예제 #1
class Column(models.Model):

    table = models.ForeignKey(Table)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    label = models.CharField(max_length=30, null=True)
    position = models.IntegerField()
    options = PickledObjectField()

    iskey = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    isnumeric = models.BooleanField(default=True)

    synthetic = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    # Ephemeral columns are columns added to a table at run-time
    ephemeral = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    compute_post_resample = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    compute_expression = models.CharField(max_length=300)
    resample_operation = models.CharField(max_length=300, default='sum')
    # datatype should be an enumeration: 
    # metric, bytes, time  XXXCJ make enumeration
    datatype = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='')

    units = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='') 

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.label

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.label is None:
            self.label = self.name
        super(Column, self).save()

    def create(cls, table, name, label=None, datatype='', units='',
               iskey=False, issortcol=False, options=None, **kwargs):

        if len(Column.objects.filter(table=table, name=name)) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Column %s already in use for table %s" %
                             (name, str(table)))
        c = Column(table=table, name=name, label=label, datatype=datatype,
                   units=units, iskey=iskey, options=options, **kwargs)
        posmax = Column.objects.filter(table=table).aggregate(Max('position'))
        c.position = (posmax['position__max'] or 0) + 1
        if issortcol:
            table.sortcol = c
        return c
예제 #2
class Widget(models.Model):
    """ Defines a UI widget and the source datatables
    tables = models.ManyToManyField(Table)
    section = models.ForeignKey(Section)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    row = models.IntegerField()
    col = models.IntegerField()
    width = models.IntegerField(default=1)
    height = models.IntegerField(default=300)
    rows = models.IntegerField(default=-1)
    options = PickledObjectField()

    module = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    uiwidget = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    uioptions = PickledObjectField()
    objects = InheritanceManager()
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Widget %s (%s)>' % (self.title, self.id)
    def __unicode__(self):
        return '<Widget %s (%s)>' % (self.title, self.id)

    def widgettype(self):
        return 'rvbd_%s.%s' % (self.module.split('.')[-1], self.uiwidget)

    def table(self, i=0):
        return self.tables.all()[i]

    def compute_row_col(self):
        rowmax = self.section.report.widgets().aggregate(Max('row'))
        row = rowmax['row__max']
        if row is None:
            row = 1
            col = 1
            widthsum = self.section.report.widgets().filter(row=row).aggregate(Sum('width'))
            width = widthsum['width__sum']
            if width + self.width > 12:
                row = row + 1
                col = 1
                col = width + 1
        self.row = row
        self.col = col

    def criteria_from_form(self, form):
        """ Extract POST style criteria data from form. """
        fields_by_section = self.section.report.collect_fields_by_section()

        common_fields = fields_by_section[0]
        section_fields = fields_by_section[self.section.id]

        # Reverse the process of adding the prefix to SECTION-level criteria.
        # If a field is in section_fields, the id has the prefix, just use
        # the original keyword in the returned fields
        fields = {}
        for k, v in form.as_text().iteritems():
            if k in common_fields:
                fields[common_fields[k].keyword] = v
            elif k in section_fields:
                fields[section_fields[k].keyword] = v

        return fields
    def collect_fields(self):
        # Gather up all fields
        fields = SortedDict()

        # All fields attached to the section's report
        for f in self.section.report.fields.all().order_by('id'):
            fields[f.keyword] = f

        # All fields attached to the section
        for f in self.section.fields.all().order_by('id'):
            fields[f.keyword] = f

        # All fields attached to any Widget's Tables
        for t in self.tables.all():
            for f in t.fields.all().order_by('id'):
                fields[f.keyword] = f

        return fields
예제 #3
class TableField(models.Model):
    Defines a single field associated with a table.

    TableFields define the the parameters that are used by a Table
    at run time.  The Table.fields attribute associates one
    or more fields with the table.

    At run time, a Criteria object binds values to each field.  The
    Criteria object has an attribute matching each associated TableField

    When defining a TableField, the following model attributes
    may be specified:

    :param keyword: short identifier used like a variable name, this must
        be unique per table

    :param label: text label displayed in user interfaces

    :param help_text: descriptive help text associated with this field

    :param initial: starting or default value to use in user interfaces

    :param required: boolean indicating if a non-null values must be provided

    :param hidden: boolean indicating if this field should be hidden in
        user interfaces, usually true when the value is computed from
        other fields via post_process_func or post_process_template

    :param field_cls: Django Form Field class to use for rendering.
        If not specified, this defaults to CharField

    :param field_kwargs: Dictionary of additional field specific
        kwargs to pass to the field_cls constructor.

    :param parants: List of parent keywords that this field depends on
        for a final value.  Used in conjunction with either
        post_process_func or post_process_template.

    :param pre_process_func: Function to call to perform any necessary
        preprocessing before rendering a form field or accepting
        user input.

    :param post_process_func: Function to call to perform any post
        submit processing.  This may be additional value cleanup
        or computation based on other form data.

    :param post_process_template: Simple string format style template
        to fill in based on other form criteria.
    keyword = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    label = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, default=None)
    help_text = models.CharField(blank=True,
    initial = PickledObjectField(blank=True, null=True)
    required = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    field_cls = PickledObjectField(null=True)
    field_kwargs = PickledObjectField(blank=True, null=True)

    parent_keywords = SeparatedValuesField(null=True)

    pre_process_func = FunctionField(null=True)
    dynamic = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    post_process_func = FunctionField(null=True)
    post_process_template = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=500)

    def create(cls, keyword, label=None, obj=None, **kwargs):
        parent_keywords = kwargs.pop('parent_keywords', None)
        if parent_keywords is None:
            parent_keywords = []

        field = cls(keyword=keyword, label=label, **kwargs)

        if field.post_process_template is not None:
            f = string.Formatter()
            for (_, parent_keyword, _,
                 _) in f.parse(field.post_process_template):
                if parent_keyword is not None:

        field.parent_keywords = parent_keywords

        if obj is not None:
        return field

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "<TableField %s (%s)>" % (self.keyword, self.id)

    def __repr__(self):
        return unicode(self)

    def is_report_criteria(self, table):
        """ Runs through intersections of widgets to determine if this criteria
            is applicable to the passed table

            report  <-->  widgets  <-->  table
                L- TableField (self)
        wset = set(table.widget_set.all())
        rset = set(self.report_set.all())
        return any(
            wset.intersection(set(rwset.widget_set.all())) for rwset in rset)

    def find_instance(cls, key):
        """ Return instance given a keyword. """
        params = TableField.objects.filter(keyword=key)
        if len(params) == 0:
            return None
        elif len(params) > 1:
            raise KeyError("Multiple TableField matches found for %s" % key)
        param = params[0]
        return param
예제 #4
class Job(models.Model):

    # Timestamp when the job was created
    created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

    # Timestamp the last time the job was accessed
    touched = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

    # Number of references to this job
    refcount = models.IntegerField(default=0)

    # Whether this job is a child of another job
    ischild = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    # If ischild, this points to the parent job
    parent = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True)

    # Table associated with this job
    table = models.ForeignKey(Table)

    # Criteria used to start this job - an instance of the Criteria class
    criteria = PickledObjectField(null=True)

    # Actual criteria as returned by the job after running
    actual_criteria = PickledObjectField(null=True)

    # Unique handle for the job
    handle = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="")

    # Job status
    NEW = 0
    RUNNING = 1
    COMPLETE = 3
    ERROR = 4

    status = models.IntegerField(default=NEW,
                                 choices=((NEW, "New"), (RUNNING, "Running"),
                                          (COMPLETE, "Complete"), (ERROR,

    # Message if job complete or error
    message = models.TextField(default="")

    # While RUNNING, this provides an indicator of progress 0-100
    progress = models.IntegerField(default=-1)

    # While RUNNING, time remaining
    remaining = models.IntegerField(default=None, null=True)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "<Job %s (%8.8s) - t%s>" % (self.id, self.handle, self.table.id)

    def __repr__(self):
        return unicode(self)

    def refresh(self):
        """ Refresh dynamic job parameters from the database. """
        job = Job.objects.get(pk=self.pk)
        for k in [
                'status', 'message', 'progress', 'remaining',
                'actual_criteria', 'touched', 'refcount'
            setattr(self, k, getattr(job, k))

    def safe_update(self, **kwargs):
        """ Update the job with the passed dictionary in a database safe way.

        This method updates only the requested paraemters and refreshes
        the rest from the database.  This should be used for all updates
        to Job's to ensure that unmodified keys are not accidentally
        clobbered by doing a blanket job.save().


        if kwargs is None:

        with LocalLock():
            logger.debug("%s safe_update %s" % (self, kwargs))

            # Force a reload of the job to get latest data

            if not self.ischild:
                # Push changes to children of this job
                child_kwargs = {}
                for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
                    if k in [
                            'status', 'message', 'progress', 'remaining',
                        child_kwargs[k] = v
                # There should be no recursion, so a direct update to the
                # database is possible.  (If recursion, would need to call
                # self_update() on each child.)

    def create(cls, table, criteria):

        with LocalLock():
            with transaction.commit_on_success():
                # Grab a lock on the row associated with the table
                table = Table.objects.select_for_update().get(id=table.id)

                # Lockdown start/endtimes
                except ValueError:
                    # Ignore errors, this table may not have start/end times

                # Compute the handle -- this will take into account
                # cacheability
                handle = Job._compute_handle(table, criteria)

                # Look for another job by the same handle in any state
                # except ERROR
                if not criteria.ignore_cache:
                    parents = (Job.objects.select_for_update().filter(
                        status__in=[Job.NEW, Job.COMPLETE, Job.RUNNING],
                    parents = None

                if parents is not None and len(parents) > 0:
                    parent = parents[0]

                    job = Job(table=table,

                    parent.reference("Link from job %s" % job)
                    now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.utc)

                        "%s: New job for table %s, linked to parent %s" %
                        (job, table.name, parent))
                    job = Job(table=table,
                    logger.info("%s: New job for table %s" % (job, table.name))

                logger.debug("%s: criteria = %s" % (job, criteria))

            # Flush old jobs

        return job

    def _compute_handle(cls, table, criteria):
        h = hashlib.md5()

        if table.cacheable and not criteria.ignore_cache:
            # XXXCJ - Drop ephemeral columns when computing the cache handle,
            # since the list of columns is modifed at run time.   Typical use
            # case is an analysis table which creates a time-series graph of
            # the top 10 hosts -- one column per host.  The host columns will
            # change based on the run of the dependent table.
            # Including epheremal columns causes some problems because the
            # handle is computed before the query is actually run, so it never
            # matches.
            # May want to dig in to this further and make sure this doesn't
            # pick up cache files when we don't want it to
            h.update('.'.join([c.name for c in table.get_columns()]))

            if table.criteria_handle_func:
                criteria = table.criteria_handle_func.function(criteria)

            for k, v in criteria.iteritems():
                #logger.debug("Updating hash from %s -> %s" % (k,v))
                h.update('%s:%s' % (k, v))
            # Table is not cacheable, instead use current time plus a random
            # value just to get a unique hash
            h.update(str(random.randint(0, 10000000)))

        return h.hexdigest()

    def reference(self, message=""):
        pk = self.pk
        Job.objects.filter(pk=pk).update(refcount=F('refcount') + 1)
        #logger.debug("%s: reference(%s) @ %d" %
        #             (self, message, Job.objects.get(pk=pk).refcount))

    def dereference(self, message=""):
        pk = self.pk
        Job.objects.filter(pk=pk).update(refcount=F('refcount') - 1)
        #logger.debug("%s: dereference(%s) @ %d" %
        #             (self, message, Job.objects.get(pk=pk).refcount))

    def get_columns(self, ephemeral=None, **kwargs):
        """ Return columns assocated with the table for the job.

        The returned column set includes ephemeral columns associated
        with this job unless ephemeral is set to False.

        if ephemeral is None:
            kwargs['ephemeral'] = self.parent or self
        return self.table.get_columns(**kwargs)

    def json(self, data=None):
        """ Return a JSON represention of this Job. """
        return {
            'id': self.id,
            'handle': self.handle,
            'progress': self.progress,
            'remaining': self.remaining,
            'status': self.status,
            'message': self.message,
            'data': data

    def combine_filterexprs(self, joinstr="and", exprs=None):

        criteria = self.criteria
        if exprs is None:
            exprs = []
        elif type(exprs) is not list:
            exprs = [exprs]


        nonnull_exprs = []
        for e in exprs:
            if e != "" and e is not None:

        if len(nonnull_exprs) > 1:
            return "(" + (") " + joinstr + " (").join(nonnull_exprs) + ")"
        elif len(nonnull_exprs) == 1:
            return nonnull_exprs[0]
            return ""

    def start(self):
        """ Start this job. """


        if self.ischild:
            logger.debug("%s: Shadowing parent job %s" % (self, self.parent))

        with transaction.commit_on_success():
            logger.debug("%s: Starting job" % str(self))

            logger.debug("%s: Worker to run report" % str(self))
            # Lookup the query class for this table
            i = importlib.import_module(self.table.module)
            queryclass = i.TableQuery

            # Create an worker to do the work
            worker = Worker(self, queryclass)

    def mark_error(self, message):
        logger.warning("%s failed: %s" % (self, message))
        self.safe_update(status=Job.ERROR, progress=100, message=message)

    def mark_complete(self):
        logger.info("%s complete" % self)
        self.safe_update(status=Job.COMPLETE, progress=100, message='')

    def mark_progress(self, progress, remaining=None):
        logger.debug("%s progress %s" % (self, progress))

    def datafile(self):
        """ Return the data file for this job. """
        return os.path.join(settings.DATA_CACHE, "job-%s.data" % self.handle)

    def data(self):
        """ Returns a pandas.DataFrame of data, or None if not available. """

        with transaction.commit_on_success():
            if not self.status == Job.COMPLETE:
                raise ValueError("Job not complete, no data available")


            e = None
                logger.debug("%s looking for data file: %s" %
                             (str(self), self.datafile()))
                if os.path.exists(self.datafile()):
                    df = pandas.load(self.datafile())
                    logger.debug("%s data loaded %d rows from file: %s" %
                                 (str(self), len(df), self.datafile()))
                    logger.debug("%s no data, missing data file: %s" %
                                 (str(self), self.datafile()))
                    df = None
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error("Error loading datafile %s for %s" %
                             (self.datafile(), str(self)))
                logger.error("Traceback:\n%s" % e)

            if e:
                raise e

            return df

    def values(self):
        """ Return data as a list of lists. """

        df = self.data()
        if df is not None:
            # Replace NaN with None
            df = df.where(pandas.notnull(df), None)

            # Extract tha values in the right order
            all_columns = self.get_columns()
            all_col_names = [c.name for c in all_columns]

            # Straggling numpy data types may cause problems
            # downstream (json encoding, for example), so strip
            # things down to just native ints and floats
            vals = []
            for row in df.ix[:, all_col_names].itertuples():
                vals_row = []
                for v in row[1:]:
                    if (isinstance(v, numpy.number)
                            or isinstance(v, numpy.bool_)):
                        v = numpy.asscalar(v)

            vals = []
        return vals

    def age_jobs(cls, old=None, ancient=None, force=False):
        """ Delete old jobs that have no refcount and all ancient jobs. """
        # Throttle - only run this at most once every 15 minutes
        global age_jobs_last_run
        if not force and time.time() - age_jobs_last_run < 60 * 15:

        age_jobs_last_run = time.time()

        if old is None:
            old = datetime.timedelta(
        elif type(old) in [int, float]:
            old = datetime.timedelta(seconds=old)

        if ancient is None:
            ancient = datetime.timedelta(
        elif type(ancient) in [int, float]:
            ancient = datetime.timedelta(seconds=ancient)

        with transaction.commit_on_success():
            # Ancient jobs are deleted regardless of refcount
            now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.utc)
                qs = (Job.objects.select_for_update().filter(touched__lte=now -
                if len(qs) > 0:
                    logger.info('Deleting %d ancient jobs ...' % len(qs))
                logger.exception("Failed to delete ancient jobs")

            # Old jobs are deleted only if they have a refcount of 0
                qs = (Job.objects.select_for_update().filter(touched__lte=now -
                if len(qs) > 0:
                    logger.info('Deleting %d old jobs ...' % len(qs))
                logger.exception("Failed to delete old jobs")

    def flush_incomplete(cls):
        jobs = Job.objects.filter(progress__lt=100)
        logger.info("Flushing %d incomplete jobs: %s" %
                    (len(jobs), [j.id for j in jobs]))

    def done(self):
        logger.debug("%s status: %s - %s%%" %
                     (str(self), self.status, self.progress))
        return self.status == Job.COMPLETE or self.status == Job.ERROR
예제 #5
class Table(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    module = models.CharField(max_length=200)  # source module name
    sortcol = models.ForeignKey('Column', null=True, related_name='Column')
    rows = models.IntegerField(default=-1)
    filterexpr = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=400)

    # resample flag -- resample to the criteria.resolution
    # - this requires a "time" column
    resample = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    # options are typically fixed attributes defined at Table creation
    options = PickledObjectField()

    # list of fields that must be bound to values in criteria
    # that this table needs to run
    fields = models.ManyToManyField(TableField, null=True)

    # Default values for fields assocaited with this table, these
    # may be overridden by user criteria at run time
    criteria = PickledObjectField()

    # Function to call to tweak criteria for computing a job handle.
    # This must return a dictionary of key/value pairs of values
    # to use for computing a determining when a job must be rerun.
    criteria_handle_func = FunctionField(null=True)

    # Indicates if data can be cached
    cacheable = models.BooleanField(default=True)

    def create(cls, name, module, **kwargs):
        t = Table(name=name, module=module, **kwargs)
        return t

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "<Table %s (%s)>" % (str(self.id), self.name)

    def __repr__(self):
        return unicode(self)

    def get_columns(self, synthetic=None, ephemeral=None, iskey=None):
        Return the list of columns for this table.

        `synthetic` is tri-state: None (default) is don't care,
            True means only synthetic columns, False means
            only non-synthetic columns

        `ephemeral` is a job reference.  If specified, include
            ephemeral columns related to this job

        `iskey` is tri-state: None (default) is don't care,
            True means only key columns, False means
            only non-key columns


        filtered = []
        for c in Column.objects.filter(table=self).order_by('position'):
            if synthetic is not None and c.synthetic != synthetic:
            if c.ephemeral is not None and c.ephemeral != ephemeral:
            if iskey is not None and c.iskey != iskey:

        return filtered

    def copy_columns(self, table, columns=None, except_columns=None):
        """ Copy the columns from `table` into this table.

        This method will copy all the columsn from another table, including
        all attributes as well as sorting.


        posmax = Column.objects.filter(table=table).aggregate(Max('position'))
        pos = (posmax['position__max'] or 0) + 1

        for c in table.get_columns():
            if columns is not None and c.name not in columns:
            if except_columns is not None and c.name in except_columns:
            issortcol = (c == c.table.sortcol)
            c.pk = None
            c.table = self
            c.position = pos
            pos = pos + 1
            if issortcol:
                self.sortcol = c

    def compute_synthetic(self, job, df):
        """ Compute the synthetic columns from DF a two-dimensional array
            of the non-synthetic columns.

            Synthesis occurs as follows:

            1. Compute all synthetic columns where compute_post_resample
               is False

            2. If the table is a time-based table with a defined resolution, the
               result is resampled.

            3. Any remaining columns are computed.
        if df is None:
            return None

        all_columns = job.get_columns()
        all_col_names = [c.name for c in all_columns]

        def compute(df, syncols):
            #logger.debug("Compute: syncol = %s" % ([c.name for c in syncols]))
            for syncol in syncols:
                expr = syncol.compute_expression
                g = tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO(expr).readline)
                newexpr = ""
                getvalue = False
                getclose = False
                for ttype, tvalue, _, _, _ in g:
                    if getvalue:
                        if ttype != tokenize.NAME:
                            msg = "Invalid syntax, expected {name}: %s" % tvalue
                            raise ValueError(msg)
                        elif tvalue not in all_col_names:
                            raise ValueError("Invalid column name: %s" %
                        newexpr += "df['%s']" % tvalue
                        getclose = True
                        getvalue = False
                    elif getclose:
                        if ttype != tokenize.OP and tvalue != "}":
                            msg = "Invalid syntax, expected {name}: %s" % tvalue
                            raise ValueError(msg)
                        getclose = False
                    elif ttype == tokenize.OP and tvalue == "{":
                        getvalue = True
                        newexpr += tvalue

                df[syncol.name] = eval(newexpr)

        # 1. Compute synthetic columns where post_resample is False
        compute(df, [
            col for col in all_columns
            if (col.synthetic and col.compute_post_resample is False)

        # 2. Resample
        colmap = {}
        timecol = None
        for col in all_columns:
            colmap[col.name] = col
            if col.datatype == "time":
                timecol = col.name

        if self.resample:
            if timecol is None:
                raise (TableComputeSyntheticError(
                    "Table %s 'resample' is set but no 'time' column'" % self))

            if (('resolution' not in job.criteria)
                    and ('resample_resolution' not in job.criteria)):
                raise (TableComputeSyntheticError(
                    ("Table %s 'resample' is set but criteria missing " +
                     "'resolution' or 'resample_resolution'") % self))

            how = {}
            for k in df.keys():
                if k == timecol:
                how[k] = colmap[k].resample_operation

            indexed = df.set_index(timecol)
            if 'resample_resolution' in job.criteria:
                resolution = job.criteria.resample_resolution
                resolution = job.criteria.resolution

            resolution = timedelta_total_seconds(resolution)
            if resolution < 1:
                raise (TableComputeSyntheticError(
                    ("Table %s cannot resample at a resolution " +
                     "less than 1 second") % self))

            logger.debug('%s: resampling to %ss' % (self, int(resolution)))
            resampled = indexed.resample('%ss' % int(resolution),
            df = resampled

        # 3. Compute remaining synthetic columns (post_resample is True)
        compute(df, [
            c for c in all_columns
            if (c.synthetic and c.compute_post_resample is True)

        return df