예제 #1
파일: team_f.py 프로젝트: Teifion/Rob3
def get_upkeep(the_team, the_world):
	"""Returns the upkeep cost of the nation's army"""
	# We need to do this on a per-army basis now
	unit_dict = the_world.units()
	army_dict = the_world.armies()
	squad_dict = the_world.squads_from_team(the_team.id)
	city_dict = the_world.cities_from_team(the_team.id)
	# Cache iron, makes it faster
	if the_team.resources.get("Iron") > 0:
		has_iron = True
		has_iron = False
	military_upkeep = 0
	for squad_id, the_squad in squad_dict.items():
		if the_squad.amount < 1: continue
		the_unit = unit_dict[the_squad.unit]
		the_army = army_dict[the_squad.army]
		# Don't wanna pay upkeep for units that are not ours!
		if the_unit.team != 0 and the_unit.team != the_team.id:
		# Get Iron/Material cost
		if has_iron:
			unit_cost = the_unit.get_cost(cursor=the_world.cursor, the_world=the_world)['material_upkeep'].get("Materials", 0)
			unit_cost = the_unit.get_cost(cursor=the_world.cursor, the_world=the_world)['iron_upkeep'].get("Materials", 0)
		# Upkeep override for things like magical affinity
		unit_cost = unit_rules.unit_upkeep_override(the_world, the_unit, unit_cost, the_team)
		# If it's a ship or airship we don't divide by the divisor
		if the_unit.type_cat == unit.categories.index("Ship") or \
			the_unit.type_cat == unit.categories.index("Airship"):
			temp_cost = (unit_cost * the_squad.amount)
			temp_cost = (unit_cost * the_squad.amount/military_rules.amount_divisor)
		# Now we take into account the army type
		if the_army.garrison > 0:
			temp_cost *= military_rules.garrison_upkeep
			temp_cost *= military_rules.army_upkeep
		# Used for debugging
		if temp_cost > 0:
			# print "%s: %s * %s = %s<br />" % (unit_dict_c[unit_id].name, unit_cost, unit_count, temp_cost)
		# if the_army.name == "Kan Putri garrison":
		# 	print(the_squad.name, str(temp_cost), "<br />")
		military_upkeep += temp_cost
	# exit()
	# Now for buildings
	building_upkeep = 0
	# building_upkeep_dict = {}
	# for k, b in the_world.buildings().items():
	# 	building_upkeep_dict[k] = res_dict.Res_dict(b.upkeep)['Materials']
	# for city_id, the_city in city_dict.items():
	# 	for building_id, amount in the_city.buildings_amount.items():
	# 		building_upkeep += amount * building_upkeep_dict[building_id]
	# print str(the_team.resources), " - ", total_cost, "<br />"
	military_upkeep = team_rules.alter_upkeep(the_world.cursor, the_team, military_upkeep, the_world)
	return military_upkeep + building_upkeep
예제 #2
파일: edit_unit.py 프로젝트: Teifion/Rob3
def main(cursor):
	# Get team Id
	unit_id = int(common.get_val('unit', 0))
	if unit_id < 1:
		return "No unit selected"
	the_unit	= unit_q.get_one_unit(cursor, unit_id)
	army_dict	= army_q.get_all_armies(cursor)#get_armies_from_team(cursor, the_unit.team, include_garrisons=True)
	squad_dict	= squad_q.get_squads_from_team_of_type(cursor, the_unit.team, unit_id)
	equipment_dict = equipment_q.get_all_equipment(cursor)
	page_data['Title'] = "Edit unit: %s" % the_unit.name
	output = ["<div style='padding: 5px;'>"]
	# Unit cost breakdown
	unit_cost_breakdown = unit_rules.print_unit_cost(the_unit, cursor=cursor, breakdown_mode=True)
	w = world.World(cursor)
	real_cost = "Post override: %s/%s" % (
		unit_rules.unit_cost_override(w, the_unit, the_unit.costs['material_cost'], w.teams()[the_unit.team]),
		unit_rules.unit_cost_override(w, the_unit, the_unit.costs['iron_cost'], w.teams()[the_unit.team]),
	real_upkeep = "Post override: %s/%s" % (
		unit_rules.unit_upkeep_override(w, the_unit, the_unit.costs['material_cost'], w.teams()[the_unit.team]),
		unit_rules.unit_upkeep_override(w, the_unit, the_unit.costs['iron_cost'], w.teams()[the_unit.team]),
	# real_cost = 0
	# real_upkeep = 0
	<div style="float: right; width: 50%;">
		<strong>Unit cost breakdown</strong><br />
		{cost_breakdown}<br />
		<br /><br />
		<strong>Unit upkeep breakdown</strong><br />
		{upkeep_breakdown}<br />
		<br /><br />
		<strong>Unit categories</strong><br />
		Type category: {type_cat}<br />
		Weapon category: {weapon_cat}<br />
		<br />
		<form id="delete_form" action="exec.py" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
			<input type="hidden" name="unit" id="unit" value="{unit_id}" />
			<input type="hidden" name="mode" id="mode" value="remove_unit" />
			<input style="float:right; margin-right:100px;" type="button" value="Delete unit" onclick="var answer = confirm('Delete {name}?')
			if (answer) $('#delete_form').submit();" />
		cost_breakdown		= "<br />".join(unit_cost_breakdown['cost']),
		upkeep_breakdown	= "<br />".join(unit_cost_breakdown['upkeep']),
		real_cost			= real_cost,
		real_upkeep			= real_upkeep,
		unit_id				= unit_id,
		name				= the_unit.name,
		type_cat			= unit.categories[the_unit.type_cat],
		weapon_cat			= unit.weapon_categories[the_unit.weapon_cat],
	# Main unit stuff
	<form action="exec.py" id="the_unit_form" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="edit_unit_commit" />
		<input type="hidden" name="id" value="%(unit_id)s" />
		<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
				<td><label for="name">Unit:</label></td>
				<td><label for="team">Team:</label></td>
					<select name="team" id="team">
						<option value="0">No team</option>
				<td colspan="5" style="padding: 0px;"><a class="block_link" href="#" onclick="$('#the_unit_form').submit();">Apply changes</a></td>
	<br />

	""" % {
		"unit_id":			unit_id,
		"name_text":	common.text_box("name", the_unit.name),
		"team_option_box":	team_f.structured_list(cursor, default=the_unit.team),
	# Unit equipment
	<span class="stitle" id="equipment">Equipment</span>
	<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
		<tr class="row2">


	counter = -1
	for e in the_unit.equipment:
		counter += 1
		<tr class="row%(row)s">
			<td style="padding: 0px;">
				<form action="exec.py" id="form_%(item_id)s" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
					<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="remove_equipment" />
					<input type="hidden" name="unit" value="%(unit_id)s" />
					<input type="hidden" name="item" value="%(item_id)s" />
					<a href="#" class="block_link" onclick="$('#form_%(item_id)s').submit();">Remove</a>
		</tr>""" % {
			"row":			counter%2,
			"item_name":	equipment_dict[e].name,
			"unit_id":		unit_id,
			"item_id":		e,

	counter += 1
	<tr class="row%(row)s">
		<form action="exec.py" id="new_equipment_form" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
			<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="add_equipment" />
			<input type="hidden" name="unit" value="%(unit_id)s" />
				<select name="item">
				<input type="submit" value="Apply" />
	""" % {
		"row":				counter%2,
		"unit_id":			unit_id,
		"equipment_list":	equipment_f.equipment_option_list(cursor, remove_list=the_unit.equipment),

	# What squads does the unit appear in?
	<br /><br />
	<span class="stitle" id="squads">Squads</span>
	<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
		<tr class="row2">

	counter = -1
	for s, the_squad in squad_dict.items():
		counter += 1
		<tr class="row%(row)s">
			<td style="padding: 0px;">
				<a href="web.py?mode=edit_army&amp;army=%(army_id)s" class="block_link">Edit army</a>
			<td style="padding: 0px;">
				<a href="web.py?mode=edit_squad&amp;squad=%(squad_id)s" class="block_link">Edit squad</a>
		</tr>""" % {
			"row":			counter%2,
			"army_name":	army_dict[the_squad.army].name,
			"army_id":		the_squad.army,
			"squad_id":		s,
			"name":			the_squad.name,
			"squad_size":	the_squad.amount,
	return "".join(output)