def load_yaml_file(yaml_file_path: str) -> dict: """ Loads a yaml file and returns the content as nested dictionary. :return: nested dictionary as the content of the yaml file """ path = Path(yaml_file_path) yaml = YAML() yaml.boolean_representation = ['False', 'True'] return yaml.load(path)
def write_remote_global_settings_file(project_settings): yaml = YAML(typ='safe') yaml.preserve_quotes = True yaml.boolean_representation = ['False', 'True'] with open('./global_settings.yaml') as f: doc = yaml.load(f) doc['repo_loc'] = project_settings['remote_settings'][ 'remote_repo_loc'] doc['remote_settings']['remote_deploy'] = False with open('./remote/global_settings.yaml', 'w') as f: yaml.dump(doc, f)
import os import sys import csv import time import datetime # YAML setup from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML() yaml.preserve_quotes = True yaml.boolean_representation = ['False', 'True'] class Logger(): def __init__(self, argv, args, short_args={}, files=[], stats={}): = if not return exp_name = self.create_exp_name(args) self.log_dir = os.path.join('logs', args.save_dir, exp_name) # Check if the result file exists, and if so, don't run it again. if not args.overwrite: if os.path.exists(os.path.join( self.log_dir, 'result')) or os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.log_dir, 'result.csv')): print("The result file {} exists! Not rerunning.".format( os.path.join(self.log_dir, 'result'))) sys.exit(0)
def experiment(args): print(f"Running experiment with args: {args}") args.cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() args.train_batch_num -= 1 args.val_batch_num -= 1 args.eval_batch_num -= 1 # TODO (JON): What is yaml for right now? yaml = YAML() yaml.preserve_quotes = True yaml.boolean_representation = ['False', 'True'] torch.manual_seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) if args.cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.seed) ########## Setup dataset # TODO (JON): Verify that the loaders are shuffling the validation / test sets. if args.dataset == 'MNIST': num_train = args.datasize if num_train == -1: num_train = 50000 train_loader, val_loader, test_loader = load_mnist( args.batch_size, subset=[args.datasize, args.valsize, args.testsize], num_train=num_train) in_channel = 1 imsize = 28 fc_shape = 800 num_classes = 10 else: raise Exception("Must choose MNIST dataset") # TODO (JON): Right now we are not using the test loader for anything. Should evaluate it occasionally. ##################### Setup model if args.model == "mlp": model = Net(args.num_layers, args.dropout, imsize, in_channel, args.l2, num_classes=num_classes) else: raise Exception("bad model") hyper = init_hyper_train(args, model) # We need this when doing all_weight if args.cuda: model = model.cuda() model.weight_decay = model.weight_decay.cuda() # model.Gaussian.dropout = model.Gaussian.dropout.cuda() ############ Setup Optimizer # TODO (JON): Add argument for other optimizers? init_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), # , momentum=0.9) hyper_optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop([get_hyper_train( args, model)]) # , lr=args.lrh) # try 0.1 as lr ############## Setup Inversion Algorithms KFAC_damping = 1e-2 kfac_opt = KFACOptimizer(model, damping=KFAC_damping) # sec_optimizer ########### Perform the training global_step = 0 hp_k, update = 0, 0 for epoch_h in range(0, args.hepochs + 1): print(f"Hyper epoch: {epoch_h}") if (epoch_h) % args.hyper_log_interval == 0: if args.hyper_train == 'opt_data': if args.dataset == 'MNIST': save_learned( get_hyper_train(args, model).reshape(args.batch_size, imsize, imsize), True, args.batch_size, args) elif args.hyper_train == 'various': print( f"saturation: {torch.sigmoid(model.various[0])}, brightness: {torch.sigmoid(model.various[1])}, decay: {torch.exp(model.various[2])}" ) eval_train_corr, eval_train_loss = evaluate( args, model, global_step, train_loader, 'train') # TODO (JON): I don't know if we want normal train loss, or eval? eval_val_corr, eval_val_loss = evaluate(args, model, epoch_h, val_loader, 'valid') eval_test_corr, eval_test_loss = evaluate(args, model, epoch_h, test_loader, 'test') if args.break_perfect_val and eval_val_corr >= 0.999 and eval_train_corr >= 0.999: break min_loss = 10e8 elementary_epochs = args.epochs if epoch_h == 0: elementary_epochs = args.init_epochs if True: # epoch_h == 0: optimizer = init_optimizer # else: # optimizer = sec_optimizer for epoch in range(1, elementary_epochs + 1): global_step, epoch_train_loss = train(args, model, train_loader, optimizer, train_loss_func, kfac_opt, epoch, global_step) if np.isnan(epoch_train_loss): print("Loss is nan, stop the loop") break elif False: # epoch_train_loss >= min_loss: print( f"Breaking on epoch {epoch}. train_loss = {epoch_train_loss}, min_loss = {min_loss}" ) break min_loss = epoch_train_loss # if epoch_h == 0: # continue hp_k, update = KFAC_optimize(args, model, train_loader, val_loader, hyper_optimizer, kfac_opt, KFAC_damping, epoch_h)