def __initVars(self): self.firstLoad = True self.colorIndex = 0 self.txtColor = None self.curDir = os.getcwd() self.peakTableName = None self.curParamDict = None self.curTypeDict = None self.fileList = None # self.Rliblist = ['xcms'] # self.Rlibs = initRlibs(self.Rliblist) self.xcmsOK = False self.eicPlot = self.plotWidget.canvas.axDict['ax1'] self.eicList = [] self.eicDict = None self.eicClass = None self.curXSET = None self.plotIndex = 0 self.initIndex = 0 self.ignoreSignal = False self.highlighter = PH(self.batchScriptTE.document()) self.rThread = XCMSThread(self) # self.rProcess = QtCore.QProcess() ''' findPeaks.matchedFilter(object, fwhm = 30, sigma = fwhm/2.3548, max = 5, snthresh = 10, step = 0.1, steps = 2, mzdiff = 0.8 - step*steps, index = FALSE, sleep = 0) object --xcmsRaw object fwhm --full width at half maximum of matched filtration gaussian model peak sigma --standard deviation of matched filtration model peak max --maximum number of peaks per extracted ion chromatogram snthresh --signal to noise ratio cutoff step --step size to use for profile generation steps --number of steps to merge prior to filtration mzdiff --minimum difference in m/z for peaks with overlapping retention times index --return indicies instead of values for m/z and retention times sleep --number of seconds to pause between plotting peak finding cycles ''' self.matchedFilterParams = {'fwhm':30., 'sigma':30/2.3548, 'max': 5., 'snthresh':10., 'step':0.01, 'steps':2., 'mzdiff':0.01, } self.matchedFilterTypes = {'fwhm':float, 'sigma':float, 'max':float, 'snthresh':float, 'step':float, 'steps':float, 'mzdiff':float } ########################## ''' CentWave object = "xcmsRaw" findPeaks.centWave(object, ppm=25, peakwidth=c(20,50), snthresh=10, prefilter=c(3,100), integrate=1, mzdiff=-0.001, fitgauss=FALSE, scanrange= numeric(), sleep=0, verbose.columns=FALSE) object --xcmsSet objectprint methodHelp ppm --maxmial tolerated m/z deviation in consecutive scans, in ppm (parts per million) peakwidth --Chromatographic peak width, given as range (min,max) in seconds snthresh --signal to noise ratio cutoff, definition see below. prefilter --prefilter=c(k,I). Prefilter step for the first phase. Mass traces are only retained if they contain at least k peaks with intensity >= I. integrate --Integration method. If =1 peak limits are found through descent on the mexican hat filtered data, if =2 the descent is done on the real data. Method 2 is very accurate but prone to noise, while method 1 is more robust to noise but less exact. mzdiff --minimum difference in m/z for peaks with overlapping retention times, can be negative to allow overlap fitgauss --logical, if TRUE a Gaussian is fitted to each peak scanrange --scan range to process sleep --number of seconds to pause between plotting peak finding cycles verbose.columns logical, if TRUE additional peak meta data columns are returned ''' #this method is not working well yet for the ORBITRAP DATA ACQUIRED AT PNNL self.centWaveParams = {'ppm': 10., 'peakwidth': str([20,50]),#this needs to be fixed, the new version of PyQt4 handles this better 'snthresh':10., 'prefilter':str([3,100]), 'mzdiff':-0.001, } self.centWaveTypes = {'ppm': float, 'peakwidth': str, 'snthresh':float, 'prefilter':str, 'mzdiff':float, } ################################ self.groupParams = {'bw':30., 'minfrac':0.1, 'mzwid':0.1, 'max':3 } self.groupTypes = {'bw':float, 'minfrac':float, 'mzwid':float, 'max':int } ############################## self.retcorParams = {'extra':2, 'span':0.5, 'f':'symmetric', 'plottype':'none', 'missing':2 } self.retcorTypes = {'extra':int, 'span':float, 'f':str, 'plottype':str, 'missing':str } ######################### self.xcmsParamDict = {'Matched Filter':self.matchedFilterParams, 'Group Params':self.groupParams, 'Retcor Params':self.retcorParams, 'CentWave':self.centWaveParams} self.xcmsTypeDict = {'Matched Filter':self.matchedFilterTypes, 'Group Params':self.groupTypes, 'Retcor Params':self.retcorTypes, 'CentWave':self.centWaveTypes}
def __initVars(self): self.firstLoad = True self.colorIndex = 0 self.txtColor = None self.curDir = os.getcwd() self.peakTableName = None self.curParamDict = None self.curTypeDict = None self.fileList = None # self.Rliblist = ['xcms'] # self.Rlibs = initRlibs(self.Rliblist) self.xcmsOK = False self.eicPlot = self.plotWidget.canvas.axDict['ax1'] self.eicList = [] self.eicDict = None self.eicClass = None self.curXSET = None self.plotIndex = 0 self.initIndex = 0 self.ignoreSignal = False self.highlighter = PH(self.batchScriptTE.document()) self.rThread = XCMSThread(self) # self.rProcess = QtCore.QProcess() ''' findPeaks.matchedFilter(object, fwhm = 30, sigma = fwhm/2.3548, max = 5, snthresh = 10, step = 0.1, steps = 2, mzdiff = 0.8 - step*steps, index = FALSE, sleep = 0) object --xcmsRaw object fwhm --full width at half maximum of matched filtration gaussian model peak sigma --standard deviation of matched filtration model peak max --maximum number of peaks per extracted ion chromatogram snthresh --signal to noise ratio cutoff step --step size to use for profile generation steps --number of steps to merge prior to filtration mzdiff --minimum difference in m/z for peaks with overlapping retention times index --return indicies instead of values for m/z and retention times sleep --number of seconds to pause between plotting peak finding cycles ''' self.matchedFilterParams = { 'fwhm': 30., 'sigma': 30 / 2.3548, 'max': 5., 'snthresh': 10., 'step': 0.01, 'steps': 2., 'mzdiff': 0.01, } self.matchedFilterTypes = { 'fwhm': float, 'sigma': float, 'max': float, 'snthresh': float, 'step': float, 'steps': float, 'mzdiff': float } ########################## ''' CentWave object = "xcmsRaw" findPeaks.centWave(object, ppm=25, peakwidth=c(20,50), snthresh=10, prefilter=c(3,100), integrate=1, mzdiff=-0.001, fitgauss=FALSE, scanrange= numeric(), sleep=0, verbose.columns=FALSE) object --xcmsSet objectprint methodHelp ppm --maxmial tolerated m/z deviation in consecutive scans, in ppm (parts per million) peakwidth --Chromatographic peak width, given as range (min,max) in seconds snthresh --signal to noise ratio cutoff, definition see below. prefilter --prefilter=c(k,I). Prefilter step for the first phase. Mass traces are only retained if they contain at least k peaks with intensity >= I. integrate --Integration method. If =1 peak limits are found through descent on the mexican hat filtered data, if =2 the descent is done on the real data. Method 2 is very accurate but prone to noise, while method 1 is more robust to noise but less exact. mzdiff --minimum difference in m/z for peaks with overlapping retention times, can be negative to allow overlap fitgauss --logical, if TRUE a Gaussian is fitted to each peak scanrange --scan range to process sleep --number of seconds to pause between plotting peak finding cycles verbose.columns logical, if TRUE additional peak meta data columns are returned ''' #this method is not working well yet for the ORBITRAP DATA ACQUIRED AT PNNL self.centWaveParams = { 'ppm': 10., 'peakwidth': str( [20, 50] ), #this needs to be fixed, the new version of PyQt4 handles this better 'snthresh': 10., 'prefilter': str([3, 100]), 'mzdiff': -0.001, } self.centWaveTypes = { 'ppm': float, 'peakwidth': str, 'snthresh': float, 'prefilter': str, 'mzdiff': float, } ################################ self.groupParams = {'bw': 30., 'minfrac': 0.1, 'mzwid': 0.1, 'max': 3} self.groupTypes = { 'bw': float, 'minfrac': float, 'mzwid': float, 'max': int } ############################## self.retcorParams = { 'extra': 2, 'span': 0.5, 'f': 'symmetric', 'plottype': 'none', 'missing': 2 } self.retcorTypes = { 'extra': int, 'span': float, 'f': str, 'plottype': str, 'missing': str } ######################### self.xcmsParamDict = { 'Matched Filter': self.matchedFilterParams, 'Group Params': self.groupParams, 'Retcor Params': self.retcorParams, 'CentWave': self.centWaveParams } self.xcmsTypeDict = { 'Matched Filter': self.matchedFilterTypes, 'Group Params': self.groupTypes, 'Retcor Params': self.retcorTypes, 'CentWave': self.centWaveTypes }
class pyXCMSWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow, ui_main.Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self, parent = None): super(pyXCMSWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.ui = self.setupUi(self) self.__initVars() self.__initConnections() self._setContext_() self.setupGUI() self.setupR() def __initVars(self): self.firstLoad = True self.colorIndex = 0 self.txtColor = None self.curDir = os.getcwd() self.peakTableName = None self.curParamDict = None self.curTypeDict = None self.fileList = None # self.Rliblist = ['xcms'] # self.Rlibs = initRlibs(self.Rliblist) self.xcmsOK = False self.eicPlot = self.plotWidget.canvas.axDict['ax1'] self.eicList = [] self.eicDict = None self.eicClass = None self.curXSET = None self.plotIndex = 0 self.initIndex = 0 self.ignoreSignal = False self.highlighter = PH(self.batchScriptTE.document()) self.rThread = XCMSThread(self) # self.rProcess = QtCore.QProcess() ''' findPeaks.matchedFilter(object, fwhm = 30, sigma = fwhm/2.3548, max = 5, snthresh = 10, step = 0.1, steps = 2, mzdiff = 0.8 - step*steps, index = FALSE, sleep = 0) object --xcmsRaw object fwhm --full width at half maximum of matched filtration gaussian model peak sigma --standard deviation of matched filtration model peak max --maximum number of peaks per extracted ion chromatogram snthresh --signal to noise ratio cutoff step --step size to use for profile generation steps --number of steps to merge prior to filtration mzdiff --minimum difference in m/z for peaks with overlapping retention times index --return indicies instead of values for m/z and retention times sleep --number of seconds to pause between plotting peak finding cycles ''' self.matchedFilterParams = {'fwhm':30., 'sigma':30/2.3548, 'max': 5., 'snthresh':10., 'step':0.01, 'steps':2., 'mzdiff':0.01, } self.matchedFilterTypes = {'fwhm':float, 'sigma':float, 'max':float, 'snthresh':float, 'step':float, 'steps':float, 'mzdiff':float } ########################## ''' CentWave object = "xcmsRaw" findPeaks.centWave(object, ppm=25, peakwidth=c(20,50), snthresh=10, prefilter=c(3,100), integrate=1, mzdiff=-0.001, fitgauss=FALSE, scanrange= numeric(), sleep=0, verbose.columns=FALSE) object --xcmsSet objectprint methodHelp ppm --maxmial tolerated m/z deviation in consecutive scans, in ppm (parts per million) peakwidth --Chromatographic peak width, given as range (min,max) in seconds snthresh --signal to noise ratio cutoff, definition see below. prefilter --prefilter=c(k,I). Prefilter step for the first phase. Mass traces are only retained if they contain at least k peaks with intensity >= I. integrate --Integration method. If =1 peak limits are found through descent on the mexican hat filtered data, if =2 the descent is done on the real data. Method 2 is very accurate but prone to noise, while method 1 is more robust to noise but less exact. mzdiff --minimum difference in m/z for peaks with overlapping retention times, can be negative to allow overlap fitgauss --logical, if TRUE a Gaussian is fitted to each peak scanrange --scan range to process sleep --number of seconds to pause between plotting peak finding cycles verbose.columns logical, if TRUE additional peak meta data columns are returned ''' #this method is not working well yet for the ORBITRAP DATA ACQUIRED AT PNNL self.centWaveParams = {'ppm': 10., 'peakwidth': str([20,50]),#this needs to be fixed, the new version of PyQt4 handles this better 'snthresh':10., 'prefilter':str([3,100]), 'mzdiff':-0.001, } self.centWaveTypes = {'ppm': float, 'peakwidth': str, 'snthresh':float, 'prefilter':str, 'mzdiff':float, } ################################ self.groupParams = {'bw':30., 'minfrac':0.1, 'mzwid':0.1, 'max':3 } self.groupTypes = {'bw':float, 'minfrac':float, 'mzwid':float, 'max':int } ############################## self.retcorParams = {'extra':2, 'span':0.5, 'f':'symmetric', 'plottype':'none', 'missing':2 } self.retcorTypes = {'extra':int, 'span':float, 'f':str, 'plottype':str, 'missing':str } ######################### self.xcmsParamDict = {'Matched Filter':self.matchedFilterParams, 'Group Params':self.groupParams, 'Retcor Params':self.retcorParams, 'CentWave':self.centWaveParams} self.xcmsTypeDict = {'Matched Filter':self.matchedFilterTypes, 'Group Params':self.groupTypes, 'Retcor Params':self.retcorTypes, 'CentWave':self.centWaveTypes} def __initConnections(self): QtCore.QObject.connect(self.getFolderBtn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.initFileList) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.xcmsMethodCB, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.updateParamTable) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.paramTableWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("itemDoubleClicked(QTableWidgetItem*)"), self.paramTableEntered) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.paramTableWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*)"), self.paramTableChanged) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.paramTableWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("helpRequested(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.showParamHelp) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.actionTest_XCMS, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.testXCMS) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.actionSave_HDF5, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.saveEICs2HDF5) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.actionLoad_HDF5, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.loadHDF52EICs) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.actionSave_Results_Table, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.saveXCMSResultsCSV) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.getEICBtn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.fetchEIC) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.runXCMSBtn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.startXCMSRun) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.loadRPY2BatchBtn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.loadRPY2Batch) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.eicIndexSB, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.indexChanged) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.rThread, QtCore.SIGNAL("xcmsOutUpdate(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.updateROutput) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.rThread, QtCore.SIGNAL("xcmsGetEIC(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.getThreadEIC) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.rThread, QtCore.SIGNAL("xcmsSet(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.setXCMSGroup) self.removeFileAction = QtGui.QAction("Remove File", self) self.dirListWidget.addAction(self.removeFileAction) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.removeFileAction,QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.removeFile) self.removeEICAction = QtGui.QAction("Remove EIC", self) self.plotWidget.addAction(self.removeEICAction) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.removeEICAction,QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.removeEIC) def removeEIC(self): print "Remove EIC" self.curIndex = self.plotIndex#need to do this because the slider is going from 1 and python counts from 0 self.eicClass.eicTraces.pop(self.curIndex) self.eicClass.numEICs = self.eicClass.numEICs-1 numEICs = self.eicClass.numEICs self.eicIndexSlider.setMaximum(numEICs-1) self.eicIndexSB.setMaximum(numEICs-1) self.eicIndexSB.setValue(self.curIndex-1)#just to be safe def removeFile(self): selItem = self.dirListWidget.selectedItems()[0] curRow = self.dirListWidget.row(selItem) print curRow self.dirListWidget.takeItem(curRow) self.dirList.pop(curRow) print len(self.dirList) def _setContext_(self): self.plotWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.plotWidget.connect(self.plotWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)"), self._plotContext_) self.dirListWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.dirListWidget.connect(self.dirListWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)"), self._dirListContext_) def _dirListContext_(self, point): ct_menu = QtGui.QMenu("File List Menu", self.dirListWidget) ct_menu.addAction(self.removeFileAction) ct_menu.exec_(self.dirListWidget.mapToGlobal(point)) def _plotContext_(self, point): ct_menu = QtGui.QMenu("Plot Menu", self.plotWidget) ct_menu.addAction(self.plotWidget.zoomAction) ct_menu.addAction(self.plotWidget.actionAutoScale) ct_menu.addSeparator() ct_menu.addAction(self.plotWidget.saveCSVAction) ct_menu.addAction(self.plotWidget.mpl2ClipAction) ct_menu.addSeparator() ct_menu.addAction(self.removeEICAction) ct_menu.exec_(self.plotWidget.mapToGlobal(point)) def setupR(self): peakTableName = 'tempPeakTable.csv' self.peakTableName = os.path.join(self.curDir, peakTableName) try: ro.r('source("xcmsFuncs.R")') except: exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback, file=sys.stdout) # print 'Error saving figure data' errorMsg = "Sorry: %s\n\n:%s\n%s\n"%(exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback) return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "R Source Error", errorMsg) print errorMsg #print peakTableName def setXCMSGroup(self, xcmsSetObject, fileName = None): if fileName != None: if xcmsSetObject != None: self.curXSET = xcmsSetObject ro.r.writePeakTable(self.curXSET, fileName) if os.path.isfile(fileName): self.RoutputTE.append('xcms peak table written to: %s'%fileName) else: if xcmsSetObject != None: self.curXSET = xcmsSetObject ro.r.writePeakTable(self.curXSET, self.peakTableName) if os.path.isfile(self.peakTableName): self.RoutputTE.append('xcms peak table written to: %s'%self.peakTableName) def saveXCMSResultsCSV(self): if self.curXSET != None: if os.path.isfile(self.peakTableName): fileName = str(self.SaveCSVDialog()) if fileName != None: self.setXCMSGroup(self.curXSET, fileName) # #shutil.copy(self.peakTableName, fileName) # if os.path.isfile(fileName): # self.RoutputTE.append('xcms peak table written to: %s'%fileName) else: Msg = 'No XSET Exists\nTry Again!' return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "There is no xset instance, hence no table!", Msg ) def fetchEIC(self): if self.curXSET != None: if self.rtTypeCB.isChecked(): rtType = "corrected" else: rtType = "raw" mzlo = self.mzStartSB.value() mzhi = self.mzStopSB.value() if mzlo > mzhi: Msg = 'm/z start must be lower than m/z stop!' return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Try Again Slick", Msg ) mzRange = ro.r.cbind(mzmin=mzlo,mzmax=mzhi) if self.rtWidthSB_Stop.value() == -1: usrRTrange = self.rtWidthSB.value() else: usrRTrange = ro.r.cbind(self.rtWidthSB.value(),self.rtWidthSB_Stop.value()) eic = ro.r.getEIC(self.curXSET, mzRange, rtrange=usrRTrange,rt=rtType) self.eicClass.appendEIC(eic) self.updateGUI() self.eicIndexSB.setValue(self.eicIndexSB.maximum()) #self.RoutputTE.append('xcms peak table written to: %s'%fileName) else: Msg = 'No XSET Exists\nTry Again!' return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "No xset. No EIC.", Msg ) def SaveCSVDialog(self): fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Select File to Save", self.curDir,"csv (*.csv)") if not fileName.isEmpty(): print fileName return fileName else: return None def SFDialog(self): fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Select File to Save", self.curDir,"HDF5 Files (*.h5)") if not fileName.isEmpty(): print fileName return fileName else: return None def LFDialog(self): fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,\ "Select File to Load",\ self.curDir, 'HDF5 File (*.h5)') if not fileName.isEmpty(): print fileName return fileName else: return None def loadHDF52EICs(self): #need qualifier to wipe out old one.... msgTitle = 'Overwrite existing EIC set' overWriteStr = 'Clear current EIC and load a new set?' if self.__askConfirm__(msgTitle,overWriteStr): fileName = str(self.LFDialog()) if fileName != None: self.eicClass = EIC() t1 = time.clock() self.eicClass.loadHDF5(fileName) t2 = time.clock()-t1 self.RoutputTE.append('HDF5 Read Time: %.4f seconds'%t2) self.updateGUI() def saveEICs2HDF5(self): fileName = str(self.SFDialog()) if fileName != None: if self.eicClass != None: t1 = time.clock() self.eicClass.save2HDF5(fileName) t2 = time.clock()-t1 self.RoutputTE.append('HDF5 Write Time: %.4f seconds'%t2) else: rMsg = 'No xcms Data Exists to Save' return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Run XCMS or Load a File!", rMsg ) def loadRPY2Batch(self): print "Batch Button Load Clicked" def getThreadEIC(self, eicClass): if eicClass != None: self.eicClass = eicClass self.updateGUI() def indexChanged(self, index): if self.ignoreSignal: return else: self.plotIndex = index # print self.plotIndex QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(750, self.plotByIndex) def add2ROutput(self, rVector): for item in rVector: self.RoutputTE.append(item) self.RoutputTE.append("\n") def plotByIndex(self): self.curIndex = self.plotIndex#need to do this because the slider is going from 1 and python counts from 0 self.curEIC = self.eicClass.eicTraces[self.curIndex] self.plotEIC(self.curEIC) def plotEIC(self, eicTrace): self.eicPlot.cla() curGroup = eicTrace.keys()[0] dataList = eicTrace.values()[0] metaDict = dataList[0] dataDict = dataList[1] mzlo = metaDict['mzlo'] mzhi = metaDict['mzhi'] sampNames = dataDict.keys() for name in sampNames: eic = dataDict[name] xdata = eic['xdata'] ydata = eic['ydata'] self.eicPlot.plot(xdata, ydata, label = name) if self.plotLegendCB.isChecked(): self.eicPlot.legend(axespad = 0.03, pad=0.25) self.eicPlot.set_title('EIC from %.2f to %.2f m/z'%(mzlo, mzhi)) self.plotWidget.canvas.xtitle = 'Time (s)' self.plotWidget.canvas.ytitle ='Arbitrary Intensity' self.plotWidget.canvas.format_labels() self.plotWidget.canvas.draw() self.plotWidget.setFocus() def updateROutput(self, StrOutput): if len(StrOutput)>5: self.RoutputTE.append(StrOutput) else: self.RoutputTE.insertPlainText(StrOutput) self.RoutputTE.insertPlainText('\t') def updateGUI(self): numEICs = self.eicClass.numEICs self.eicIndexSlider.setMaximum(numEICs-1) self.eicIndexSB.setMaximum(numEICs-1) self.eicIndexSB.setValue(0) def startXCMSRun(self): self.dirListWidget.selectAll() fileList = self.dirListWidget.selectedItems() maxMZ = None if self.useRetcor_CB.isChecked(): maxMZ = self.mzMZCutoff_SB.value() if len(fileList)>0: self.fileList = [] for entry in fileList: self.fileList.append(str(entry.toolTip()))#we use the tooltip as it contains the full path if self.rtTypeCB.isChecked(): if self.rThread.updateThread(self.fileList, self.xcmsParamDict, self.rtWidthSB.value(), self.fillPeaks_CB.isChecked(), useRetcor = self.useRetcor_CB.isChecked(), maxMZ = maxMZ): self.rThread.start() else: if self.rThread.updateThread(self.fileList, self.xcmsParamDict, self.rtWidthSB.value(), self.fillPeaks_CB.isChecked(), corType = 'raw', useRetcor = self.useRetcor_CB.isChecked(), maxMZ = maxMZ): self.rThread.start() # print fileList print 'Start XCMS' def testXCMS(self): r = ro.r a = r('cdfpath = system.file("cdf", package = "faahKO")') cdfpath = ri.globalEnv.get("cdfpath") r('cdffiles = list.files(cdfpath, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)') r('cdffiles = cdffiles[1:3]') cdffiles = ri.globalEnv.get("cdffiles") cdfList = list(cdffiles) maxMZ = None if self.useRetcor_CB.isChecked(): maxMZ = self.mzMZCutoff_SB.value() if len(cdffiles) == 0: rMsg = 'Open R and enter the following:\nsource("")\nbiocLite("faahKO")' return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error with Test Data", rMsg ) if self.rThread.updateThread(cdfList, self.xcmsParamDict, self.rtWidthSB.value(), self.fillPeaks_CB.isChecked(), useRetcor = self.useRetcor_CB.isChecked(), maxMZ = maxMZ): self.rThread.start() def showParamHelp(self, emitString): curMethod = str(self.xcmsMethodCB.currentText()) xcmsSetHelp ="xcmsSet", htmlhelp = True) print xcmsSetHelp if curMethod == 'Matched Filter': methodHelp ="findPeaks.matchedFilter", htmlhelp = True) print methodHelp elif curMethod == 'CentWave': methodHelp ="findPeaks.centWave", htmlhelp = True) print methodHelp def _getDir_(self): directory = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, '', self.curDir) directory = str(directory) if directory != None: self.curDir = directory else: self.curDir = os.getcwd() def setupGUI(self): self.xcmsMethodCB.addItems(self.xcmsParamDict.keys()) self.eicIndexSlider.setMaximum(0) self.eicIndexSB.setMaximum(0) def paramTableEntered(self, tableItem): if self.paramTableWidget.currentColumn() == 0: QtGui.QTableWidget nextItem = self.paramTableWidget.item(self.paramTableWidget.currentRow(), 1) self.paramTableWidget.editItem(nextItem) return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "", "Don't do that Dave.") else: pass def paramTableChanged(self, tableItem): ''' This method accepts the new value for a given parameter checkes to see if it is the same type as the original, if not then return to the original value. ''' if self.paramTableWidget.currentColumn() > 0: curParam = str(self.paramTableWidget.item(tableItem.row(), 0).text()) curType = self.curTypeDict[curParam] try: tempVal = curType(str(tableItem.text())) except: origVal = self.curParamDict[curParam] tableItem.setText(str(origVal)) tempVal = curType(str(tableItem.text())) self.curParamDict[curParam] = tempVal print self.curParamDict def updateParamTable(self, selectText): self.curParamDict = self.xcmsParamDict[str(selectText)] self.curTypeDict = self.xcmsTypeDict[str(selectText)] curParams = self.curParamDict.items() curParams.sort() self.paramTableWidget.clear() self.paramTableWidget.addData(curParams) def initFileList(self): if not self.firstLoad: #reinitialize GUI and spectrumList #need to reset GUI print "Need to reset GUI" # self.setupGUI() self._getDir_() dirList, startDir = FP.Load_mzXML_Folder(self.curDir) if startDir != None: if os.path.exists(startDir): self.curDir = startDir self.curFolderLE.setText(self.curDir) self.eicCurFolderLE.setText(self.curDir) # print startDir if len(dirList) !=0: self.dirList = dirList self.loadOk = True self.firstLoad = False self.addFiles() # self.dirListWidget.addItems(self.dirList) # if self.readThread.updateThread(dirList, loadmzXML = True): # self.readThread.start() elif startDir != None: return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "No Data Found", "Check selected folder, does it have any data?") def addFiles(self): self.dirListWidget.clear() for item in self.dirList: #####Text Color Handler if self.colorIndex%len(COLORS) == 0: self.colorIndex = 0 self.txtColor = COLORS[self.colorIndex] self.colorIndex +=1 else: self.txtColor = COLORS[self.colorIndex] self.colorIndex +=1 fileName = os.path.basename(item) tempItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(fileName) tempColor = QtGui.QColor(self.txtColor) tempItem.setTextColor(tempColor) tempItem.setToolTip(item) #self.specListWidget.addItem( self.dirListWidget.addItem(tempItem) def __askConfirm__(self,title,message): clickedButton = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self,\ title,message,\ QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes,QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) if clickedButton == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: return True return False def closeEvent(self, event = None): try: ri.endr() except: pass ##########Begin Ashoka Progress Bar Code.... def layoutStatusBar(self): self.progressBar = QtGui.QProgressBar() self.statusLabel = QtGui.QLabel("Ready") # self.statusLabel.setMinimumSize(self.statusLabel.sizeHint()) self.statusLabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) self.statusLabel.setText("Ready") self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.statusLabel) self.progressBar.setTextVisible(False) self.progressBar.setRange(0,100) self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.progressBar.setFixedHeight(15) self.progressBar.setFixedWidth(100) self.toggleProgressBar(False) self.statusbar.addWidget(self.progressBar) def resetProgressBar(self): self.setProgressValue(0) self.toggleProgressBar(False) def setStatusLabel(self, text): self.statusLabel.setText(text) def showStatusMessage(self, text, stime): self.statusBar().showMessage(text, stime) def setProgressValue(self, val): self.progressBar.setValue(val) def toggleProgressBar(self, toggle): self.progressBar.setVisible(toggle) def threadProgress(self, progVal): self.setStatusLabel("Fitting Peaks, %d segments completed." % progVal) newVal = int(100*(progVal/self.progressMax)) self.setProgressValue(newVal) # self.AddMessage2Tab(" %d Iterations Done." % progVal) # print progVal, newVal, self.progressMax def PCTProgress(self, updateString): self.setStatusLabel(updateString)
class pyXCMSWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow, ui_main.Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(pyXCMSWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.ui = self.setupUi(self) self.__initVars() self.__initConnections() self._setContext_() self.setupGUI() self.setupR() def __initVars(self): self.firstLoad = True self.colorIndex = 0 self.txtColor = None self.curDir = os.getcwd() self.peakTableName = None self.curParamDict = None self.curTypeDict = None self.fileList = None # self.Rliblist = ['xcms'] # self.Rlibs = initRlibs(self.Rliblist) self.xcmsOK = False self.eicPlot = self.plotWidget.canvas.axDict['ax1'] self.eicList = [] self.eicDict = None self.eicClass = None self.curXSET = None self.plotIndex = 0 self.initIndex = 0 self.ignoreSignal = False self.highlighter = PH(self.batchScriptTE.document()) self.rThread = XCMSThread(self) # self.rProcess = QtCore.QProcess() ''' findPeaks.matchedFilter(object, fwhm = 30, sigma = fwhm/2.3548, max = 5, snthresh = 10, step = 0.1, steps = 2, mzdiff = 0.8 - step*steps, index = FALSE, sleep = 0) object --xcmsRaw object fwhm --full width at half maximum of matched filtration gaussian model peak sigma --standard deviation of matched filtration model peak max --maximum number of peaks per extracted ion chromatogram snthresh --signal to noise ratio cutoff step --step size to use for profile generation steps --number of steps to merge prior to filtration mzdiff --minimum difference in m/z for peaks with overlapping retention times index --return indicies instead of values for m/z and retention times sleep --number of seconds to pause between plotting peak finding cycles ''' self.matchedFilterParams = { 'fwhm': 30., 'sigma': 30 / 2.3548, 'max': 5., 'snthresh': 10., 'step': 0.01, 'steps': 2., 'mzdiff': 0.01, } self.matchedFilterTypes = { 'fwhm': float, 'sigma': float, 'max': float, 'snthresh': float, 'step': float, 'steps': float, 'mzdiff': float } ########################## ''' CentWave object = "xcmsRaw" findPeaks.centWave(object, ppm=25, peakwidth=c(20,50), snthresh=10, prefilter=c(3,100), integrate=1, mzdiff=-0.001, fitgauss=FALSE, scanrange= numeric(), sleep=0, verbose.columns=FALSE) object --xcmsSet objectprint methodHelp ppm --maxmial tolerated m/z deviation in consecutive scans, in ppm (parts per million) peakwidth --Chromatographic peak width, given as range (min,max) in seconds snthresh --signal to noise ratio cutoff, definition see below. prefilter --prefilter=c(k,I). Prefilter step for the first phase. Mass traces are only retained if they contain at least k peaks with intensity >= I. integrate --Integration method. If =1 peak limits are found through descent on the mexican hat filtered data, if =2 the descent is done on the real data. Method 2 is very accurate but prone to noise, while method 1 is more robust to noise but less exact. mzdiff --minimum difference in m/z for peaks with overlapping retention times, can be negative to allow overlap fitgauss --logical, if TRUE a Gaussian is fitted to each peak scanrange --scan range to process sleep --number of seconds to pause between plotting peak finding cycles verbose.columns logical, if TRUE additional peak meta data columns are returned ''' #this method is not working well yet for the ORBITRAP DATA ACQUIRED AT PNNL self.centWaveParams = { 'ppm': 10., 'peakwidth': str( [20, 50] ), #this needs to be fixed, the new version of PyQt4 handles this better 'snthresh': 10., 'prefilter': str([3, 100]), 'mzdiff': -0.001, } self.centWaveTypes = { 'ppm': float, 'peakwidth': str, 'snthresh': float, 'prefilter': str, 'mzdiff': float, } ################################ self.groupParams = {'bw': 30., 'minfrac': 0.1, 'mzwid': 0.1, 'max': 3} self.groupTypes = { 'bw': float, 'minfrac': float, 'mzwid': float, 'max': int } ############################## self.retcorParams = { 'extra': 2, 'span': 0.5, 'f': 'symmetric', 'plottype': 'none', 'missing': 2 } self.retcorTypes = { 'extra': int, 'span': float, 'f': str, 'plottype': str, 'missing': str } ######################### self.xcmsParamDict = { 'Matched Filter': self.matchedFilterParams, 'Group Params': self.groupParams, 'Retcor Params': self.retcorParams, 'CentWave': self.centWaveParams } self.xcmsTypeDict = { 'Matched Filter': self.matchedFilterTypes, 'Group Params': self.groupTypes, 'Retcor Params': self.retcorTypes, 'CentWave': self.centWaveTypes } def __initConnections(self): QtCore.QObject.connect(self.getFolderBtn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.initFileList) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.xcmsMethodCB, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.updateParamTable) QtCore.QObject.connect( self.paramTableWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("itemDoubleClicked(QTableWidgetItem*)"), self.paramTableEntered) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.paramTableWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*)"), self.paramTableChanged) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.paramTableWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("helpRequested(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.showParamHelp) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.actionTest_XCMS, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.testXCMS) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.actionSave_HDF5, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.saveEICs2HDF5) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.actionLoad_HDF5, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.loadHDF52EICs) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.actionSave_Results_Table, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.saveXCMSResultsCSV) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.getEICBtn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.fetchEIC) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.runXCMSBtn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.startXCMSRun) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.loadRPY2BatchBtn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.loadRPY2Batch) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.eicIndexSB, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.indexChanged) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.rThread, QtCore.SIGNAL("xcmsOutUpdate(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.updateROutput) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.rThread, QtCore.SIGNAL("xcmsGetEIC(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.getThreadEIC) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.rThread, QtCore.SIGNAL("xcmsSet(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.setXCMSGroup) self.removeFileAction = QtGui.QAction("Remove File", self) self.dirListWidget.addAction(self.removeFileAction) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.removeFileAction, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.removeFile) self.removeEICAction = QtGui.QAction("Remove EIC", self) self.plotWidget.addAction(self.removeEICAction) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.removeEICAction, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.removeEIC) def removeEIC(self): print "Remove EIC" self.curIndex = self.plotIndex #need to do this because the slider is going from 1 and python counts from 0 self.eicClass.eicTraces.pop(self.curIndex) self.eicClass.numEICs = self.eicClass.numEICs - 1 numEICs = self.eicClass.numEICs self.eicIndexSlider.setMaximum(numEICs - 1) self.eicIndexSB.setMaximum(numEICs - 1) self.eicIndexSB.setValue(self.curIndex - 1) #just to be safe def removeFile(self): selItem = self.dirListWidget.selectedItems()[0] curRow = self.dirListWidget.row(selItem) print curRow self.dirListWidget.takeItem(curRow) self.dirList.pop(curRow) print len(self.dirList) def _setContext_(self): self.plotWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.plotWidget.connect( self.plotWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)"), self._plotContext_) self.dirListWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.dirListWidget.connect( self.dirListWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)"), self._dirListContext_) def _dirListContext_(self, point): ct_menu = QtGui.QMenu("File List Menu", self.dirListWidget) ct_menu.addAction(self.removeFileAction) ct_menu.exec_(self.dirListWidget.mapToGlobal(point)) def _plotContext_(self, point): ct_menu = QtGui.QMenu("Plot Menu", self.plotWidget) ct_menu.addAction(self.plotWidget.zoomAction) ct_menu.addAction(self.plotWidget.actionAutoScale) ct_menu.addSeparator() ct_menu.addAction(self.plotWidget.saveCSVAction) ct_menu.addAction(self.plotWidget.mpl2ClipAction) ct_menu.addSeparator() ct_menu.addAction(self.removeEICAction) ct_menu.exec_(self.plotWidget.mapToGlobal(point)) def setupR(self): peakTableName = 'tempPeakTable.csv' self.peakTableName = os.path.join(self.curDir, peakTableName) try: ro.r('source("xcmsFuncs.R")') except: exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback, file=sys.stdout) # print 'Error saving figure data' errorMsg = "Sorry: %s\n\n:%s\n%s\n" % ( exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback) return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "R Source Error", errorMsg) print errorMsg #print peakTableName def setXCMSGroup(self, xcmsSetObject, fileName=None): if fileName != None: if xcmsSetObject != None: self.curXSET = xcmsSetObject ro.r.writePeakTable(self.curXSET, fileName) if os.path.isfile(fileName): self.RoutputTE.append('xcms peak table written to: %s' % fileName) else: if xcmsSetObject != None: self.curXSET = xcmsSetObject ro.r.writePeakTable(self.curXSET, self.peakTableName) if os.path.isfile(self.peakTableName): self.RoutputTE.append('xcms peak table written to: %s' % self.peakTableName) def saveXCMSResultsCSV(self): if self.curXSET != None: if os.path.isfile(self.peakTableName): fileName = str(self.SaveCSVDialog()) if fileName != None: self.setXCMSGroup(self.curXSET, fileName) # #shutil.copy(self.peakTableName, fileName) # if os.path.isfile(fileName): # self.RoutputTE.append('xcms peak table written to: %s'%fileName) else: Msg = 'No XSET Exists\nTry Again!' return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self, "There is no xset instance, hence no table!", Msg) def fetchEIC(self): if self.curXSET != None: if self.rtTypeCB.isChecked(): rtType = "corrected" else: rtType = "raw" mzlo = self.mzStartSB.value() mzhi = self.mzStopSB.value() if mzlo > mzhi: Msg = 'm/z start must be lower than m/z stop!' return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Try Again Slick", Msg) mzRange = ro.r.cbind(mzmin=mzlo, mzmax=mzhi) if self.rtWidthSB_Stop.value() == -1: usrRTrange = self.rtWidthSB.value() else: usrRTrange = ro.r.cbind(self.rtWidthSB.value(), self.rtWidthSB_Stop.value()) eic = ro.r.getEIC(self.curXSET, mzRange, rtrange=usrRTrange, rt=rtType) self.eicClass.appendEIC(eic) self.updateGUI() self.eicIndexSB.setValue(self.eicIndexSB.maximum()) #self.RoutputTE.append('xcms peak table written to: %s'%fileName) else: Msg = 'No XSET Exists\nTry Again!' return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "No xset. No EIC.", Msg) def SaveCSVDialog(self): fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Select File to Save", self.curDir, "csv (*.csv)") if not fileName.isEmpty(): print fileName return fileName else: return None def SFDialog(self): fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Select File to Save", self.curDir, "HDF5 Files (*.h5)") if not fileName.isEmpty(): print fileName return fileName else: return None def LFDialog(self): fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,\ "Select File to Load",\ self.curDir, 'HDF5 File (*.h5)') if not fileName.isEmpty(): print fileName return fileName else: return None def loadHDF52EICs(self): #need qualifier to wipe out old one.... msgTitle = 'Overwrite existing EIC set' overWriteStr = 'Clear current EIC and load a new set?' if self.__askConfirm__(msgTitle, overWriteStr): fileName = str(self.LFDialog()) if fileName != None: self.eicClass = EIC() t1 = time.clock() self.eicClass.loadHDF5(fileName) t2 = time.clock() - t1 self.RoutputTE.append('HDF5 Read Time: %.4f seconds' % t2) self.updateGUI() def saveEICs2HDF5(self): fileName = str(self.SFDialog()) if fileName != None: if self.eicClass != None: t1 = time.clock() self.eicClass.save2HDF5(fileName) t2 = time.clock() - t1 self.RoutputTE.append('HDF5 Write Time: %.4f seconds' % t2) else: rMsg = 'No xcms Data Exists to Save' return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Run XCMS or Load a File!", rMsg) def loadRPY2Batch(self): print "Batch Button Load Clicked" def getThreadEIC(self, eicClass): if eicClass != None: self.eicClass = eicClass self.updateGUI() def indexChanged(self, index): if self.ignoreSignal: return else: self.plotIndex = index # print self.plotIndex QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(750, self.plotByIndex) def add2ROutput(self, rVector): for item in rVector: self.RoutputTE.append(item) self.RoutputTE.append("\n") def plotByIndex(self): self.curIndex = self.plotIndex #need to do this because the slider is going from 1 and python counts from 0 self.curEIC = self.eicClass.eicTraces[self.curIndex] self.plotEIC(self.curEIC) def plotEIC(self, eicTrace): self.eicPlot.cla() curGroup = eicTrace.keys()[0] dataList = eicTrace.values()[0] metaDict = dataList[0] dataDict = dataList[1] mzlo = metaDict['mzlo'] mzhi = metaDict['mzhi'] sampNames = dataDict.keys() for name in sampNames: eic = dataDict[name] xdata = eic['xdata'] ydata = eic['ydata'] self.eicPlot.plot(xdata, ydata, label=name) if self.plotLegendCB.isChecked(): self.eicPlot.legend(axespad=0.03, pad=0.25) self.eicPlot.set_title('EIC from %.2f to %.2f m/z' % (mzlo, mzhi)) self.plotWidget.canvas.xtitle = 'Time (s)' self.plotWidget.canvas.ytitle = 'Arbitrary Intensity' self.plotWidget.canvas.format_labels() self.plotWidget.canvas.draw() self.plotWidget.setFocus() def updateROutput(self, StrOutput): if len(StrOutput) > 5: self.RoutputTE.append(StrOutput) else: self.RoutputTE.insertPlainText(StrOutput) self.RoutputTE.insertPlainText('\t') def updateGUI(self): numEICs = self.eicClass.numEICs self.eicIndexSlider.setMaximum(numEICs - 1) self.eicIndexSB.setMaximum(numEICs - 1) self.eicIndexSB.setValue(0) def startXCMSRun(self): self.dirListWidget.selectAll() fileList = self.dirListWidget.selectedItems() maxMZ = None if self.useRetcor_CB.isChecked(): maxMZ = self.mzMZCutoff_SB.value() if len(fileList) > 0: self.fileList = [] for entry in fileList: self.fileList.append(str(entry.toolTip( ))) #we use the tooltip as it contains the full path if self.rtTypeCB.isChecked(): if self.rThread.updateThread( self.fileList, self.xcmsParamDict, self.rtWidthSB.value(), self.fillPeaks_CB.isChecked(), useRetcor=self.useRetcor_CB.isChecked(), maxMZ=maxMZ): self.rThread.start() else: if self.rThread.updateThread( self.fileList, self.xcmsParamDict, self.rtWidthSB.value(), self.fillPeaks_CB.isChecked(), corType='raw', useRetcor=self.useRetcor_CB.isChecked(), maxMZ=maxMZ): self.rThread.start() # print fileList print 'Start XCMS' def testXCMS(self): r = ro.r a = r('cdfpath = system.file("cdf", package = "faahKO")') cdfpath = ri.globalEnv.get("cdfpath") r('cdffiles = list.files(cdfpath, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)' ) r('cdffiles = cdffiles[1:3]') cdffiles = ri.globalEnv.get("cdffiles") cdfList = list(cdffiles) maxMZ = None if self.useRetcor_CB.isChecked(): maxMZ = self.mzMZCutoff_SB.value() if len(cdffiles) == 0: rMsg = 'Open R and enter the following:\nsource("")\nbiocLite("faahKO")' return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error with Test Data", rMsg) if self.rThread.updateThread(cdfList, self.xcmsParamDict, self.rtWidthSB.value(), self.fillPeaks_CB.isChecked(), useRetcor=self.useRetcor_CB.isChecked(), maxMZ=maxMZ): self.rThread.start() def showParamHelp(self, emitString): curMethod = str(self.xcmsMethodCB.currentText()) xcmsSetHelp ="xcmsSet", htmlhelp=True) print xcmsSetHelp if curMethod == 'Matched Filter': methodHelp ="findPeaks.matchedFilter", htmlhelp=True) print methodHelp elif curMethod == 'CentWave': methodHelp ="findPeaks.centWave", htmlhelp=True) print methodHelp def _getDir_(self): directory = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, '', self.curDir) directory = str(directory) if directory != None: self.curDir = directory else: self.curDir = os.getcwd() def setupGUI(self): self.xcmsMethodCB.addItems(self.xcmsParamDict.keys()) self.eicIndexSlider.setMaximum(0) self.eicIndexSB.setMaximum(0) def paramTableEntered(self, tableItem): if self.paramTableWidget.currentColumn() == 0: QtGui.QTableWidget nextItem = self.paramTableWidget.item( self.paramTableWidget.currentRow(), 1) self.paramTableWidget.editItem(nextItem) return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "", "Don't do that Dave.") else: pass def paramTableChanged(self, tableItem): ''' This method accepts the new value for a given parameter checkes to see if it is the same type as the original, if not then return to the original value. ''' if self.paramTableWidget.currentColumn() > 0: curParam = str( self.paramTableWidget.item(tableItem.row(), 0).text()) curType = self.curTypeDict[curParam] try: tempVal = curType(str(tableItem.text())) except: origVal = self.curParamDict[curParam] tableItem.setText(str(origVal)) tempVal = curType(str(tableItem.text())) self.curParamDict[curParam] = tempVal print self.curParamDict def updateParamTable(self, selectText): self.curParamDict = self.xcmsParamDict[str(selectText)] self.curTypeDict = self.xcmsTypeDict[str(selectText)] curParams = self.curParamDict.items() curParams.sort() self.paramTableWidget.clear() self.paramTableWidget.addData(curParams) def initFileList(self): if not self.firstLoad: #reinitialize GUI and spectrumList #need to reset GUI print "Need to reset GUI" # self.setupGUI() self._getDir_() dirList, startDir = FP.Load_mzXML_Folder(self.curDir) if startDir != None: if os.path.exists(startDir): self.curDir = startDir self.curFolderLE.setText(self.curDir) self.eicCurFolderLE.setText(self.curDir) # print startDir if len(dirList) != 0: self.dirList = dirList self.loadOk = True self.firstLoad = False self.addFiles() # self.dirListWidget.addItems(self.dirList) # if self.readThread.updateThread(dirList, loadmzXML = True): # self.readThread.start() elif startDir != None: return QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self, "No Data Found", "Check selected folder, does it have any data?") def addFiles(self): self.dirListWidget.clear() for item in self.dirList: #####Text Color Handler if self.colorIndex % len(COLORS) == 0: self.colorIndex = 0 self.txtColor = COLORS[self.colorIndex] self.colorIndex += 1 else: self.txtColor = COLORS[self.colorIndex] self.colorIndex += 1 fileName = os.path.basename(item) tempItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(fileName) tempColor = QtGui.QColor(self.txtColor) tempItem.setTextColor(tempColor) tempItem.setToolTip(item) #self.specListWidget.addItem( self.dirListWidget.addItem(tempItem) def __askConfirm__(self, title, message): clickedButton = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self,\ title,message,\ QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes,QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) if clickedButton == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: return True return False def closeEvent(self, event=None): try: ri.endr() except: pass ##########Begin Ashoka Progress Bar Code.... def layoutStatusBar(self): self.progressBar = QtGui.QProgressBar() self.statusLabel = QtGui.QLabel("Ready") # self.statusLabel.setMinimumSize(self.statusLabel.sizeHint()) self.statusLabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) self.statusLabel.setText("Ready") self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.statusLabel) self.progressBar.setTextVisible(False) self.progressBar.setRange(0, 100) self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.progressBar.setFixedHeight(15) self.progressBar.setFixedWidth(100) self.toggleProgressBar(False) self.statusbar.addWidget(self.progressBar) def resetProgressBar(self): self.setProgressValue(0) self.toggleProgressBar(False) def setStatusLabel(self, text): self.statusLabel.setText(text) def showStatusMessage(self, text, stime): self.statusBar().showMessage(text, stime) def setProgressValue(self, val): self.progressBar.setValue(val) def toggleProgressBar(self, toggle): self.progressBar.setVisible(toggle) def threadProgress(self, progVal): self.setStatusLabel("Fitting Peaks, %d segments completed." % progVal) newVal = int(100 * (progVal / self.progressMax)) self.setProgressValue(newVal) # self.AddMessage2Tab(" %d Iterations Done." % progVal) # print progVal, newVal, self.progressMax def PCTProgress(self, updateString): self.setStatusLabel(updateString)