def main(): working_dir = Path.home().joinpath(".vw_runtests_working_dir") test_ref_dir = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-t', "--test", type=int, action='append', nargs='+', help="Run specific tests and ignore all others") parser.add_argument('-E', "--epsilon", type=float, default=1e-4, help="Tolerance used when comparing floats. Only used if --fuzzy_compare is also supplied") parser.add_argument('-e', "--exit_first_fail", action='store_true', help="If supplied, will exit after the first failure") parser.add_argument('-o', "--overwrite", action='store_true', help="If test output differs from the reference file, overwrite the contents") parser.add_argument('-f', "--fuzzy_compare", action='store_true', help="Allow for some tolerance when comparing floats") parser.add_argument("--ignore_dirty", action='store_true', help="The test ref dir is checked for dirty files which may cause false negatives. Pass this flag to skip this check.") parser.add_argument("--clean_dirty", action='store_true', help="The test ref dir is checked for dirty files which may cause false negatives. Pass this flag to remove those files.") parser.add_argument("--working_dir", default=working_dir, help="Directory to save test outputs to") parser.add_argument("--ref_dir", default=test_ref_dir, help="Directory to read test input files from") parser.add_argument('-j', "--jobs", type=int, default=4, help="Number of tests to run in parallel") parser.add_argument( '--vw_bin_path', help="Specify VW binary to use. Otherwise, binary will be searched for in build directory") parser.add_argument('--spanning_tree_bin_path', help="Specify spanning tree binary to use. Otherwise, binary will be searched for in build directory") parser.add_argument("--test_spec", type=str, help="Optional. If passed the given JSON test spec will be used, " + "otherwise a test spec will be autogenerated from the RunTests test definitions") parser.add_argument('--no_color', action='store_true', help="Don't print color ANSI escape codes") parser.add_argument('--for_flatbuffers', action='store_true', help='Transform all of the test inputs into flatbuffer format and run tests') parser.add_argument('--to_flatbuff_path', help="Specify to_flatbuff binary to use. Otherwise, binary will be searched for in build directory") parser.add_argument('--include_flatbuffers', action='store_true', help="Don't skip the explicit flatbuffer tests from default run_tests run") args = parser.parse_args() if args.for_flatbuffers and args.working_dir == working_dir: # user did not supply dir args.working_dir = Path.home().joinpath(".vw_fb_runtests_working_dir") test_base_working_dir = str(args.working_dir) test_base_ref_dir = str(args.ref_dir) color_enum = NoColor if args.no_color else Color # Flatten nested lists for arg.test argument. # Ideally we would have used action="extend", but that was added in 3.8 if args.test is not None: args.test = [item for sublist in args.test for item in sublist] if Path(test_base_working_dir).is_file(): print("--working_dir='{}' cannot be a file".format((test_base_working_dir))) sys.exit(1) if not Path(test_base_working_dir).exists(): Path(test_base_working_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not Path(test_base_ref_dir): print("--ref_dir='{}' doesn't exist".format((test_base_ref_dir))) sys.exit(1) if args.clean_dirty: clean_dirty(test_base_ref_dir) if not args.ignore_dirty: do_dirty_check(test_base_ref_dir) print("Testing on: hostname={}, OS={}, num_jobs={}".format( (socket.gethostname()), (sys.platform), ( vw_bin = find_vw_binary(test_base_ref_dir, args.vw_bin_path) print("Using VW binary: {}".format((vw_bin))) spanning_tree_bin = find_spanning_tree_binary( test_base_ref_dir, args.spanning_tree_bin_path) print("Using spanning tree binary: {}".format((spanning_tree_bin))) if args.test_spec is None: runtests_file = find_runtests_file(test_base_ref_dir) tests = runtests_parser.file_to_obj(runtests_file) tests = [x.__dict__ for x in tests] print("Tests parsed from RunTests file: {}".format((runtests_file))) else: json_test_spec_content = open(args.test_spec).read() tests = json.loads(json_test_spec_content) print("Tests read from test spec file: {}".format((args.test_spec))) print() if args.for_flatbuffers: to_flatbuff = find_to_flatbuf_binary(test_base_ref_dir, args.to_flatbuff_path) tests = convert_tests_for_flatbuffers(tests, to_flatbuff, args.working_dir, color_enum) # Because bash_command based tests don't specify all inputs and outputs they must operate in the test directory directly. # This means that if they run in parallel they can break each other by touching the same files. # Until we can move to a test spec which allows us to specify the input/output we need to add dependencies between them here. prev_bash_test = None for test in tests: test_number = test["id"] if "bash_command" in test: if prev_bash_test is not None: if "depends_on" not in tests[test_number - 1]: tests[test_number - 1]["depends_on"] = [] tests[test_number - 1]["depends_on"].append(prev_bash_test) prev_bash_test = test_number tasks = [] completed_tests = Completion() tests_to_run_explicitly = None if args.test is not None: tests_to_run_explicitly = calculate_test_to_run_explicitly(args.test, tests) print("Running tests: {}".format((list(tests_to_run_explicitly)))) if len(args.test) != len(tests_to_run_explicitly): print( "Note: due to test dependencies, more than just tests {} must be run".format((args.test))) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor( for test in tests: test_number = test["id"] if tests_to_run_explicitly is not None and test_number not in tests_to_run_explicitly: continue dependencies = None if "depends_on" in test: dependencies = test["depends_on"] input_files = [] if "input_files" in test: input_files = test["input_files"] is_shell = False if "bash_command" in test: if sys.platform == "win32": print( "Skipping test number '{}' as bash_command is unsupported on Windows.".format((test_number))) continue command_line = test['bash_command'].format( VW=vw_bin, SPANNING_TREE=spanning_tree_bin) is_shell = True elif "vw_command" in test: command_line = "{} {}".format((vw_bin), (test['vw_command'])) if not args.include_flatbuffers and not args.for_flatbuffers: if '--flatbuffer' in test['vw_command']: print("{} is a flatbuffer test, can be run with --include_flatbuffers flag, Skipping...".format(test_number)) continue else: print("{} is an unknown type. Skipping...".format((test_number))) continue tasks.append(executor.submit(run_command_line_test, test_number, command_line, test["diff_files"], overwrite=args.overwrite, epsilon=args.epsilon, is_shell=is_shell, input_files=input_files, base_working_dir=test_base_working_dir, ref_dir=test_base_ref_dir, completed_tests=completed_tests, dependencies=dependencies, fuzzy_compare=args.fuzzy_compare)) num_success = 0 num_fail = 0 num_skip = 0 while len(tasks) > 0: try: test_number, result = tasks[0].result() except Exception: print("----------------") traceback.print_exc() num_fail += 1 print("----------------") if args.exit_first_fail: for task in tasks: task.cancel() sys.exit(1) continue finally: tasks.pop(0) success_text = "{}Success{}".format( (color_enum.LIGHT_GREEN), (color_enum.ENDC)) fail_text = "{}Fail{}".format( (color_enum.LIGHT_RED), (color_enum.ENDC)) skipped_text = "{}Skip{}".format( (color_enum.LIGHT_CYAN), (color_enum.ENDC)) num_success += result['result'] == Result.SUCCESS num_fail += result['result'] == Result.FAIL num_skip += result['result'] == Result.SKIPPED if result['result'] == Result.SUCCESS: result_text = success_text elif result['result'] == Result.FAIL: result_text = fail_text else: result_text = skipped_text print("Test {}: {}".format((test_number), (result_text))) if not result['result'] == Result.SUCCESS: test = tests[test_number - 1] print("\tDescription: {}".format((test['desc']))) if 'vw_command' in test: print("\tvw_command: \"{}\"".format((test['vw_command']))) if 'bash_command' in test: print("\tbash_command: \"{}\"".format((test['bash_command']))) for name, check in result["checks"].items(): # Don't print exit_code check as it is too much noise. if check['success'] and name == "exit_code": continue print( "\t[{}] {}: {}".format((name), (success_text if check['success'] else fail_text), (check['message']))) if not check['success']: if name == "exit_code": print("---- stdout ----") print(result["checks"]["exit_code"]["stdout"]) print("---- stderr ----") print(result["checks"]["exit_code"]["stderr"]) if "diff" in check: print() print_colored_diff(check["diff"], color_enum) print() if args.exit_first_fail: for task in tasks: task.cancel() sys.exit(1) print("-----") print("# Success: {}".format((num_success))) print("# Fail: {}".format((num_fail))) print("# Skip: {}".format((num_skip))) if num_fail > 0: sys.exit(1)
def get_latest_tests(): import runtests_parser as rtp tests = rtp.file_to_obj(rtp.find_runtest_file()) return [x.__dict__ for x in tests]
def main(): working_dir = Path.home().joinpath(".vw_runtests_working_dir") test_ref_dir = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--test", type=int, action="append", nargs="+", help="Run specific tests and ignore all others", ) parser.add_argument( "-E", "--epsilon", type=float, default=1e-4, help="Tolerance used when comparing floats. Only used if --fuzzy_compare is also supplied", ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--exit_first_fail", action="store_true", help="If supplied, will exit after the first failure", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true", help="If test output differs from the reference file, overwrite the contents", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--fuzzy_compare", action="store_true", help="Allow for some tolerance when comparing floats", ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore_dirty", action="store_true", help="The test ref dir is checked for dirty files which may cause false negatives. Pass this flag to skip this check.", ) parser.add_argument( "--clean_dirty", action="store_true", help="The test ref dir is checked for dirty files which may cause false negatives. Pass this flag to remove those files.", ) parser.add_argument( "--working_dir", default=working_dir, help="Directory to save test outputs to" ) parser.add_argument( "--ref_dir", default=test_ref_dir, help="Directory to read test input files from", ) parser.add_argument( "-j", "--jobs", type=int, default=4, help="Number of tests to run in parallel" ) parser.add_argument( "--vw_bin_path", help="Specify VW binary to use. Otherwise, binary will be searched for in build directory", ) parser.add_argument( "--spanning_tree_bin_path", help="Specify spanning tree binary to use. Otherwise, binary will be searched for in build directory", ) parser.add_argument( "--skip_spanning_tree_tests", help="Skip tests that use spanning tree", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--test_spec", type=str, help="Optional. If passed the given JSON test spec will be used, " + "otherwise a test spec will be autogenerated from the RunTests test definitions", ) parser.add_argument( "--no_color", action="store_true", help="Don't print color ANSI escape codes" ) parser.add_argument( "--for_flatbuffers", action="store_true", help="Transform all of the test inputs into flatbuffer format and run tests", ) parser.add_argument( "--to_flatbuff_path", help="Specify to_flatbuff binary to use. Otherwise, binary will be searched for in build directory", ) parser.add_argument( "--include_flatbuffers", action="store_true", help="Don't skip the explicit flatbuffer tests from default run_tests run", ) parser.add_argument( "--valgrind", action="store_true", help="Run tests with Valgrind" ) args = parser.parse_args() if ( args.for_flatbuffers and args.working_dir == working_dir ): # user did not supply dir args.working_dir = Path.home().joinpath(".vw_fb_runtests_working_dir") test_base_working_dir = str(args.working_dir) test_base_ref_dir = str(args.ref_dir) color_enum = NoColor if args.no_color else Color if args.valgrind and not is_valgrind_available(): print("Can't find valgrind") sys.exit(1) # Flatten nested lists for arg.test argument. # Ideally we would have used action="extend", but that was added in 3.8 if args.test is not None: args.test = [item for sublist in args.test for item in sublist] if Path(test_base_working_dir).is_file(): print("--working_dir='{}' cannot be a file".format((test_base_working_dir))) sys.exit(1) if not Path(test_base_working_dir).exists(): Path(test_base_working_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not Path(test_base_ref_dir): print("--ref_dir='{}' doesn't exist".format((test_base_ref_dir))) sys.exit(1) if args.clean_dirty: clean_dirty(test_base_ref_dir) if not args.ignore_dirty: do_dirty_check(test_base_ref_dir) print( "Testing on: hostname={}, OS={}, num_jobs={}".format( (socket.gethostname()), (sys.platform), ( ) ) vw_bin = find_vw_binary(test_base_ref_dir, args.vw_bin_path) print("Using VW binary: {}".format((vw_bin))) spanning_tree_bin: Optional[str] = None if not args.skip_spanning_tree_tests: spanning_tree_bin = find_spanning_tree_binary( test_base_ref_dir, args.spanning_tree_bin_path ) print("Using spanning tree binary: {}".format((spanning_tree_bin))) if args.test_spec is None: runtests_file = find_runtests_file(test_base_ref_dir) tests = runtests_parser.file_to_obj(runtests_file) tests = [x.__dict__ for x in tests] print("Tests parsed from RunTests file: {}".format((runtests_file))) else: json_test_spec_content = open(args.test_spec).read() tests = json.loads(json_test_spec_content) print("Tests read from test spec file: {}".format((args.test_spec))) tests = convert_to_test_data(tests, vw_bin, spanning_tree_bin) print() # Filter the test list if the requested tests were explicitly specified tests_to_run_explicitly = None if args.test is not None: tests_to_run_explicitly = calculate_test_to_run_explicitly(args.test, tests) print("Running tests: {}".format((list(tests_to_run_explicitly)))) if len(args.test) != len(tests_to_run_explicitly): print( "Note: due to test dependencies, more than just tests {} must be run".format( (args.test) ) ) tests = list(filter(lambda x: in tests_to_run_explicitly, tests)) # Filter out flatbuffer tests if not specified if not args.include_flatbuffers and not args.for_flatbuffers: for test in tests: if "--flatbuffer" in test.command_line: test.skip = True test.skip_reason = "This is a flatbuffer test, can be run with --include_flatbuffers flag" if args.for_flatbuffers: to_flatbuff = find_to_flatbuf_binary(test_base_ref_dir, args.to_flatbuff_path) tests = convert_tests_for_flatbuffers( tests, to_flatbuff, args.working_dir, color_enum ) # Because bash_command based tests don't specify all inputs and outputs they must operate in the test directory directly. # This means that if they run in parallel they can break each other by touching the same files. # Until we can move to a test spec which allows us to specify the input/output we need to add dependencies between them here. prev_bash_test = None for test in tests: if test.is_shell: if prev_bash_test is not None: test.depends_on.append( prev_bash_test = test tasks = [] completed_tests = Completion() executor = ThreadPoolExecutor( for test in tests: tasks.append( executor.submit( run_command_line_test, test, overwrite=args.overwrite, epsilon=args.epsilon, base_working_dir=test_base_working_dir, ref_dir=test_base_ref_dir, completed_tests=completed_tests, fuzzy_compare=args.fuzzy_compare, valgrind=args.valgrind, ) ) num_success = 0 num_fail = 0 num_skip = 0 while len(tasks) > 0: try: test_number, result = tasks[0].result() except Exception: print("----------------") traceback.print_exc() num_fail += 1 print("----------------") if args.exit_first_fail: for task in tasks: task.cancel() sys.exit(1) continue finally: tasks.pop(0) success_text = "{}Success{}".format((color_enum.LIGHT_GREEN), (color_enum.ENDC)) fail_text = "{}Fail{}".format((color_enum.LIGHT_RED), (color_enum.ENDC)) skipped_text = "{}Skip{}".format((color_enum.LIGHT_CYAN), (color_enum.ENDC)) num_success += result["result"] == Result.SUCCESS num_fail += result["result"] == Result.FAIL num_skip += result["result"] == Result.SKIPPED if result["result"] == Result.SUCCESS: result_text = success_text elif result["result"] == Result.FAIL: result_text = fail_text elif result["result"] == Result.SKIPPED: result_text = skipped_text + " ({})".format( result["skip_reason"] if result["skip_reason"] is not None else "unknown reason" ) print("Test {}: {}".format((test_number), (result_text))) if result["result"] != Result.SUCCESS: test = get_test(test_number, tests) # Since this test produced a result - it must be in the tests list assert test is not None print("\tDescription: {}".format(test.description)) print( '\t{} _command: "{}"'.format( "bash" if test.is_shell else "vw", test.command_line ) ) for name, check in result["checks"].items(): # Don't print exit_code check as it is too much noise. if check["success"] and name == "exit_code": continue print( "\t[{}] {}: {}".format( name, success_text if check["success"] else fail_text, check["message"], ) ) if not check["success"]: if name == "exit_code": print("---- stdout ----") print(result["checks"]["exit_code"]["stdout"]) print("---- stderr ----") print(result["checks"]["exit_code"]["stderr"]) if "diff" in check: print() print_colored_diff(check["diff"], color_enum) print() if args.exit_first_fail: for task in tasks: task.cancel() sys.exit(1) print("-----") print("# Success: {}".format(num_success)) print("# Fail: {}".format(num_fail)) print("# Skip: {}".format(num_skip)) if num_fail > 0: sys.exit(1)