예제 #1
def compute_all_icosians():
    Return a list of the elements of the Icosian group of order 120,
    which we compute by generating enough products of icosian

        sage: from psage.modform.hilbert.sqrt5.sqrt5 import compute_all_icosians, all_icosians
        sage: v = compute_all_icosians()
        sage: len(v)
        sage: v
        [1/2 + 1/2*a*i + (-1/2*a + 1/2)*k, 1/2 + (-1/2*a + 1/2)*i + 1/2*a*j,..., -k, i, j, -i]
        sage: assert set(v) == set(all_icosians())  # double check
    from sage.all import permutations, cartesian_product_iterator
    Icos = []
    ig = icosian_gens()
    per = permutations(range(5))
    exp = cartesian_product_iterator([range(1, i) for i in [5, 5, 5, 4, 5]])
    for f in exp:
        for p in per:
            e0 = ig[p[0]]**f[0]
            e1 = ig[p[1]]**f[1]
            e2 = ig[p[2]]**f[2]
            e3 = ig[p[3]]**f[3]
            e4 = ig[p[4]]**f[4]
            elt = e0 * e1 * e2 * e3 * e4
            if elt not in Icos:
        if len(Icos) == 120:
            return Icos
예제 #2
 def collapse_to_labels_and_exps(self):
     # before calling this function, must collapse stars
     # only exponent None is collapsable
     collapsable_labels = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(int))
     collapsable_dims = defaultdict(int) # label unspecified
     # the following lists will store pieces with specified exponent
     fixed_labels = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(int))
     fixed_dims = defaultdict(list)
     for piece in self.L:
         if piece.e is None:
             if piece.label is None:
                 collapsable_dims[piece.dim] += 1
                 collapsable_labels[piece.dim][piece.label] += 1 # allow for repeated labels
             if piece.label is None:
                 fixed_labels[piece.dim][piece.label] += piece.e # allow for repeated labels
     dims = sorted(list(set(piece.dim for piece in self.L)))
     iterator_list = [CollapsedLabelIterator_onedim(collapsable_labels[dim], collapsable_dims[dim],
                                                    fixed_labels[dim], fixed_dims[dim], dim, self.q()) for dim in dims]
     for stretches in cartesian_product_iterator(iterator_list):
         subquery = {}
         overall = sum(stretches, [])
         for i, (base, exp) in enumerate(overall):
             subquery['%s.%s.0'%(self.qfield, i)] = base
             subquery['%s.%s.1'%(self.qfield, i)] = int(exp)
         subquery[self.qfield] = {'$size': len(overall)}
         yield subquery
예제 #3
def hecke_elements_2():
    P = F.primes_above(2)[0]
    from sqrt5_fast import ModN_Reduction
    from sage.matrix.all import matrix

    f = ModN_Reduction(P)
    G = icosian_ring_gens()
    k = P.residue_field()
    g = k.gen()

    def pi(z):
        # Note that f(...) returns a string right now, since it's all done at C level.
        # This will prboably change, breaking this code.
        M = matrix(k, 2, eval(f(z).replace(';', ','), {'g': g})).transpose()
        v = M.echelon_form()[0]
        return v

    # now just run through elements of icosian ring until we find enough...
    ans = {}
    a = F.gen()
    B = 1
    X = [i + a * j for i in range(-B, B + 1) for j in range(-B, B + 1)]
    from sage.misc.all import cartesian_product_iterator
    for v in cartesian_product_iterator([X] * 4):
        z = sum(v[i] * G[i] for i in range(4))
        if z.reduced_norm() == 2:
            t = pi(z)
            if not ans.has_key(t):
                ans[t] = z
            if len(ans) == 5:
                return [x for _, x in ans.iteritems()]
    raise RuntimeError
예제 #4
def compute_all_icosians():
    Return a list of the elements of the Icosian group of order 120,
    which we compute by generating enough products of icosian

        sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5 import compute_all_icosians, all_icosians
        sage: v = compute_all_icosians()
        sage: len(v)
        sage: v
        [1/2 + 1/2*a*i + (-1/2*a + 1/2)*k, 1/2 + (-1/2*a + 1/2)*i + 1/2*a*j,..., -k, i, j, -i]
        sage: assert set(v) == set(all_icosians())  # double check
    from sage.all import permutations, cartesian_product_iterator
    Icos = []
    ig = icosian_gens()
    per = permutations(range(5))
    exp = cartesian_product_iterator([range(1,i) for i in [5,5,5,4,5]])
    for f in exp:
        for p in per:
            e0 = ig[p[0]]**f[0]
            e1 = ig[p[1]]**f[1]
            e2 = ig[p[2]]**f[2]
            e3 = ig[p[3]]**f[3]
            e4 = ig[p[4]]**f[4]
            elt = e0*e1*e2*e3*e4
            if elt not in Icos:
        if len(Icos) == 120:
            return Icos
예제 #5
def hecke_elements_2():
    P = F.primes_above(2)[0]
    from sqrt5_fast import ModN_Reduction
    from sage.matrix.all import matrix
    f = ModN_Reduction(P)
    G = icosian_ring_gens()
    k = P.residue_field()
    g = k.gen()
    def pi(z):
        # Note that f(...) returns a string right now, since it's all done at C level.
        # This will prboably change, breaking this code. 
        M = matrix(k,2,eval(f(z).replace(';',','), {'g':g})).transpose()
        v = M.echelon_form()[0]
        return v
    # now just run through elements of icosian ring until we find enough...
    ans = {}
    a = F.gen()
    B = 1
    X = [i + a*j for i in range(-B,B+1) for j in range(-B,B+1)]
    from sage.misc.all import cartesian_product_iterator
    for v in cartesian_product_iterator([X]*4):
        z = sum(v[i]*G[i] for i in range(4))
        if z.reduced_norm() == 2:
            t = pi(z)
            if not ans.has_key(t):
                ans[t] = z
            if len(ans) == 5:
                return [x for _, x in ans.iteritems()]
    raise RuntimeError
예제 #6
 def collapse_to_labels_and_exps(self):
     # before calling this function, must collapse stars
     # only exponent None is collapsable
     collapsable_labels = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(int))
     collapsable_dims = defaultdict(int) # label unspecified
     # the following lists will store pieces with specified exponent
     fixed_labels = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(int))
     fixed_dims = defaultdict(list)
     for piece in self.L:
         if piece.e is None:
             if piece.label is None:
                 collapsable_dims[piece.dim] += 1
                 collapsable_labels[piece.dim][piece.label] += 1 # allow for repeated labels
             if piece.label is None:
                 fixed_labels[piece.dim][piece.label] += piece.e # allow for repeated labels
     dims = sorted(list(set(piece.dim for piece in self.L)))
     iterator_list = [CollapsedLabelIterator_onedim(collapsable_labels[dim], collapsable_dims[dim],
                                                    fixed_labels[dim], fixed_dims[dim], dim, self.q()) for dim in dims]
     for stretches in cartesian_product_iterator(iterator_list):
         subquery = {}
         overall = sum(stretches, [])
         for i, (base, exp) in enumerate(overall):
             subquery['%s.%s.0'%(self.qfield, i)] = base
             subquery['%s.%s.1'%(self.qfield, i)] = int(exp)
         subquery[self.qfield] = {'$size': len(overall)}
         yield subquery
예제 #7
파일: psort.py 프로젝트: LMFDB/lmfdb
def ideals_of_norm(K,n):
    r""" Return a list of all ideals of norm n (sorted).  Cached.
    if not hasattr(K,'ideal_norm_dict'):
        K.ideal_norm_dict = {}
    if not n in K.ideal_norm_dict:
        if n==1:
            K.ideal_norm_dict[n] = [K.ideal(1)]
            K.ideal_norm_dict[n] = [prod(Q) for Q in cartesian_product_iterator([ppower_norm_ideals(K,p,e) for p,e in n.factor()])]
    return K.ideal_norm_dict[n]
예제 #8
파일: psort.py 프로젝트: tahulse/lmfdb
def ideals_of_norm(K,n):
    r""" Return a list of all ideals of norm n (sorted).  Cached.
    if not hasattr(K,'ideal_norm_dict'):
        K.ideal_norm_dict = {}
    if not n in K.ideal_norm_dict:
        if n==1:
            K.ideal_norm_dict[n] = [K.ideal(1)]
            K.ideal_norm_dict[n] = [prod(Q) for Q in cartesian_product_iterator([ppower_norm_ideals(K,p,e) for p,e in n.factor()])]
    return K.ideal_norm_dict[n]
예제 #9
def ALdims_knowl(al_dims, level, weight):
    dim_dict = {}
    for vec, dim, cnt in al_dims:
        dim_dict[tuple(ev for (p, ev) in vec)] = dim
    short = "+".join(r'\(%s\)' % dim_dict.get(vec, 0)
                     for vec in cartesian_product_iterator(
                         [[1, -1] for _ in range(len(al_dims[0][0]))]))
    # We erase plus_dim and minus_dim if they're obvious
    AL_table = ALdim_table(al_dims, level, weight)
    return r'<a title="[ALdims]" knowl="dynamic_show" kwargs="%s">%s</a>' % (
        AL_table, short)
예제 #10
    def points(self):
        The vertices in a fixed order (lexicographic sorted)


            sage: square = UnitCubeTriangulation(2)
            sage: square.points()
            ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1))
        return tuple(
                tuple(p) for p in cartesian_product_iterator([[0, 1]] *
예제 #11
    def points(self):
        The vertices in a fixed order (lexicographic sorted)


            sage: square = CubeTriangulation((1,2), (3,2), (1,4), (3,4))
            sage: square.points()
            ((1, 2), (1, 4), (3, 2), (3, 4))
        return tuple(
                tuple(p) for p in cartesian_product_iterator(
                    zip(self.extent_min, self.extent_max))))
예제 #12
파일: db.py 프로젝트: williamstein/mrc-2012
def compute_lseries(s, f, prec, T=1.05):
    s = session
    f = rational newform object (got using the session s!)
    prec = bits of precision

    This function computes the L-series attached to the given newform
    and determine the a_p at the primes of bad reduction (up to the
    biggest p such that a_p is known) if they are not known, and saves
    those a_p in the database.  It uses prec bits of precision, and if
    not enough a_p are known in the database, then it will fail.

    DOES NOT COMMIT.  Call s.commit() after calling this to save.
    # 1. Get list of primes and the corresponding known a_P (for all P
    #    up to some bound):
    #        - query for biggest Norm(P) so we know a_P (separate function)
    #        - get list of all primes q with Norm(q) <= Norm(P).
    #        - make another list of primes q such that q exactly divides level
    #        - query database and get corresponding good a_q, or raise
    #          error if some missing.

    # Compute aplist:
    #     - aplist = list of integers of None
    #     - primes = list of psage fast primes
    #     - unknown = list of ints i such that ap[i] = None
    aplist, primes = f.known_aplist()
    unknown = [i for i in range(len(aplist)) if aplist[i] is None]

    # Check that the unknown primes all exactly divide the level.
    level = f.level()
    for i in unknown:
        P = primes[i].sage_ideal()
        if not P.divides(level):
            raise RuntimeError, "gap in list of eigenvalues a_P; missing good P=%s"%P
        if (P*P).divides(level):
            raise RuntimeError, "gap: additive a_P for P=%s not set"%P
    # 2. For each possibility for bad a_P, construct the L-series,
    #    making a list of the L-series that actually work.
    #        - use cartesian product iterator over [[-1,1]]*n
    #        - we use a custom L-series class deriving from what
    #          is in psage defined above
    lseries_that_work = []
    for bad_ap in cartesian_product_iterator([[-1,1]]*len(unknown)):
        print "bad_ap = ", bad_ap
        aplist1 = list(aplist)
        for i, j in enumerate(unknown):
            aplist1[j] = bad_ap[i]
        for eps in [-1,1]:
            print "trying eps = ", eps
            L = LSeries(level=level, aplist=aplist1, primes=primes, prec=prec, root_number=eps)
                L._function(prec=prec, T=T)
            except RuntimeError:
                print "Definitely does not satisfy functional equation..."
                print "It seems to satisfy functional equation..."
                lseries_that_work.append((L, bad_ap))
    if len(lseries_that_work) > 1:
        print "WARNING: %s choices of bad a_p's seem to work -- functional equation doesn't nail down one choice.\nWe will check numerically that all choices are consistent, and only save a_p that we are certain about."%len(lseries_that_work)
    if len(lseries_that_work) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError, "no choices of bad a_p's seem to work -- please increase precision!"
    # 3. If *exactly one* L-series works, save to the database the
    #    corresponding bad a_p, and return the L-series.  Otherwise,
    #    raise an error.
    # Only save bad_ap's that are the same for all L-series.
    # save missing a_p, which we now know, to the database
    print "saving missing eigenvalues, which we just determined, to the database..."
    for i, j in enumerate(unknown):
        # only store ones such that multiple distinct choices didn't work.
        if len([bad_ap[i] for _, bad_ap in lseries_that_work]) == 1:
            f.store_eigenvalue(primes[j], lseries_that_work[0][1][i])

    # return one of the L-series, after doing a double check that they are
    # all basically the same numerically.
    if len(lseries_that_work) > 1:
        ts = lseries_that_work[0][0].taylor_series(prec=prec)
        for i in range(1, len(lseries_that_work)):
            ts2 = lseries_that_work[i][0].taylor_series(prec=prec)
            if ts != ts2:
                raise RuntimeError, "ts=%s, ts2=%s"%(ts, ts2)

    L = lseries_that_work[0][0]
    # store epsilon factor (sign of f.e.) to the database
    if f.root_number is None:
        root_number = L.epsilon()
        print "saving root number (=%s) to database..."%root_number
        f.root_number = root_number
        f.root_number_prec = root_number_prec

    if f.rank is None:
        rank = L.analytic_rank(prec=prec)
        print "saving rank (=%s) to database..."%rank
        f.rank = rank
        f.rank_prec = prec
    return L