예제 #1
    def _element_constructor_(self, x, n=0):
        Construct a Laurent series from `x`.


        - ``x`` -- object that can be converted into a Laurent series

        - ``n`` -- (default: 0) multiply the result by `t^n`


            sage: R.<u> = LaurentSeriesRing(Qp(5, 10))
            sage: S.<t> = LaurentSeriesRing(RationalField())
            sage: print R(t + t^2 + O(t^3))
            (1 + O(5^10))*u + (1 + O(5^10))*u^2 + O(u^3)

        Note that coercing an element into its own parent just produces
        that element again (since Laurent series are immutable)::

            sage: u is R(u)

        Rational functions are accepted::

            sage: I = sqrt(-1)
            sage: K.<I> = QQ[I]
            sage: P.<t> = PolynomialRing(K)
            sage: L.<u> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ[I])
            sage: L((t*I)/(t^3+I*2*t))
            1/2 + 1/4*I*u^2 - 1/8*u^4 - 1/16*I*u^6 + 1/32*u^8 +
            1/64*I*u^10 - 1/128*u^12 - 1/256*I*u^14 + 1/512*u^16 +
            1/1024*I*u^18 + O(u^20)


            sage: L(t*I) / L(t^3+I*2*t)
            1/2 + 1/4*I*u^2 - 1/8*u^4 - 1/16*I*u^6 + 1/32*u^8 +
            1/64*I*u^10 - 1/128*u^12 - 1/256*I*u^14 + 1/512*u^16 +
            1/1024*I*u^18 + O(u^20)


        When converting from `R((z))` to `R((z))((w))`, the variable
        `z` is sent to `z` rather than to `w` (see :trac:`7085`)::

            sage: A.<z> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ)
            sage: B.<w> = LaurentSeriesRing(A)
            sage: B(z)
            sage: z/w

        Various conversions from PARI (see also :trac:`2508`)::

            sage: L.<q> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ)
            sage: L.set_default_prec(10)
            doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: This method is deprecated.
            See http://trac.sagemath.org/16201 for details.
            sage: L(pari('1/x'))
            sage: L(pari('polchebyshev(5)'))
            5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5
            sage: L(pari('polchebyshev(5) - 1/x^4'))
            -q^-4 + 5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5
            sage: L(pari('1/polchebyshev(5)'))
            1/5*q^-1 + 4/5*q + 64/25*q^3 + 192/25*q^5 + 2816/125*q^7 + O(q^9)
            sage: L(pari('polchebyshev(5) + O(x^40)'))
            5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5 + O(q^40)
            sage: L(pari('polchebyshev(5) - 1/x^4 + O(x^40)'))
            -q^-4 + 5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5 + O(q^40)
            sage: L(pari('1/polchebyshev(5) + O(x^10)'))
            1/5*q^-1 + 4/5*q + 64/25*q^3 + 192/25*q^5 + 2816/125*q^7 + 8192/125*q^9 + O(q^10)
            sage: L(pari('1/polchebyshev(5) + O(x^10)'), -10)  # Multiply by q^-10
            1/5*q^-11 + 4/5*q^-9 + 64/25*q^-7 + 192/25*q^-5 + 2816/125*q^-3 + 8192/125*q^-1 + O(1)
            sage: L(pari('O(x^-10)'))
        from sage.rings.fraction_field_element import is_FractionFieldElement
        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element import is_Polynomial
        from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_element import is_MPolynomial
        from sage.structure.element import parent

        P = parent(x)
        if isinstance(x, self.element_class) and n==0 and P is self:
            return x  # ok, since Laurent series are immutable (no need to make a copy)
        elif P is self.base_ring():
            # Convert x into a power series; if P is itself a Laurent
            # series ring A((t)), this prevents the implementation of
            # LaurentSeries.__init__() from effectively applying the
            # ring homomorphism A((t)) -> A((t))((u)) sending t to u
            # instead of the one sending t to t.  We cannot easily
            # tell LaurentSeries.__init__() to be more strict, because
            # A((t)) -> B((u)) is expected to send t to u if A admits
            # a coercion to B but A((t)) does not, and this condition
            # would be inefficient to check there.
            x = self.power_series_ring()(x)
        elif isinstance(x, pari_gen):
            t = x.type()
            if t == "t_RFRAC":   # Rational function
                x = self(self.polynomial_ring()(x.numerator())) / \
                return (x << n)
            elif t == "t_SER":   # Laurent series
                n += x._valp()
                bigoh = n + x.length()
                x = self(self.polynomial_ring()(x.Vec()))
                return (x << n).add_bigoh(bigoh)
            else:  # General case, pretend to be a polynomial
                return self(self.polynomial_ring()(x)) << n
        elif is_FractionFieldElement(x) and \
             (x.base_ring() is self.base_ring() or x.base_ring() == self.base_ring()) and \
             (is_Polynomial(x.numerator()) or is_MPolynomial(x.numerator())):
            x = self(x.numerator())/self(x.denominator())
            return (x << n)
        return self.element_class(self, x, n)
예제 #2
    def __call__(self, x, n=0):
        Coerces the element x into this Laurent series ring.


        -  ``x`` - the element to coerce

        -  ``n`` - the result of the coercion will be
           multiplied by `t^n` (default: 0)


            sage: R.<u> = LaurentSeriesRing(Qp(5, 10))
            sage: S.<t> = LaurentSeriesRing(RationalField())
            sage: print R(t + t^2 + O(t^3))
            (1 + O(5^10))*u + (1 + O(5^10))*u^2 + O(u^3)

        Note that coercing an element into its own parent just produces
        that element again (since Laurent series are immutable)::

            sage: u is R(u)

        Rational functions are accepted::

            sage: I = sqrt(-1)
            sage: K.<I> = QQ[I]
            sage: P.<t> = PolynomialRing(K)
            sage: L.<u> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ[I])
            sage: L((t*I)/(t^3+I*2*t))
            1/2 + 1/4*I*u^2 - 1/8*u^4 - 1/16*I*u^6 + 1/32*u^8 +
            1/64*I*u^10 - 1/128*u^12 - 1/256*I*u^14 + 1/512*u^16 +
            1/1024*I*u^18 + O(u^20)


            sage: L(t*I) / L(t^3+I*2*t)
            1/2 + 1/4*I*u^2 - 1/8*u^4 - 1/16*I*u^6 + 1/32*u^8 +
            1/64*I*u^10 - 1/128*u^12 - 1/256*I*u^14 + 1/512*u^16 +
            1/1024*I*u^18 + O(u^20)

        Various conversions from PARI (see also #2508)::

            sage: L.<q> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ)
            sage: L.set_default_prec(10)
            sage: L(pari('1/x'))
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5)'))
            5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5) - 1/x^4'))
            -q^-4 + 5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5
            sage: L(pari('1/poltchebi(5)'))
            1/5*q^-1 + 4/5*q + 64/25*q^3 + 192/25*q^5 + 2816/125*q^7 + O(q^9)
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5) + O(x^40)'))
            5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5 + O(q^40)
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5) - 1/x^4 + O(x^40)'))
            -q^-4 + 5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5 + O(q^40)
            sage: L(pari('1/poltchebi(5) + O(x^10)'))
            1/5*q^-1 + 4/5*q + 64/25*q^3 + 192/25*q^5 + 2816/125*q^7 + 8192/125*q^9 + O(q^10)
            sage: L(pari('1/poltchebi(5) + O(x^10)'), -10)  # Multiply by q^-10
            1/5*q^-11 + 4/5*q^-9 + 64/25*q^-7 + 192/25*q^-5 + 2816/125*q^-3 + 8192/125*q^-1 + O(1)
            sage: L(pari('O(x^-10)'))
        from sage.rings.fraction_field_element import is_FractionFieldElement
        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element import is_Polynomial
        from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_element import is_MPolynomial

        if isinstance(x, laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries
                      ) and n == 0 and self is x.parent():
            return x  # ok, since Laurent series are immutable (no need to make a copy)
        elif isinstance(x, pari_gen):
            t = x.type()
            if t == "t_RFRAC":  # Rational function
                x = self(self.polynomial_ring()(x.numerator())) / \
                return (x << n)
            elif t == "t_SER":  # Laurent series
                n += x._valp()
                bigoh = n + x.length()
                x = self(self.polynomial_ring()(x.Vec()))
                return (x << n).add_bigoh(bigoh)
            else:  # General case, pretend to be a polynomial
                return self(self.polynomial_ring()(x)) << n
        elif is_FractionFieldElement(x) and \
             (x.base_ring() is self.base_ring() or x.base_ring() == self.base_ring()) and \
             (is_Polynomial(x.numerator()) or is_MPolynomial(x.numerator())):
            x = self(x.numerator()) / self(x.denominator())
            return (x << n)
            return laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries(self, x, n)
예제 #3
    def _element_constructor_(self, x, n=0):
        Construct a Laurent series from `x`.


        - ``x`` -- object that can be converted into a Laurent series

        - ``n`` -- (default: 0) multiply the result by `t^n`


            sage: R.<u> = LaurentSeriesRing(Qp(5, 10))
            sage: S.<t> = LaurentSeriesRing(RationalField())
            sage: print R(t + t^2 + O(t^3))
            (1 + O(5^10))*u + (1 + O(5^10))*u^2 + O(u^3)

        Note that coercing an element into its own parent just produces
        that element again (since Laurent series are immutable)::

            sage: u is R(u)

        Rational functions are accepted::

            sage: I = sqrt(-1)
            sage: K.<I> = QQ[I]
            sage: P.<t> = PolynomialRing(K)
            sage: L.<u> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ[I])
            sage: L((t*I)/(t^3+I*2*t))
            1/2 + 1/4*I*u^2 - 1/8*u^4 - 1/16*I*u^6 + 1/32*u^8 +
            1/64*I*u^10 - 1/128*u^12 - 1/256*I*u^14 + 1/512*u^16 +
            1/1024*I*u^18 + O(u^20)


            sage: L(t*I) / L(t^3+I*2*t)
            1/2 + 1/4*I*u^2 - 1/8*u^4 - 1/16*I*u^6 + 1/32*u^8 +
            1/64*I*u^10 - 1/128*u^12 - 1/256*I*u^14 + 1/512*u^16 +
            1/1024*I*u^18 + O(u^20)


        When converting from `R((z))` to `R((z))((w))`, the variable
        `z` is sent to `z` rather than to `w` (see :trac:`7085`)::

            sage: A.<z> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ)
            sage: B.<w> = LaurentSeriesRing(A)
            sage: B(z)
            sage: z/w

        Various conversions from PARI (see also :trac:`2508`)::

            sage: L.<q> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ)
            sage: L.set_default_prec(10)
            sage: L(pari('1/x'))
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5)'))
            5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5) - 1/x^4'))
            -q^-4 + 5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5
            sage: L(pari('1/poltchebi(5)'))
            1/5*q^-1 + 4/5*q + 64/25*q^3 + 192/25*q^5 + 2816/125*q^7 + O(q^9)
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5) + O(x^40)'))
            5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5 + O(q^40)
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5) - 1/x^4 + O(x^40)'))
            -q^-4 + 5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5 + O(q^40)
            sage: L(pari('1/poltchebi(5) + O(x^10)'))
            1/5*q^-1 + 4/5*q + 64/25*q^3 + 192/25*q^5 + 2816/125*q^7 + 8192/125*q^9 + O(q^10)
            sage: L(pari('1/poltchebi(5) + O(x^10)'), -10)  # Multiply by q^-10
            1/5*q^-11 + 4/5*q^-9 + 64/25*q^-7 + 192/25*q^-5 + 2816/125*q^-3 + 8192/125*q^-1 + O(1)
            sage: L(pari('O(x^-10)'))
        from sage.rings.fraction_field_element import is_FractionFieldElement
        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element import is_Polynomial
        from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_element import is_MPolynomial
        from sage.structure.element import parent

        P = parent(x)
        if isinstance(x, self.element_class) and n == 0 and P is self:
            return x  # ok, since Laurent series are immutable (no need to make a copy)
        elif P is self.base_ring():
            # Convert x into a power series; if P is itself a Laurent
            # series ring A((t)), this prevents the implementation of
            # LaurentSeries.__init__() from effectively applying the
            # ring homomorphism A((t)) -> A((t))((u)) sending t to u
            # instead of the one sending t to t.  We cannot easily
            # tell LaurentSeries.__init__() to be more strict, because
            # A((t)) -> B((u)) is expected to send t to u if A admits
            # a coercion to B but A((t)) does not, and this condition
            # would be inefficient to check there.
            x = self.power_series_ring()(x)
        elif isinstance(x, pari_gen):
            t = x.type()
            if t == "t_RFRAC":  # Rational function
                x = self(self.polynomial_ring()(x.numerator())) / \
                return (x << n)
            elif t == "t_SER":  # Laurent series
                n += x._valp()
                bigoh = n + x.length()
                x = self(self.polynomial_ring()(x.Vec()))
                return (x << n).add_bigoh(bigoh)
            else:  # General case, pretend to be a polynomial
                return self(self.polynomial_ring()(x)) << n
        elif is_FractionFieldElement(x) and \
             (x.base_ring() is self.base_ring() or x.base_ring() == self.base_ring()) and \
             (is_Polynomial(x.numerator()) or is_MPolynomial(x.numerator())):
            x = self(x.numerator()) / self(x.denominator())
            return (x << n)
        return self.element_class(self, x, n)
예제 #4
    def __call__(self, x, n=0):
        Coerces the element x into this Laurent series ring.
        -  ``x`` - the element to coerce
        -  ``n`` - the result of the coercion will be
           multiplied by `t^n` (default: 0)
            sage: R.<u> = LaurentSeriesRing(Qp(5, 10))
            sage: S.<t> = LaurentSeriesRing(RationalField())
            sage: print R(t + t^2 + O(t^3))
            (1 + O(5^10))*u + (1 + O(5^10))*u^2 + O(u^3)
        Note that coercing an element into its own parent just produces
        that element again (since Laurent series are immutable)::
            sage: u is R(u)
        Rational functions are accepted::
            sage: I = sqrt(-1)
            sage: K.<I> = QQ[I]
            sage: P.<t> = PolynomialRing(K)
            sage: L.<u> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ[I])
            sage: L((t*I)/(t^3+I*2*t))
            1/2 + 1/4*I*u^2 - 1/8*u^4 - 1/16*I*u^6 + 1/32*u^8 +
            1/64*I*u^10 - 1/128*u^12 - 1/256*I*u^14 + 1/512*u^16 +
            1/1024*I*u^18 + O(u^20)
            sage: L(t*I) / L(t^3+I*2*t)
            1/2 + 1/4*I*u^2 - 1/8*u^4 - 1/16*I*u^6 + 1/32*u^8 +
            1/64*I*u^10 - 1/128*u^12 - 1/256*I*u^14 + 1/512*u^16 +
            1/1024*I*u^18 + O(u^20)

        Various conversions from PARI (see also #2508)::
            sage: L.<q> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ)
            sage: L.set_default_prec(10)
            sage: L(pari('1/x'))
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5)'))
            5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5) - 1/x^4'))
            -q^-4 + 5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5
            sage: L(pari('1/poltchebi(5)'))
            1/5*q^-1 + 4/5*q + 64/25*q^3 + 192/25*q^5 + 2816/125*q^7 + O(q^9)
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5) + O(x^40)'))
            5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5 + O(q^40)
            sage: L(pari('poltchebi(5) - 1/x^4 + O(x^40)'))
            -q^-4 + 5*q - 20*q^3 + 16*q^5 + O(q^40)
            sage: L(pari('1/poltchebi(5) + O(x^10)'))
            1/5*q^-1 + 4/5*q + 64/25*q^3 + 192/25*q^5 + 2816/125*q^7 + 8192/125*q^9 + O(q^10)
            sage: L(pari('1/poltchebi(5) + O(x^10)'), -10)  # Multiply by q^-10
            1/5*q^-11 + 4/5*q^-9 + 64/25*q^-7 + 192/25*q^-5 + 2816/125*q^-3 + 8192/125*q^-1 + O(1)
            sage: L(pari('O(x^-10)'))
        from sage.rings.fraction_field_element import is_FractionFieldElement
        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element import is_Polynomial
        from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_element import is_MPolynomial
        if isinstance(x, laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries) and n==0 and self is x.parent():
            return x  # ok, since Laurent series are immutable (no need to make a copy)
        elif isinstance(x, pari_gen):
            t = x.type()
            if t == "t_RFRAC":   # Rational function
                x = self(self.polynomial_ring()(x.numerator())) / \
                return (x << n)
            elif t == "t_SER":   # Laurent series
                n += x._valp()
                bigoh = n + x.length()
                x = self(self.polynomial_ring()(x.Vec()))
                return (x << n).add_bigoh(bigoh)
            else:  # General case, pretend to be a polynomial
                return self(self.polynomial_ring()(x)) << n
        elif is_FractionFieldElement(x) and \
             (x.base_ring() is self.base_ring() or x.base_ring() == self.base_ring()) and \
             (is_Polynomial(x.numerator()) or is_MPolynomial(x.numerator())):
            x = self(x.numerator())/self(x.denominator())
            return (x << n)
            return laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries(self, x, n)