예제 #1
 def SymbolicComprehensionSet_generator(self):
     varList   = self.variable_list
     pred      = self.predicate
     env       = self.env
     interpret = self.interpret
     names     = [x.idName for x in varList]
     domain_generator = self.domain_generator(pred, env, varList) 
     for entry in domain_generator:
             for name in names:
                 value = entry[name]
                 env.set_value(name, value)
                 if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
                     bool = interpret(pred, env).bvalue
                     bool = interpret(pred, env)
                 if bool:  # test
                     i = 0
                     name = names[0]
                     tup = env.get_value(name)
                     for name in names[1:]:
                         value = env.get_value(name)
                         i = i + 1
                         if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
                             tup = W_Tuple((tup, value))
                             tup = tuple([tup,value])
                     yield tup
             except ValueNotInDomainException:
예제 #2
 def enumerate_all(self):
     if not self.explicit_set_computed:        
         result = frozenset([])
         varList = self.variable_list
         pred    = self.predicate
         expr    = self.expression 
         env       = self.env
         interpret = self.interpret
         node      = self.node
         names     = [x.idName for x in varList]
         # new scope
         domain_generator = self.domain_generator(pred, env, varList)
         for entry in domain_generator:
             for name in names:
                 value = entry[name]
                 env.set_value(name, value)
                 tst = interpret(pred, env)
                 if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
                     cond = tst.bvalue
                     cond = tst
                 if cond:  # test (|= ior)
                     aSet = interpret(expr, env)
                     if isinstance(aSet, SymbolicSet):
                         aSet = aSet.enumerate_all() 
                     result = result.union(aSet)
             except ValueNotInDomainException:
         self.explicit_set_repr = result
         self.explicit_set_computed = True
     return self.explicit_set_repr
예제 #3
def _try_all_values(root, env, idNodes, allNodes):
        from rpython_interp import interpret
        from interp import interpret
    node = idNodes[0]
    all_values = enum_all_values_by_type(env, node)
    #print "trying", node.idName, all_values, pretty_print(root)
    if len(idNodes)<=1:
        for val in all_values:
                env.set_value(node.idName, val)
                #print "trying:"
                #for name in [n.idName for n in allNodes]:
                #     print name, "=", env.get_value(name)
                if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
                    w_bool = interpret(root, env)
                    if w_bool.bvalue:
                        yield True
                    if interpret(root, env):
                        yield True
            except ValueNotInDomainException:
        for val in all_values:
            env.set_value(node.idName, val)
            gen = _try_all_values(root, env, idNodes[1:], allNodes)
            if gen.next():
                yield True
    yield False
예제 #4
 def __eq__(self, other):
     # check importent special case first
     # %(x,y).(x:S & y:T|y) = prj2(S,T)
     if isinstance(other, SymbolicLambda): 
         if not len(other.variable_list)==2:
             return False
         if isinstance(other.predicate, AConjunctPredicate):    
             belong_pred0 = other.predicate.children[0]
             belong_pred1 = other.predicate.children[1]
             if isinstance(belong_pred0, AMemberPredicate) and isinstance(belong_pred1, AMemberPredicate):                
                 x = other.variable_list[0].idName
                 y = other.variable_list[1].idName
                 xx = belong_pred0.children[0]
                 yy = belong_pred1.children[0]
                 if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
                      from rpython_interp import interpret
                      from interp import interpret 
                 if isinstance(xx, AIdentifierExpression) and xx.idName==x:
                     S = interpret(belong_pred0.children[1], self.env)
                 if isinstance(yy, AIdentifierExpression) and yy.idName==y:
                     T = interpret(belong_pred1.children[1], self.env)
                 if isinstance(other.expression, AIdentifierExpression): # else: maybe equal.            
                         if self.left_set==S and self.right_set==T and y==other.expression.idName:
                             return True              
                     except NameError:
                         pass # maybe equal. use brute-force in symbolic set              
         return SymbolicSet.__eq__(self, other)
예제 #5
def _run_model_checking_mode(env, mch):
    inv = mch.aInvariantMachineClause
    s_space = env.state_space
    while not env.state_space.empty(): 
        # FIXME: dirty fix to avoid invariant checking of set up states 
        if env.state_space.get_state().opName=="set up":
        jitdriver.jit_merge_point(inv=inv, s_space=s_space, env=env, mch=mch)
            w_bool = inv.eval(env)  # 7. model check  
            if not w_bool.bvalue:
                print "WARNING: invariant violation found after checking", len(env.state_space.seen_states),"states"
                violation = env.state_space.get_state()
                #print env.state_space.history
                return -1
            if EVAL_CHILD_INVARIANT:
                bstate = env.state_space.get_state()
                for bmachine in bstate.bmch_list:
                    if not bmachine is None and not bmachine.mch_name==mch.mch_name :
                        w_bool = interpret(bmachine.aInvariantMachineClause, env)
                        if not w_bool.bvalue:
                            print "WARNING: invariant violation in",bmachine.mch_name ," found after checking", len(env.state_space.seen_states),"states"
                            return False 
        next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
        schedule_new_states(next_states, s_space)         
    print "checked",len(s_space.seen_states),"states.\033[1m\033[92m No invariant violation found.\033[00m"
        print "invariant check was disabled"
    return 0
예제 #6
    def test_genAST_sub_let2(self):
        string = '''
        MACHINE Test
        VARIABLES X, Y
                        LET r1, X BE
                    X  = 6 &
                        r1 = X / 2 
                        Y := r1

        string_to_file(string, file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)
        # Test
        env = Environment()
        env._min_int = -1
        env._max_int = 5
        mch = parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        arbitrary_init_machine(root, env, mch) # init VARIABLES and eval INVARIANT
        assert isinstance(root.children[2], AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(root.children[2], env)
        assert env.get_value("X")==10
        assert env.get_value("Y")==3
예제 #7
    def test_genAST_sub_let(self):
        string = '''
        MACHINE Test
        VARIABLES SumR, DifferenceR, Var1, Var2
        INVARIANT SumR:NAT & DifferenceR:NAT & Var1:NAT & Var2:NAT
        INITIALISATION BEGIN Var1:=2; Var2:=3;
                        LET r1, r2 BE
                        r1 = (Var1 + Var2) / 2 &
                        r2 = (Var1 - Var2) / 2
                        SumR := r1 + r2 ||
                        DifferenceR := r1 - r2

        string_to_file(string, file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        env._min_int = -1
        env._max_int = 5
        mch = parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        arbitrary_init_machine(root, env, mch) # init VARIABLES and eval INVARIANT
        assert isinstance(root.children[2], AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(root.children[2], env)
        assert env.get_value("SumR")==1
        assert env.get_value("DifferenceR")==3
        assert env.get_value("Var1")==2
        assert env.get_value("Var2")==3
예제 #8
    def test_genAST_sub_any(self):
        string = '''
        MACHINE Test
        VARIABLES xx
        INVARIANT xx:NAT 
                        ANY r1, r2 WHERE
                        r1 : NAT &
                        r2 : NAT &
                        r1*r1 + r2*r2 = 25
                        xx := r1 + r2
        string_to_file(string, file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        env._min_int = -1
        env._max_int = 5
        mch = parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        arbitrary_init_machine(root, env, mch) # init VARIABLES and eval INVARIANT
        assert isinstance(root.children[2], AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(root.children[2], env)
        assert env.get_value("xx")==5 or env.get_value("xx")==7 # 3+4 or 5+0
예제 #9
    def test_genAST_sub_var(self):
        # Build AST
        string = '''
        MACHINE Test
        VARIABLES xx
        INVARIANT xx:NAT 
                        VAR varLoc1, varLoc2 IN
                        varLoc1 := xx + 1 ;
                        varLoc2 := 2 * varLoc1 ;
                        xx := varLoc2
        string_to_file(string, file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        env._min_int = -1
        env._max_int = 5
        mch = parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        arbitrary_init_machine(root, env, mch) # init VARIABLES and eval INVARIANT
        assert isinstance(root.children[2], AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(root.children[2], env)
        assert env.get_value("xx")==4
예제 #10
    def test_genAST_sub_case3(self):
        # Build AST
        string = '''
        MACHINE Test
        VARIABLES xx
        INVARIANT xx:NAT 
            BEGIN xx:=1; 
                CASE 1+1 OF 
                EITHER 4,5,6 THEN xx:=2 
                OR 7,8,9 THEN xx:=3
                ELSE xx:=4 END 
        string_to_file(string, file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        mch = parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        arbitrary_init_machine(root, env, mch) # init VARIABLES and eval INVARIANT
        assert isinstance(root.children[2], AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(root.children[2], env)
        assert env.get_value("xx")==4
예제 #11
 def enumerate_all(self):
     if not self.explicit_set_computed:
         varList   = self.variable_list
         pred      = self.predicate
         env       = self.env
         interpret = self.interpret
         names     = [x.idName for x in varList]
         result = []
         # new scope
         domain_generator = self.domain_generator(pred, env, varList)        
         for entry in domain_generator:
             for name in names:
                 value = entry[name]
                 env.set_value(name, value)
                 if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
                     bool = interpret(pred, env).bvalue
                     bool = interpret(pred, env)
                 if bool:  # test
                     i = 0
                     name = names[0]
                     tup = env.get_value(name)
                     for name in names[1:]:
                         value = env.get_value(name)
                         i = i + 1
                         if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
                             tup = W_Tuple((tup, value))
                             tup = tuple([tup,value])
             except ValueNotInDomainException:
         # will return empty set if predicate unfulfillable
         self.explicit_set_repr = frozenset(result) 
         self.explicit_set_computed = True
     return self.explicit_set_repr 
예제 #12
def run_checking_mode():
    env = Environment()                                          # 1. create env.
    file_name_str, solution_file_name_str = read_input_string(argv, 1) # 2. read filenames
    ast_string, error = file_to_AST_str_no_print(file_name_str)  # 3. parse input-file to string
    if error:
        print error
    root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)                    # 4. parse string to python ast TODO: JSON
    #if solution_file_name_str:                                  # 5. parse solution-file and write to env.
    #    read_solution_file(env, solution_file_name_str)         # The concreate solution values are added at 
                                                                # the bmachine object-init time to the respective mch

                                                                # 6. replace defs and extern-functions inside mch and solution-file (if present)  
    parse_object = remove_defs_and_parse_ast(root, env)         # 7. which kind of ast?
    if not isinstance(parse_object, BMachine):                  # #PREDICATE or #EXPRESSION                   
        result = interpret(parse_object.root, env)              # eval predicate or expression
        print result
        assert isinstance(parse_object, BMachine)               # 8. typecheck
        type_check_root_bmch(root, env, parse_object) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        mch = parse_object                           
        #solution_file_read = not solution_file_name_str==""
        bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read=False)  # also evals properties
        if not bstates==[]: 
            bool = True
            for bstate in bstates:
                #if mch.has_properties_mc:
                #    assert interpret(mch.aPropertiesMachineClause, env)
                init_bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, not solution_file_name_str=="")
                for init_bstate in init_bstates:
                    if mch.has_invariant_mc:
                        w_bool = interpret(mch.aInvariantMachineClause, env)
                        bool = bool and w_bool.bvalue
                if mch.has_assertions_mc:
                    interpret(mch.aAssertionsMachineClause, env)
            return bool
        else: # TODO: dont repeat yourself 
            init_bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, not solution_file_name_str=="")
            for bstate in init_bstates:
                if mch.has_invariant_mc:
                    w_bool = interpret(mch.aInvariantMachineClause, env)  
                    assert w_bool.bvalue      
                if mch.has_assertions_mc:
                    interpret(mch.aAssertionsMachineClause, env)
            if not init_bstates==[]:  
        return eval_Invariant(root, env, mch)   
예제 #13
 def enumerate_all(self):
     if not self.explicit_set_computed:      
         if isinstance(self.left_relation, frozenset) and isinstance(self.right_relation, SymbolicLambda):
             result = []
             lambda_function = self.right_relation        
             for tup in self.left_relation:
                 domain = tup[0]
                 args   = remove_tuples(tup[1])
                 for i in range(len(lambda_function.variable_list)):
                     idNode = lambda_function.variable_list[i]
                     #TODO: check all tuple confusion e.g x:(NAT*(NAT*NAT)
                     # onne carttype can contain more...
                     # set args to correct bound variable in lambda expression using type-info
                     atype = self.env.get_type_by_node(idNode)
                     value = build_arg_by_type(atype, args) # args-mod via sideeffect
                     self.env.set_value(idNode.idName, value)
                 # check if value is in lambda domain
                 if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
                      from rpython_interp import interpret
                      from interp import interpret 
                 pre_result = interpret(lambda_function.predicate, self.env)
                 if pre_result:
                     # calculate element of composition expression
                     lambda_image = interpret(lambda_function.expression, self.env)
                     result.append(tuple([domain, lambda_image]))
             self.env.pop_frame() # exit scope
             self.explicit_set_repr = frozenset(result)
             result = []
             for e in self.SymbolicCompositionSet_generator():
             self.explicit_set_repr = frozenset(result)
         self.explicit_set_computed = True
     return self.explicit_set_repr
예제 #14
파일: repl.py 프로젝트: hhu-stups/pyB
def parse_repl_input(input):
        string_to_file("#EXPRESSION "+input, "temp.b")
        ast_string,error = file_to_AST_str_no_print("temp.b")
        if ast_string=="\n":
            raise NameError() # FIXME: refactor this line
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string) 
    except NameError: #no expression
        string_to_file("#PREDICATE "+input, "temp.b")
        ast_string, error = file_to_AST_str_no_print("temp.b")
        if error:
            result = None
            return result, error
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)                                                        
    result = interpret(root, Environment() ) #printing via side effect
    error = None
    return result, error
예제 #15
    def test_genAST_sub_func_overw(self):
        # Build AST
        string = '''
        MACHINE Test
        VARIABLES f
        INVARIANT f:POW({1,2,3}*{1,2,3})
        INITIALISATION f:={(1,2),(3,4)} ; f(3) := 1+2
        string_to_file(string, file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        mch = parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        arbitrary_init_machine(root, env, mch) # init VARIABLES and eval INVARIANT
        assert isinstance(root.children[2], AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(root.children[2], env)
        assert env.get_value("f")==frozenset([(1,2),(3,3)])
예제 #16
def _is_solution(pred, env, varList, solution):
        from rpython_interp import interpret
        from interp import interpret

    env.push_new_frame(varList)  # avoid side effect
    for key in solution:
        value = solution[key]
        # print "set",key,"to",value
        env.set_value(key, value)
        res = interpret(pred, env)
        if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
            result = res.bvalue
            result = res
    except ValueNotInDomainException:  # function app with wrong value
        result = False
    env.pop_frame()  # leave frame
    return result
예제 #17
    def test_genAST_sub_enum_set_as(self):    
        string = '''
        MACHINE Test
        SETS ID={aa,bb}
        VARIABLES xx
        INVARIANT xx:ID
        INITIALISATION xx:=aa
        string_to_file(string, file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        mch = parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        arbitrary_init_machine(root, env, mch) # init VARIABLES and eval INVARIANT       
        assert isinstance(root.children[3], AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(root.children[3], env)
        assert env.get_value("xx")=="aa"
예제 #18
    def test_genAST_sub_simple_asgn(self):
        # Build AST
        string = '''
        MACHINE Test
        VARIABLES xx
        INVARIANT xx:NAT
        INITIALISATION xx:=3
        string_to_file(string, file_name)
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(file_name)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        mch = parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        arbitrary_init_machine(root, env, mch) # init VARIABLES and eval INVARIANT
        assert isinstance(root.children[2], AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(root.children[2], env)
        assert env.get_value("xx")==3
        assert isinstance(get_type_by_name(env, "xx"), IntegerType)
예제 #19
def __calc_states_and_print_ui(root, env, mch, solution_file_read):
    # Schneider Book page 62-64:
    # The parameters p make the constraints C True
    # #p.C    
    # Sets St and constants k which meet the constraints c make the properties B True
    # C => #St,k.B
    if not env.set_up_done:
        next_states = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        if len(next_states)>0:
            print_set_up_bstates(next_states, mch)
            return next_states
            # no bstates and no exception: set up to do (e.g no constants)
            env.set_up_done = True 
    # If C and B is True there should be Variables v which make the Invaraiant I True
    # B & C => #v.I
    if not env.init_done:
        next_states = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        if len(next_states)>0:
            undo_possible = not env.state_space.empty()
            print_init_bstates(next_states, mch, undo_possible)
            return next_states
            # no bstates and no exception: no init to do (e.g no variables)
            env.init_done = True

    print mch.mch_name," - Invariant:", eval_Invariant(root, env, mch)  # TODO: move print to animation_clui
        bstate = env.state_space.get_state()
        for bmachine in bstate.bmch_list:
            if not bmachine is None and not bmachine.mch_name==mch.mch_name :
                print bmachine.mch_name, " - Invariant:", interpret(bmachine.aInvariantMachineClause, env)
    bstate_lst = calc_next_states(env, mch)
    show_ui(env, mch, bstate_lst)
    next_states = []
    for n in bstate_lst: # all other data inside bstate_lst has already been processed by show_ui
    return next_states    
예제 #20
def _abstr_eval(node, env):
    # print node
    if isinstance(node, ABoolSetExpression):
        return 2
    elif isinstance(node, APowSubsetExpression) or isinstance(node, APow1SubsetExpression):
        time = _abstr_eval(node.children[0], env)
        # if time>=math.log(TOO_MANY_ITEMS,2):
        if time >= 22:  # FIXME: math.log is not rpython
            return TOO_MANY_ITEMS
            # RPython does not support 2**(time)
            assert time >= 0
            result = 1
            for i in range(time):
                result = result * 2
            return result
    elif (
        isinstance(node, AIntegerSetExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ANaturalSetExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ANatural1SetExpression)
        or isinstance(node, AStringSetExpression)
        raise InfiniteConstraintException("")
        # TODO: infinite exception
        # return TOO_MANY_ITEMS
    elif isinstance(node, ANatSetExpression) or isinstance(node, ANat1SetExpression):
        return env._max_int
    elif isinstance(node, AIntSetExpression):
        return env._min_int * -1 + env._max_int
    elif isinstance(node, AMultOrCartExpression):
        time0 = _abstr_eval(node.children[0], env)
        time1 = _abstr_eval(node.children[1], env)
        prod = time0 * time1
        if prod > TOO_MANY_ITEMS:
            return TOO_MANY_ITEMS
            return prod

    ### Relations, functions, sequences
    elif (
        isinstance(node, APartialFunctionExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ARelationsExpression)
        or isinstance(node, APartialFunctionExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ATotalFunctionExpression)
        or isinstance(node, APartialInjectionExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ATotalInjectionExpression)
        or isinstance(node, APartialSurjectionExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ATotalSurjectionExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ATotalBijectionExpression)
        or isinstance(node, APartialBijectionExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ASeqExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ASeq1Expression)
        or isinstance(node, AIseqExpression)
        or isinstance(node, AIseq1Expression)
        or isinstance(node, APermExpression)
        time0 = _abstr_eval(node.children[0], env)
        time1 = _abstr_eval(node.children[1], env)
        exp0 = time0 * time1
        # if exp0>=math.log(TOO_MANY_ITEMS,2):
        if exp0 >= 22:  # math.log is not rpython
            return TOO_MANY_ITEMS
            # return 2**(exp0)
            assert exp0 >= 0
            result = 1
            for i in range(exp0):
                result = result * 2
            return result
    ### Leafs
    elif (
        isinstance(node, AIdentifierExpression)
        or isinstance(node, APrimedIdentifierExpression)
        or isinstance(node, AIntegerExpression)
        or isinstance(node, AStringExpression)
        or isinstance(node, AEmptySetExpression)
        or isinstance(node, AEmptySequenceExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ABooleanTrueExpression)
        or isinstance(node, ABooleanFalseExpression)
        or isinstance(node, AMinIntExpression)
        or isinstance(node, AMaxIntExpression)
        return 1
    elif isinstance(node, AIntervalExpression):
        left_node = node.children[0]
        right_node = node.children[1]
        time0 = _abstr_eval(left_node, env)
        time1 = _abstr_eval(right_node, env)
        # print time0, time1
        if time0 < TOO_MANY_ITEMS and time1 < TOO_MANY_ITEMS:
            # TODO: This block is not O(n)  - n ast nodes
                if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
                    from rpython_interp import interpret

                    v0 = interpret(left_node, env)
                    v1 = interpret(right_node, env)
                    val0 = v0.ivalue
                    val1 = v1.ivalue
                    from interp import interpret

                    val0 = interpret(left_node, env)
                    val1 = interpret(right_node, env)
            except ValueNotInDomainException:
                # what went wrong: A bound variable is used to estimate this block
                # e.g. y: A..B. expect the worst case
                val0 = env._min_int
                val1 = env._max_int
            # over approximation to avoid long interpretation
            val0 = env._min_int
            val1 = env._max_int
        # BUGFIX: if this interpreter call cause the lookup of an unset variable,
        # this will crash. This is a quick fix.
        if not isinstance(val0, int) or not isinstance(val1, int):
            return TOO_MANY_ITEMS
        return val1 - val0
    ### "meet"
    # Werden hier abstrakte Interpretation und Datenflussanalyse durcheinander geworfen? Denk noch mal drueber nach....
    elif isinstance(node, AConjunctPredicate):
        # this information is used to generate test_sets for {x|P0(x) & P1(x)}
        # the predicate is a candidate, if P0 OR P1 is finite
        inf0 = False
        inf1 = False
            time0 = _abstr_eval(node.children[0], env)
        except InfiniteConstraintException:
            inf0 = True
            time0 = TOO_MANY_ITEMS
            time1 = _abstr_eval(node.children[1], env)
        except InfiniteConstraintException:
            inf1 = True
            time1 = TOO_MANY_ITEMS

        if inf0 and inf1:
            raise InfiniteConstraintException("")
        if time0 < time1:
            return time0
        return time1
    ### Default:
        time = 1
        for child in node.children:
            time += _abstr_eval(child, env)
        return time
예제 #21
def _revise(node, env, var_node):
        from rpython_interp import interpret
        from interp import interpret
    if isinstance(node, AEqualPredicate):
        # if elements of the set are equal to some expression, a set has to be generated
        # e.g {x| x:NAT & x=42}  results in {42}
        if isinstance(node.children[0], AIdentifierExpression) and node.children[0].idName == var_node.idName:
            value = interpret(node.children[1], env)
            # FIXME: TypeError: unhashable instance e.g. run C578.EML.014/CF_CV_1
            # somehow a set type is returned!
            if isinstance(value, SymbolicSet):
                return frozenset([value.enumerate_all()])
            return frozenset([value])
        if isinstance(node.children[1], AIdentifierExpression) and node.children[1].idName == var_node.idName:
            value = interpret(node.children[0], env)
            if isinstance(value, SymbolicSet):
                return frozenset([value.enumerate_all()])
            return frozenset([value])
        if isinstance(node.children[0], ACoupleExpression):
            # 2.1 search n-tuple for matching var (to be constraint)
            element_list = couple_tree_to_conj_list(node.children[0])
            index = 0
            match = False
            for e in element_list:
                if isinstance(e, AIdentifierExpression) and e.idName == var_node.idName:
                    match = True
                index = index + 1

            # 2.2. compute set if match found
            if match:
                # FIXME: no caching! Recomputation at every call
                aset = interpret(node.children[1], env)
                # print
                # assert isinstance(set, frozenset)
                # 2.3. return correct part of the set corresponding to position of
                # searched variable inside the tuple on the left side
                return frozenset([remove_tuples(aset)[index]])
    elif isinstance(node, AMemberPredicate):
        # belong-case 1: left side is just an id
        if isinstance(node.children[0], AIdentifierExpression) and node.children[0].idName == var_node.idName:
            # print var_node.idName, node.children[1]
            aset = interpret(node.children[1], env)
            # print "xxx", aset
            # e.g. x:{1,2,3} or x:S
            # return finite set on the left as test_set/constraint domain
            # FIXME: isinstance('x', frozenset) -> find enumeration order!
            if not isinstance(aset, frozenset):
                return aset.enumerate_all()  # explicit domain needed
            return aset
        # belong-case 2: n-tuple on left side
        elif isinstance(node.children[0], ACoupleExpression):
            # e.g. (x,y){x|->y:{(1,2),(3,4)}...} (only one id-constraint found in this pass)
            # e.g. (x,y,z){x|->(y|->z):{(1,(2,3)),(4,(5,6))..}
            # TODO: Handle ((x|->y),(z|->a)):S

            # 2.1 search n-tuple for matching var (to be constraint)
            element_list = couple_tree_to_conj_list(node.children[0])
            index = 0
            match = False
            for e in element_list:
                if isinstance(e, AIdentifierExpression) and e.idName == var_node.idName:
                    match = True
                index = index + 1

            # 2.2. compute set if match found
            if match:
                aset = interpret(node.children[1], env)
                # FIXME: C578.EML.014/R_PLACE_MAINTENANCE_2 returns SymbolicUnionSet
                if isinstance(aset, SymbolicSet):
                    return frozenset([remove_tuples(t)[index] for t in aset.enumerate_all()])
                assert isinstance(aset, frozenset)
                # 2.3. return correct part of the set corresponding to position of
                # searched variable inside the tuple on the left side
                return frozenset([remove_tuples(t)[index] for t in aset])
    # this is only called because both branches (node.childern[0] and node.childern[1])
    # of the disjunction are computable in finite time. (as analysed by _analyze_predicates)
    elif isinstance(node, ADisjunctPredicate):
        set0 = _revise(node.children[0], env, var_node)
        set1 = _revise(node.children[1], env, var_node)
        return set0.union(set1)
    elif isinstance(node, AConjunctPredicate):
            set0 = _revise(node.children[0], env, var_node)
                set1 = _revise(node.children[1], env, var_node)
                return set0.intersection(set1)
            except PredicateDoesNotMatchException:
                return set0
        except PredicateDoesNotMatchException:
            set1 = _revise(node.children[1], env, var_node)
            return set1
        raise PredicateDoesNotMatchException()
예제 #22
def run_animation_mode(argv):
    env = Environment()                                                # 1. create env.
    file_name_str, solution_file_name_str = read_input_string(argv, 1) # 2. read filenames
    ast_string, error = file_to_AST_str_no_print(file_name_str)        # 3. parse input-file to string
    if error:
        print error
    root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)                    # 4. parse string to python ast TODO: JSON
    # uncomment for profiling (e.g. performance tests)
    #import cProfile
    #cProfile.run('mch = interpret(root, env)','pyB_profile_out.txt')
    solution_file_present = not solution_file_name_str==""
    #if solution_file_present:                                   # 5. parse solution-file and write to env.
    #    read_solution_file(env, solution_file_name_str)         # The concreate solution values are added at 
                                                                # the bmachine object-init time to the respective mch

                                                                # 6. replace defs and extern-functions inside mch and solution-file (if present)      
    parse_object = remove_defs_and_parse_ast(root, env)         # 7. which kind of ast?
    if not isinstance(parse_object, BMachine):                 
        is_ppu = isinstance(parse_object, PredicateParseUnit) 
        is_epu = isinstance(parse_object, ExpressionParseUnit) 
        assert is_ppu or is_epu              
        result = interpret(parse_object.root, env)              # eval predicate or expression
        print result
        # TODO: print_values_b_style needs symbolic set impl
        #print print_values_b_style(result)
        return 0

    assert isinstance(parse_object, BMachine)               # 8. typecheck
    mch = parse_object
    type_check_root_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend  
    # TODO: Check with B spec
                                                       # 9. animate if ops are present 
    # DO-WHILE Loop
    while True:
        next_states = __calc_states_and_print_ui(root, env, mch, solution_file_present)
        if next_states==[]: # BUG: no enabled ops doesnt mean there are none (deadlock-state)
        undo_possible = not env.state_space.empty()
        number_of_options = len(next_states)
        if undo_possible: 
            number_of_options = number_of_options + 1 
        input_str = "Input (0-"+str(number_of_options)+"):"
        #number = raw_input(input_str)
        # XXXX
        number = number_of_options
        number = int(number)

        # quit
        if number == number_of_options:
            print "goodbye"
        elif undo_possible and number == number_of_options-1:
            x = env.state_space.get_stack_size()
            x = x-1 # BUGFIX: empty state on stack
            if 2==x and env.init_state_on_stack and env.set_up_state_on_stack:
                env.init_done = False
            elif 1==x and env.init_state_on_stack and env.set_up_state_on_stack==False:
                env.init_done = False
            elif 1==x and env.set_up_state_on_stack:
                env.set_up_done = False
                env.set_up_state_on_stack = False
                env.set_up_bmachines_names   = []
        elif not env.set_up_done:
            env.set_up_done = True
            env.set_up_state_on_stack = True
            bstate = next_states[number]
        elif not env.init_done:
            env.init_done = True
            env.init_state_on_stack = True
            bstate = next_states[number]
        # init and set_up done. Exec operation:
        elif len(next_states)>number and number >= 0:
            # switch state (
            bstate = next_states[number]
            print "Error! Wrong input:", number

    return 0
예제 #23
파일: quick_eval.py 프로젝트: hhu-stups/pyB
def quick_member_eval(ast, env, element):
        from rpython_interp import interpret
        from interp import interpret
    # Base case of recursion
    if isinstance(element, int) or isinstance(element, str):
        if isinstance(ast, ANaturalSetExpression):
            assert isinstance(element, int) # if False: typechecking Bug
            return element >=0
        if isinstance(ast, ANatural1SetExpression):
            assert isinstance(element, int) # if False: typechecking Bug
            return element >0
        elif isinstance(ast, AIntegerSetExpression):
            assert isinstance(element, int)
            return True
        elif isinstance(ast, ANatSetExpression):
            assert isinstance(element, int)
            return element >=0 and element <= env._max_int
        elif isinstance(ast, ANat1SetExpression):
            assert isinstance(element, int)
            return element >0 and element <= env._max_int
        elif isinstance(ast, AIntSetExpression):
            assert isinstance(element, int)
            return element >= env._min_int and element <= env._max_int
        elif isinstance(ast, AStringSetExpression):
            assert isinstance(element, str)
            return True
        # fallback: enumerate_all right side. This 'should' never happen...
        S = interpret(ast, env)
        #print "quck eval of:", element, val
        #S = list(val)
        #print element,S # DEBUG
        return element in S
    elif isinstance(element, SymbolicLambda):
        # only one special case
        #TODO: replace with general case
        #TODO: support lambdas with more than one arg
        # XXX: this line could case a infinit computation!
        aSet = interpret(ast, env)
        if (not isinstance(aSet, SymbolicRelationSet)) or isinstance(aSet, SymbolicPartialInjectionSet) or isinstance(aSet, SymbolicTotalInjectionSet) or isinstance(aSet, SymbolicPartialSurjectionSet) or isinstance(aSet, SymbolicTotalSurjectionSet) or isinstance(aSet, SymbolicTotalBijectionSet) or isinstance(aSet, SymbolicPartialBijectionSet):
            # XXX: Dont know how to check this for every lambda 
            print "WARNING: Brute force lambda membership test lambda:S"
            print "S=", aSet
            element = element.enumerate_all()
            result = element in aSet  
            return result
            types = []
            for var in element.variable_list:
                atype = env.get_type_by_node(var) 
                if types==[]:
                    types = atype
                    types = tuple([types,atype])
            image_type = env.get_lambda_type_by_node(element.node)
            domain_element = False
            image_element  = False
            domain_element = types in aSet.left_set
            image_element  = image_type in aSet.right_set
            #print types, " in ", aSet.left_set, domain_element
            #print "image:",image_type, " in ", aSet.right_set, image_element
            if domain_element and image_element:
                # checking if a function is total is done via an approximation:
                # if no constraint of the domain is found, the answer is yes, 
                # otherwise the answer is "dont know"
                if isinstance(aSet, ATotalFunctionExpression):
                    # TODO: call check
                    if len(element.variable_list)==1:
                        # False or Dont know
                        vcbp = var_constraint_by_predicate(element.variable_list, element.predicate)
                    return True            
        # else use other checks 
    #TODO:(#ISSUE 18) no quick eval, can crash
    if isinstance(element, Node):
        element = interpret(element, env)
    aSet = interpret(ast, env)
    #print "element, set:", element, aSet
    return element in aSet