예제 #1
def test_crack_shared_cipher():
    ciphertext = 'Call me Ishmael.'

    keypair0 = RSAKeypair.create(e=3)
    keypair1 = RSAKeypair.create(e=3)
    keypair2 = RSAKeypair.create(e=3)

    c0 = rsa_encrypt(ciphertext, keypair0)
    c1 = rsa_encrypt(ciphertext, keypair1)
    c2 = rsa_encrypt(ciphertext, keypair2)

    n0 = keypair0.exponent
    n1 = keypair1.exponent
    n2 = keypair2.exponent
    m_s_0 = n1 * n2
    m_s_1 = n0 * n2
    m_s_2 = n0 * n1

    assert all(gcd(n, n_) == 1 for n, n_ in combinations([n0, n1, n2], 2))

    result, _ = crt_inductive([
        (c0 * m_s_0 * mod_inverse(m_s_0, n0), keypair0.exponent),
        (c1 * m_s_1 * mod_inverse(m_s_1, n1), n1),
        (c2 * m_s_2 * mod_inverse(m_s_2, n2), n2),
    cube_root, is_exact = iroot(mpz(result), 3)
    assert is_exact, 'Cube root should have been exact'
    assert unhexlify('{:02x}'.format(cube_root)).decode() == ciphertext
예제 #2
def encrypt(key, message):
    Encrypt message with Public Key
    public_key = PublicKey.load_pkcs1(key.encode(ENCODING))
    enc_msg = rsa_encrypt(message.encode(ENCODING), public_key)
    return enc_msg.decode(ISO_ENCODING)
    def encrypt_display(self):
        self.plaintext = self.inputField.get()
        keylength = self.keylengthRadio.get()

        # make sure user input is not null and encrypt it
        if self.plaintext == "":
            self.displayText["text"] = "No user input!"

        # make sure user must select the keylength
        if keylength == 0:
            self.displayText["text"] = "You should select the keylength !"

        # make sure the input is digit
        if not self.plaintext.isdigit():
            self.displayText["text"] = "Only is allowed input the digit !"
            p, q, n, e, d, plain, cipher, timeEncrypt = rsa_encrypt(
                int(self.plaintext), keylength)
            self.d = d
            self.p = p
            self.q = q
            self.encryptOutputField.delete(0, END)
            self.encryptOutputField.insert(0, cipher)
            self.displayText["text"] = "Encrypt success ! Cost Time : " + str(
                timeEncrypt) + " seconds."
예제 #4
    def test_rsa(self):
        n, p, q, e, d = rsa.rsa_gen_keys()

        m = random.randint(1, n - 1)
        em = rsa.rsa_encrypt(n, e, m)
        dm = rsa.rsa_decrypt(n, d, em)

        self.assertEqual(m, dm)
예제 #5
def main():
    cipher_message = []

    # 读取消息,将ASCII码转化为16进制
    msg = read_message('./sender/messages.txt').encode()
    msg = binascii.hexlify(msg).decode('ascii')

    # des的ECB模式加密消息
    des_key = read_message('./sender/des_key.txt')
    des_cipher = des.ECB_encrypt(msg, des_key)

    # 生成rsa公钥、私钥,并写入文件
    rsa_e, rsa_n, rsa_d = rsa.createKey(15)
    if os.path.isfile('./receiver/rsa_d.txt'):
    write_message('./receiver/rsa_d.txt', hex(rsa_d)[2:])
    if os.path.isfile('./receiver/rsa_e.txt'):
    write_message('./receiver/rsa_e.txt', hex(rsa_e)[2:])
    if os.path.isfile('./receiver/rsa_n.txt'):
    write_message('./receiver/rsa_n.txt', hex(rsa_n)[2:])

    # rsa加密对称密钥
    des_key_encrypted = rsa.rsa_encrypt(des_key, rsa_e, rsa_n)

    # sha-1生成消息认证码
    sha1_hash = sha1.sha1(des_cipher)

    # rsa对消息认证码数字签名
    signed_hash = rsa.rsa_encrypt(sha1_hash, rsa_d, rsa_n)

    # 将消息密文,RSA加密的对称密钥,数字签名后的sha-1消息认证码发送给接收端程序
    print('\nSent messages:\n' + ','.join(cipher_message))
예제 #6
def main():
    (n, e, N) = read_key_file(PUBKEY_FILE)
    (n, d, N) = read_key_file(PRIVKEY_FILE)

    pt = "hello world".encode("utf-8")

    # do the thing
    ct = rsa_encrypt(pt, n, (e, N))
    nt = rsa_decrypt(ct, n, (d, N))

    # how did we do?
    print("plaintext in:")
    hexdump(pt, 32)
    print("ciphertext (padded):")
    hexdump(ct, 32)
    print("plaintext out:")
    hexdump(nt, 32)
예제 #7
    def test_rsa(self):
        # 1. Generating key pair
        public_key, private_key = rsa.generate_rsa_key_pair(13, 17)

        # 2. Open file 'rsa_to_enc.txt' & read text
        file_to_enc = open('resources/lab_3/rsa_to_enc.txt', 'r')
        normal_text = file_to_enc.read()

        # 3. Encrypt read text
        encrypted_text = rsa.rsa_encrypt(public_key, normal_text)

        print(''.join(map(lambda x: str(x), encrypted_text)))

        # 4. Encrypt decrypted text
        decrypted_text = rsa.rsa_decrypt(private_key, encrypted_text)

        # 5. Save decrypted text to 'decrypted.txt'
        decrypted_file = open('resources/lab_3/rsa_decrypted.txt', 'w')

        self.assertEqual(normal_text, decrypted_text)
예제 #8
파일: p42.py 프로젝트: AdrS/cryptopals
def check_signature(msg, sig, e, n, bit_length=1024):
    p = util.bigint_to_bytes(rsa.rsa_encrypt(sig, e, n))
    if len(p) > bit_length / 8: return False

    #pad to bit_length with leading 0 bytes
    if len(p) < bit_length / 8:
        p = '\x00' * (bit_length / 8 - len(p)) + p

    #check that s^e (mod n) starts with
    #00 01 FF FF ... FF 00  ASN.1  HASH
    #check for 00 01 FF
    if not p.startswith(prefix): return False
    pos = len(prefix)
    #move past the rest of the FFs
    while pos < len(p) and p[pos] == '\xff':
        pos += 1
    #check that there is enough space for 00 ASN.1 HASH
    if pos + len(pkcs_magic_bytes) + 20 > len(p): return False
    #check for 00 ASN.1
    if p[pos:pos + len(pkcs_magic_bytes)] != pkcs_magic_bytes:
        return False
    pos += len(pkcs_magic_bytes)
    #check that hash matches message
    return p[pos:pos + 20] == util.sha1sum(msg)
예제 #9
파일: p40.py 프로젝트: AdrS/cryptopals
import number_theory
import rsa
import util

#see: https://people.freebsd.org/~lstewart/references/apple_tr_kt32_cuberoot.pdf
#for computing cube roots

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #get 3 RSA keys all with e = 3
    _, e1, n1 = rsa.gen_key_pair(64)
    _, e2, n2 = rsa.gen_key_pair(64)
    _, e3, n3 = rsa.gen_key_pair(64)
    assert ({e1, e2, e3} == {3})

    #if same message is encrypted with all keys
    m = "hello"
    c1 = rsa.rsa_encrypt(m, 3, n1)
    c2 = rsa.rsa_encrypt(m, 3, n2)
    c3 = rsa.rsa_encrypt(m, 3, n3)

    #c_i = m^3 (mod n_i)
    #So by CTR we can find m^3  (mod n_1*n_2*n_3)
    m_cubed = number_theory.crt([c1, c2, c3], [n1, n2, n3])

    #m < n_i ==> m^3 < n_1*n_2*n_3
    #==> we can find m by taking a normal cube root
    mp = util.bigint_to_bytes(number_theory.ith_root(m_cubed, 3))
    assert (m == mp)
    print 'Recovered message:', mp
예제 #10
			# ==> 2^(i + 1)*m in [n*lower_{i + 1}, n*(lower_{i + 1} + 1)]
			# ==> m in [n*lower_{i + 1}/2^(i + 1), n*upper_{i + 1}/2^(i + 1)]
			# Note: invariant 3 still holds
			lower <<= 1
			# 2^(i + 1)*m  - 2n*lower in [n, 2n]
			# ==> 2^(i + 1)*m in [n*(2*lower + 1), n*(2*lower + 2)]
			# ==> 2^(i + 1)*m in [n*(2*lower + 1), n*2*upper]
			# upper_{i + 1} = 2*upper
			# lower_{i + 1} = 2*upper - 1
			# Note: invariant 2 still holds
			# ==> 2^(i + 1)*m in [n*lower_{i + 1}, n*upper_{i + 1}]
			# ==> m in [n*lower_{i + 1}/2^(i + 1), n*upper_{i + 1}/2^(i + 1)]
			# Note: invariant 3 still holds
			#(lower + 1) * 2 - 1 = 2*lower + 1
			lower = (lower << 1) + 1
		i = i + 1
	# 2^i >= n ==>
	#The interval [n*lower/2^i, n*upper/2^i] has width <= 1
	#integer division by 2^i rounds down ==> use upper bound to find m
	return ((lower + 1)*n) >> i

if __name__ == '__main__':
	pt = base64.b64decode('VGhhdCdzIHdoeSBJIGZvdW5kIHlvdSBkb24ndCBwbGF5IGFyb3VuZCB3aXRoIHRoZSBGdW5reSBDb2xkIE1lZGluYQ==')
	d, e, n = rsa._sample_params
	ct = rsa.rsa_encrypt(pt, e, n)
	print util.bigint_to_bytes(decrypt(ct, e, n, lambda ct: oracle(ct, d, n)))
예제 #11
def lock_files(files_to_lock, rsa_private_key, rsa_public_key,
               output='archive', secure_delete=False):
    """Lock files.

    This function lock `files_to_lock` in an archive `output` using RSA
    private key `rsa_private_key` and RSA public key `rsa_public_key`.

     files_to_lock : list
        A list of files to lock.
     rsa_private_key : string
        RSA private key
     rsa_public_key : string
        RSA public key
     output : string
        The output name of the archive. "archive" by default.
     secure_delete : boolean
        True if the user want to securely delete his `files_to_lock`.
        starttime = time.time()

        # Keys generation and importation

        # Importe RSA key from PEM
        rsa_private_key = RSA.importKey(open(rsa_private_key).read())
        rsa_public_key = RSA.importKey(open(rsa_public_key).read())

        # Generate AES key and iv
        aes_key = aes.gen_aes_key(AES_KEY_SIZE)
        aes_iv = aes.gen_iv(AES_BLOCK_SIZE)

        encrypted_key = rsa.rsa_encrypt(rsa_public_key, aes_key)

        f = open('cipherkey.lkd', 'w')

        # Encryption and MAC of the files

        # Put file in a tar archive
        archive = tools.tarfiles(files_to_lock, 'source.tar')
        archive_data = open(archive, mode='rb')
        raw = archive_data.read()

        # Encrypt the tar file
        cipherdata = \
            aes.aes_encrypt(AES_BLOCK_SIZE, aes_iv, aes_key, raw)

        # Save cipher data
        out = open('encrypted_files.lkd', 'w')

        # Tar cipherkeys, cipherfile and mac file toghether
        finalfiles = ['cipherkey.lkd', 'encrypted_files.lkd']
        ciphertar = tools.tarfiles(finalfiles, 'encrypted_files_and_key.lkd')
        f = open(ciphertar, mode='rb')
        ciphertardata = f.read()

        # Sign data with private key
        rsa_signature = rsa.rsa_sign(rsa_private_key, ciphertardata)

        # Save signature
        f = open('encrypted_files_and_key.lkd.sign', 'w')

        # Archive signed file and signature together
                        'encrypted_files_and_key.lkd'], output+'.lkd')

        # Secure delete temp files
        files_to_delete = ['encrypted_files_and_key.lkd.sign',
                           'encrypted_files.lkd', 'cipherkey.lkd', archive,

        for file in files_to_delete:
            success = tools.secure_delete(file)
            if not success:
                print('[error] Something went wrong during the secure file '
                      'delete '
                      'of ' + file + ', make sure your erase it manually.')
        # Secure delete sources files
        if secure_delete:
            for file in files_to_lock:
                success = tools.secure_delete(file)
                if not success:
                    print('[error] Something went wrong during the secure'
                          ' file delete of ' + file +
                          ', make sure your erase it manually.')

        endtime = time.time()
        elapsedtime = endtime - starttime

        print("[info] The files have been successfuly "
              "locked in %f seconds." % elapsedtime)

    except AttributeError:
        print('[error] A method was called with a false attribute.')
    except IOError:
        print('[error] Maybe one of your files does not exist')
        print('[error] An unexpected error occurred when locking files.')
예제 #12
파일: p41.py 프로젝트: AdrS/cryptopals
 def get_ct(self):
     pt = "%d something" % int(time.time())
     ct = rsa.rsa_encrypt(pt, self._e, self._n)
     return ct
예제 #13
파일: ljs.py 프로젝트: Piethoner/spider

captcha = raw_input(u'请输入验证码:')

# ========================== 检查验证码输入是否正确 ===================================
check_captcha_url = 'https://user.lu.com/user/captcha/pre-check'
params = {'inputValue': captcha, 'source': 'login', '_': get_timestamp()}
resp = session.get(check_captcha_url, headers=headers, params=params)
result = json.loads(resp.text)
print result
if result.get('result') == 'SUCCESS':
    # ========================== 验证码输入正确则进行登录 ====================================
    login_url = 'https://user.lu.com/user/login'
    data = {
        'isTrust': 'Y',
        'password': rsa_encrypt(password),
        'openlbo': '0',
        'loginFlag': '2',
        'hIsOpenLboAccStatus': '0',
        'hIsSignLboUserCrsChecked': '0',
        'userName': username,
        'pwd': '************',
        'validNum': captcha,
        'agreeLbo': 'on',
        'agreeLbo': 'on',
        'agreeLbo': 'on',
        'agreeLbo': 'on',
예제 #14
disconnected = False
prog_is_alive = True
HOST, PORT = '', 9090
nickname = ''

if __name__ == '__main__':
        while prog_is_alive:
            server_listener = Server_listener()
            sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            connect_to_server(HOST, PORT)

            #establishing a secure connection
            tagged_server_pub = sock.recv(1024)
            server_pub = PublicKey.load_pkcs1(tagged_server_pub)
            xor_encrypted_key = rsa_encrypt(xor_key, server_pub)

            disconnected = False
            nickname = pick_username()
            user_colors[nickname] = colors['blue']
            while not disconnected:
                message = get_msg()
                if len(message) > 255:
                    add_str('system: 255 symbols message limit')
                if not (message.strip() in ('', '\n', '\t', '\r')):
                    if message[0] == '!':
                        command = parse_command(message)
                        if command:
예제 #15
def test_create_keypair():
    keypair = RSAKeypair.create(e=3)
    assert rsa_decrypt(rsa_encrypt("bob", keypair), keypair) == "bob"
예제 #16
파일: p47.py 프로젝트: AdrS/cryptopals
                if padding_oracle((pow(s, e, n) * c) % n):
                    found = True
                s += 1
            r += 1
        a, b = _step3([(a, b)], B, n, s)[0]
    return b

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #don't want to have to wait for key generation each time
    #256 bit key
    #d, e, n = (37255313119928308596958693738000904270148055374803475499902820648455212368979L, 3, 55882969679892462895438040607001356405695530651745489982532299779733176320093L)
    d, e, n = rsa._sample_params

    m = 'Hello Adrian.'
    mod_len = pkcs1.num_bytes(n)
    B = 1 << (8 * mod_len - 16)

    M = util.bytes_to_bigint(pkcs1.pkcs1_pad(m, mod_len))

    c = rsa.rsa_encrypt(M, e, n)

    p = decrypt(c, e, n, lambda c: fast_oracle(c, d, n, 2 * B, 3 * B))
    p = util.bigint_to_bytes(p)
    #pad start with 0s so it has same length as modulus
    p = '\x00' * (mod_len - len(p)) + p
    p = pkcs1.pkcs1_unpad(p, mod_len)
    print p
    assert (p == m)
예제 #17
            while rsa.check_MSB(p) or rsa.ckeck_coprime_e(p, e):
                p = generator.findPrime()
            q = generator.findPrime()
            while p == q or rsa.check_MSB(q) or rsa.ckeck_coprime_e(q, e):
                q = generator.findPrime()
            n_set.add(p * q)
        n_set = list(n_set)
        with open(sys.argv[6], "w") as f:
            for i in n_set:

        # encrypt the file with 3 keys
        for i in range(3):
            # encrypt the file by C = M^e mod n through Modular Exponentiation
            encryptedText = rsa.rsa_encrypt(sys.argv[2], e, n_set[i])
            # transform the ciphertext into the hex string and write out to the file
            with open(sys.argv[i + 3], 'w') as f:

    # decrypt the file with cube-root M^3 mod n1*n2*n3
    # python breakRSA.py -c enc1.txt enc2.txt enc3.txt n_1_2_3.txt cracked.txt
    if sys.argv[1] == "-c":
        n_list = []
        with open(sys.argv[5], "r") as f:
            for i in range(3):
        # decrypt file by M = C^d mod n throgh Chinese Remainder Theorem
        decryptedText = decrypt(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], n_list)
        with open(sys.argv[6], "w") as f: