예제 #1
파일: decay.py 프로젝트: tirons/akvo-1
def regressSpec(w, wL, X): #,sigma2=1,intercept=True):

    # compute s
    s = -1j*w

    # TODO, if regression fails, it might be because there is no exponential
    # term, maybe do a second regression then on a linear model. 
    a   = 0                  # Linear 
    rT2 = 0.1                # T2 regressed
    r   = robjects.r         

    # Variable shared between R and Python
    robjects.globalenv['a'] = a
    robjects.globalenv['rT2'] = rT2
    robjects.globalenv['wL'] = wL
    robjects.globalenv['nb'] = 0

    s = robjects.ComplexVector(numpy.array(s))
    XX = robjects.ComplexVector(X)
    Xr = robjects.FloatVector(numpy.real(X))
    Xi = robjects.FloatVector(numpy.imag(X))
    Xa = robjects.FloatVector(numpy.abs(X))
    Xri = robjects.FloatVector(numpy.concatenate((Xr,Xi)))
    #my_lower = robjects.r('list(a=.001, rT2=.001, nb=.0001)')
    my_lower = robjects.r('list(a=.001, rT2=.001)')
    #my_upper = robjects.r('list(a=1.5, rT2=.300, nb =100.)')
    my_upper = robjects.r('list(a=1.5, rT2=.300)')
    #my_list = robjects.r('list(a=.2, rT2=0.03, nb=.1)')
    my_list = robjects.r('list(a=.2, rT2=0.03)')
    my_cont = robjects.r('nls.control(maxiter=5000, warnOnly=TRUE, printEval=FALSE)')
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('Xri ~ c(a*Re((wL) / (wL^2+(s+1/rT2)^2 )), a*Im((wL)/(wL^2 + (s+1/rT2)^2 )))') # envelope
    ##fmla = robjects.Formula('Xri ~ c(a*Re((wL) / (wL^2+(s+1/rT2)^2 )), a*Im((wL)/(wL^2 + (s+1/rT2)^2 )))') # envelope
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('XX ~ a*(wL) / (wL^2 + (s+1/rT2)^2 )') # complex
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('Xa ~ abs(a*(wL) / (wL^2 + (s+1/rT2)^2 )) + nb') # complex
    fmla = robjects.Formula('Xa ~ abs(a*(wL) / (wL^2 + (s+1/rT2)^2 ))') # complex
    env = fmla.getenvironment()
    env['s'] = s
    env['Xr'] = Xr
    env['Xa'] = Xa
    env['Xi'] = Xi
    env['Xri'] = Xri
    env['XX'] = XX
    #fit = robjects.r.tryCatch(robjects.r.nls(fmla,start=my_list, control=my_cont)) #, lower=my_lower, algorithm='port')) #, \
    fit = robjects.r.tryCatch(robjects.r.nls(fmla, start=my_list, control=my_cont, lower=my_lower, upper=my_upper, algorithm='port')) #, \
    report =  r.summary(fit)
    #print report 
    #print  r.warnings()
    a  =  r['$'](report,'par')[0]
    rT2 =  r['$'](report,'par')[1]
    nb =  r['$'](report,'par')[2]
    return a, rT2, nb
예제 #2
def test_nacomplex_workaround():
    vec = robjects.ComplexVector((1 + 1j, 2 + 2j, 3 + 3j))
    vec[0] = complex(robjects.NA_Complex.real, robjects.NA_Complex.imag)
    assert robjects.baseenv['is.na'](vec)[0] is True
예제 #3
def test_nacomplex():
    vec = robjects.ComplexVector((1 + 1j, 2 + 2j, 3 + 3j))
    vec[0] = robjects.NA_Complex
    assert robjects.baseenv['is.na'](vec)[0] is True
예제 #4
 def testNAComplex(self):
     vec = robjects.ComplexVector((1 + 1j, 2 + 2j, 3 + 3j))
     vec[0] = robjects.NA_Complex
예제 #5
파일: decay.py 프로젝트: tirons/akvo-1
def regressSpecComplex(w, wL, X): #,sigma2=1,intercept=True):

    # compute s
    s = -1j*w

    # TODO, if regression fails, it might be because there is no exponential
    # term, maybe do a second regression then on a linear model. 
    a   = 1                  # Linear 
    rT2 = 0.1                # T2 regressed
    r   = robjects.r         
    phi2 = 0                 # phase
    wL2 = wL

    # Variable shared between R and Python
    robjects.globalenv['a'] = a
    robjects.globalenv['rT2'] = rT2
    robjects.globalenv['wL'] = wL
    robjects.globalenv['wL2'] = 0
    robjects.globalenv['nb'] = 0
    robjects.globalenv['phi2'] = phi2

    s = robjects.ComplexVector(numpy.array(s))
    XX = robjects.ComplexVector(X)
    Xr = robjects.FloatVector(numpy.real(X))
    Xi = robjects.FloatVector(numpy.imag(X))
    Xa = robjects.FloatVector(numpy.abs(X))
    Xri = robjects.FloatVector(numpy.concatenate((X.real,X.imag)))

    #Kw = robjects.globalenv['Kwri']
    #print (numpy.shape(X))
    #my_lower = robjects.r('list(a=.001, rT2=.001, nb=.0001)')
    #my_lower = robjects.r('list(a=.001, rT2=.001)') # Working
    my_lower = robjects.r('list(a=.001, rT2=.001, phi2=-3.14, wL2=wL-5)')
    #my_upper = robjects.r('list(a=1.5, rT2=.300, nb =100.)')
    my_upper = robjects.r('list(a=3.5, rT2=.300, phi2=3.14, wL2=wL+5)')
    #my_list = robjects.r('list(a=.2, rT2=0.03, nb=.1)')
    my_list = robjects.r('list(a=.2, rT2=0.03, phi2=0, wL2=wL)')
    my_cont = robjects.r('nls.control(maxiter=5000, warnOnly=TRUE, printEval=FALSE)')
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('Xri ~ c(a*Re((wL) / (wL^2+(s+1/rT2)^2 )), a*Im((wL)/(wL^2 + (s+1/rT2)^2 )))') # envelope
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('Xi   ~   Im(a*(sin(phi2)*s + ((1/rT2)*sin(phi2)) + wL*cos(phi2)) / (wL^2+(s+1/rT2)^2 ))') # envelope
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('Xri ~ c(Re(a*(sin(phi2)*s + ((1/rT2)*sin(phi2)) + wL*cos(phi2)) / (wL^2+(s+1/rT2)^2 )), Im(a*(sin(phi2)*s + ((1/rT2)*sin(phi2)) + wL*cos(phi2)) / (wL^2+(s+1/rT2)^2 )))') # envelope
    #fmlar = robjects.Formula('Xr ~ (Kwr(a, phi2, s, rT2, wL)) ') # envelope
    #fmlai = robjects.Formula('Xi ~ (Kwi(a, phi2, s, rT2, wL)) ') # envelope
    fmla = robjects.Formula('Xri ~ c(Kwr(a, phi2, s, rT2, wL2), Kwi(a, phi2, s, rT2, wL2) ) ') # envelope
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('Xri ~ (Kwri(a, phi2, s, rT2, wL)) ') # envelope
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('Xa ~ (abs(a*(sin(phi2)*s + ((1/rT2)*sin(phi2)) + wL*cos(phi2)) / (wL^2+(s+1/rT2)^2 )))') # envelope
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('XX ~ a*(wL) / (wL^2 + (s+1/rT2)^2 )') # complex
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('Xa ~ abs(a*(wL) / (wL^2 + (s+1/rT2)^2 )) + nb') # complex
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('Xri ~ c(a*Re((wL) / (wL^2+(s+1/rT2)^2 )), a*Im((wL)/(wL^2 + (s+1/rT2)^2 )))') # envelope
    #        self.Gw[iw, iT2] = ((np.sin(phi2) *  (alpha + 1j*self.w[iw]) + self.wL*np.cos(phi2)) / \
    #                               (self.wL**2 + (alpha+1.j*self.w[iw])**2 ))
    #        self.Gw[iw, iT2] = ds * self.sc*((np.sin(phi2)*( alpha + 1j*self.w[iw]) + self.wL*np.cos(phi2)) / \
    #                               (self.wL**2 + (alpha+1.j*self.w[iw])**2 ))
    # Works Amplitude Only!
    #fmla = robjects.Formula('Xa ~ abs(a*(wL) / (wL^2 + (s+1/rT2)^2 ))') # complex
    env = fmla.getenvironment()
    env['s'] = s
    env['Xr'] = Xr
    env['Xa'] = Xa
    env['Xi'] = Xi
    env['Xri'] = Xri
    env['XX'] = XX
    fit = robjects.r.tryCatch(robjects.r.nls(fmla,start=my_list, control=my_cont)) #, lower=my_lower, algorithm='port')) #, \
    #fitr = robjects.r.tryCatch(robjects.r.nls(fmlar, start=my_list, control=my_cont, lower=my_lower, upper=my_upper, algorithm='port')) #, \
    #env = fmlai.getenvironment()
    #fiti = robjects.r.tryCatch(robjects.r.nls(fmlai, start=my_list, control=my_cont, lower=my_lower, upper=my_upper, algorithm='port')) #, \
    #reportr =  r.summary(fitr)
    #reporti =  r.summary(fiti)
    report =  r.summary(fit)
    #print( report )
    #print( reportr )
    #print( reporti  )
    #print  r.warnings()
    #a   =  (r['$'](reportr,'par')[0] + r['$'](reporti,'par')[0]) / 2.
    #rT2 =  (r['$'](reportr,'par')[1] + r['$'](reporti,'par')[1]) / 2.
    #nb  =  (r['$'](reportr,'par')[2] + r['$'](reporti,'par')[2]) / 2.
    a   =  r['$'](report,'par')[0] 
    rT2 =  r['$'](report,'par')[1] 
    nb  =  r['$'](report,'par')[2] #phi2 

    print ("Python wL2", r['$'](report,'par')[3] )   
    print ("Python zeta", r['$'](report,'par')[2] )   
    return a, rT2, nb