def doesRestorePartitionExist(message_level="normal") : """ Checks for the existence of the restore partition Author: Roy Nielsen """ log_message("Start checking for restore partition...", "debug", message_level) doesItExist = False ##### # Get valid users on the system, put them in a list cmd = ["/usr/sbin/diskutil", "list", "/dev/disk0"] (retval, reterr) = system_call_retval(cmd, message_level) partitions = retval.split("\n") for partition in partitions : print partition if re.match("^\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+Recovery HD\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+", partition) : doesItExist = True break else : continue log_message("Finishing check for restore parition with: " + str(doesItExist), "debug", message_level) return doesItExist
def checkIfUserIsLocalAdmin(user="", message_level="normal") : """ Check the local directory and see if a user is a local admin on the system. command: dscl . read /Groups/admin GroupMembership above command returns: GroupMembership: root rsn Author: Roy Nielsen """ userFound = False if not re.match("^\s*$", username) : dsclCommand = ["/usr/bin/dscl", ".", "read", "/Groups/admin", "GroupMembership"] log_message("About to run command: " + " ".join(dsclCommand), "debug", message_level) (retval, reterr) = system_call_retval(dsclCommand, message_level) #print "Retval: \"" + retval + "\"" if retval : users = retval.split()[1:] #print str(users) for user in users : if re.match("^%s$"%user, username) : userFound = True break return userFound
def processCurrentUser(self) : """ Run Stonix with the currently logged in user @author: Roy Nielsen """ fullStonixPath = os.path.join(getResourcesDir(), "") if self.args: command = [fullStonixPath] + self.args else: command = [fullStonixPath, "-G", "-dv"] retval = "" reterr = "" child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0 : print "Child Process: PID# %s" % os.getpid() retval, reterr = system_call_retval(command, self.message_level) else: print "Exiting parent process: PID# %s" % os.getpid() self.reject() self.reject()
def processCurrentUser(self): """ Run Stonix with the currently logged in user @author: Roy Nielsen """ fullStonixPath = os.path.join(getResourcesDir(), "") if self.args: command = [fullStonixPath] + self.args else: command = [fullStonixPath, "-G", "-dv"] retval = "" reterr = "" child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: print "Child Process: PID# %s" % os.getpid() retval, reterr = system_call_retval(command, self.message_level) else: print "Exiting parent process: PID# %s" % os.getpid() self.reject() self.reject()
def getOsVers(message_level="normal") : """ Get the version of OS X Author: Roy Nielsen """ cmd_string = ["/usr/bin/sw_vers", "-productVersion"] (os_vers, os_vers_err) = system_call_retval(cmd_string, message_level) if os_vers : return os_vers else : return -1
def isUserOnSystem(user="", message_level="normal") : """ Check if the passed in user is a local user on the system Author: Roy Nielsen """ is_user_on_local_system = False ##### # If the passed in user is empty or only spaces, return false. if re.match("^\s*$", user) : return is_user_on_local_system ##### # Get valid users on the system, put them in a list cmd = ["/usr/bin/dscl", "/Search", "list", "/Users"] (retval, reterr) = system_call_retval(cmd, message_level) systemUserList = retval.split("\n") validSystemUserList = [] for systemUser in systemUserList : if not re.match("^_.*", systemUser) and \ not re.match("^root$", systemUser) and \ not re.match("^nobody$", systemUser) and \ not re.match("^daemon$", systemUser) and \ not re.match("^\s*$", systemUser) : log_message("Valid System User: "******"debug", message_level) validSystemUserList.append(systemUser) ##### # Check if the passed in user is a valid local user on the system for systemUser in validSystemUserList : if re.match("^%s$"%(systemUser), user) : is_user_on_local_system = True log_message("User: \"" + str(user) + "\" found on the system", "debug", message_level) break log_message("ivar = " + str(is_user_on_local_system), "debug", message_level) return is_user_on_local_system
def isFilevaultActive(message_level="normal") : """ Determine if Filevault is active or not Author: Roy Nielsen """ is_filevault_active = False cmd = ["/usr/bin/fdesetup", "status"] (retval, reterr) = system_call_retval(cmd, message_level) if"On", str(retval)) : is_filevault_active = True elif"Off", str(retval)) : is_filevault_active = False else : is_filevault_active = False return is_filevault_active