예제 #1
def local_alg():
    dir_content = []
    graph_index = -1
    percent_comm = -1
    k1 = -1
    k2 = -1
    edges_to_recommend = -1
    print '########## Local section ########## \nAvailable files: \n'
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk('../outcomes'):
        for i in range(0,len(files)):
            print str(i)+'-'+files[i]
    while (graph_index >= len(dir_content) or graph_index < 0):
            graph_index = int(raw_input("\nChoose from one of these graphs and type its corresponding index: \n"))
        except EOFError as error:
            print '\nBye!'
        percent_comm = float(raw_input("\nChoose the percentage of nodes of each community to consider: \n"))
        k1 = int(raw_input("\nChoose the number of best nodes of partition 0 (depends on strategy): \n"))
        k2 = int(raw_input("\nChoose the number of best nodes of partition 1 (depends on strategy): \n"))
        edges_to_recommend = int(raw_input("\nChoose the number of edges to recommend: \n"))
        if (percent_comm > 1 or percent_comm <= 0) or (k1 <= 0 or k2 <= 0) or (edges_to_recommend <= 0):
            print 'Bad input'
    except EOFError as error:
        print '\nBye!'
    graph_name = (dir_content[graph_index].split('.'))[0]
    path = '../outcomes/'+graph_name+'.pickle'
    print '\n##### Chosen graph: %s #####\n'%graph_name
    print '########---Study of ratio in_degree/(out_degree + 1) in its average and its variance. \nStudy of the trend of (in_degree, out_degree + 1, ratio) too.---########'
    print '-----------------------------------------------------------'
    avg_in_out = 0.0
    var_in_out = 0.0
    scanned_nodes = 0
    g = nx.read_gpickle(path)
    nodes = g.nodes()
    minimum = min(len(nodes),100)
    for node in nodes:
        in_deg = g.in_degree(node)
        out_deg = g.out_degree(node)
        ratio = (float(in_deg)/float(out_deg+1))
        '''Welford's method:'''
        old_avg = avg_in_out
        avg_in_out = (avg_in_out*scanned_nodes + ratio)/(scanned_nodes + 1)
        var_in_out = var_in_out + (ratio - avg_in_out)*(ratio - old_avg)
        scanned_nodes += 1
        if scanned_nodes < minimum:
            print "%d,%d,%.3f"%(in_deg,(out_deg+1),ratio)
    var_in_out /= (len(nodes)-1) # correct variance
    print path+" avg_in_out = %13.10f"%avg_in_out
    print path+" var_in_out = %13.10f"%var_in_out
    print '\n'
    print '##########################---SIMULATIONS---###############################'

    R = []
    comment = ["Opt Total Decrease RWC -- in_degree type (HIGH-TO-HIGH) : ","Opt Total Decrease RWC -- ratio type : ","Opt Total Decrease RWC -- betweenness centrality : "]
    strategies = ['in_deg','ratio','betwn']

    start_time = time.time()
    for i in range(0,len(strategies)):
        graphData = ut.computeData(None, g, 0.85, i, percent_community=percent_comm)
        print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        r = rwc_lib.rwc(0.85, graphData)
        print "RWC score =%13.10f"%r[0] #%width.precisionf
        print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        sorted_x_y = (graphData[0],graphData[1])
        sorted_dp = rwc_lib.deltaPredictorOrdered(None, g, 0.85, k1, k2, sorted_x_y, graphData, r)
        print R[i][1]
        (new_graph,opt,ratio,max_opt) = ut.addEdgeToGraph(path,None,R[i][0],R[i][1],graph_name,strategies[i])
        mygraphData = ut.computeData(None, new_graph, 0.85, i, percent_community=percent_comm, comms_part=(graphData[8],graphData[9]))  
        r1 = rwc_lib.rwc(0.85, mygraphData)
        print "RWC score after addiction of accepted edges =%13.10f"%r1[0] #%width.precisionf
        print comment[i],"%13.10f"%opt
        print "Maximum Optimum Decrease RWC : =%13.10f"%max_opt
        print "Real Total Decrease RWC =%13.10f"%(r[0]-r1[0]), " acceptance_ratio :",ratio
        print "-----------------------------------------------"
    print "-------------------------------------------------End of simulation---------------------------------------------------------"
    print "Time elapsed: %f"%(time.time() - start_time)
예제 #2
def greedy_alg():
    dir_content = []
    graph_index = -1
    k1 = -1
    k2 = -1
    edges_to_recommend = -1
    print '########## Greedy section ########## \nAvailable files: \n'
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk('../outcomes'):
        for i in range(0,len(files)):
            print str(i)+'-'+files[i]
    while (graph_index >= len(dir_content) or graph_index < 0):
            graph_index = int(raw_input("\nChoose from one of these graphs and type its corresponding index: \n"))
        except EOFError as error:
            print '\nBye!'
        k1 = int(raw_input("\nChoose the number of best nodes of partition 0 (depends on strategy): \n"))
        k2 = int(raw_input("\nChoose the number of best nodes of partition 1 (depends on strategy): \n"))
        edges_to_recommend = int(raw_input("\nChoose the number of edges to recommend: \n"))
        if (k1 <= 0 or k2 <= 0) or (edges_to_recommend <= 0):
            print 'Bad input'
    except EOFError as error:
        print '\nBye!'
    graph_name = (dir_content[graph_index].split('.'))[0]
    path = '../outcomes/'+graph_name+'.pickle'
    print '\n##### Chosen graph: %s #####\n'%graph_name
    print '########---Study of ratio in_degree/(out_degree + 1) in its average and its variance. Study of the trend of (in_degree, out_degree + 1, ratio) too.---########'
    print '-----------------------------------------------------------'
    avg_in_out = 0.0
    var_in_out = 0.0
    scanned_nodes = 0
    g = nx.read_gpickle(path)
    nodes = g.nodes()
    minimum = min(len(nodes),100)
    for node in nodes:
        in_deg = g.in_degree(node)
        out_deg = g.out_degree(node)
        ratio = (float(in_deg)/float(out_deg+1))
        '''Welford's method:'''
        old_avg = avg_in_out
        avg_in_out = (avg_in_out*scanned_nodes + ratio)/(scanned_nodes + 1)
        var_in_out = var_in_out + (ratio - avg_in_out)*(ratio - old_avg)
        scanned_nodes += 1
        if scanned_nodes < minimum:
            print "%d,%d,%.3f"%(in_deg,(out_deg+1),ratio)
    var_in_out /= (len(nodes)-1) # correct variance
    print path+" avg_in_out = %13.10f"%avg_in_out
    print path+" var_in_out = %13.10f"%var_in_out
    print '\n'  
    print '##########################---SIMULATIONS---###############################'
    strategies = ['in_deg_greedy','ratio_greedy','betwn_greedy']
    initGraphData = ut.computeData(None, g, 0.85, 0, percent_community=1)
    print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    r = rwc_lib.rwc(0.85, initGraphData)
    print "Initial RWC score =%13.10f"%r[0] #%width.precisionf
    print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    start_time = time.time()
    #Loop over strategies:
    for i in range(0,len(strategies)):
        round_graph = nx.read_gpickle(path)
        round_data = initGraphData;
        #sorted_x_y = ut.sortNodes(None, g, initGraphData[8], initGraphData[9], i)#sorted by type sorting 'i'
        r1= r;
        print strategies[i]+' \n'
        print "rwc initial",r1[0], len(round_graph.edges())

        for k in range(0,edges_to_recommend): 
            R = []
            sorted_x_y = ut.sortNodes(None, round_graph, round_data[8], round_data[9], i)#sorted by type sorting 'i'
            sorted_dp = rwc_lib.deltaPredictorOrdered(None, round_graph, 0.85, k1, k2, sorted_x_y, round_data, r1)

            print R[0][1]
            (round_graph,opt,ratio,max_opt) = ut.addEdgeToGraph(None,round_graph,R[0][0],R[0][1],graph_name,strategies[i])
            #We assume that communities and partition do not change
            round_data = ut.computeData(None, round_graph, 0.85, i, percent_community=1, comms_part=(round_data[8],round_data[9]))  
            r1 = rwc_lib.rwc(0.85, round_data)
            print "rwc",r1[0]
        print "RWC score after addiction of accepted edges =%13.10f"%r1[0] #%width.precisionf
        print "Real Total Decrease RWC =%13.10f"%(r[0]-r1[0])
        print "-----------------------------------------------"
    print "-------------------------------------------------End of simulation---------------------------------------------------------"  
    print "Time elapsed: %f"%(time.time() - start_time)
예제 #3
        print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        r = rwc_lib.rwc(0.85, graphData)
        print "RWC score =%13.10f" % r[0]  #%width.precisionf
        print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        sorted_x_y = (graphData[0], graphData[1])
        sorted_dp = rwc_lib.deltaPredictorOrdered(None, g, 0.85, k1, k2,
                                                  sorted_x_y, graphData, r)

        R.append(rwc_lib.fagin(sorted_dp, edges_to_recommend))

        print R[i][1]

        (new_graph, opt, ratio,
         max_opt) = ut.addEdgeToGraph(path, None, R[i][0], R[i][1], graph_name,
        mygraphData = ut.computeData(None,
                                     comms_part=(graphData[8], graphData[9]))

        r1 = rwc_lib.rwc(0.85, mygraphData)
        print "RWC score after addiction of accepted edges =%13.10f" % r1[
            0]  #%width.precisionf
        print comment[i], "%13.10f" % opt
        print "Maximum Optimum Decrease RWC : =%13.10f" % max_opt
        print "Real Total Decrease RWC =%13.10f" % (
            r[0] - r1[0]), " acceptance_ratio :", ratio
        print "-----------------------------------------------"
예제 #4
        print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        r = rwc_lib.rwc(0.85, graphData)
        print "RWC score =%13.10f" % r[0]  #%width.precisionf
        print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        sorted_dp = rwc_lib.deltaPredictorOrdered(None, g, 0.85, 40, 40,
                                                  graphData, r)

        R.append(rwc_lib.fagin(sorted_dp, 20))

        print R[i][1]

        (new_graph, opt, ratio, max_opt) = ut.addEdgeToGraph(
            '../outcomes/retweet_graph_beefban.pickle', R[i][0], R[i][1],
            graph_name, strategies[i])
        mygraphData = ut.computeData(None,

        r1 = rwc_lib.rwc(0.85, mygraphData)
        print "RWC score after addiction of accepted edges =%13.10f" % r1[
            0]  #%width.precisionf
        print comment[i], "%13.10f" % opt
        print "Maximum Optimum Decrease RWC : =%13.10f" % max_opt
        print "Real Total Decrease RWC =%13.10f" % (
            r[0] - r1[0]), " acceptance_ratio :", ratio
        print "-----------------------------------------------"
예제 #5
        r1= r;
        print strategies[i]+' \n'
        print "rwc initial",r1[0], len(round_graph.edges())

        for k in range(0,edges_to_recommend): 
            R = []
            sorted_x_y = ut.sortNodes(None, round_graph, round_data[8], round_data[9], i)#sorted by type sorting 'i'
            sorted_dp = rwc_lib.deltaPredictorOrdered(None, round_graph, 0.85, k1, k2, sorted_x_y, round_data, r1)

            print R[0][1]
            (round_graph,opt,ratio,max_opt) = ut.addEdgeToGraph(None,round_graph,R[0][0],R[0][1],graph_name,strategies[i])
            #We assume that communities and partition do not change
            round_data = ut.computeData(None, round_graph, 0.85, i, percent_community=1, comms_part=(round_data[8],round_data[9]))  
            r1 = rwc_lib.rwc(0.85, round_data)
            print "rwc",r1[0]
        print "RWC score after addiction of accepted edges =%13.10f"%r1[0] #%width.precisionf
        print "Real Total Decrease RWC =%13.10f"%(r[0]-r1[0])
        print "-----------------------------------------------"
    print "-------------------------------------------------End of simulation---------------------------------------------------------"