예제 #1
def main():
    p, q = find_p_q()  #1
    print 'Moving on..'

    n = p * q  # 2

    et = euler(p, q)  # 3

    e = (2**16) + 1  # 4

    d = mulinv(e, et)  #5

    #6 NA
    Test values
    m1 = 8049
    encm1 = rypto.mod_exp(m1, e, n)
    decm1 = rypto.mod_exp(encm1, d, n)

    print 'Checking m1 is decrypted correctly'
    print m1, decm1, m1 == decm1

    m2 = 'Hi this is short'
    m2encoded = int(m2.encode("hex"), 16)
    encm2 = rypto.mod_exp(m2encoded, e, n)
    decm2 = rypto.mod_exp(encm2, d, n)
    hexad = rypto.standard(hex(decm2))
    decm2b = hexad[:-1].decode("hex")
    print 'Checking m2 is decrypted correctly'
    print m2, decm2b, m2 == decm2b
예제 #2
def main():
    e = (2**16) + 1
    client = rypto.rsa(e)  #RSA class
    secret = 'secret text'  #Secret text (hidden from attacker)
    enc_sec = client.enc(secret)  #Encrypted text (Known by attacker)
    known = pow(30, e)  #Attacker picks a known value of their own
    hidden = (known *
              enc_sec) % client.n  #Attacker hides value using multiplication
    dec_hidden = client.dec(
        hidden)  #Decrypt attack value (passes check of server)

    x = int(dec_hidden.encode("hex"), 16) / 30  #Divide attacker known value
    x = rypto.standard(hex(x)).decode("hex")  #Convert and such
    print x
예제 #3
def main():
    N = 402394248802762560784459411647796431108620322919897426002417858465984510150839043308712123310510922610690378085519407742502585978563438101321191019034005392771936629869360205383247721026151449660543966528254014636648532640397857580791648563954248342700568953634713286153354659774351731627683020456167612375777
    e1 = 3
    e2 = 0x10001

    c1 = 4020137574131575546540268502595841326627069047574502831387774931737219358054228401772587980633053000
    c2 = 170356929377044754324767086491413709789303946387160918939626824506821140429868670769571821346366209258416985269309515948776691067548265629489478628756185802183547222688698309731374342109385922509501909728895585636684978295199882599818258590851085977232207148101448845575681189389906429149193460620083999406237

    g, x, y = rypto.egcd(e1, e2)  #Euclidean algorightm
    i = rypto.mulinv(c2, N)  #multiplicative inverse of C2 because y is -1
    test = (rypto.mod_exp(c1, x, N) *
            rypto.mod_exp(i, -y, N)) % N  #plain = (c1^a) * (i^-b) %N

    answer = rypto.standard(hex(test)).decode("hex")
    print answer
예제 #4
def main():
    e = 3

    print 'Setting up server 1'
    s0 = rypto.rsa(e)

    print 'Setting up server 2'
    s1 = rypto.rsa(e)
    print 'Setting up server 3'
    s2 = rypto.rsa(e)

    m = 'Trying a different message'

    c = solve(s0, s1, s2, m)

    cubed = int(round(c**(1. / 3)))

    hexad = rypto.standard(hex(cubed))
    print hexad.decode("hex")
예제 #5
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rypto
from pprint import pprint

if __name__ == "__main__":

    #a = "We didn't start the fire, It was always burning, Since the world's been turning, We didn't start the fire, No we didn't light it, But we tried to fight it"
    a = raw_input("Please enter a phrase to encrpt: ")
    b = raw_input("Please enter a key to encrypt with:")
    #Turning the strings into a list of hex bytes
    line = rypto.a2hex(a)
    key = rypto.a2hex(b)

    #Pretty printing these lists

    #print("%s repeatedly xored with %s equals: \n" % (' '.join(key), ' '.join(line)))

    answer = rypto.xor(line,key)

    print rypto.standard(''.join(answer))
예제 #6

#Main Function
if __name__ == "__main__":

    #File to b64 to hex
    hx = short_open("w4p1.txt")  #Filename = w4p1.txt

    iv = '00000000000000000000000000000000'  #iv

    #Key (In ascii)
    ascii_key = 'NO PAIN NO GAIN!'  #key in Ascii, DONT CHANGE

    #Block size
    bs = 128  #Padding block size

    #Convert ascii key into hex string
    hex_string_key = ascii_key.encode(
        "hex")  #AESKeyToChange (Replace everything after the '='s)
    hex_string_key = rypto.standard(
        hex_string_key)  #Standardizes key to best of ability
    Please read assumption about this key. If all assumptions are thrown away,
    remove second hex_string_key line and end with first ascii-like input with
    encoding hex_string_key as hex. That should work. " ".encode("hex")

    print prep_cbc(hx, hex_string_key, iv, bs)