예제 #1
def compact_form(p):
    Given a palindromic polynomial p(x) of degree 2n, return a
    polynomial g so that p(x) = x^n g(x + 1/x).
    assert is_palindromic(p) and p.degree() % 2 == 0
    R = p.parent()
    x = R.gen()
    f, g = p, R(0)

    while f != 0:
        c = f.leading_coefficient()
        assert f.degree() % 2 == 0
        d = f.degree() // 2
        g += c * x**d
        f = (f - c * (x**2 + 1)**d)
        if f != 0:
            e = min(f.exponents())
            assert e > 0 and f % x**e == 0
            f = f // x**e

    # Double check
    L = LaurentPolynomialRing(R.base_ring(), repr(x))
    y = L.gen()
    assert p == y**(p.degree() // 2) * g(y + 1 / y)
    return g
예제 #2
def induced_rep_from_twisted_cocycle(p, rho, chi, cocycle):
    The main metabelian representation from Section 7 of [HKL] for the
    group of a knot complement, where p is the degree of the branched
    cover, rho is an irreducible cyclic representation acting on the
    F_q vector space V, chi is a homomorpism V -> F_q, and cocycle
    describes the semidirect product extension.

    We differ from [HKL] in that all actions are on the left, meaning
    that this representation is defined in terms of the convention for the
    semidirect product discussed in::


    Here is an example::

       sage: G = Manifold('K12n132').fundamental_group()
       sage: A = matrix(GF(5), [[0, 4], [1, 4]])
       sage: rho = cyclic_rep(G, A)
       sage: cocycle = (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2)
       sage: chi = lambda v: v[0] + 4*v[1]
       sage: rho_ind = induced_rep_from_twisted_cocycle(3, rho, chi, cocycle)
       sage: rho_ind('c').list()
       [0, 0, (-z^3 - z^2 - z - 1), z^2*t^-1, 0, 0, 0, (-z^3 - z^2 - z - 1)*t^-1, 0]
    q = rho.base_ring.order()
    n = rho.dim
    K = CyclotomicField(q, 'z')
    z = K.gen()
    A = rho.A
    R = LaurentPolynomialRing(K, 't')
    t = R.gen()
    MatSp = MatrixSpace(R, p)
    gens = rho.generators
    images = dict()
    for s, g in enumerate(gens):
        v = vector(cocycle[s * n:(s + 1) * n])
        e = rho.epsilon(g)[0]
        U = MatSp(0)
        for j in range(0, p):
            k, l = (e + j).quo_rem(p)
            U[l, j] = t**k * z**chi(A**(-l) * v)
        images[g] = U

        e, v = -e, -A**(-e) * v
        V = MatSp(0)
        for j in range(0, p):
            k, l = (e + j).quo_rem(p)
            V[l, j] = t**k * z**chi(A**(-l) * v)
        images[g.swapcase()] = V

    alpha = MatrixRepresentation(gens, rho.relators, MatSp, images)
    alpha.epsilon = rho.epsilon
    return alpha
예제 #3
def x5_jacobi_pwsr(prec):
    mx = int(ceil(sqrt(8 * prec) / QQ(2)) + 1)
    mn = int(floor(-(sqrt(8 * prec) - 1) / QQ(2)))
    mx1 = int(ceil((sqrt(8 * prec + 1) - 1) / QQ(2)) + 1)
    mn1 = int(floor((-sqrt(8 * prec + 1) - 1) / QQ(2)))
    R = LaurentPolynomialRing(QQ, names="t")
    t = R.gens()[0]
    S = PowerSeriesRing(R, names="q1")
    q1 = S.gens()[0]
    eta_3 = sum([QQ(-1) ** n * (2 * n + 1) * q1 ** (n * (n + 1) // 2)
                 for n in range(mn1, mx1)]) + bigO(q1 ** (prec + 1))
    theta = sum([QQ(-1) ** n * q1 ** (((2 * n + 1) ** 2 - 1) // 8) * t ** (n + 1)
                 for n in range(mn, mx)])
    # ct = qexp_eta(ZZ[['q1']], prec + 1)
    return theta * eta_3 ** 3 * QQ(8) ** (-1)
예제 #4
def rings1():
    Return an iterator over random rings.

    Return a list of pairs (f, desc), where f is a function that
    outputs a random ring that takes a ring and possibly
    some other data as constructor.


    - polynomial ring in one variable over a rings0() ring.
    - polynomial ring over a rings1() ring.
    - multivariate polynomials
    - power series rings in one variable over a rings0() ring.


        sage: import sage.rings.tests
        sage: type(sage.rings.tests.rings0())
        <... 'list'>
    v = rings0()
    X = random_rings(level=0)
    from sage.all import (PolynomialRing, PowerSeriesRing,
                          LaurentPolynomialRing, ZZ)
    v = [(lambda: PolynomialRing(next(X), names='x'),
          'univariate polynomial ring over level 0 ring'),
         (lambda: PowerSeriesRing(next(X), names='x'),
          'univariate power series ring over level 0 ring'),
         (lambda: LaurentPolynomialRing(next(X), names='x'),
          'univariate Laurent polynomial ring over level 0 ring'),
         (lambda: PolynomialRing(next(X), abs(ZZ.random_element(x=2, y=10)),
          'multivariate polynomial ring in between 2 and 10 variables over a level 0 ring')]
    return v
def jones_polynomial_of_sage(knot):
    To match our conventions (which seem to agree with KnotAtlas), we
    need to swap q and 1/q.
    q = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ, 'q').gen()
    p = knot.jones_polynomial(skein_normalization=True)
    exps = p.exponents()
    assert all(e % 4 == 0 for e in exps)
    return sum(c * q**(-e // 4) for c, e in zip(p.coefficients(), exps))
예제 #6
파일: nsagetools.py 프로젝트: njt99/SnapPy
class MapToGroupRingOfFreeAbelianization(MapToFreeAbelianization):
    def __init__(self, fund_group, base_ring=ZZ):
        MapToFreeAbelianization.__init__(self, fund_group)
        n = self.elementary_divisors.count(0)
        self.R = LaurentPolynomialRing(base_ring,

    def range(self):
        return self.R

    def __call__(self, word):
        v = MapToFreeAbelianization.__call__(self, word)
        return prod([g**v[i] for i, g in enumerate(self.R.gens())])
예제 #7
파일: nsagetools.py 프로젝트: njt99/SnapPy
 def __init__(self, fund_group, base_ring=ZZ):
     MapToFreeAbelianization.__init__(self, fund_group)
     n = self.elementary_divisors.count(0)
     self.R = LaurentPolynomialRing(base_ring,
예제 #8
Conventions follow Jake's lectures at PCMI, Summer 2019.

from sage.all import ZZ, LaurentPolynomialRing, PerfectMatchings, PerfectMatching
import exhaust
from spherogram import Link
import snappy

R = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ, 'q')
q = R.gen()

def num_Pn(n):
    An element of Jake's P_{0, n} of planar tangles from 0 points to n
    points will be a PerfectMatching of [0,..,n-1] where
    is_noncrossing is True.
    return len([m for m in PerfectMatchings(n) if m.is_noncrossing()])

def insert_cup(matching, i):
    Insert a new adjacent matching which joins i and i + 1.

    >>> m = PerfectMatching([(0, 1), (2, 5), (3, 4)])
    >>> insert_cup(m, 0)
    [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 7), (5, 6)]
    >>> insert_cup(m, 1)
    [(0, 3), (1, 2), (4, 7), (5, 6)]