예제 #1
def getFieldPoints(sql):
    Function to return locations of field points from database according
    to sql query.

    pointDict = {}

    if sql is None:
       sql = """
            SELECT fractional.obs_key, fractional.obs_time::date, fractional.site,
                ST_X(field_geom.geom) as longitude,
                ST_Y(field_geom.geom) as latitude,
                crust, dist, rock, green, crypto, dead, litter, mid_g,
                mid_d, mid_b, crn, over_g, over_d, over_b, persist_gr, num_points
            FROM fractional, field_geom, states
            WHERE field_geom.obs_key = fractional.obs_key
            AND st_intersects(field_geom.geom,states.geom)
            AND states.state_name = 'NT'

    con = metadb.connect(api=metadb.DB_API)
    cursor = con.cursor()
    description = cursor.description
    headers = getHeaders(description)

    points = cursor.fetchall()

    return points, headers
예제 #2
def getImageNames(cmdargs):
    Use the database to generate a list of all the filenames for the given scene, 
    for the given stage. 
    scene = "p%3.3dr%3.3d" % (cmdargs.path, cmdargs.row)
    sql = """
        select satellite, instrument, date 
        from landsat_list 
        where product = 're' and scene = '%s'
        order by date
    """ % scene
    DBcon = metadb.connect(api=metadb.DB_API)
    DBcursor = DBcon.cursor()
    results = DBcursor.fetchall()
    fileList = []
    for (sat, instr, date) in results:
	newDate = date[0:4]
        filename = "lztmre_%s_%s_%sm3.img" % (scene, newDate, cmdargs.stage)
        # Use the database to get the right projection code for this scene
        filename = metadb.stdProjFilename(filename, cursor=DBcursor)
    return fileList
예제 #3
def searchDatabaseScenes(pointDict,timeLag,defStage,winsize):
    Search database to find scenes which intersect field data points and were acquired
    within specified number of days of field work

    keys = pointDict.keys()

    for key in keys:
        pointDict[key].image[1] = ImageDict()
        pointDict[key].image[2] = ImageDict()
        pointDict[key].image[3] = ImageDict()
        pointDict[key].image[4] = ImageDict()
        pointDict[key].image[5] = ImageDict()
        pointDict[key].image[6] = ImageDict()
        pointDict[key].image[7] = ImageDict()
        pointDict[key].image[8] = ImageDict()

    for stage in ['d%s' % defStage]:
        if stage == 'd%s' % defStage:
	    print defStage
            recallStage = 'd%s' % defStage 
            data_source = 'usgs'

        for key in keys:
            fieldDate = pointDict[key].obs_time.split(' ')[0]
            fieldDate = fieldDate.replace('-','')
            fieldDate = '%s-%s-%s' % (fieldDate[:4],fieldDate[4:6],fieldDate[6:])
            pointDict[key].obs_time = fieldDate

            con = metadb.connect(api=metadb.DB_API)
            cursor = con.cursor()

            query = """
                SELECT abs(cast('%s' as date) - f.cal_date),SLATSFilename(f.sat_type,f.scene_date)
                FROM FindFootprintsByPoint(%s, %s) as f, landsat_list
                WHERE landsat_list.scene_date = f.scene_date
                    AND abs(cast('%s' as date) - f.cal_date) < %s
                    AND landsat_list.product = 're'
                    AND data_source ='%s'

                    """ % (fieldDate,pointDict[key].longitude,pointDict[key].latitude,fieldDate,timeLag,data_source)
                results = cursor.fetchall()



                if len(results) > 0:
                    for i in index:
                            result = results[i-1]
                            image = qvf.changestage(result[1], '%s' % stage)

                            if qv.existsonfilestore(image) and pointDict[key].image[i].imageName is None:
                                pointDict[key].image[i].imageName = image
                                pointDict[key].image[i].timeLag = result[0]
                                pointDict[key].image[i].tmp3pix = qvf.changestage('%s_%s_%spix.tif' % (image.split('.')[0],pointDict[key].site.strip(),winsize),'tmp')
                                pointDict[key].image[i].imageName = 'None'
                                pointDict[key].image[i].timeLag = 'None'
                                pointDict[key].image[i].tmp3pix = 'None'

                        except IndexError:
                            pointDict[key].image[i].imageName = 'None'
                            pointDict[key].image[i].timeLag = 'None'
                            pointDict[key].image[i].tmp3pix = 'None'


                elif len(results) == 0:
                    image = 'None'
                    print pointDict[key].site,fieldDate,pointDict[key].longitude,pointDict[key].latitude

                    print 'Really bad problem.'

                print 'failed', query, pointDict[key].site

    return pointDict