예제 #1
def show_pentaminos(box=(5, 8, 2)):
    Show the 17 3-D pentaminos included in the game and the `5 \times 8
    \times 2` box where 16 of them must fit.


    - ``box`` - tuple of size three (optional, default: ``(5,8,2)``),
      size of the box


        3D Graphic object


        sage: from sage.games.quantumino import show_pentaminos
        sage: show_pentaminos()    # not tested (1s)

    To remove the frame do::

        sage: show_pentaminos().show(frame=False)  # not tested (1s)
    G = Graphics()
    for i, p in enumerate(pentaminos):
        x = 3.5 * (i % 4)
        y = 3.5 * (i / 4)
        q = p + (x, y, 0)
        G += q.show3d()
        G += text3d(str(i), (x, y, 2))
    G += cube(color='gray', opacity=0.5).scale(box).translate((17, 6, 0))

    # hack to set the aspect ratio to 1
    a, b = G.bounding_box()
    a, b = map(vector, (a, b))
    G.frame_aspect_ratio(tuple(b - a))

    return G
예제 #2
def show_pentaminos(box=(5, 8, 2)):
    Show the 17 3-D pentaminos included in the game and the `5 \times 8
    \times 2` box where 16 of them must fit.


    - ``box`` - tuple of size three (optional, default: ``(5,8,2)``),
      size of the box


        3D Graphic object


        sage: from sage.games.quantumino import show_pentaminos
        sage: show_pentaminos()    # not tested (1s)

    To remove the frame do::

        sage: show_pentaminos().show(frame=False)  # not tested (1s)
    G = Graphics()
    for i, p in enumerate(pentaminos):
        x = 3.5 * (i % 4)
        y = 3.5 * (i / 4)
        q = p + (x, y, 0)
        G += q.show3d()
        G += text3d(str(i), (x, y, 2))
    G += cube(color="gray", opacity=0.5).scale(box).translate((17, 6, 0))

    # hack to set the aspect ratio to 1
    a, b = G.bounding_box()
    a, b = map(vector, (a, b))
    G.frame_aspect_ratio(tuple(b - a))

    return G
예제 #3
    def show3d(self, size=0.85):
        Return the solution as a 3D Graphic object.


            3D Graphic Object


            sage: from sage.games.quantumino import QuantuminoSolver
            sage: s = QuantuminoSolver(0).solve().next()    # not tested (1.5s)
            sage: G = s.show3d()                            # not tested (<1s)
            sage: type(G)                                   # not tested
            <class 'sage.plot.plot3d.base.Graphics3dGroup'>

        To remove the frame::

            sage: G.show(frame=False) # not tested

        To see the solution with Tachyon viewer::

            sage: G.show(viewer='tachyon', frame=False) # not tested
        G = Graphics()
        for p in self:
            G += p.show3d(size=size)
        aside_pento = self._aside.canonical() + (2.5 * size / 0.75,
                                                 -4 * size / 0.75, 0)
        G += aside_pento.show3d(size=size)

        # hack to set the aspect ratio to 1
        a, b = G.bounding_box()
        a, b = map(vector, (a, b))
        G.frame_aspect_ratio(tuple(b - a))

        return G
예제 #4
    def show3d(self, size=0.85):
        Return the solution as a 3D Graphic object.


            3D Graphic Object


            sage: from sage.games.quantumino import QuantuminoSolver
            sage: s = QuantuminoSolver(0).solve().next()    # not tested (1.5s)
            sage: G = s.show3d()                            # not tested (<1s)
            sage: type(G)                                   # not tested
            <class 'sage.plot.plot3d.base.Graphics3dGroup'>

        To remove the frame::

            sage: G.show(frame=False) # not tested

        To see the solution with Tachyon viewer::

            sage: G.show(viewer='tachyon', frame=False) # not tested
        G = Graphics()
        for p in self:
            G += p.show3d(size=size)
        aside_pento = self._aside.canonical() + (2.5 * size / 0.75, -4 * size / 0.75, 0)
        G += aside_pento.show3d(size=size)

        # hack to set the aspect ratio to 1
        a, b = G.bounding_box()
        a, b = map(vector, (a, b))
        G.frame_aspect_ratio(tuple(b - a))

        return G