if len(shared_tests): handle.write('if(NOT ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS})\n') handle.write( ' message( INFO "' + str(len(shared_tests)) + ' shared lib unit-tests will be skipped. Check BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to run them..." )\n' ) handle.write('else()\n') for test in shared_tests: handle.write(' add_subdirectory( ' + test + ' )\n') log.d('... including:', sdir) n_tests += 1 handle.write('endif()\n') if len(static_tests): handle.write('if(${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS})\n') handle.write( ' message( INFO "' + str(len(static_tests)) + ' static lib unit-tests will be skipped. Uncheck BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to run them..." )\n' ) handle.write('else()\n') for test in static_tests: handle.write(' add_subdirectory( ' + test + ' )\n') log.d('... including:', sdir) n_tests += 1 handle.write('endif()\n') handle.close() print('Generated ' + str(n_tests) + ' unit-tests') if log.n_errors(): sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)
# for configuration, serial_numbers in devices_by_test_config( test ): try: log.d( 'configuration:', configuration ) log.debug_indent() devices.enable_only( serial_numbers, recycle = True ) except RuntimeError as e: log.w( log.red + test.name + log.reset + ': ' + str(e) ) else: test_wrapper( test, configuration ) finally: log.debug_unindent() # finally: log.debug_unindent() log.progress() # if not n_tests: log.e( 'No unit-tests found!' ) sys.exit(1) # n_errors = log.n_errors() if n_errors: log.out( log.red + str(n_errors) + log.reset, 'of', n_tests, 'test(s)', log.red + 'failed!' + log.reset + log.clear_eos ) sys.exit(1) # log.out( str(n_tests) + ' unit-test(s) completed successfully' + log.clear_eos ) # sys.exit(0)