def build_resource(self, target, host=None): resource = Resource() for k,v in get_rest_dict(target).items(): if k in resource.__dict__ and not resource.__dict__.get(k) and k != 'path': resource.__dict__[k] = v #build path resource.path='/' self._path_chain.append(get_rest_dict(target)) #add tail if self._path_chain is not []: for rest_dict in self._path_chain: if rest_dict.path: resource.path = (resource.path.rstrip('/') + #remove the tailing letter '/' '/' + rest_dict.path.strip('/')) self._path_chain.remove(get_rest_dict(target)) #remove tail = target params = dict(('{{{0}}}'.format(p), '(?P<{0}>.+)'.format(p) ) for p in re.findall(r'''\{ (.+?) #groups \}''', resource.path, re.VERBOSE)) pattern = resource.path for k,v in params.items(): pattern = re.sub(k, v, pattern) resource.pattern = re.compile(r'^{0}$'.format(pattern.strip('/'))) #match exactly the path if host: = host resource._fullargspec = getfullargspec( if resource._fullargspec.defaults: tmp = resource._fullargspec resource._args_defs = dict(zip(tmp.args[-(len(tmp.defaults)):], tmp.defaults)) return resource
def build_resources(self): resources = [] if has_rest_dict(self.buildobj): self._path_chain.append(get_rest_dict(self.buildobj))# search chain for v in vars(self.buildobj).values(): if isinstance(v, type): resources.extend(ResourceBuilder(v, self._path_chain).build_resources()) elif isinstance(v, FunctionType): if has_rest_dict(v): resources.append(self.build_resource(target=v, host=self.buildobj)) return resources