예제 #1
def lie_algebra_isomorphism_classes(F, dim):
    Return a list of isomorphism classes of Lie algebras.


    - ``F`` -- the base field of the Lie algebras
    - ``dim`` -- the dimension of Lie algebras to list

    The full listing is implemented for the fields of rationals ``QQ``
    and algebraic numbers ``QQbar`` up to dimension 6.

    For dimension 7, the returned list is incomplete due to existence
    of one parameter families of Lie algebras, but contains at least one
    representative from each family.
    if F not in [QQ, QQbar]:
        return NotImplemented

    if dim == 1:
        return [L1_1(F)]
    if dim == 2:
        return [L2_1(F)]
    if dim == 3:
        return [L3_1(F), L3_2(F)]
    if dim == 4:
        return [L4_1(F), L4_2(F), L4_3(F)]
    if dim == 5:
        return [L5_1(F), L5_2(F), L5_3(F), L5_4(F), L5_5(F),
                L5_6(F), L5_7(F), L5_8(F), L5_9(F)]
    if dim == 6:
        l = [L6_1(F), L6_2(F), L6_3(F), L6_4(F), L6_5(F), L6_6(F), L6_7(F),
             L6_8(F), L6_9(F), L6_10(F), L6_11(F), L6_12(F), L6_13(F),
             L6_14(F), L6_15(F), L6_16(F), L6_17(F), L6_18(F), L6_19(F, -1)]
        if F == QQ:
            l += [L6_19(F, 1)]
        l += [L6_20(F), L6_21(F, -1)]
        if F == QQ:
            l += [L6_21(F, 1)]
        l += [L6_22(F, 0), L6_22(F, 1)]
        if F == QQ:
            l += [L6_22(F, -1)]
        l += [L6_23(F)]
        l += [L6_24(F, 0), L6_24(F, 1)]
        if F == QQ:
            l += [L6_24(F, -1)]
        l += [L6_25(F), L6_26(F), L6_27(F), L6_28(F)]
        return l

    if dim == 7:
        if F == QQ:
            return NotImplemented

        i = QQbar.gens()[0]

        l = [L37A(F), L37B(F), L37C(F), L37D(F)]
        l += [L357A(F), L357B(F), L357C(F)]
        l += [L27A(F), L27B(F)]
        l += [L257A(F), L257B(F), L257C(F), L257D(F), L257E(F), L257F(F),
              L257G(F), L257H(F), L257I(F), L257J(F), L257K(F), L257L(F)]
        l += [L247A(F), L247B(F), L247C(F), L247D(F), L247E(F), L247F(F),
              L247G(F), L247H(F), L247I(F), L247J(F), L247K(F), L247L(F),
              L247M(F), L247N(F), L247O(F), L247P(F), L247Q(F), L247R(F)]
        l += [L2457A(F), L2457B(F), L2457C(F), L2457D(F), L2457E(F),
              L2457F(F), L2457G(F), L2457H(F), L2457I(F),
              L2457J(F), L2457K(F), L2457L(F), L2457M(F)]
        l += [L2357A(F), L2357B(F), L2357C(F), L2357D(F)]
        l += [L23457A(F), L23457B(F), L23457C(F), L23457D(F),
              L23457E(F), L23457F(F), L23457G(F)]
        l += [L17(F)]
        l += [L157(F)]

        # 147 has a family
        # 147C = 147E(0) = 147E(1) = 247P
        l += [L147A(F), L147B(F), L147D(F)]
        l += [L147E(F, 2)]  # singular value 147E(2)=147E(1/2)=147E(-1)
        # complex singular value same as 1/2-sqrt(3)/2*i
        l += [L147E(F, QQbar(1) / 2 + QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        # non-singular value
        # 147E(3)=147E(1/3)=147E(2/3)=147E(3/2)= 147E(-1/2)=147E(-2)
        l += [L147E(F, 3)]
        # non-singular value
        # 147E(5)=147E(1/5)=147E(4/5)=147E(5/4)= 147E(-1/4)=147E(-4)
        l += [L147E(F, 5)]

        l += [L1457A(F), L1457B(F)]
        l += [L137A(F), L137B(F), L137C(F), L137D(F)]

        # 1357 has a family
        l += [L1357A(F), L1357B(F), L1357C(F), L1357D(F), L1357E(F), L1357F(F),
              L1357G(F), L1357H(F), L1357I(F), L1357J(F), L1357K(F), L1357L(F)]
        # 1357M(a)=1357M(a') iff a=a'
        # 1357M(0)=2357B
        l += [L1357M(F, 1)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357M(F, 2)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357M(F, -1)]  # singular value
        # l += [L1357M(F, QQbar(1) / 2)]  # singular value, same as 1357K
        l += [L1357M(F, -QQbar(1) / 3)]  # singular value
        # complex singular value
        l += [L1357M(F, QQbar(1) / 2 - QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        # complex singular value
        l += [L1357M(F, QQbar(1) / 2 + QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        l += [L1357M(F, 3)]  # non singular value
        l += [L1357M(F, 5)]  # non singular value
        # 1357N(a)=1357N(a') iff a=a'
        l += [L1357N(F, 0)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357N(F, 1)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357N(F, 3)]  # non singular value
        l += [L1357N(F, 5)]  # non singular value
        l += [L1357O(F), L1357P(F), L1357Q(F), L1357R(F)]
        # 1357S(a)=1357S(a') iff a*a'=1
        # 1357S(1)=2357D
        l += [L1357S(F, 0)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357S(F, QQbar(1) / 2)]  # singular value
        l += [L1357S(F, -1)]  # singular value
        # complex singular value
        l += [L1357S(F, QQbar(1) / 2 - QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        # complex singular value
        l += [L1357S(F, QQbar(1) / 2 + QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        l += [L1357S(F, 3)]  # non singular value
        l += [L1357S(F, 5)]  # non singular value

        # 13457
        # 13457H in Seeley is not a Lie algebra
        l += [L13457A(F), L13457B(F), L13457C(F), L13457D(F),
              L13457E(F), L13457F(F), L13457G(F), L13457I(F)]

        # 12457 has a family
        l += [L12457A(F), L12457B(F), L12457C(F), L12457D(F), L12457E(F),
              L12457F(F), L12457G(F), L12457H(F), L12457I(F),
              L12457J(F), L12457K(F), L12457L(F), L12457M(F)]
        # 12457N(a)=12457N(a') iff a=a' or a=-a'
        # l += [L12457N(F, 0)]  # singular value, same as 12457M
        l += [L12457N(F, 1)]  # non singular value
        l += [L12457N(F, 3)]  # non singular value
        l += [L12457N(F, 5)]  # non singular value

        l += [L12357A(F), L12357B(F), L12357C(F)]

        # 123457 has a family
        l += [L123457A(F), L123457B(F), L123457C(F), L123457D(F),
              L123457E(F), L123457F(F), L123457G(F), L123457H(F)]
        # 123457I(a)=123457I(a') iff a=a'
        l += [L123457I(F, 0)]  # non singular value
        #l += [L123457I(F, 1)]  # singular value, same as 123457G
        l += [L123457I(F, 2)]  # singular value
        l += [L123457I(F, 3)]  # singular value
        l += [L123457I(F, -1)]  # singular value
        # complex singular value
        l += [L123457I(F, QQbar(1) / 2 - QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        # complex singular value
        l += [L123457I(F, QQbar(1) / 2 + QQbar(sqrt(3)) / 2 * i)]
        return l

    return NotImplemented