예제 #1
    def plot_histogram(self, clr=(0,0,1), eps = 0.4):
        Plot the histogram plot of the sequence.

        The sequence is assumed to be real or from a finite field,
        with a real indexing set ``I`` coercible into `\RR`.

        Options are ``clr``, which is an RGB value, and ``eps``, which
        is the spacing between the bars.


            sage: J = range(3)
            sage: A = [ZZ(i^2)+1 for i in J]
            sage: s = IndexedSequence(A,J)
            sage: P = s.plot_histogram()
            sage: show(P) # Not tested
        # elements must be coercible into RR
        I = self.index_object()
        N = len(I)
        S = self.list()
        P = [polygon([[RR(I[i])-eps,0],[RR(I[i])-eps,RR(S[i])],[RR(I[i])+eps,RR(S[i])],[RR(I[i])+eps,0],[RR(I[i]),0]], rgbcolor=clr) for i in range(N)]
        T = [text(str(I[i]),(RR(I[i]),-0.8),fontsize=15,rgbcolor=(1,0,0)) for i in range(N)]
        return sum(P) + sum(T)
예제 #2
    def plot_histogram(self, clr=(0,0,1), eps = 0.4):
        Plot the histogram plot of the sequence.

        The sequence is assumed to be real or from a finite field,
        with a real indexing set ``I`` coercible into `\RR`.

        Options are ``clr``, which is an RGB value, and ``eps``, which
        is the spacing between the bars.


            sage: J = range(3)
            sage: A = [ZZ(i^2)+1 for i in J]
            sage: s = IndexedSequence(A,J)
            sage: P = s.plot_histogram()
            sage: show(P) # Not tested
        # elements must be coercible into RR
        I = self.index_object()
        N = len(I)
        S = self.list()
        P = [polygon([[RR(I[i])-eps,0],[RR(I[i])-eps,RR(S[i])],[RR(I[i])+eps,RR(S[i])],[RR(I[i])+eps,0],[RR(I[i]),0]], rgbcolor=clr) for i in range(N)]
        T = [text(str(I[i]),(RR(I[i]),-0.8),fontsize=15,rgbcolor=(1,0,0)) for i in range(N)]
        return sum(P) + sum(T)
예제 #3
    def plot_histogram(self, clr=(0, 0, 1), eps=0.4):
        Plots the histogram plot of the sequence, which is assumed to be real
        or from a finite field, with a real indexing set I coercible into RR.
        Options are clr, which is an RGB value, and eps, which is the spacing between the 

            sage: J = range(3)
            sage: A = [ZZ(i^2)+1 for i in J]
            sage: s = IndexedSequence(A,J)
            sage: P = s.plot_histogram()

        Now type show(P) to view this in a browser.
        #from sage.plot.misc import text
        F = self.base_ring()  ## elements must be coercible into RR
        I = self.index_object()
        N = len(I)
        S = self.list()
        P = [
            polygon([[RR(I[i]) - eps, 0], [
                RR(I[i]) - eps, RR(S[i])
            ], [RR(I[i]) + eps, RR(S[i])], [RR(I[i]) + eps, 0], [RR(I[i]), 0]],
                    rgbcolor=clr) for i in range(N)
        T = [
            text(str(I[i]), (RR(I[i]), -0.8), fontsize=15, rgbcolor=(1, 0, 0))
            for i in range(N)
        return sum(P) + sum(T)
예제 #4
    def plot(self, xrange, **options):
        Plot this function.

        The plot is intended to give an idea of the accuracy of the evaluations
        that led to it. However, it may not be a rigorous enclosure of the graph
        of the function.


            sage: from ore_algebra import *
            sage: from ore_algebra.analytic.function import DFiniteFunction
            sage: DiffOps, x, Dx = DifferentialOperators()

            sage: f = DFiniteFunction(Dx^2 - x,
            ....:         [1/(gamma(2/3)*3^(2/3)), -1/(gamma(1/3)*3^(1/3))])
            sage: plot(f, (-10, 5), color='black')
            Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
        mids = generate_plot_points(lambda x: self.approx(x, 20).mid(),
        ivs = [(x, self.approx(x, 20)) for x, _ in mids]
        bounds = [(x, y.upper()) for x, y in ivs]
        bounds += [(x, y.lower()) for x, y in reversed(ivs)]
        options.setdefault('aspect_ratio', 'automatic')
        g = plot.polygon(bounds, thickness=1, **options)
        return g
예제 #5
def sector(ray1, ray2, **extra_options):
    Plot a sector between ``ray1`` and ``ray2`` centered at the origin.

    .. NOTE::

        This function was intended for plotting strictly convex cones, so it
        plots the smaller sector between ``ray1`` and ``ray2`` and, therefore,
        they cannot be opposite. If you do want to use this function for bigger
        regions, split them into several parts.

    .. NOTE::

        As of version 4.6 Sage does not have a graphic primitive for sectors in
        3-dimensional space, so this function will actually approximate them
        using polygons (the number of vertices used depends on the angle
        between rays).


    - ``ray1``, ``ray2`` -- rays in 2- or 3-dimensional space of the same

    - ``extra_options`` -- a dictionary of options that should be passed to
      lower level plotting functions.


    - a plot.


        sage: from sage.geometry.toric_plotter import sector
        sage: print sector((1,0), (0,1))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
        sage: print sector((3,2,1), (1,2,3))
        Graphics3d Object
    ray1 = vector(RDF, ray1)
    ray2 = vector(RDF, ray2)
    r = ray1.norm()
    if len(ray1) == 2:
        # Plot an honest sector
        phi1 = arctan2(ray1[1], ray1[0])
        phi2 = arctan2(ray2[1], ray2[0])
        if phi1 > phi2:
            phi1, phi2 = phi2, phi1
        if phi2 - phi1 > pi:
            phi1, phi2 = phi2, phi1 + 2 * pi
        return disk((0, 0), r, (phi1, phi2), **extra_options)
        # Plot a polygon, 30 vertices per radian.
        vertices_per_radian = 30
        n = ceil(arccos(ray1 * ray2 / r**2) * vertices_per_radian)
        dr = (ray2 - ray1) / n
        points = (ray1 + i * dr for i in range(n + 1))
        points = [r / pt.norm() * pt for pt in points]
        points.append(vector(RDF, 3))
        return polygon(points, **extra_options)
예제 #6
def sector(ray1, ray2, **extra_options):
    Plot a sector between ``ray1`` and ``ray2`` centered at the origin.

    .. NOTE::

        This function was intended for plotting strictly convex cones, so it
        plots the smaller sector between ``ray1`` and ``ray2`` and, therefore,
        they cannot be opposite. If you do want to use this function for bigger
        regions, split them into several parts.

    .. NOTE::

        As of version 4.6 Sage does not have a graphic primitive for sectors in
        3-dimensional space, so this function will actually approximate them
        using polygons (the number of vertices used depends on the angle
        between rays).


    - ``ray1``, ``ray2`` -- rays in 2- or 3-dimensional space of the same

    - ``extra_options`` -- a dictionary of options that should be passed to
      lower level plotting functions.


    - a plot.


        sage: from sage.geometry.toric_plotter import sector
        sage: sector((1,0), (0,1))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
        sage: sector((3,2,1), (1,2,3))
        Graphics3d Object
    ray1 = vector(RDF, ray1)
    ray2 = vector(RDF, ray2)
    r = ray1.norm()
    if len(ray1) == 2:
        # Plot an honest sector
        phi1 = arctan2(ray1[1], ray1[0])
        phi2 = arctan2(ray2[1], ray2[0])
        if phi1 > phi2:
            phi1, phi2 = phi2, phi1
        if phi2 - phi1 > pi:
            phi1, phi2 = phi2, phi1 + 2 * pi
        return disk((0,0), r, (phi1, phi2), **extra_options)
        # Plot a polygon, 30 vertices per radian.
        vertices_per_radian = 30
        n = ceil(arccos(ray1 * ray2 / r**2) * vertices_per_radian)
        dr = (ray2 - ray1) / n
        points = (ray1 + i * dr for i in range(n + 1))
        points = [r / pt.norm() * pt for pt in points]
        points.append(vector(RDF, 3))
        return polygon(points, **extra_options)
예제 #7
파일: dft.py 프로젝트: pombredanne/sage-1
    def plot_histogram(self, clr=(0,0,1),eps = 0.4):
        Plots the histogram plot of the sequence, which is assumed to be real
        or from a finite field, with a real indexing set I coercible into RR.
        Options are clr, which is an RGB value, and eps, which is the spacing between the 

            sage: J = range(3)
            sage: A = [ZZ(i^2)+1 for i in J]
            sage: s = IndexedSequence(A,J)
            sage: P = s.plot_histogram()

        Now type show(P) to view this in a browser.
        #from sage.plot.misc import text
        F = self.base_ring()   ## elements must be coercible into RR
        I = self.index_object()
        N = len(I)
        S = self.list()
        P = [polygon([[RR(I[i])-eps,0],[RR(I[i])-eps,RR(S[i])],[RR(I[i])+eps,RR(S[i])],[RR(I[i])+eps,0],[RR(I[i]),0]], rgbcolor=clr) for i in range(N)]
        T = [text(str(I[i]),(RR(I[i]),-0.8),fontsize=15,rgbcolor=(1,0,0)) for i in range(N)]
        return sum(P)+sum(T)