예제 #1
파일: regalloc.py 프로젝트: Darriall/pypy
class RegAllocator(object):

    def __init__(self, graph, consider_var, ListOfKind):
        self.graph = graph
        self.consider_var = consider_var
        self.ListOfKind = ListOfKind

    def make_dependencies(self):
        dg = DependencyGraph()
        for block in self.graph.iterblocks():
            # Compute die_at = {Variable: index_of_operation_with_last_usage}
            die_at = dict.fromkeys(block.inputargs, 0)
            for i, op in enumerate(block.operations):
                for v in op.args:
                    if isinstance(v, Variable):
                        die_at[v] = i
                    elif isinstance(v, self.ListOfKind):
                        for v1 in v:
                            if isinstance(v1, Variable):
                                die_at[v1] = i
                if op.result is not None:
                    die_at[op.result] = i + 1
            if isinstance(block.exitswitch, tuple):
                for x in block.exitswitch:
                    die_at.pop(x, None)
                die_at.pop(block.exitswitch, None)
            for link in block.exits:
                for v in link.args:
                    die_at.pop(v, None)
            die_at = [(value, key) for (key, value) in die_at.items()]
            # Done.  XXX the code above this line runs 3 times
            # (for kind in KINDS) to produce the same result...
            livevars = [v for v in block.inputargs
                          if self.consider_var(v)]
            # Add the variables of this block to the dependency graph
            for i, v in enumerate(livevars):
                for j in range(i):
                    dg.add_edge(livevars[j], v)
            livevars = set(livevars)
            die_index = 0
            for i, op in enumerate(block.operations):
                while die_at[die_index][0] == i:
                    except KeyError:
                    die_index += 1
                if (op.result is not None and
                    for v in livevars:
                        if self.consider_var(v):
                            dg.add_edge(v, op.result)
        self._depgraph = dg

    def coalesce_variables(self):
        self._unionfind = UnionFind()
        pendingblocks = list(self.graph.iterblocks())
        while pendingblocks:
            block = pendingblocks.pop()
            # Aggressively try to coalesce each source variable with its
            # target.  We start from the end of the graph instead of
            # from the beginning.  This is a bit arbitrary, but the idea
            # is that the end of the graph runs typically more often
            # than the start, given that we resume execution from the
            # middle during blackholing.
            for link in block.exits:
                if link.last_exception is not None:
                if link.last_exc_value is not None:
                for i, v in enumerate(link.args):
                    self._try_coalesce(v, link.target.inputargs[i])

    def _try_coalesce(self, v, w):
        if isinstance(v, Variable) and self.consider_var(v):
            assert self.consider_var(w)
            dg = self._depgraph
            uf = self._unionfind
            v0 = uf.find_rep(v)
            w0 = uf.find_rep(w)
            if v0 is not w0 and v0 not in dg.neighbours[w0]:
                _, rep, _ = uf.union(v0, w0)
                assert uf.find_rep(v0) is uf.find_rep(w0) is rep
                if rep is v0:
                    dg.coalesce(w0, v0)
                    assert rep is w0
                    dg.coalesce(v0, w0)

    def find_node_coloring(self):
        self._coloring = self._depgraph.find_node_coloring()
        if self.DEBUG_REGALLOC:
            for block in self.graph.iterblocks():
                print block
                for v in block.getvariables():
                    print '\t', v, '\t', self.getcolor(v)

    def getcolor(self, v):
        return self._coloring[self._unionfind.find_rep(v)]

    def swapcolors(self, col1, col2):
        for key, value in self._coloring.items():
            if value == col1:
                self._coloring[key] = col2
            elif value == col2:
                self._coloring[key] = col1
예제 #2
파일: regalloc.py 프로젝트: sbw111/lab4
class RegAllocator(object):

    def __init__(self, graph, consider_var, ListOfKind):
        self.graph = graph
        self.consider_var = consider_var
        self.ListOfKind = ListOfKind

    def make_dependencies(self):
        dg = DependencyGraph()
        for block in self.graph.iterblocks():
            # Compute die_at = {Variable: index_of_operation_with_last_usage}
            die_at = dict.fromkeys(block.inputargs, 0)
            for i, op in enumerate(block.operations):
                for v in op.args:
                    if isinstance(v, Variable):
                        die_at[v] = i
                    elif isinstance(v, self.ListOfKind):
                        for v1 in v:
                            if isinstance(v1, Variable):
                                die_at[v1] = i
                if op.result is not None:
                    die_at[op.result] = i + 1
            if isinstance(block.exitswitch, tuple):
                for x in block.exitswitch:
                    die_at.pop(x, None)
                die_at.pop(block.exitswitch, None)
            for link in block.exits:
                for v in link.args:
                    die_at.pop(v, None)
            die_at = [(value, key) for (key, value) in die_at.items()]
            # Done.  XXX the code above this line runs 3 times
            # (for kind in KINDS) to produce the same result...
            livevars = [v for v in block.inputargs
                          if self.consider_var(v)]
            # Add the variables of this block to the dependency graph
            for i, v in enumerate(livevars):
                for j in range(i):
                    dg.add_edge(livevars[j], v)
            livevars = set(livevars)
            die_index = 0
            for i, op in enumerate(block.operations):
                while die_at[die_index][0] == i:
                    except KeyError:
                    die_index += 1
                if (op.result is not None and
                    for v in livevars:
                        if self.consider_var(v):
                            dg.add_edge(v, op.result)
        self._depgraph = dg

    def coalesce_variables(self):
        self._unionfind = UnionFind()
        pendingblocks = list(self.graph.iterblocks())
        while pendingblocks:
            block = pendingblocks.pop()
            # Aggressively try to coalesce each source variable with its
            # target.  We start from the end of the graph instead of
            # from the beginning.  This is a bit arbitrary, but the idea
            # is that the end of the graph runs typically more often
            # than the start, given that we resume execution from the
            # middle during blackholing.
            for link in block.exits:
                if link.last_exception is not None:
                if link.last_exc_value is not None:
                for i, v in enumerate(link.args):
                    self._try_coalesce(v, link.target.inputargs[i])

    def _try_coalesce(self, v, w):
        if isinstance(v, Variable) and self.consider_var(v)  \
                                   and self.consider_var(w):
            dg = self._depgraph
            uf = self._unionfind
            v0 = uf.find_rep(v)
            w0 = uf.find_rep(w)
            if v0 is not w0 and v0 not in dg.neighbours[w0]:
                _, rep, _ = uf.union(v0, w0)
                assert uf.find_rep(v0) is uf.find_rep(w0) is rep
                if rep is v0:
                    dg.coalesce(w0, v0)
                    assert rep is w0
                    dg.coalesce(v0, w0)

    def find_node_coloring(self):
        self._coloring = self._depgraph.find_node_coloring()
        if self.DEBUG_REGALLOC:
            for block in self.graph.iterblocks():
                print block
                for v in block.getvariables():
                    print '\t', v, '\t', self.getcolor(v)

    def find_num_colors(self):
        if self._coloring:
            numcolors = max(self._coloring.values()) + 1
            numcolors = 0
        self.numcolors = numcolors

    def getcolor(self, v):
        return self._coloring[self._unionfind.find_rep(v)]

    def checkcolor(self, v, color):
            return self.getcolor(v) == color
        except KeyError:
            return False

    def swapcolors(self, col1, col2):
        for key, value in self._coloring.items():
            if value == col1:
                self._coloring[key] = col2
            elif value == col2:
                self._coloring[key] = col1
예제 #3
def move_pushes_earlier(graph, regalloc):
    """gc_push_roots and gc_pop_roots are pushes/pops to the shadowstack,
    immediately enclosing the operation that needs them (typically a call).
    Here, we try to move individual pushes earlier.

    Should run after expand_push_roots(), but before expand_pop_roots(),
    so that it sees individual 'gc_save_root' operations but bulk
    'gc_pop_roots' operations.
    # Concrete example (assembler tested on x86-64 gcc 5.3 and clang 3.7):
    # ----original----           ----move_pushes_earlier----
    # while (a > 10) {           *foo = b;
    #     *foo = b;              while (a > 10) {
    #     a = g(a);                  a = g(a);
    #     b = *foo;                  b = *foo;
    #                                // *foo = b;
    # }                          }
    # return b;                  return b;
    # => the store and the       => the store is before, and gcc/clang
    # load are in the loop,      moves the load after the loop
    # even in the assembler      (the commented-out '*foo=b' is removed
    #                            here, but gcc/clang would also remove it)

    # Draft of the algorithm: see shadowcolor.txt

    if not regalloc:

    entrymap = mkentrymap(graph)
    assert len(entrymap[graph.startblock]) == 1

    inputvars = {}    # {inputvar: (its block, its index in inputargs)}
    for block in graph.iterblocks():
        for i, v in enumerate(block.inputargs):
            inputvars[v] = (block, i)

    Plist = []

    for index in range(regalloc.numcolors):
        U = UnionFind()

        S = set()
        for block in graph.iterblocks():
            for op in reversed(block.operations):
                if op.opname == 'gc_pop_roots':
                continue   # no gc_pop_roots in this block
            for v in op.args:
                if isinstance(v, Variable) and regalloc.checkcolor(v, index):
                continue   # no variable goes into index i

            succ = set()
            pending_succ = [(block, v)]
            while pending_succ:
                block1, v1 = pending_succ.pop()
                assert regalloc.checkcolor(v1, index)
                for op1 in block1.operations:
                    if is_trivial_rewrite(op1) and op1.args[0] is v1:
                        if regalloc.checkcolor(op1.result, index):
                            pending_succ.append((block1, op1.result))
                for link1 in block1.exits:
                    for i2, v2 in enumerate(link1.args):
                        if v2 is not v1:
                        block2 = link1.target
                        w2 = block2.inputargs[i2]
                        if w2 in succ or not regalloc.checkcolor(w2, index):
                        for op2 in block2.operations:
                            if op2.opname in ('gc_save_root', 'gc_pop_roots'):
                            pending_succ.append((block2, w2))

        G = defaultdict(set)
        for block in graph.iterblocks():
            found = False
            for opindex, op in enumerate(block.operations):
                if op.opname == 'gc_save_root':
                    if (isinstance(op.args[1], Constant) and
                        op.args[1].concretetype == lltype.Signed):
                    elif op.args[0].value == index:
                        found = True
            if not found or not isinstance(op.args[1], Variable):
                continue   # no matching gc_save_root in this block

            key = (block, op)
            pred = set()
            pending_pred = [(block, op.args[1], opindex)]
            while pending_pred:
                block1, v1, opindex1 = pending_pred.pop()
                assert regalloc.getcolor(v1) == index
                for i in range(opindex1-1, -1, -1):
                    op1 = block1.operations[i]
                    if op1.opname == 'gc_pop_roots':
                        break    # stop
                    if op1.result is v1:
                        if not is_trivial_rewrite(op1):
                            break   # stop
                        if not regalloc.checkcolor(op1.args[0], index):
                            break   # stop
                        v1 = op1.args[0]
                    varindex = block1.inputargs.index(v1)
                    if v1 in pred:
                        continue    # already done
                    for link1 in entrymap[block1]:
                        prevblock1 = link1.prevblock
                        if prevblock1 is not None:
                            w1 = link1.args[varindex]
                            if isinstance(w1, Variable) and w1 not in pred:
                                if regalloc.checkcolor(w1, index):
                                    pending_pred.append((prevblock1, w1,
            for v1 in pred:

        M = S.intersection(G)

        parts_target = {}
        for v in M:
            vp = U.find_rep(v)
            if vp not in parts_target:
                new_part = (index, set(), set())
                # (index,
                #  subset P of variables,
                #  set of (block, gc_save_root))
                parts_target[vp] = new_part
            part = parts_target[vp]

    # Sort P so that it prefers places that would avoid multiple
    # gcsaveroots (smaller 'heuristic' result, so first in sorted
    # order); but also prefers smaller overall pieces, because it
    # might be possible to remove several small-scale pieces instead
    # of one big-scale one.
    def heuristic((index, P, gcsaveroots)):
        return float(len(P)) / len(gcsaveroots)

    variables_along_changes = {}
    live_at_start_of_block = set()   # set of (block, index)
    insert_gc_push_root = defaultdict(list)

    for index, P, gcsaveroots in Plist:
        # if this Plist entry is not valid any more because of changes
        # done by the previous entries, drop it
        if any((inputvars[v][0], index) in live_at_start_of_block for v in P):
        if any(op not in block.operations for block, op in gcsaveroots):
        for v in P:
            assert regalloc.getcolor(v) == index
            assert v not in variables_along_changes

        success_count = 0
        mark = []

        for v in P:
            block, varindex = inputvars[v]
            for link in entrymap[block]:
                w = link.args[varindex]
                if link.prevblock is not None:
                    prevoperations = link.prevblock.operations
                    prevoperations = []
                for op in reversed(prevoperations):
                    if op.opname == 'gc_pop_roots':
                        # it is possible to have gc_pop_roots() without
                        # w in the args, if w is the result of the call
                        # that comes just before.
                        if (isinstance(w, Variable) and
                                w in op.args and
                                regalloc.checkcolor(w, index)):
                            success_count += 1
                            mark.append((index, link, varindex))
                    if op.result is w:
                        if is_trivial_rewrite(op) and (
                                regalloc.checkcolor(op.args[0], index)):
                            w = op.args[0]
                            mark.append((index, link, varindex))
                    if not isinstance(w, Variable) or w not in P:
                        mark.append((index, link, varindex))

        if success_count > 0:
            for block, op in gcsaveroots:
                newops = list(block.operations)
                block.operations = newops
            for index, link, varindex in mark:
                insert_gc_push_root[link].append((index, link.args[varindex]))
            for v in P:
                block, varindex = inputvars[v]
                variables_along_changes[v] = block, index
                live_at_start_of_block.add((block, index))

    for link in insert_gc_push_root:
        newops = [_gc_save_root(index, v)
                  for index, v in sorted(insert_gc_push_root[link])]
        insert_empty_block(link, newops=newops)