name] = val

        graph_dir = None
        if device in ['png', 'svg']:
            # Create a temporary directory for R graphics output
            # TODO: Do we want to capture file output for other device types
            # other than svg & png?
            graph_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            graph_dir_fix_slashes = graph_dir.replace('\\', '/')

            if device == 'png':
                # Note: that %% is to pass into R for interpolation there
                grdevices.png("%s/Rplots%%03d.png" % graph_dir_fix_slashes,
            elif device == 'svg':
                argdict.pop("width")  # BUG in Cairo or rpy2?
                argdict.pop("height")  # BUG in Cairo or rpy2?
                cairo.CairoSVG("%s/Rplot.svg" % graph_dir_fix_slashes,
            # TODO: This isn't actually an R interpreter error...
            raise ValueError('device must be one of ("png", "svg")')
        return graph_dir

    def get_graphics(graph_dir):
        images = []

        if device == 'png':
            for imgfile in sorted(glob('%s/Rplots*png' % graph_dir)):
                if stat(imgfile).st_size >= 1000:
                    with open(imgfile, 'rb') as fh_img:
            # as onefile=TRUE, there is only one .svg file
            imgfile = "%s/Rplot.svg" % graph_dir
            # Cairo creates an SVG file every time R is called
            # -- empty ones are not published
            if stat(imgfile).st_size >= 1000:
                with open(imgfile, 'rb') as fh_img:

        return images

    def evalR(code):
        Rstdout_cache[:] = []
        cache_display_data = bridge_parameters["cache_display_data"]
        with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
            if cache_display_data:
                        rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks, 'consolewrite_print',
                # Need the newline in case the last line in code is a comment.
                ro.r("withVisible({%s\n})" % code)
            except (ri.embedded.RRuntimeError, ValueError) as exception:
                # Otherwise next return seems to have copy of error.
                warning_or_other_msg = ''.join(Rstdout_cache)
                raise RInterpreterError(code, str(exception),
            text_output = ''.join(Rstdout_cache)
            if len(text_output):

    # Transfer input
    with localconverter(converter) as cv:
        ro.r.assign("BLAH", [1, 2, 3])
        for pin in PINS:
            if pin in ("code", "bridge_parameters"):
            print("INP", pin)
                ro.r.assign(pin, PINS[pin])
            except NotImplementedError as exc:
                raise NotImplementedError("Pin '{}':".format(pin) +

    # Prepare graphics

        graph_dir = setup_graphics(bridge_parameters)
        device_off = False

        # Run code
        with localconverter(converter) as cv:
            code = PINS["code"]
            if device in ['png', 'svg']:
            device_off = True
            images = get_graphics(graph_dir)
                result = ro.globalenv.find("result")
            except KeyError:
                result = None
                result = ro.conversion.rpy2py(result)
            if result is not None and len(images):
                raise ValueError("R transformer contains a result AND plots")
            elif result is None and not len(images):
                raise ValueError(
                    "R transformer contains neither result nor plots")
            elif len(images):
                if len(images) > 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "R transformer returns multiple plots, not supported")
                result = images[0]
        return result
        if not device_off:
            if device in ['png', 'svg']: