def passon_vars(self, cache_key): if cache_key in self._passon_vars: return self._passon_vars[cache_key] result = [copyvar(None, var) for var in self.original_passon_vars] self._passon_vars[cache_key] = result return result
def get_new_name(self, var): if var is None: return None if isinstance(var, Constant): return var if var not in self.varmap: self.varmap[var] = copyvar(None, var) return self.varmap[var]
def generic_exception_matching(self, afterblock, copiedexceptblock): #XXXXX don't look: insert blocks that do exception matching #for the cases where direct matching did not work exc_match = Constant( self.translator.rtyper.exceptiondata.fn_exception_match) exc_match.concretetype = typeOf(exc_match.value) blocks = [] for i, link in enumerate(afterblock.exits[1:]): etype = copyvar(None, copiedexceptblock.inputargs[0]) evalue = copyvar(None, copiedexceptblock.inputargs[1]) passon_vars = self.passon_vars(i) block = Block([etype, evalue] + passon_vars) res = Variable() res.concretetype = Bool cexitcase = Constant(link.llexitcase) cexitcase.concretetype = typeOf(cexitcase.value) args = [exc_match, etype, cexitcase] block.operations.append(SpaceOperation("direct_call", args, res)) block.exitswitch = res linkargs = self.find_args_in_exceptional_case(link,, etype, evalue, afterblock, passon_vars) l = Link(linkargs, l.prevblock = block l.exitcase = True l.llexitcase = True block.closeblock(l) if i > 0: l = Link(blocks[-1].inputargs, block) l.exitcase = False l.llexitcase = False blocks[-1].recloseblock(l, *blocks[-1].exits) blocks.append(block) blocks[-1].recloseblock(*blocks[-1].exits[:1]) blocks[-1].operations = [] blocks[-1].exitswitch = None blocks[-1].exits[0].exitcase = None del blocks[-1].exits[0].llexitcase linkargs = copiedexceptblock.inputargs copiedexceptblock.recloseblock(Link(linkargs, blocks[0]))
def create_proxy_graph(self, op): """ creates a graph which calls the original function, checks for raised exceptions, fetches and then raises them again. If this graph is inlined, the correct exception matching blocks are produced.""" # XXX slightly annoying: construct a graph by hand # but better than the alternative result = copyvar(None, op.result) opargs = [] inputargs = [] callargs = [] ARGTYPES = [] for var in op.args: if isinstance(var, Variable): v = Variable() v.concretetype = var.concretetype inputargs.append(v) opargs.append(v) callargs.append(var) ARGTYPES.append(var.concretetype) else: opargs.append(var) newop = SpaceOperation(op.opname, opargs, result) startblock = Block(inputargs) startblock.operations.append(newop) newgraph = FunctionGraph("dummy_exc1", startblock) startblock.closeblock(Link([result], newgraph.returnblock)) newgraph.returnblock.inputargs[0].concretetype = op.result.concretetype self.gen_exc_check(startblock, newgraph.returnblock) excblock = Block([]) llops = rtyper.LowLevelOpList(None) var_value = self.gen_getfield('exc_value', llops) var_type = self.gen_getfield('exc_type' , llops) # c_check1 = self.c_assertion_error_ll_exc_type c_check2 = self.c_n_i_error_ll_exc_type llops.genop('debug_catch_exception', [var_type, c_check1, c_check2]) # self.gen_setfield('exc_value', self.c_null_evalue, llops) self.gen_setfield('exc_type', self.c_null_etype, llops) excblock.operations[:] = llops newgraph.exceptblock.inputargs[0].concretetype = self.lltype_of_exception_type newgraph.exceptblock.inputargs[1].concretetype = self.lltype_of_exception_value excblock.closeblock(Link([var_type, var_value], newgraph.exceptblock)) startblock.exits[True].target = excblock startblock.exits[True].args = [] fptr = self.constant_func("dummy_exc1", ARGTYPES, op.result.concretetype, newgraph) return newgraph, SpaceOperation("direct_call", [fptr] + callargs, op.result)
def transform_jump_to_except_block(self, graph, entrymap, link): reraise = self.comes_from_last_exception(entrymap, link) result = Variable() result.concretetype = lltype.Void block = Block([copyvar(None, v) for v in graph.exceptblock.inputargs]) if reraise: block.operations = [ SpaceOperation("direct_call", [self.rpyexc_reraise_ptr] + block.inputargs, result), ] else: block.operations = [ SpaceOperation("direct_call", [self.rpyexc_raise_ptr] + block.inputargs, result), SpaceOperation('debug_record_traceback', [], varoftype(lltype.Void)), ] = block RETTYPE = graph.returnblock.inputargs[0].concretetype l = Link([error_constant(RETTYPE)], graph.returnblock) block.recloseblock(l)
def _transform_hint_close_stack(self, fnptr): # We cannot easily pass variable amount of arguments of the call # across the call to the pypy_asm_stackwalk helper. So we store # them away and restore them. More precisely, we need to # replace 'graph' with code that saves the arguments, and make # a new graph that starts with restoring the arguments. if self._asmgcc_save_restore_arguments is None: self._asmgcc_save_restore_arguments = {} sradict = self._asmgcc_save_restore_arguments sra = [] # list of pointers to raw-malloced containers for args seen = {} FUNC1 = lltype.typeOf(fnptr).TO for TYPE in FUNC1.ARGS: if isinstance(TYPE, lltype.Ptr): TYPE = llmemory.Address num = seen.get(TYPE, 0) seen[TYPE] = num + 1 key = (TYPE, num) if key not in sradict: CONTAINER = lltype.FixedSizeArray(TYPE, 1) p = lltype.malloc(CONTAINER, flavor='raw', zero=True, immortal=True) sradict[key] = Constant(p, lltype.Ptr(CONTAINER)) sra.append(sradict[key]) # # make a copy of the graph that will reload the values graph = fnptr._obj.graph graph2 = copygraph(graph) # # edit the original graph to only store the value of the arguments block = Block(graph.startblock.inputargs) c_item0 = Constant('item0', lltype.Void) assert len(block.inputargs) == len(sra) for v_arg, c_p in zip(block.inputargs, sra): if isinstance(v_arg.concretetype, lltype.Ptr): v_adr = varoftype(llmemory.Address) block.operations.append( SpaceOperation("cast_ptr_to_adr", [v_arg], v_adr)) v_arg = v_adr v_void = varoftype(lltype.Void) block.operations.append( SpaceOperation("bare_setfield", [c_p, c_item0, v_arg], v_void)) # # call asm_stackwalk(graph2) FUNC2 = lltype.FuncType([], FUNC1.RESULT) fnptr2 = lltype.functionptr(FUNC2, fnptr._obj._name + '_reload', graph=graph2) c_fnptr2 = Constant(fnptr2, lltype.Ptr(FUNC2)) HELPERFUNC = lltype.FuncType([lltype.Ptr(FUNC2), ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR], FUNC1.RESULT) v_asm_stackwalk = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(HELPERFUNC), "asm_stackwalk") block.operations.append( SpaceOperation("cast_pointer", [c_asm_stackwalk], v_asm_stackwalk)) v_result = varoftype(FUNC1.RESULT) block.operations.append( SpaceOperation("indirect_call", [v_asm_stackwalk, c_fnptr2, c_gcrootanchor, Constant(None, lltype.Void)], v_result)) block.closeblock(Link([v_result], graph.returnblock)) graph.startblock = block # # edit the copy of the graph to reload the values block2 = graph2.startblock block1 = Block([]) reloadedvars = [] for v, c_p in zip(block2.inputargs, sra): v = copyvar(None, v) if isinstance(v.concretetype, lltype.Ptr): w = varoftype(llmemory.Address) else: w = v block1.operations.append(SpaceOperation('getfield', [c_p, c_item0], w)) if w is not v: block1.operations.append(SpaceOperation('cast_adr_to_ptr', [w], v)) reloadedvars.append(v) block1.closeblock(Link(reloadedvars, block2)) graph2.startblock = block1 # checkgraph(graph) checkgraph(graph2)
def gen_exc_check(self, block, returnblock, normalafterblock=None): #var_exc_occured = Variable() #var_exc_occured.concretetype = lltype.Bool #block.operations.append(SpaceOperation("safe_call", [self.rpyexc_occured_ptr], var_exc_occured)) llops = rtyper.LowLevelOpList(None) spaceop = block.operations[-1] alloc_shortcut = self.check_for_alloc_shortcut(spaceop) if alloc_shortcut: var_no_exc = self.gen_nonnull(spaceop.result, llops) else: v_exc_type = self.gen_getfield('exc_type', llops) var_no_exc = self.gen_isnull(v_exc_type, llops) block.operations.extend(llops) block.exitswitch = var_no_exc #exception occurred case b = Block([]) b.operations = [SpaceOperation('debug_record_traceback', [], varoftype(lltype.Void))] l = Link([error_constant(returnblock.inputargs[0].concretetype)], returnblock) b.closeblock(l) l = Link([], b) l.exitcase = l.llexitcase = False #non-exception case l0 = block.exits[0] l0.exitcase = l0.llexitcase = True block.recloseblock(l0, l) insert_zeroing_op = False if spaceop.opname == 'malloc': flavor = spaceop.args[1].value['flavor'] if flavor == 'gc': insert_zeroing_op = True elif spaceop.opname == 'malloc_nonmovable': # xxx we cannot insert zero_gc_pointers_inside after # malloc_nonmovable, because it can return null. For now # we simply always force the zero=True flag on # malloc_nonmovable. c_flags = spaceop.args[1] c_flags.value = c_flags.value.copy() spaceop.args[1].value['zero'] = True # NB. when inserting more special-cases here, keep in mind that # you also need to list the opnames in transform_block() # (see "special cases") if insert_zeroing_op: if normalafterblock is None: normalafterblock = insert_empty_block(None, l0) v_result = spaceop.result if v_result in l0.args: result_i = l0.args.index(v_result) v_result_after = normalafterblock.inputargs[result_i] else: v_result_after = copyvar(None, v_result) l0.args.append(v_result) normalafterblock.inputargs.append(v_result_after) normalafterblock.operations.insert( 0, SpaceOperation('zero_gc_pointers_inside', [v_result_after], varoftype(lltype.Void)))
def SSA_to_SSI(graph_or_blocks, annotator=None): """Turn a number of blocks belonging to a flow graph into valid (i.e. SSI) form, assuming that they are only in SSA form (i.e. they can use each other's variables directly, without having to pass and rename them along links). 'graph_or_blocks' can be a graph, or just a dict that lists some blocks from a graph, as follows: {block: reachable-from-outside-flag}. """ from rpython.translator.unsimplify import copyvar entrymap = mkinsideentrymap(graph_or_blocks) builder = DataFlowFamilyBuilder(graph_or_blocks) variable_families = builder.get_variable_families() del builder pending = [] # list of (block, var-used-but-not-defined) for block in entrymap: variables_created = variables_created_in(block) variables_used = {} for op in block.operations: for v in op.args: variables_used[v] = True variables_used[block.exitswitch] = True for link in block.exits: for v in link.args: variables_used[v] = True for v in variables_used: if isinstance(v, Variable): if v not in variables_created: pending.append((block, v)) while pending: block, v = pending.pop() v_rep = variable_families.find_rep(v) variables_created = variables_created_in(block) if v in variables_created: continue # already ok for w in variables_created: w_rep = variable_families.find_rep(w) if v_rep is w_rep: # 'w' is in the same family as 'v', so we can simply # reuse its value for 'v' block.renamevariables({v: w}) break else: # didn't find it. Add it to all incoming links. try: links = entrymap[block] except KeyError: raise Exception("SSA_to_SSI failed: no way to give a value to" " %r in %r" % (v, block)) w = copyvar(annotator, v) variable_families.union(v, w) block.renamevariables({v: w}) block.inputargs.append(w) for link in links: link.args.append(v) pending.append((link.prevblock, v))