예제 #1
    def modular_symbols(self):
        Return the space of modular symbols used for computing this
        set of modular eigenforms.


            sage: n = numerical_eigenforms(61) ; n.modular_symbols()
            Modular Symbols space of dimension 5 for Gamma_0(61) of weight 2 with sign 1 over Rational Field
        M = ModularSymbols(self._group, self._weight, sign=1)
        if M.base_ring() != QQ:
            raise ValueError("modular forms space must be defined over QQ")
        return M
예제 #2
def modular_symbol_space(E, sign, base_ring, bound=None):
    Creates the space of modular symbols of a given sign over a give base_ring,
    attached to the isogeny class of elliptic curves.


     - ``E`` - an elliptic curve over `\QQ`
     - ``sign`` - integer, -1, 0, or 1
     - ``base_ring`` - ring
     - ``bound`` - (default: None) maximum number of Hecke operators to
       use to cut out modular symbols factor.  If None, use
       enough to provably get the correct answer.

    OUTPUT: a space of modular symbols


        sage: import sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_modular_symbols
        sage: E=EllipticCurve('11a1')
        sage: M=sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_modular_symbols.modular_symbol_space(E,-1,GF(37))
        sage: M
        Modular Symbols space of dimension 1 for Gamma_0(11) of weight 2 with sign -1 over Finite Field of size 37

    _sign = int(sign)
    if _sign != sign:
        raise TypeError('sign must be an integer')
    if not (_sign in [-1, 0, 1]):
        raise TypeError('sign must -1, 0, or 1')
    N = E.conductor()
    M = ModularSymbols(N, sign=sign, base_ring=base_ring)
    if bound is None:
        bound = M.hecke_bound() + 10
    V = M
    p = 2
    while p <= bound and V.dimension() > 1:
        t = V.T(p)
        ap = E.ap(p)
        V = (t - ap).kernel()
        p = next_prime(p)

    return V
예제 #3
    def modular_symbols(self):
        Return the space of modular symbols used for computing this
        set of modular eigenforms.


            sage: n = numerical_eigenforms(61) ; n.modular_symbols()
            Modular Symbols space of dimension 5 for Gamma_0(61) of weight 2 with sign 1 over Rational Field
            return self.__modular_symbols
        except AttributeError:
            M = ModularSymbols(self._group,
                    self._weight, sign=1)
            if M.base_ring() != QQ:
                raise ValueError("modular forms space must be defined over QQ")
            self.__modular_symbols = M
            return M
예제 #4
def modular_symbol_space(E, sign, base_ring, bound=None):
    Creates the space of modular symbols of a given sign over a give base_ring,
    attached to the isogeny class of elliptic curves.
     - ``E`` - an elliptic curve over `\QQ`
     - ``sign`` - integer, -1, 0, or 1
     - ``base_ring`` - ring
     - ``bound`` - (default: None) maximum number of Hecke operators to
       use to cut out modular symbols factor.  If None, use
       enough to provably get the correct answer.
    OUTPUT: a space of modular symbols

        sage: import sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_modular_symbols
        sage: E=EllipticCurve('11a1')
        sage: M=sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_modular_symbols.modular_symbol_space(E,-1,GF(37))
        sage: M
        Modular Symbols space of dimension 1 for Gamma_0(11) of weight 2 with sign -1 over Finite Field of size 37

    _sign = int(sign)
    if _sign != sign:
        raise TypeError, 'sign must be an integer'
    if not (_sign in [-1,0,1]):
        raise TypeError, 'sign must -1, 0, or 1'
    N = E.conductor()
    M = ModularSymbols(N, sign=sign, base_ring=base_ring)
    if bound is None:
        bound = M.hecke_bound() + 10
    V = M
    p = 2
    while p <= bound and V.dimension() > 1:
        t = V.T(p)
        ap = E.ap(p)
        V = (t - ap).kernel()
        p = next_prime(p)
    return V