예제 #1
def main():
  command_str = """
  python -m pdb rsakey_test.py --servertime 1449716782 --nonce VTEWRH --authcode 009000 --bc
  from argparse import ArgumentParser
  argparser = ArgumentParser(description="测试RSAKey类几个重要的方法\n:%s\n" % (command_str))
  argparser.add_argument("--servertime", type=str, help = "the servertime parameter")
  argparser.add_argument("--nonce", type=str, help = "the nonce parameter")
  argparser.add_argument("--authcode", type=str, help = "the authcode parameter")
  pubkey_default = \
  argparser.add_argument("--pubkey", type=str, help = "the pubkey parameter", default=pubkey_default)  
  argparser.add_argument("--string1", type=str, help = "c.toString(16)<==c; like {0:112312,1:9081213,'t':2,'s':0}")
  argparser.add_argument("--bb", type=int, default=256, help = "value of variable bb which is int")
  argparser.add_argument("--bc", type=str, help = "value of variable bc which is an instance of Class Z, like 100,100,23,38,12,90...")
  argparser.add_argument("--bd", type=str, help = "value of variable bd which is an array, like 0,1,2,3,0,5")
  argparser.add_argument("--be", type=int, default=0, help = "value of variable be which is int")


  args = argparser.parse_args()
  from rsakey import RSAKey, E, bb, bc, be, bd, Z
  rsakey = RSAKey()
  if args.string1:
    e = E()
    dict_from_string1 = eval(args.string1)
    e.s = dict_from_string1['s']
    e.t = dict_from_string1['t']
    e.array = dict_from_string1
    print 'toString(16)==>%s' % e.toString(16)
  if args.servertime and args.nonce and args.authcode and args.bc and args.bd:
    bb = args.bb
    be = args.be
    str_to_encrypt = "\t".join([args.servertime, args.nonce]) + "\n" + args.authcode
    bd = [i for i in eval(args.bd)]
    bc_list = [j for j in eval(args.bc)]
    bc = Z()
    bc.i = bc_list[0] 
    bc.j = bc_list[1]
    bc.S = bc_list[2:]
    str_encryption = rsakey.encrypt(str_to_encrypt, bb=bb, bc=bc, bd=bd, be=be)
    print "%s:encrypt()==>%s" % (str_to_encrypt, str_encryption)
예제 #2
파일: login.py 프로젝트: Andelfin/cola
 def get_passwd(self, passwdOrAuthcode, pubkey, servertime, nonce):
     #old way to encrypt data
     key = rsa.PublicKey(int(pubkey, 16), int('10001', 16))
     message = str(servertime) + '\t' + str(nonce) + '\n' + str(passwd)
     passwd = rsa.encrypt(message, key)
     return binascii.b2a_hex(passwd)
     #new way to encrypt data
     from rsakey import RSAKey
     str_to_encrypt = '\t'.join([str(servertime), str(nonce)]) + '\n' + str(passwdOrAuthcode)
     instance_RSAKey = RSAKey()
     ret = instance_RSAKey.encrypt(str_to_encrypt)
     return ret
예제 #3
    def from_line(cls, line):
        Parses the given line of text to find the names for the host,
        the type of key, and the key data. The line is expected to be in the
        format used by the openssh known_hosts file.

        Lines are expected to not have leading or trailing whitespace.
        We don't bother to check for comments or empty lines.  All of
        that should be taken care of before sending the line to us.

        @param line: a line from an OpenSSH known_hosts file
        @type line: str
        fields = line.split(' ')
        if len(fields) < 3:
            # Bad number of fields
            return None
        fields = fields[:3]

        names, keytype, key = fields
        names = names.split(',')

        # Decide what kind of key we're looking at and create an object
        # to hold it accordingly.
            if keytype == 'ssh-rsa':
                key = RSAKey(data=base64.decodestring(key))
            elif keytype == 'ssh-dss':
                key = DSSKey(data=base64.decodestring(key))
                return None
        except binascii.Error, e:
            raise InvalidHostKey(line, e)
예제 #4
def load_host_keys(filename):
    Read a file of known SSH host keys, in the format used by openssh, and
    return a compound dict of C{hostname -> keytype ->} L{PKey <paramiko.pkey.PKey>}.
    The hostname may be an IP address or DNS name.  The keytype will be either
    C{"ssh-rsa"} or C{"ssh-dss"}.
    This type of file unfortunately doesn't exist on Windows, but on posix,
    it will usually be stored in C{os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/known_hosts")}.
    @param filename: name of the file to read host keys from
    @type filename: str
    @return: dict of host keys, indexed by hostname and then keytype
    @rtype: dict(hostname, dict(keytype, L{PKey <paramiko.pkey.PKey>}))
    import base64
    from rsakey import RSAKey
    from dsskey import DSSKey

    keys = {}
    f = file(filename, 'r')
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
        if (len(line) == 0) or (line[0] == '#'):
        keylist = line.split(' ')
        if len(keylist) != 3:
        hostlist, keytype, key = keylist
        hosts = hostlist.split(',')
        for host in hosts:
            if not keys.has_key(host):
                keys[host] = {}
            if keytype == 'ssh-rsa':
                keys[host][keytype] = RSAKey(data=base64.decodestring(key))
            elif keytype == 'ssh-dss':
                keys[host][keytype] = DSSKey(data=base64.decodestring(key))
    return keys
예제 #5
def CryptImportKey(data):
    ret = RSAKey(data)
    if not ret.valid:
        return None
    return ret