def install_configuration(self, image, mountpoint): uenv_txt = self['uenv_txt'] if uenv_txt is not None: log.output('Uenv txt: %s' % (uenv_txt)) image.install(path.abspath(uenv_txt), mountpoint) else: template = None if self['net_dhcp'] or self['net_ip'] is not None: if self['net_dhcp']: template = 'uenv_net_dhcp' else: template = 'uenv_net_static' if self['net_server_ip']: template += '_sip' if self['net_fdt']: template += '_net_fdt' else: if self['kernel'] is not None: template = 'uenv_exe' elif self['fdt'] is not None: template = 'uenv' if self['fdt'] is not None: template += '_fdt' if template is not None: log.notice('Uenv template: %s' % (template)) uenv_start = self.comma_split(self['uenv_start']) uenv_body = self.comma_split(self[template]) uenv_end = self.comma_split(self['uenv_end']) uenv = uenv_start + uenv_body + uenv_end image.install_text(self.filter_text(uenv), path.join(mountpoint, self['boot_config']))
def parse(self): if not path.exists(self.summary_file_path): log.output('coverage: summary file %s does not exist!' % (self.summary_file_path)) self.is_failure = True with open(self.summary_file_path, 'r') as summary_file: self.bytes_analyzed = self._get_next_with_colon(summary_file) self.bytes_not_executed = self._get_next_with_colon(summary_file) self.percentage_executed = self._get_next_with_colon(summary_file) self.percentage_not_executed = self._get_next_with_colon( summary_file) self.ranges_uncovered = self._get_next_with_colon(summary_file) self.branches_total = self._get_next_with_colon(summary_file) self.branches_uncovered = self._get_next_with_colon(summary_file) self.branches_always_taken = self._get_next_without_colon( summary_file) self.branches_never_taken = self._get_next_without_colon( summary_file) if len(self.branches_uncovered) > 0 and len(self.branches_total) > 0: self.percentage_branches_covered = \ 1.0 - (float(self.branches_uncovered) / float(self.branches_total)) else: self.percentage_branches_covered = 0.0 return
def install(self, src, dst): src_base = path.basename(src) log.notice('Install: %s' % (src_base)) asrc = path.abspath(src) adst = path.join(path.abspath(dst), src_base) log.output('Copy: %s -> %s' % (asrc, adst)) path.copy(asrc, adst)
def fdt_convert(self, image, fdt): dst = path.join(path.abspath(self['build']), path.basename(fdt)) self['fdt_build'] = dst log.output('Copy (into build): %s -> %s' % (fdt, dst)) image.clean_path(dst) path.copy(fdt, dst) return self['fdt_image'].replace('@FDT@', dst)
def _error(self, msg): err = 'error: %s' % (self._name_line_msg(msg)) log.stderr(err) log.output(err) self.in_error = True if not self.opts.dry_run(): log.stderr('warning: switched to dry run due to errors') self.opts.set_dry_run()
def install_text(self, text, dst): dst_base = path.basename(dst) log.notice('Install: %s' % (dst_base)) adst = path.abspath(dst) log.output('Copy: text[%d] -> %s' % (len(text), adst)) log.output([' ] ' + l for l in text]) with open(adst, "w") as o: o.write(os.linesep.join(text))
def log_output(self, heading): log_lock.acquire() try: log.output(heading + self.text) except: raise finally: log_lock.release()
def _cleanup(self): if not self.no_clean: if self.trace: log.output('Coverage cleaning tempfiles') for exe in self.executables: trace_file = exe + '.cov' if path.exists(trace_file): os.remove(trace_file) os.remove(self.symbol_select_path)
def build(self): for arch in self.config.archs(): self.build_arch(arch) log.notice('^ Profile Time %s' % (str(end - start))) log.notice('+ warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%d libs:%d' % \ (self.warnings.get(), self.counts['exes'], self.counts['objs'], self.counts['libs'])) log.output('Profile Warnings:') log.output(
def log_info(self): # Filter potentially sensitive mail options out. filtered_args = [ arg for arg in self.argv if all(smtp_opt not in arg for smtp_opt in [ '--smtp-host', '--mail-to', '--mail-from', '--smtp-user', '--smtp-password', '--smtp-port' ]) ] log.output(
def _output_line(line, exe, prefix, out, count): #exe.lock.acquire() #exe.outputting = True #exe.lock.release() if out: out(prefix + line) else: log.output(prefix + line) if count > 10: log.flush()
def kernel_convert(self, image, kernel): dst = path.join(path.abspath(self['build']), path.basename(kernel)) self['kernel_build'] = dst log.output('Copy (into build): %s -> %s' % (kernel, dst)) image.clean_path(dst) path.copy(kernel, dst) cmds = self.filter_text(self.comma_split(self['kernel_converter'])) for cmd in cmds: _command(cmd, self['build']) return self['kernel_image'].replace('@KERNEL@', dst)
def __init__(self, command_path, build, convert_kernel, paths, board): self.uboot = {'paths': paths, 'board': board} self.convert_kernel = convert_kernel super(uboot_bootloader, self).__init__(command_path, build, 'u-boot') if self.board() not in self.boards(): raise error.general('board not found: %s' % (self.board())) log.output('Board: %s' % (self.board())) self.section_macro_map(self.board()) self.macros.set_read_map(self['bootloader'] + '-templates') self.macros.lock_read_map() self._check_frist_second_stages()
def _check_exes(exes): ok = True first = True for exe in exes: log.output('check exe: %s' % (exe)) if not check.check_exe(None, exe): if first: log.notice('Host executable(s) not found:') first = False log.notice(' %s' % (exe)) ok = False return ok
def build_profile(self, profile): if not self.config.profile_present(profile): raise error.general('BSP not found: %s/%s' % (arch, bsp)) start = log.notice(']] Profile: %s' % (profile)) for arch in self.config.profile_archs(profile): for bsp in self.config.profile_arch_bsps(profile, arch): self.build_arch_bsp(arch, bsp) end = log.notice('^ Profile Time %s' % (str(end - start))) log.notice(' warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%d libs:%d' % \ (self.warnings.get(), self.counts['exes'], self.counts['objs'], self.counts['libs'])) log.output('Profile Warnings:') log.output(
def create_path(self, where, recreate=True, cleanup=True): if path.exists(where): log.output('remove: %s' % (where)) path.removeall(where) try: log.output('make: %s' % (where)) path.mkdir(where) except: raise error.general('cannot create build path: %s' % (where)) if not path.isreadable(where): raise error.general('build path is not readable: %s' % (where)) if not path.iswritable(where): raise error.general('build path is not writeable: %s' % (where)) if cleanup: self.remove_paths += [where]
def output(self, text): for l in text.splitlines(): if ' warning:' in l: self.count += 1 ws = l.split(' ') if len(ws) > 0: ws = ws[0].split(':') w = path.abspath(ws[0]) w = w.replace(self.rtems, '') if path.isabspath(w): w = w[1:] w = '%s:%s:%s' % (w, ws[1], ws[2]) if w not in self.warnings: self.warnings[w] = 0 self.warnings[w] += 1 log.output(text)
def _finished(self): log.notice('Total: Warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%d libs:%d' % \ (self.results.get_warning_count(), self.counts['exes'], self.counts['objs'], self.counts['libs'])) log.output() log.output('Warnings:') log.output(self.results.warnings_report()) log.output() log.notice('Failures:') log.notice(self.results.failures_report()) self._warnings_report() self._failures_report()
def output(self, text): for l in text.splitlines(): if ' warning:' in l: self.count += 1 ws = l.split(' ') if len(ws) > 0: ws = ws[0].split(':') w = path.abspath(ws[0]) w = w.replace(self.rtems, '') if path.isabspath(w): w = w[1:] # # Ignore compiler option warnings. # if len(ws) >= 3: w = '%s:%s:%s' % (w, ws[1], ws[2]) if w not in self.warnings: self.warnings[w] = 0 self.warnings[w] += 1 log.output(text)
def _execute(self, phase): exit_code = 0 cmd = self.commands[phase] try: # This should locked; not sure how to do that self.proc = execute.capture_execution(log=self.output) log.output(wrap(('run:',, cmd), lineend='\\')) if not self.commands['dry-run']: exit_code, proc, output = cmd, except: traceback.print_exc() self.lock.acquire() if self.proc is not None: self.proc.kill() self.lock.release() exit_code = 1 self.lock.acquire() self.proc = None self.lock.release() return exit_code == 0
def _command(cmd, cwd): e = execute.capture_execution() cwd = path.abspath(cwd) log.output('>> cwd: %s' % (cwd)) log.output('> %s' % (cmd)) exit_code, proc, output =, output_split = output.split(os.linesep) if len(output_split) >= 1 and len(output_split[0]) > 0: log.output(['> ' + l for l in output_split]) log.output('> exit: %d' % (exit_code)) if exit_code != 0: err = 'executing failure: (exit:%d) %s' % (exit_code, cmd) raise error.general(err) return output
def log(self, name, mode): status_fails = [ 'failed', 'timeout', 'invalid', 'wrong-version', 'wrong-build', 'wrong-tools' ] if mode != 'none': self.lock.acquire() if name not in self.results: self.lock.release() raise error.general('test report missing: %s' % (name)) exe = path.basename(self.results[name]['exe']) result = self.results[name]['result'] time = self.results[name]['end'] - self.results[name]['start'] failed = result in status_fails result = 'Result: %-10s Time: %s %s' % (result, str(time), exe) if mode != 'none': header = self.results[name]['header'] if mode == 'all' or failed: output = self.results[name]['output'] else: output = None self.lock.release() if header: log.output(header) if output: log.output(result) log.output(output)
def host_partition(self, image_, device, ptype, plabel, pformat, psize, palign): types = {'MBR': 'MBR'} formats = {'fat16': '6', 'fat32': 'b'} if ptype not in types: err = 'unknown type of partitioning: %s' % (ptype) raise error.general(err) if pformat not in formats: raise error.general('unknown format: %s' % (pformat)) # # Datch the loop back device, we use fdisk on the image to avoid any # kernel errors related to re-reading the updated partition data. # self.host_image_detach(device) # # This awkward exchange is needed to script fdisk, hmmm. # with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: s = os.linesep.join([ 'o', # create a new empty part table 'n', # add a new partition 'p', # primary '1', # partition 1 '%d' % (_si_size(palign) / 512), '%d' % (_si_size(psize) / 512), 't', # change a partition type '%s' % (formats[pformat]), # hex code 'a', # toggle a bootable flag 'p', # print 'w', # write table to disk and exit '' ]) log.output('fdisk script:') log.output(s) tmp.write(s.encode()) self.command('cat %s | fdisk -t %s %s' % (, types[ptype], image_)) return self.host_image_attach(image_)
def open(self, command, capture = True, shell = False, cwd = None, env = None, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, timeout = None): """Open a command with arguments. Provide the arguments as a list or a string.""" if self.verbose: s = command if type(command) is list: def add(x, y): return x + ' ' + str(y) s = functools.reduce(add, command, '')[1:] what = 'spawn' if shell: what = 'shell' log.output(what + ': ' + s) if self.output is None: raise error.general('capture needs an output handler') if shell and self.shell_exe: command = arg_list(command) command[:0] = self.shell_exe if not stdin and self.input: stdin = subprocess.PIPE if not stdout: stdout = subprocess.PIPE if not stderr: stderr = subprocess.PIPE proc = None if cwd is None: cwd = self.path if env is None: env = self.environment try: # Work around a problem on Windows with commands that # have a '.' and no extension. Windows needs the full # command name. if sys.platform == "win32" and type(command) is list: if command[0].find('.') >= 0: r, e = os.path.splitext(command[0]) if e not in ['.exe', '.com', '.bat']: command[0] = command[0] + '.exe' log.trace('exe: %s' % (command)) proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell = shell, cwd = cwd, env = env, stdin = stdin, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, close_fds = False) if not capture: return (0, proc) if self.output is None: raise error.general('capture needs an output handler') exit_code = self.capture(proc, command, timeout) if self.verbose: log.output('exit: ' + str(exit_code)) except OSError as ose: exit_code = ose.errno if self.verbose: log.output('exit: ' + str(ose)) return (exit_code, proc)
def cleanup(self): log.notice('Cleaning up') for m in self.unmount_paths: log.output('unmount: %s' % (m)) self.unmount(m) for i in self.detach_images: log.output('detach: %s' % (i)) self.image_detach(i) if self.loader.clean: for r in self.remove_paths: if path.exists(r): log.output('remove: %s' % (r)) path.removeall(r)
def build_arch(self, arch): start = log.output('=' * 70) log.notice(']] Architecture: %s' % (arch)) if not self.confif.arch_present(arch): raise error.general('Architecture not found: %s' % (arch)) for bsp in self._bsps(arch): self.build_arch_bsp(arch, bsp) log.notice('^ Architecture Time %s' % (str(end - start))) log.notice(' warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%s libs:%d' % \ self.warnings.get(), self.counts['exes'], self.counts['objs'], self.counts['libs']) log.output('Architecture Warnings:') log.output(
def build_arch(self, arch): start = log.output('=' * 70) log.notice(']] Architecture: %s' % (arch)) if not self.config.arch_present(arch): raise error.general('Architecture not found: %s' % (arch)) for bsp in self._bsps(arch): self.build_arch_bsp(arch, bsp) end = log.notice('^ Architecture Time %s' % (str(end - start))) log.notice(' warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%d libs:%d' % \ (self.warnings.get(), self.counts['exes'], self.counts['objs'], self.counts['libs'])) log.output('Architecture Warnings:') log.output(
def log(self, name, mode): if mode != 'none': self.lock.acquire() if name not in self.results: self.lock.release() raise error.general('test report missing: %s' % (name)) exe = path.basename(self.results[name]['exe']) result = self.results[name]['result'] time = self.results[name]['end'] - self.results[name]['start'] if mode != 'none': header = self.results[name]['header'] if mode == 'all' or result != 'passed': output = self.results[name]['output'] else: output = None self.lock.release() if header: log.output(header) if output: log.output(output) log.output('Result: %-10s Time: %s %s' % (result, str(time), exe))
def log(self, name, mode): if mode != 'none': self.lock.acquire() if name not in self.results: self.lock.release() raise error.general('test report missing: %s' % (name)) result = self.results[name]['result'] time = self.results[name]['end'] - self.results[name]['start'] if mode != 'none': header = self.results[name]['header'] if mode == 'all' or result != 'passed': output = self.results[name]['output'] else: output = None self.lock.release() if header: log.output(header) if output: log.output(output) if header: log.output('Result: %-10s Time: %s' % (result, str(time)))
def build_arch_bsp(self, arch, bsp): if not self.config.bsp_present(arch, bsp): raise error.general('BSP not found: %s/%s' % (arch, bsp)) log.output('-' * 70) log.notice('] BSP: %s/%s' % (arch, bsp)) log.notice('. Creating: %s' % (self._path(arch, bsp))) self._arch_bsp_dir_clean(arch, bsp) self._arch_bsp_dir_make(arch, bsp) variations = self._variations(arch, bsp) build_set = self._build_set(variations) bsp_start = bsp_warnings = warnings_counter(self.rtems) env_path = os.environ['PATH'] os.environ['PATH'] =, 'bin')) + \ os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] for bs in sorted(build_set.keys()): warnings = warnings_counter(self.rtems) start = log.output('- ' * 35) log.notice('. Configuring: %s' % (bs)) try: result = '+ Pass' bpath = self._build_dir(arch, bsp, bs) path.mkdir(bpath) config_cmd = self._config_command(build_set[bs], arch, bsp) cmd = config_cmd e = execute.capture_execution(log = warnings) log.output('run: ' + cmd) if self.options['dry-run']: exit_code = 0 else: exit_code, proc, output =, cwd = if exit_code != 0: result = '- FAIL' self.errors['configure'] += 1 log.notice('- Configure failed: %s' % (bs)) log.output('cmd failed: %s' % (cmd)) if self.options['stop-on-error']: raise error.general('Configuring %s failed' % (bs)) else: log.notice('. Building: %s' % (bs)) cmd = 'make' if 'jobs' in self.options: cmd += ' -j %s' % (self.options['jobs']) log.output('run: ' + cmd) if self.options['dry-run']: exit_code = 0 else: exit_code, proc, output =, cwd = if exit_code != 0: result = '- FAIL' self.errors['build'] += 1 log.notice('- FAIL: %s: %s' % (bs, self._error_str())) log.output('cmd failed: %s' % (cmd)) if self.options['stop-on-error']: raise error.general('Building %s failed' % (bs)) files = self._count_files(arch, bsp, bs) log.notice('%s: %s: warnings:%d exes:%d objs:%s libs:%d' % \ (result, bs, warnings.get(), files['exes'], files['objs'], files['libs'])) log.notice(' %s' % (self._error_str())) self.results.add(result[0] == '+', arch, bsp, config_cmd, warnings.get()) finally: end = if not self.options['no-clean']: log.notice('. Cleaning: %s' % (self._build_dir(arch, bsp, bs))) path.removeall(self._build_dir(arch, bsp, bs)) log.notice('^ Time %s' % (str(end - start))) log.output('Warnings Report:') log.output( warnings.accumulate(bsp_warnings) warnings.accumulate(self.warnings) bsp_end = log.notice('^ BSP Time %s' % (str(bsp_end - bsp_start))) log.output('BSP Warnings Report:') log.output( os.environ['PATH'] = env_path
def report(self): log.notice('* Passes: %d Failures: %d' % (len(self.passes), len(self.fails))) log.output() log.output('Build Report') log.output(' Passes: %d Failures: %d' % (len(self.passes), len(self.fails))) log.output(' Failures:') if len(self.fails) == 0: log.output('None') else: max_col = 0 for f in self.fails: arch_bsp = self._arch_bsp(f[0], f[1]) if len(arch_bsp) > max_col: max_col = len(arch_bsp) for f in self.fails: config_cmd = f[2] config_at = config_cmd.find('configure') if config_at != -1: config_cmd = config_cmd[config_at:] log.output(' %*s: %s' % (max_col + 2, self._arch_bsp(f[0], f[1]), config_cmd)) log.output(' Passes:') if len(self.passes) == 0: log.output('None') else: max_col = 0 for f in self.passes: arch_bsp = self._arch_bsp(f[0], f[1]) if len(arch_bsp) > max_col: max_col = len(arch_bsp) for f in self.passes: config_cmd = f[2] config_at = config_cmd.find('configure') if config_at != -1: config_cmd = config_cmd[config_at:] log.output(' %*s: %5d %s' % (max_col + 2, self._arch_bsp(f[0], f[1]), f[3], config_cmd))
def log_info(self): log.output(
def summary(self): log.output() log.notice(self.score_card()) log.output(self.failures())
def run(args=sys.argv, command_path=None): '''Run a TFTP server session.''' # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value # pylint: disable=unused-argument # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements ecode = 0 notice = None server = None # pylint: disable=bare-except try: description = 'A TFTP Server that supports a read only TFTP session.' nice_cwd = os.path.relpath(os.getcwd()) if len(nice_cwd) > len(os.path.abspath(nice_cwd)): nice_cwd = os.path.abspath(nice_cwd) argsp = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='rtems-tftp-server', description=description) argsp.add_argument('-l', '--log', help='log file.', type=str, default=None) argsp.add_argument('-v', '--trace', help='enable trace logging for debugging.', action='store_true', default=False) argsp.add_argument('--trace-packets', help='enable trace logging of packets.', action='store_true', default=False) argsp.add_argument('--show-backtrace', help='show the exception backtrace.', action='store_true', default=False) argsp.add_argument( '-B', '--bind', help='address to bind the server too (default: %(default)s).', type=str, default='all') argsp.add_argument( '-P', '--port', help='port to bind the server too (default: %(default)s).', type=int, default='69') argsp.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', help = 'timeout in seconds, client can override ' \ '(default: %(default)s).', type = int, default = '10') argsp.add_argument( '-b', '--base', help='base path, not checked (default: %(default)s).', type=str, default=nice_cwd) argsp.add_argument( '-F', '--force-file', help='force the file to be downloaded overriding the client.', type=str, default=None) argsp.add_argument('-s', '--sessions', help = 'number of TFTP sessions to run before exiting ' \ '(default: forever.', type = int, default = None) argopts = argsp.parse_args(args[1:]) load_log(argopts.log) log.notice('RTEMS Tools - TFTP Server, %s' % (version.string())) log.output( log.tracing = argopts.trace server = tftp_server(argopts.bind, argopts.port, argopts.timeout, argopts.base, argopts.force_file, argopts.sessions) server.enable_notices() if argopts.trace_packets: server.trace_packets() if argopts.show_backtrace: server.except_is_raise() try: server.start() finally: server.stop() except error.general as gerr: notice = str(gerr) ecode = 1 except error.internal as ierr: notice = str(ierr) ecode = 1 except error.exit: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: notice = 'abort: user terminated' ecode = 1 except SystemExit: pass except: notice = 'abort: unknown error' ecode = 1 if server is not None: del server if notice is not None: log.stderr(notice) sys.exit(ecode)
def show_state(results, state, max_len): for name in results: if results[name]['result'] == state: log.output(' %s' % (path.basename(name)))
def summary(self): def show_state(results, state, max_len): for name in results: if results[name]['result'] == state: log.output(' %s' % (path.basename(name))) log.output() log.notice('Passed: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.passed)) log.notice('Failed: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.failed)) log.notice('Timeouts: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.timeouts)) log.notice('Invalid: %*d' % (self.total_len, self.invalids)) log.output('----------%s' % ('-' * self.total_len)) log.notice('Total: %*d' % (self.total_len, log.output() if self.failed: log.output('Failures:') show_state(self.results, 'failed', self.name_max_len) if self.timeouts: log.output('Timeouts:') show_state(self.results, 'timeout', self.name_max_len) if self.invalids: log.output('Invalid:') show_state(self.results, 'invalid', self.name_max_len)