예제 #1
import __pyto_ui_garbage_collector__ as _gc

c = ctypes.CDLL(None)

def raise_exception(script, exception):
    for tid, tobj in threading._active.items():
            if tobj.script_path == script:
                stopit.async_raise(tid, exception)

NSAutoreleasePool = ObjCClass("NSAutoreleasePool")

class Thread(threading.Thread):

    # Pass the 'script_path' attribute
    def start(self):
        if "script_path" not in dir(self):
                self.script_path = threading.current_thread().script_path
            except AttributeError:


    def run(self):
예제 #2
 def test_partial_method_one_arg(self):
     Example = ObjCClass("Example")
     self.assertEqual(Example.overloaded(42), 42)
예제 #3
    def test_interface(self):
        "An ObjC protocol implementation can be defined in Python."

        Callback = ObjCProtocol('Callback')
        results = {}

        class Handler(NSObject, protocols=[Callback]):
            def initWithValue_(self, value: int):
                self.value = value
                return self

            def peek_withValue_(self, example, value: int) -> None:
                results['string'] = example.toString() + " peeked"
                results['int'] = value + self.value

            def poke_withValue_(self, example, value: int) -> None:
                results['string'] = example.toString() + " poked"
                results['int'] = value + self.value

            def reverse_(self, input):
                return ''.join(reversed(input))

            def message(self):
                return "Alea iacta est."

            def fiddle_(cls, value: int) -> None:
                results['string'] = "Fiddled with it"
                results['int'] = value

        # Check that the protocol is adopted.
        self.assertSequenceEqual(Handler.protocols, (Callback,))

        # Create two handler instances so we can check the right one
        # is being invoked.
        handler1 = Handler.alloc().initWithValue_(5)
        handler2 = Handler.alloc().initWithValue_(10)

        # Create an Example object, and register a handler with it.
        Example = ObjCClass('Example')
        example = Example.alloc().init()
        example.callback = handler2

        # Check some Python-side attributes
        self.assertEqual(handler1.value, 5)
        self.assertEqual(handler2.value, 10)

        # Invoke the callback; check that the results have been peeked as expected

        self.assertEqual(results['string'], 'This is an ObjC Example object peeked')
        self.assertEqual(results['int'], 52)


        self.assertEqual(results['string'], 'This is an ObjC Example object poked')
        self.assertEqual(results['int'], 47)

        self.assertEqual(example.getMessage(), 'Alea iacta est.')

        self.assertEqual(example.reverseIt_('Alea iacta est.'), '.tse atcai aelA')


        self.assertEqual(results['string'], 'Fiddled with it')
        self.assertEqual(results['int'], 99)
예제 #4
 def test_float_method(self):
     "A method with a float argument can be handled."
     Example = ObjCClass('Example')
     example = Example.alloc().init()
     self.assertEqual(example.areaOfSquare_(1.5), 2.25)
예제 #5
 def test_double_method(self):
     "A method with a double argument can be handled."
     Example = ObjCClass('Example')
     example = Example.alloc().init()
     self.assertAlmostEqual(example.areaOfCircle_(1.5), 1.5 * math.pi, 5)
예제 #6
 def test_string_argument(self):
     "A method with a string argument can be passed."
     Example = ObjCClass('Example')
     example = Example.alloc().init()
     self.assertEqual(example.duplicateString_("Wagga"), "WaggaWagga")
예제 #7
 def test_string_return(self):
     "If a method or field returns a string, you get a Python string back"
     Example = ObjCClass('Example')
     example = Example.alloc().init()
     self.assertEqual(example.toString(), "This is an ObjC Example object")
예제 #8
# local imports
from . import factory
from .constants import (

alert_style_for_level_str = {
    "info": NSAlertStyle.Informational,
    "warning": NSAlertStyle.Warning,
    "error": NSAlertStyle.Critical,

NSStackView = ObjCClass("NSStackView")

def _construct_alert(
        button_labels=("Ok", ),
    a = NSAlert.alloc().init()
    a.alertStyle = alert_style_for_level_str[level]
    a.messageText = title
예제 #9
Save values on disk

This module makes possible to save values on disk. Values are shared between the Today Widget and the main app.
Values are stored in a JSON dictionary, so it's not possible to save every type of data.

from rubicon.objc import ObjCClass
import json

NSUserDefaults = ObjCClass("NSUserDefaults")
userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.alloc().initWithSuiteName("group.pyto")

if userDefaults.valueForKey("userKeys") is None:
    userDefaults.setValue("{}", forKey="userKeys")

def __dictionary__():
    return json.loads(str(userDefaults.valueForKey("userKeys")))

def get(key: str):
    Returns the value stored with the given key.

    :param key: The key identifying the value.

    return __dictionary__()[key]
예제 #10
class NSArrayMixinTest(unittest.TestCase):
    nsarray = ObjCClass('NSArray')
    nsmutablearray = ObjCClass('NSMutableArray')

    py_list = ['one', 'two', 'three']

    def make_array(self, contents=None):
        a = self.nsmutablearray.alloc().init()
        if contents is not None:
            for value in contents:

        return self.nsarray.arrayWithArray(a)

    def test_getitem(self):
        a = self.make_array(self.py_list)

        for pos, value in enumerate(self.py_list):
            self.assertEqual(a[pos], value)

        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            a[len(self.py_list) + 10]

    def test_len(self):
        a = self.make_array(self.py_list)

        self.assertEqual(len(a), len(self.py_list))

    def test_iter(self):
        a = self.make_array(self.py_list)

        keys = list(self.py_list)
        for k in a:
            self.assertTrue(k in keys)

        self.assertTrue(len(keys) == 0)

    def test_contains(self):
        a = self.make_array(self.py_list)
        for value in self.py_list:
            self.assertTrue(value in a)

    def test_index(self):
        a = self.make_array(self.py_list)
        self.assertEqual(a.index('two'), 1)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test_count(self):
        a = self.make_array(self.py_list)
        self.assertEqual(a.count('one'), 1)

    def test_copy(self):
        a = self.make_array(self.py_list)
        b = a.copy()
        self.assertEqual(b, a)
        self.assertEqual(b, self.py_list)

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

    def test_equivalence(self):
        a = self.make_array(self.py_list)
        b = self.make_array(self.py_list)

        self.assertEqual(a, self.py_list)
        self.assertEqual(b, self.py_list)
        self.assertEqual(a, b)
        self.assertEqual(self.py_list, a)
        self.assertEqual(self.py_list, b)
        self.assertEqual(b, a)

    def test_slice_access(self):
        a = self.make_array(self.py_list * 2)
        self.assertEqual(a[1:4], ['two', 'three', 'one'])
        self.assertEqual(a[:-2], ['one', 'two', 'three', 'one'])
        self.assertEqual(a[4:], ['two', 'three'])
        self.assertEqual(a[1:5:2], ['two', 'one'])
예제 #11
 def test_double_method_send(self):
     "A method with a double argument can be handled by send_message."
     Example = ObjCClass('Example')
     example = Example.alloc().init()
     self.assertAlmostEqual(send_message(example, "areaOfCircle:", 1.5, restype=c_double, argtypes=[c_double]), 1.5 * math.pi, 5)
예제 #12
 def test_block_receiver_lambda(self):
     BlockReceiverExample = ObjCClass("BlockReceiverExample")
     instance = BlockReceiverExample.alloc().init()
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         instance.receiverMethod_(lambda a, b: a + b)
예제 #13
 def test_block_property_pytypes(self):
     BlockPropertyExample = ObjCClass("BlockPropertyExample")
     instance = BlockPropertyExample.alloc().init()
     result = ObjCBlock(instance.blockProperty, int, int, int)(1, 2)
     self.assertEqual(result, 3)
예제 #14
class NSDictionaryMixinTest(unittest.TestCase):
    nsdict = ObjCClass('NSDictionary')
    nsmutabledict = ObjCClass('NSMutableDictionary')

    py_dict = {
        'one': 'ONE',
        'two': 'TWO',
        'three': 'THREE',

    def make_dictionary(self, contents=None):
        d = self.nsmutabledict.alloc().init()
        if contents is not None:
            for key, value in contents.items():
                d.setObject_forKey_(value, key)

        return self.nsdict.dictionaryWithDictionary(d)

    def test_getitem(self):
        d = self.make_dictionary(self.py_dict)

        for key, value in self.py_dict.items():
            self.assertEqual(d[key], value)

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
            d['NO SUCH KEY']

    def test_iter(self):
        d = self.make_dictionary(self.py_dict)

        keys = set(self.py_dict)
        for k in d:
            self.assertTrue(k in keys)

        self.assertTrue(len(keys) == 0)

    def test_len(self):
        d = self.make_dictionary(self.py_dict)
        self.assertEqual(len(d), len(self.py_dict))

    def test_get(self):
        d = self.make_dictionary(self.py_dict)

        self.assertEqual(d.get('one'), 'ONE')
        self.assertEqual(d.get('two', None), 'TWO')
        self.assertEqual(d.get('four', None), None)
        self.assertEqual(d.get('five', 5), 5)
        self.assertEqual(d.get('six', None), None)

    def test_contains(self):
        d = self.make_dictionary(self.py_dict)
        for key in self.py_dict:
            self.assertTrue(key in d)

    def test_copy(self):
        d = self.make_dictionary(self.py_dict)
        e = d.copy()
        self.assertEqual(e, d)
        self.assertEqual(e, self.py_dict)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            e['four'] = 'FOUR'

    def test_keys(self):
        a = self.make_dictionary(self.py_dict)
        for k1, k2 in zip(sorted(a.keys()), sorted(self.py_dict.keys())):
            self.assertEqual(k1, k2)

    def test_values(self):
        a = self.make_dictionary(self.py_dict)
        for v1, v2 in zip(sorted(a.values()), sorted(self.py_dict.values())):
            self.assertEqual(v1, v2)

    def test_items(self):
        d = self.make_dictionary(self.py_dict)
        for i1, i2 in zip(sorted(d.items()), sorted(self.py_dict.items())):
            self.assertEqual(i1[0], i2[0])
            self.assertEqual(i1[1], i2[1])
예제 #15
    def test_class_by_name(self):
        """An Objective-C class can be looked up by name."""

        Example = ObjCClass("Example")
        self.assertEqual(Example.name, "Example")
예제 #16
import logging
from typing import Type, Optional, Dict, Tuple

# external imports
from packaging.version import Version
from rubicon.objc import ObjCClass, objc_method, py_from_ns  # type: ignore
from rubicon.objc.runtime import load_library, objc_id  # type: ignore

# local imports
from .notify_base import Notification, DesktopNotifierBase
from ..constants import FROZEN

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

foundation = load_library("Foundation")
NSObject = ObjCClass("NSObject")

macos_version, *_ = platform.mac_ver()

Impl: Optional[Type[DesktopNotifierBase]] = None

if FROZEN and Version(macos_version) >= Version("10.14.0"):

    # use UNUserNotificationCenter in macOS Mojave and higher if we are in an app bundle

    uns = load_library("UserNotifications")

    UNUserNotificationCenter = ObjCClass("UNUserNotificationCenter")
    UNMutableNotificationContent = ObjCClass("UNMutableNotificationContent")
    UNNotificationRequest = ObjCClass("UNNotificationRequest")
    UNNotificationAction = ObjCClass("UNNotificationAction")
예제 #17
    def test_class_by_pointer(self):
        """An Objective-C class can be created from a pointer."""

        example_ptr = libobjc.objc_getClass(b"Example")
        Example = ObjCClass(example_ptr)
        self.assertEqual(Example, ObjCClass("Example"))
예제 #18
Module used internally by Pyto for importing C extension.

import sys
import importlib
import traceback
import os
import warnings
from rubicon.objc import ObjCClass
import _extensionsimporter
import ctypes
from importlib import util, __import__
from importlib.machinery import ExtensionFileLoader, ModuleSpec, PathFinder

NSBundle = ObjCClass("NSBundle")

class __UpgradeException__(Exception):

if "widget" not in os.environ:
    from sharing import open_url
    import urllib.parse
    from pyto import Python, __Class__

    def have_internet():
        return __Class__("InternetConnection").isReachable

    def update_mods():
예제 #19
    def test_nonexistant_class(self):
        """A NameError is raised if a class doesn't exist."""

        with self.assertRaises(NameError):
예제 #20
import threading
import base64
import os
from typing import List

    from rubicon.objc import ObjCClass
    from rubicon.objc.api import NSString
except ValueError:

    def ObjCClass(class_name):
        return None

__PySharingHelper__ = pyto.PySharingHelper
NSURL = ObjCClass("NSURL")

def share_items(items: object):
    Opens a share sheet with given items.

    :param items: Items to be shared with the sheet.


if "widget" not in os.environ:

    def quick_look(path: str, remove_previous: bool = False):
예제 #21
 def test_constant_string_return(self):
     "If a method or field returns a *constant* string, you get a Python string back"
     Example = ObjCClass('Example')
     example = Example.alloc().init()
     self.assertEqual(example.smiley(), "%-)")
예제 #22
    import sys
    import importlib
    from rubicon.objc import ObjCClass

    modname = "__cv2_cv2"
    if modname not in sys.builtin_module_names:
        sys.builtin_module_names += (modname,)

    import __cv2_cv2 as cv2

    from . import data
    from .data import *

    # wildcard import above does not import "private" variables like __version__
    # this makes them available
except ImportError as e: # For documentation
except AttributeError as e:

def autorotate(frame, cam):
    Returns an auto rotated frame captured with hardware camera.
    By default, frames captured by hardware camera will be rotated correctly only if the device is in portrait mode. By calling this function, you can make sure things like face detection will work on any device orientation.
    :param frame: The frame captured by the camera.
    :param cam: The camera used to capture the frame. ``0`` for back and ``1`` for front.
예제 #23
 def test_float_method_send(self):
     "A method with a float argument can be handled by send_message."
     Example = ObjCClass('Example')
     example = Example.alloc().init()
     self.assertEqual(send_message(example, "areaOfSquare:", 1.5, restype=c_float, argtypes=[c_float]), 2.25)
예제 #24
Use the ``notifications`` to schedule notifications that can be delivered even if Pyto isn't opened.

from pyto import __Class__
from typing import List
from __check_type__ import check

    from rubicon.objc import ObjCClass
except ValueError:

__PyNotificationCenter__ = __Class__("PyNotificationCenter")

    UNUserNotificationCenter = ObjCClass("UNUserNotificationCenter")
    The 'UNUserNotificationCenter' class from the ``UserNotifications`` framework.
except NameError:
    UNUserNotificationCenter = None
    The 'UNUserNotificationCenter' class from the ``UserNotifications`` framework.

class Notification:
    A class representing a notification.
예제 #25
 def test_partial_method_no_args(self):
     Example = ObjCClass("Example")
     self.assertEqual(Example.overloaded(), 0)
예제 #26
    def test_interface_return_struct(self):
        "An ObjC protocol implementation that returns values by struct can be defined in Python."

        results = {}
        Thing = ObjCClass("Thing")

        class StructReturnHandler(Thing):
            def initWithValue_(self, value):
                self.value = py_from_ns(value)
                return self

            def computeSize_(self, input: NSSize) -> NSSize:
                results['size'] = True
                sup = send_super(__class__, self, 'computeSize:', input, restype=NSSize, argtypes=[NSSize])
                return NSSize(input.width + self.value, sup.height)

            def computeRect_(self, input: NSRect) -> NSRect:
                results['rect'] = True
                sup = send_super(__class__, self, 'computeRect:', input, restype=NSRect, argtypes=[NSRect])
                return NSMakeRect(
                    input.origin.y + self.value, sup.origin.x,
                    input.size.height + self.value, sup.size.width

            # Register a second method returning NSSize. Don't
            # have to use it - just have to register that it exists.
            def origin(self) -> NSSize:
                return NSSize(0, 0)

        # Create two handler instances so we can check the right one
        # is being invoked.
        handler1 = StructReturnHandler.alloc().initWithValue_(5)
        handler2 = StructReturnHandler.alloc().initWithValue_(10)

        outSize = handler1.computeSize(NSSize(20, 30))
        self.assertEqual(outSize.width, 25)
        self.assertEqual(outSize.height, 90)

        outRect = handler2.computeRect(NSMakeRect(10, 20, 30, 40))
        self.assertEqual(outRect.origin.x, 30)
        self.assertEqual(outRect.origin.y, 110)
        self.assertEqual(outRect.size.width, 50)
        self.assertEqual(outRect.size.height, 60)

        # Invoke a method through an interface.
        Example = ObjCClass("Example")
        obj = Example.alloc().init()

        # Test the base class directly
        thing1 = Thing.alloc().init()
        obj.thing = thing1
        outSize = obj.testThing(10)
        self.assertEqual(outSize.width, 0)
        self.assertEqual(outSize.height, 30)

        # Test the python handler
        obj.thing = handler1
        outSize = obj.testThing(15)
        self.assertEqual(outSize.width, 5)
        self.assertEqual(outSize.height, 45)
예제 #27
 def test_partial_method_two_args(self):
     Example = ObjCClass("Example")
     self.assertEqual(Example.overloaded(12, extraArg=34), 12+34)
예제 #28
    def test_objcclass_requires_class(self):
        """ObjCClass only accepts class pointers."""

        random_obj = NSObject.alloc().init()
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
예제 #29
def _Class(name):
        return ObjCClass(name)
    except NameError:
        return None
예제 #30
    import music

from pyto_ui import __pil_image_from_ui_image__
from typing import List
from pyto import PyMusicHelper
from ctypes import cdll
import PIL
import threading

    from rubicon.objc import ObjCClass

    MPMusicPlayerController = ObjCClass("MPMusicPlayerController")
    """ The 'MPMusicPlayerController' class from the 'MediaPlayer' framework. """

    MPMediaItem = ObjCClass("MPMediaItem")
    """ The 'MPMediaItem' class from the 'MediaPlayer' framework. """

    MPMediaItemCollection = ObjCClass("MPMediaItemCollection")
    """ The 'MPMediaItemCollection' class from the 'MediaPlayer' framework. """

    MPMediaQuery = ObjCClass("MPMediaQuery")
    """ The 'MPMusicMPMediaQueryPlayerController' class from the 'MediaPlayer' framework. """

    MediaPlayer = cdll.LoadLibrary(
except (NameError, ValueError):
    MPMusicPlayerController = "MPMusicPlayerController"