def __split_off_extra_attributes(self, mapping: CommentedMap, known_attrs: List[str]) -> CommentedMap: """Separates the extra attributes in mapping into _yatiml_extra. This returns a mapping containing all key-value pairs from mapping whose key is in known_attrs, and an additional key _yatiml_extra which maps to a dict containing the remaining key-value pairs. Args: mapping: The mapping to split known_attrs: Attributes that should be kept in the main map, and not moved to _yatiml_extra. Returns: A map with attributes reorganised as described above. """ attr_names = list(mapping.keys()) main_attrs = mapping.copy() # type: CommentedMap extra_attrs = OrderedDict(mapping.items()) for name in attr_names: if name not in known_attrs or name == '_yatiml_extra': del (main_attrs[name]) else: del (extra_attrs[name]) main_attrs['_yatiml_extra'] = extra_attrs return main_attrs
def _loadSpec(self, spec, path, repositories): if "service_template" in spec: toscaDef = spec["service_template"] elif "tosca" in spec: # backward compat toscaDef = spec["tosca"] else: toscaDef = {} repositoriesTpl = toscaDef.setdefault("repositories", CommentedMap()) for name, value in repositories.items(): if name not in repositoriesTpl: repositoriesTpl[name] = value # make sure this is present toscaDef["tosca_definitions_version"] = TOSCA_VERSION if not isinstance(toscaDef, CommentedMap): toscaDef = CommentedMap(toscaDef.items()) if getattr(toscaDef, "baseDir", None) and (not path or toscaDef.baseDir != os.path.dirname(path)): # note: we only recorded the baseDir not the name of the included file path = toscaDef.baseDir return ToscaSpec(toscaDef, spec.get("inputs"), spec, path, self.getImportResolver())
def _clean_yaml(self, recipe_yaml: CommentedMap): recipe = deepcopy(recipe_yaml) for key, value in recipe_yaml.items(): if key == "extra" or (key == "test" and value): continue if not isinstance(value, bool) and not value: del recipe[key] elif isinstance(value, (CommentedMap, dict)): if key != "requirements": self.__reduce_list(key, recipe) return recipe
def deep_convert_dict(layer): to_ret = layer if isinstance(layer, dict): to_ret = CommentedMap(layer) try: for key, value in to_ret.items(): to_ret[key] = deep_convert_dict(value) except AttributeError: pass return to_ret
def _get_data_encoded(self, include_default=False): data_encoded = {} for section in self._fields: if not include_default and (not section in self._data or len(self._data[section]) == 0): continue data_encoded[section] = CommentedMap() for setting, field in self._fields[section].items(): if setting in self._data[section] or include_default: data_encoded[section].insert(0, setting, field._encode(self._data[section].get(setting, field.default)), field.comment) data_encoded = CommentedMap(sorted(data_encoded.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) return data_encoded
def main(): image_set_dir = "data/LINEMOD_6D/LM6d_converted/LM6d_render_v1/image_set/real/" test_set_dict = CommentedMap({cls_idx: CommentedSeq([]) for cls_idx in IDX2CLASS.keys()}) for cls_idx, cls_name in IDX2CLASS.items(): print(cls_idx, cls_name) index_file = osp.join(image_set_dir, "{}_test.txt".format(cls_name)) with open(index_file, "r") as f: test_indices = [line.strip("\r\n") for line in f.readlines()] for test_idx in test_indices: sixd_idx = int(test_idx.split("/")[1]) - 1 test_set_dict[cls_idx].append(sixd_idx) for cls_idx, indices in test_set_dict.items(): indices.fa.set_flow_style() res_file = osp.join(osp.expanduser("~/Storage/SIXD_DATASETS/LM6d_origin/", "test_set_bb8_sixd.yml")) with open(res_file, "w") as f: yaml.dump(test_set_dict, f, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper, width=10000) print("done")
def __type_check_attributes(self, node: yaml.Node, mapping: CommentedMap, argspec: inspect.FullArgSpec) -> None: """Ensure all attributes have a matching constructor argument. This checks that there is a constructor argument with a matching type for each existing attribute. If the class has a _yatiml_extra attribute, then extra attributes are okay and no error will be raised if they exist. Args: node: The node we're processing mapping: The mapping with constructed subobjects constructor_attrs: The attributes of the constructor, including self and _yatiml_extra, if applicable """ logger.debug('Checking for extraneous attributes') logger.debug('Constructor arguments: {}, mapping: {}'.format( argspec.args, list(mapping.keys()))) for key, value in mapping.items(): if not isinstance(key, str): raise RecognitionError(('{}{}YAtiML only supports strings' ' for mapping keys').format( node.start_mark, os.linesep)) if key not in argspec.args and '_yatiml_extra' not in argspec.args: raise RecognitionError( ('{}{}Found additional attributes ("{}")' ' and {} does not support those').format( node.start_mark, os.linesep, key, self.class_.__name__)) if key in argspec.args and key in argspec.annotations: if not self.__type_matches(value, argspec.annotations[key]): raise RecognitionError( ('{}{}Expected attribute "{}" to be of type {}' ' but it is a(n) {}').format( node.start_mark, os.linesep, key, argspec.annotations[key], type(value)))
def _load_spec(self, spec, path, repositories, more_spec, skip_validation=False): if "service_template" in spec: toscaDef = spec["service_template"] or {} elif "tosca" in spec: # backward compat toscaDef = spec["tosca"] or {} else: toscaDef = {} repositoriesTpl = toscaDef.setdefault("repositories", CommentedMap()) for name, value in repositories.items(): if name not in repositoriesTpl: repositoriesTpl[name] = value # make sure this is present toscaDef["tosca_definitions_version"] = TOSCA_VERSION if more_spec: # don't merge individual templates toscaDef = merge_dicts( toscaDef, more_spec, replaceKeys=['node_templates', 'relationship_templates']) if not isinstance(toscaDef, CommentedMap): toscaDef = CommentedMap(toscaDef.items()) if getattr(toscaDef, "base_dir", None) and (not path or toscaDef.base_dir != os.path.dirname(path)): # note: we only recorded the baseDir not the name of the included file path = toscaDef.base_dir return ToscaSpec(toscaDef, spec, path, self.get_import_resolver(expand=True), skip_validation)
class WorkflowGenerator(object): """Class for creating a CWL workflow. The WorkflowGenerator class allows users to tie together inputs and outputs of the steps that need to be executed to perform a data processing task. The steps (i.e., command line tools and subworkflows) must be added to the steps library of the WorkflowGenerator object before they can be added to the workflow. To add steps to the steps library, the `load` method can be called with either a path to a directory containing CWL files: :: from scriptcwl import WorkflowGenerator with WorkflowGenerator() as wf: wf.load(steps_dir='/path/to/dir/with/cwl/steps/') Or a single CWL file: :: with WorkflowGenerator() as wf: wf.load(step_file='/path/to/cwl/step/file') ``wf.load()`` can be called multiple times. Step files are added to the steps library one after the other. For every step that is added to the steps library, a method with the same name is added to the WorkflowGenerator object. To add a step to the workflow, this method must be called (examples below). Next, the user should add one or more workflow inputs: :: txt_dir = wf.add_input(txt_dir='Directory') The ``add_input()`` method expects a ``name=type`` pair as input parameter. The pair connects an input name (``txt_dir`` in the example) to a CWL type (``'Directory'``). Optionally, a default value can be specified using ``default=value``. The ``add_input()`` method returns a string containing the name that can be used to connect this input parameter to step input parameter names. Next, workflow steps can be added. To add a workflow step, its method must be called on the WorkflowGenerator object. This method expects a list of (key, value) pairs as input parameters. (To find out what inputs a step needs call ``wf.inputs(<step name>)``. This method prints all the inputs and their types.) The method returns a list of strings containing output names that can be used as input for later steps, or that can be connected to workflow outputs. For example, to add a step called ``frog-dir`` to the workflow, the following method must be called: :: frogout = wf.frog_dir(dir_in=txt_dir) In a next step, ``frogout`` can be used as input: :: saf = wf.frog_to_saf(in_files=frogout) txt = wf.saf_to_txt(in_files=saf) Etcetera. When all steps of the workflow have been added, the user can specify workflow outputs: :: wf.add_outputs(txt=txt) Finally, the workflow can be saved to file: ::'workflow.cwl') To list steps and signatures available in the steps library, call: :: wf.list_steps() """ def __init__(self, steps_dir=None, working_dir=None): self.working_dir = working_dir if self.working_dir: self.working_dir = os.path.abspath(self.working_dir) if not os.path.exists(self.working_dir): os.makedirs(self.working_dir) self.wf_steps = CommentedMap() self.wf_inputs = CommentedMap() self.wf_outputs = CommentedMap() self.step_output_types = {} self.steps_library = StepsLibrary(working_dir=working_dir) self.has_workflow_step = False self.has_scatter_requirement = False self.has_multiple_inputs = False self._wf_closed = False self.load(steps_dir) def __enter__(self): self._wf_closed = False return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.wf_steps = None self.wf_inputs = None self.wf_outputs = None self.step_output_types = None self.steps_library = None self.has_workflow_step = None self.has_scatter_requirement = None self.working_dir = None self._wf_closed = True def __getattr__(self, name, **kwargs): name = self.steps_library.python_names2step_names.get(name, None) step = self._get_step(name) return partial(self._make_step, step, **kwargs) def __str__(self): # use absolute paths for printing return yaml2string(self, pack=False, relpath=None, wd=False) def _closed(self): if self._wf_closed: raise ValueError('Operation on closed WorkflowGenerator.') def load(self, steps_dir=None, step_file=None, step_list=None): """Load CWL steps into the WorkflowGenerator's steps library. Adds steps (command line tools and workflows) to the ``WorkflowGenerator``'s steps library. These steps can be used to create workflows. Args: steps_dir (str): path to directory containing CWL files. All CWL in the directory are loaded. step_file (str): path to a file containing a CWL step that will be added to the steps library. """ self._closed() self.steps_library.load(steps_dir=steps_dir, step_file=step_file, step_list=step_list) def list_steps(self): """Return string with the signature of all steps in the steps library. """ self._closed() return self.steps_library.list_steps() def _has_requirements(self): """Returns True if the workflow needs a requirements section. Returns: bool: True if the workflow needs a requirements section, False otherwise. """ self._closed() return any([ self.has_workflow_step, self.has_scatter_requirement, self.has_multiple_inputs ]) def inputs(self, name): """List input names and types of a step in the steps library. Args: name (str): name of a step in the steps library. """ self._closed() step = self._get_step(name, make_copy=False) return step.list_inputs() def _add_step(self, step): """Add a step to the workflow. Args: step (Step): a step from the steps library. """ self._closed() self.has_workflow_step = self.has_workflow_step or step.is_workflow self.wf_steps[step.name_in_workflow] = step def add_input(self, **kwargs): """Add workflow input. Args: kwargs (dict): A dict with a `name: type` item and optionally a `default: value` item, where name is the name (id) of the workflow input (e.g., `dir_in`) and type is the type of the input (e.g., `'Directory'`). The type of input parameter can be learned from `step.inputs(step_name=input_name)`. Returns: inputname Raises: ValueError: No or multiple parameter(s) have been specified. """ self._closed() def _get_item(args): """Get a single item from args.""" if not args: raise ValueError("No parameter specified.") item = args.popitem() if args: raise ValueError("Too many parameters, not clear what to do " "with {}".format(kwargs)) return item symbols = None input_dict = CommentedMap() if 'default' in kwargs: input_dict['default'] = kwargs.pop('default') if 'label' in kwargs: input_dict['label'] = kwargs.pop('label') if 'symbols' in kwargs: symbols = kwargs.pop('symbols') name, input_type = _get_item(kwargs) if input_type == 'enum': typ = CommentedMap() typ['type'] = 'enum' # make sure symbols is set if symbols is None: raise ValueError("Please specify the enum's symbols.") # make sure symbols is not empty if symbols == []: raise ValueError("The enum's symbols cannot be empty.") # make sure the symbols are a list if type(symbols) != list: raise ValueError('Symbols should be a list.') # make sure symbols is a list of strings symbols = [str(s) for s in symbols] typ['symbols'] = symbols input_dict['type'] = typ else: # Set the 'type' if we can't use simple notation (because there is # a default value or a label) if bool(input_dict): input_dict['type'] = input_type msg = '"{}" is already used as a workflow input. Please use a ' +\ 'different name.' if name in self.wf_inputs: raise ValueError(msg.format(name)) # Add 'type' for complex input types, so the user doesn't have to do it if isinstance(input_type, dict): input_dict['type'] = input_type # Make sure we can use the notation without 'type' if the input allows # it. if bool(input_dict): self.wf_inputs[name] = input_dict else: self.wf_inputs[name] = input_type return Reference(input_name=name) def add_outputs(self, **kwargs): """Add workflow outputs. The output type is added automatically, based on the steps in the steps library. Args: kwargs (dict): A dict containing ``name=source name`` pairs. ``name`` is the name of the workflow output (e.g., ``txt_files``) and source name is the name of the step that produced this output plus the output name (e.g., ``saf-to-txt/out_files``). """ self._closed() for name, source_name in kwargs.items(): obj = {} obj['outputSource'] = source_name obj['type'] = self.step_output_types[source_name] self.wf_outputs[name] = obj def set_documentation(self, doc): """Set workflow documentation. Args: doc (str): documentation string. """ self._closed() self.documentation = doc def set_label(self, label): """Set workflow label. Args: label (str): short description of workflow. """ self._closed() self.label = label def _get_step(self, name, make_copy=True): """Return step from steps library. Optionally, the step returned is a deep copy from the step in the steps library, so additional information (e.g., about whether the step was scattered) can be stored in the copy. Args: name (str): name of the step in the steps library. make_copy (bool): whether a deep copy of the step should be returned or not (default: True). Returns: Step from steps library. Raises: ValueError: The requested step cannot be found in the steps library. """ self._closed() s = self.steps_library.get_step(name) if s is None: msg = '"{}" not found in steps library. Please check your ' \ 'spelling or load additional steps' raise ValueError(msg.format(name)) if make_copy: s = copy.deepcopy(s) return s def _generate_step_name(self, step_name): name = step_name i = 1 while name in self.steps_library.step_ids: name = '{}-{}'.format(step_name, i) i += 1 return name def to_obj(self, wd=False, pack=False, relpath=None): """Return the created workflow as a dict. The dict can be written to a yaml file. Returns: A yaml-compatible dict representing the workflow. """ self._closed() obj = CommentedMap() obj['cwlVersion'] = 'v1.0' obj['class'] = 'Workflow' try: obj['doc'] = self.documentation except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass try: obj['label'] = self.label except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass if self._has_requirements(): obj['requirements'] = [] if self.has_workflow_step: obj['requirements'].append( {'class': 'SubworkflowFeatureRequirement'}) if self.has_scatter_requirement: obj['requirements'].append({'class': 'ScatterFeatureRequirement'}) if self.has_multiple_inputs: obj['requirements'].append( {'class': 'MultipleInputFeatureRequirement'}) obj['inputs'] = self.wf_inputs obj['outputs'] = self.wf_outputs steps_obj = CommentedMap() for key in self.wf_steps: steps_obj[key] = self.wf_steps[key].to_obj(relpath=relpath, pack=pack, wd=wd) obj['steps'] = steps_obj return obj def to_script(self, wf_name='wf'): """Generated and print the scriptcwl script for the currunt workflow. Args: wf_name (str): string used for the WorkflowGenerator object in the generated script (default: ``wf``). """ self._closed() script = [] # Workflow documentation # if self.documentation: # if is_multiline(self.documentation): # print('doc = """') # print(self.documentation) # print('"""') # print('{}.set_documentation(doc)'.format(wf_name)) # else: # print('{}.set_documentation(\'{}\')'.format(wf_name, # self.documentation)) # Workflow inputs params = [] returns = [] for name, typ in self.wf_inputs.items(): params.append('{}=\'{}\''.format(name, typ)) returns.append(name) script.append('{} = {}.add_inputs({})'.format(', '.join(returns), wf_name, ', '.join(params))) # Workflow steps returns = [] for name, step in self.wf_steps.items(): pyname = step.python_name returns = ['{}_{}'.format(pyname, o) for o in step['out']] params = [ '{}={}'.format(name, python_name(param)) for name, param in step['in'].items() ] script.append('{} = {}.{}({})'.format(', '.join(returns), wf_name, pyname, ', '.join(params))) # Workflow outputs params = [] for name, details in self.wf_outputs.items(): params.append('{}={}'.format(name, python_name(details['outputSource']))) script.append('{}.add_outputs({})'.format(wf_name, ', '.join(params))) return '\n'.join(script) @staticmethod def _get_input_type(step, input_name): input_type = step.input_types.get(input_name) if not input_type: input_type = step.optional_input_types[input_name] if step.is_scattered: for scattered_input in step.scattered_inputs: if scattered_input == input_name: input_type += '[]' return input_type def _get_source_type(self, ref): if isinstance(ref, list): self.has_multiple_inputs = True return [self._get_source_type_single(r) for r in ref] else: return self._get_source_type_single(ref) def _get_source_type_single(self, ref): if ref.refers_to_step_output(): step = self.wf_steps[ref.step_name] return step.output_types[ref.output_name] else: input_def = self.wf_inputs[ref.input_name] if isinstance(input_def, six.string_types): return input_def return input_def['type'] @staticmethod def _types_match(type1, type2): """Returns False only if it can show that no value of type1 can possibly match type2. Supports only a limited selection of types. """ if isinstance(type1, six.string_types) and \ isinstance(type2, six.string_types): type1 = type1.rstrip('?') type2 = type2.rstrip('?') if type1 != type2: return False return True def _type_check_reference(self, step, input_name, reference): input_type = self._get_input_type(step, input_name) source_type = self._get_source_type(reference) if isinstance(source_type, list): # all source_types must be equal if len(set(source_type)) > 1: inputs = [ '{} ({})'.format(n, t) for n, t in zip(reference, source_type) ] msg = 'The types of the workflow inputs/step outputs for ' \ '"{}" are not equal: {}.'.format(input_name, ', '.join(inputs)) raise ValueError(msg) # continue type checking using the first item from the list source_type = source_type[0] input_type = input_type['items'] reference = reference[0] if self._types_match(source_type, input_type): return True else: if step.is_scattered: scattered = ' (scattered)' else: scattered = '' if reference.refers_to_wf_input(): msg = 'Workflow input "{}" of type "{}" is not' msg += ' compatible with{} step input "{}" of type "{}"' msg = msg.format(reference.input_name, source_type, scattered, python_name(input_name), input_type) else: msg = 'Step output "{}" of type "{}" is not' msg += ' compatible with{} step input "{}" of type "{}"' msg = msg.format(reference, source_type, scattered, python_name(input_name), input_type) raise ValueError(msg) def _make_step(self, step, **kwargs): self._closed() for k in step.get_input_names(): p_name = python_name(k) if p_name in kwargs.keys(): if isinstance(kwargs[p_name], Reference): step.set_input(p_name, six.text_type(kwargs[p_name])) elif isinstance(kwargs[p_name], list): if all(isinstance(n, Reference) for n in kwargs[p_name]): step.set_input(p_name, kwargs[k]) else: raise ValueError( 'List of inputs contains an input with an ' 'incorrect type for keyword argument {} (should ' 'be a value returned by set_input or from adding ' 'a step).'.format(p_name)) else: raise ValueError( 'Incorrect type (should be a value returned' 'by set_inputs() or from adding a step) for keyword ' 'argument {}'.format(p_name)) elif k not in step.optional_input_names: raise ValueError( 'Expecting "{}" as a keyword argument.'.format(p_name)) if 'scatter' in kwargs.keys() or 'scatter_method' in kwargs.keys(): # Check whether 'scatter' keyword is present if not kwargs.get('scatter'): raise ValueError('Expecting "scatter" as a keyword argument.') # Check whether the scatter variables are valid for this step scatter_vars = kwargs.get('scatter') if isinstance(scatter_vars, six.string_types): scatter_vars = [scatter_vars] for var in scatter_vars: if var not in step.get_input_names(): msg = 'Invalid variable "{}" for scatter.' raise ValueError(msg.format(var)) step.scattered_inputs.append(var) # Check whether 'scatter_method' keyword is present if there is # more than 1 scatter variable if not kwargs.get('scatter_method') and len(scatter_vars) > 1: msg = 'Expecting "scatter_method" as a keyword argument.' raise ValueError(msg) # Check validity of scatterMethod scatter_methods = [ 'dotproduct', 'nested_crossproduct', 'flat_crossproduct' ] m = kwargs.get('scatter_method') if m and m not in scatter_methods: msg = 'Invalid scatterMethod "{}". Please use one of ({}).' raise ValueError(msg.format(m, ', '.join(scatter_methods))) step.scatter_method = m # Update step output types (outputs are now arrays) for name, typ in step.output_types.items(): step.output_types[name] = {'type': 'array', 'items': typ} self.has_scatter_requirement = True step.is_scattered = True # Check types of references for k in step.get_input_names(): p_name = python_name(k) if p_name in kwargs.keys(): self._type_check_reference(step, k, kwargs[p_name]) # Make sure the step has a unique name in the workflow (so command line # tools can be added to the same workflow multiple times). name_in_wf = self._generate_step_name( step._set_name_in_workflow(name_in_wf) self.steps_library.step_ids.append(name_in_wf) # Create a reference for each output for use in subsequent # steps' inputs. outputs = [] for n in step.output_names: ref = step.output_reference(n) self.step_output_types[ref] = step.output_types[n] outputs.append(ref) self._add_step(step) if len(outputs) == 1: return outputs[0] return outputs def validate(self): """Validate workflow object. This method currently validates the workflow object with the use of cwltool. It writes the workflow to a tmp CWL file, reads it, validates it and removes the tmp file again. By default, the workflow is written to file using absolute paths to the steps. """ # define tmpfile (fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) try: # save workflow object to tmpfile, # do not recursively call validate function, mode='abs', validate=False) # load workflow from tmpfile document_loader, processobj, metadata, uri = load_cwl(tmpfile) finally: # cleanup tmpfile os.remove(tmpfile) def _pack(self, fname, encoding): """Save workflow with ``--pack`` option This means that al tools and subworkflows are included in the workflow file that is created. A packed workflow cannot be loaded and used in scriptcwl. """ (fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) try:, mode='abs', validate=False) document_loader, processobj, metadata, uri = load_cwl(tmpfile) finally: # cleanup tmpfile os.remove(tmpfile) with, 'wb', encoding=encoding) as f: f.write(print_pack(document_loader, processobj, uri, metadata)) def save(self, fname, mode=None, validate=True, encoding='utf-8', wd=False, inline=False, relative=False, pack=False): """Save the workflow to file. Save the workflow to a CWL file that can be run with a CWL runner. Args: fname (str): file to save the workflow to. mode (str): one of (rel, abs, wd, inline, pack) encoding (str): file encoding to use (default: ``utf-8``). """ self._closed() if mode is None: mode = 'abs' if pack: mode = 'pack' elif wd: mode = 'wd' elif relative: mode = 'rel' msg = 'Using deprecated save method. Please save the workflow ' \ 'with:\'{}\', mode=\'{}\'). Redirecting to new ' \ 'save method.'.format(fname, mode) warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) modes = ('rel', 'abs', 'wd', 'inline', 'pack') if mode not in modes: msg = 'Illegal mode "{}". Choose one of ({}).'\ .format(mode, ','.join(modes)) raise ValueError(msg) if validate: self.validate() dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fname)) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) if mode == 'inline': msg = ('Inline saving is deprecated. Please save the workflow ' 'using mode=\'pack\'. Setting mode to pack.') warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) mode = 'pack' if mode == 'rel': relpath = dirname save_yaml(fname=fname, wf=self, pack=False, relpath=relpath, wd=False) if mode == 'abs': save_yaml(fname=fname, wf=self, pack=False, relpath=None, wd=False) if mode == 'pack': self._pack(fname, encoding) if mode == 'wd': if self.get_working_dir() is None: raise ValueError('Working directory not set.') else: # save in working_dir bn = os.path.basename(fname) wd_file = os.path.join(self.working_dir, bn) save_yaml(fname=wd_file, wf=self, pack=False, relpath=None, wd=True) # and copy workflow file to other location (as though all steps # are in the same directory as the workflow) try: shutil.copy2(wd_file, fname) except shutil.Error: pass def get_working_dir(self): return self.working_dir def add_inputs(self, **kwargs): """Deprecated function, use add_input(self, **kwargs) instead. Add workflow input. Args: kwargs (dict): A dict with a `name: type` item and optionally a `default: value` item, where name is the name (id) of the workflow input (e.g., `dir_in`) and type is the type of the input (e.g., `'Directory'`). The type of input parameter can be learned from `step.inputs(step_name=input_name)`. Returns: inputname Raises: ValueError: No or multiple parameter(s) have been specified. """ msg = ('The add_inputs() function is deprecation in favour of the ' 'add_input() function, redirecting...') warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) return self.add_input(**kwargs)
class YAMLRoundtripConfig(MutableConfigFile, MutableAbstractItemAccessMixin, MutableAbstractDictFunctionsMixin): """ Class for YAML-based (roundtrip) configurations """ def __init__(self, owner: Any, manager: "m.StorageManager", path: str, *args: List[Any], **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any]): = CommentedMap() super().__init__(owner, manager, path, *args, **kwargs) def load(self): with open(self.path, "r") as fh: = yaml.round_trip_load(fh, version=(1, 2)) def reload(self): self.unload() self.load() def unload(self): def save(self): if not self.mutable: raise RuntimeError("You may not modify a defaults file at runtime - check the mutable attribute!") with open(self.path, "w") as fh: yaml.round_trip_dump(, fh) # region: CommentedMap functions def insert(self, pos, key, value, *, comment=None): """ Insert a `key: value` pair at the given position, attaching a comment if provided Wrapper for `CommentedMap.insert()` """ return, key, value, comment) def add_eol_comment(self, comment, *, key=NoComment, column=30): """ Add an end-of-line comment for a key at a particular column (30 by default) Wrapper for `CommentedMap.yaml_add_eol_comment()` """ # Setting the column to None as the API actually defaults to will raise an exception, so we have to # specify one unfortunately return, key=key, column=column) def set_comment_before_key(self, key, comment, *, indent=0): """ Set a comment before a given key Wrapper for `CommentedMap.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key()` """ return key, before=comment, indent=indent, after=None, after_indent=None ) def set_start_comment(self, comment, indent=0): """ Set the starting comment Wrapper for `CommentedMap.yaml_set_start_comment()` """ return, indent=indent) # endregion # region: Dict functions def clear(self): return def copy(self): return def get(self, key, default=None): return, default) def items(self): return def keys(self): return def pop(self, key, default=None): return, default) def popitem(self): return def setdefault(self, key, default=None): if key not in[key] = default return default return[key] def update(self, other): return def values(self): return # endregion # Item access functions def __contains__(self, key): """ Wrapper for `dict.__contains__()` """ return def __delitem__(self, key): """ Wrapper for `dict.__delitem__()` """ del[key] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Wrapper for `dict.__getitem__()` """ return def __iter__(self): """ Wrapper for `dict.__iter__()` """ return def __len__(self): """ Wrapper for `dict.__len__()` """ return def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Wrapper for `dict.__getitem__()` """ return, value)
def _diff_dicts(self, path: YAMLPath, lhs: CommentedMap, rhs: CommentedMap) -> None: """ Diff two dicts. Parameters: 1. path (YAMLPath) YAML Path to the document element under evaluation 2. lhs (Any) The left-hand-side (original) document 3. rhs (Any) The right-hand-side (altered) document """ self.logger.debug("Comparing LHS:", prefix="Differ::_diff_dicts: ", data=lhs) self.logger.debug("Against RHS:", prefix="Differ::_diff_dicts: ", data=rhs) # Check first for a difference in YAML Tag lhs_tag = lhs.tag.value if hasattr(lhs, "tag") else None rhs_tag = rhs.tag.value if hasattr(rhs, "tag") else None if lhs_tag != rhs_tag: self.logger.debug( "Dictionaries have different YAML Tags; {} != {}:".format( lhs_tag, rhs_tag), prefix="Differ::_diff_dicts: ") self._diffs.append( DiffEntry(DiffActions.DELETE, path, lhs, None, key_tag=lhs_tag)) self._diffs.append( DiffEntry(DiffActions.ADD, path, None, rhs, key_tag=rhs_tag)) return lhs_keys = set(lhs) rhs_keys = set(rhs) lhs_key_indicies = Differ._get_key_indicies(lhs) rhs_key_indicies = Differ._get_key_indicies(rhs) self.logger.debug("Got LHS key indicies:", prefix="Differ::_diff_dicts: ", data=lhs_key_indicies) self.logger.debug("Got RHS key indicies:", prefix="Differ::_diff_dicts: ", data=rhs_key_indicies) # Look for changes for key, val in [(key, val) for key, val in rhs.items() if key in lhs and key in rhs]: next_path = (path + YAMLPath.escape_path_section(key, path.seperator)) self._diff_between(next_path, lhs[key], val, lhs_parent=lhs, lhs_iteration=lhs_key_indicies[key], rhs_parent=rhs, rhs_iteration=rhs_key_indicies[key], parentref=key) # Look for deleted keys for key in lhs_keys - rhs_keys: next_path = (path + YAMLPath.escape_path_section(key, path.seperator)) self._diffs.append( DiffEntry( DiffActions.DELETE, next_path, lhs[key], None, lhs_parent=lhs, lhs_iteration=lhs_key_indicies[key], rhs_parent=rhs, key_tag=key.tag.value if hasattr(key, "tag") else None)) # Look for new keys for key in rhs_keys - lhs_keys: next_path = (path + YAMLPath.escape_path_section(key, path.seperator)) self._diffs.append( DiffEntry( DiffActions.ADD, next_path, None, rhs[key], lhs_parent=lhs, rhs_parent=rhs, rhs_iteration=rhs_key_indicies[key], key_tag=key.tag.value if hasattr(key, "tag") else None))